SCI-227Syl - San Francisco State University

San Francisco State University Department of Mathematics Course Syllabus
SCI 227: Math Concepts in Calculus II – Spring 2013
Instructor: Andrew Dynneson
Class meets Tuesday 2:10 to 3:25 in Trailer P3.
Must be enrolled in Math 227 in the same semester to be officially enrolled in this class.
Course Description.
The science supplemental instruction (SCI SI) courses are designed to provide focused, highquality interactive learning situations that reinforce students’ understanding of material
presented in the associated primary mathematics courses. The goal of this course is to provide
a stimulating environment with time for group activities, student discussion, short lectures on
primary course topics, and supplementary materials that that enable students to master
complex systems and concepts presented in the main lecture course. In addition, students
taking SCI will practice how to communicate ideas in mathematics succinctly, and work to build
a supportive learning community with their peers.
Course Requirements:
Students are expected to regularly attend the primary lecture session and bring class notes and
questions from lecture class. Each class period will include a mini-lecture to address student
questions and concerns raised in the previous week’s reflection papers and a mini-review of
other topics covered in the main course. The majority of the instructional period will be
devoted to student discussion and activities/projects relevant to the lecture material. Students
are expected to participate in class discussions and activities. Students will be expected to write
short reflections to be completed at the end of each class period. The purpose of these
assignments is to provide you with a regular opportunity to reflect on what you’ve gained from
the class meeting, and to help you be cognitive of your own learning process.
Each reflection paper will be worth 10 points. Points are given based on completeness of the
assignment, and depth of reflection. No early or late submissions will be accepted. If you do not
attend class, or leave class early, you will not be able to earn the assignment points for that
week. The lowest score of one reflection paper will be dropped.
Participation and completion of in-class activities is worth 20 points and completion of end-ofclass reflection is worth 10pts. Since you need to be present in order to earn the points,
attendance is expected. Only one absence is permitted before it affects the student’s grade.
Students enrolled in SCI must be enrolled in the primary lecture course (Calculus) to receive
credit for this course. If a student drops Calculus he/she must also drop this course. THIS
Grades are based participation/completion of in-class activities and student performance on
weekly reflections (for a total of 30 points per class). Grades will be assigned according to the
percentage of total points earned as follows: 95-100%= A, 90-94% =A-, 88-89%=B+, 82-87% = B,
80-81% = B-, 78-79%= C+, 72-77% = C, 70-71%= C-. Students receiving less than 55% of the
possible points will receive an F grade or NC.
Credit/No Credit Grading:
Students are responsible for opting for CR/NC grading. Check spring policies for deadlines:
Disability Access:
Students with disabilities who need reasonable accommodations are encouraged to contact the
instructor. The Disability Programs and Resource Center (DPRC) is available to facilitate the
reasonable accommodations process. The DPRC is located in the Student Service Building and
can be reached by telephone (voice/TTY 415-338-2472) or by email (
Policy on Observance of Religious Holidays
The instructor shall make reasonable accommodations for students to observe religious
holidays when such observances require students to be absent from class activities. It is the
responsibility of the student to inform the instructor, in writing, about such holidays during the
first two weeks of the class each semester. If such holidays occur during the first two weeks of
the semester, the student must notify the instructor, in writing, at least three days before the
date that he/she will be absent. It is the responsibility of the instructor to make every
reasonable effort to honor the student request without penalty, and of the student to make up
the work missed.
Additional Resources:
All course materials will be available on iLearn online at and uploaded to
my website
There are campus computer labs available to students, including 24-hour computer labs.
All campus computer labs require student ID. See
The Learning Assistance Center provides tutors for students who need help in math and
science as well as reading, writing and study skills. See
The Student Success Program offers counseling on test taking anxiety and other
academic challenges, career planning, and many workshops and professional
development opportunities. See
Your instructor and classmates can be great resources! Take advantage of the
instructor’s office hours, the discussion forum on iLearn, and form study groups outside
of class.
Contact me/Office Appointments.
I hold regular office hours which are available by appointment. To schedule an office hour,
please contact me:
Andrew Dynneson
phone: 831.apachi.1
Office Location: Science 264