APPROVED MINUTES – CASEM Board Meeting Banff, Alberta



Banff, Alberta, November 8-10, 2012


Dr. Renata Frankovich, President

Dr. Pierre Fremont, President Elect

Dr. Bruce Davidson, Past President (November 9-10 only)

Dr. Janice Harvey, Secretary-Treasurer, ON

Dr. Jennifer Fletcher, Director, NB

Dr. Ed Pilat, Director, MB

Dr. Alan Vernec, Director, QC

Dr. Laura Cruz, Director, ON

Dr. Richard Goudie, Director, ON

Dr. Victor Lun, Director AB

Dawn Haworth, Executive Director

Jaime McLean, Communications Officer

Jim Penman, Moderator on the Communications Strategy (November 9)


Opening Remarks and Welcome

Dr Renata Frankovich, President, welcomed the Board of Directors and provided review of the schedule for the two-day meeting.


Review and Approval of Minutes

The Minutes of the Board meeting held in Kelowna June 19-20, 2012 were reviewed and approved

MOTION: Laura Cruz / Janice Harvey: That the minutes from the CASEM Board

Meeting, June 19-20, 2012 be approved. Carried

The minutes of the CASEM Board conference call on October 4, 2012 were reviewed. Dr. Pierre

Fremont recommends amendment to minutes Page 28 of the board report: FIMS update, read

“Pierre suggests that we attend” the European Sport medicine...

MOTION: Janice Harvey / Jennifer Fletcher: That the minutes from the CASEM Board conference call, October 4, 2012 be approved as amended. Carried.


Approval of Agenda


The Agenda for the meeting was approved with additions to the Agenda under Other Business:

- Advisory Board (Renata Frankovich)

- Communications Strategy (Jim Penman/Jaime McLean)

- Website Redevelopment updates (Jaime McLean)

MOTION: Pierre Fremont / Laura Cruz: That the agenda for the meeting be approved with amendments. Carried.


President’s Report

Living in Ottawa has given Dr Renata Frankovich the opportunity to have face to face meetings with Executive Director Dawn Haworth almost on a weekly basis and has also allowed her to visit the national office.

Dr Frankovich and Dawn Haworth have met with 3 former CASEM president’s Dr Andrew Pipe,

Dr Louise Walker and Dr Jamie Kissick. This was helpful to garner an appreciation for the growth and change within CASEM as an organization and to get input on current CASEM issues.

Exercise is Medicine Canada

Dawn Haworth and Dr Frankovich met with Susan Yungblut, National Task Force Manager, regarding the objectives of EIMC and how CASEM can be involved. EIMC has asked the Annual

Symposium Committee to incorporate a workshop in the 2013 program. This pilot workshop would be a practical session on Exercise Prescription that EIMC would eventually roll out to other primary care providers. Pierre Frémont and Renata Frankovich are part of the development committee for this workshop. EIMC has had a conference call in September planning out its launch in October at CSEP.


Dawn Haworth and Dr Frankovich met with Doug MacQuarrie and colleagues to discuss the impact of a doping control violation on sport medicine physicians.

Concussion and CMA

CASEM has received funding of up to $10,000 from CMA approved for a Concussion Road Show to be held in Ottawa on December 15 th in Ottawa/Gatineau. Faculty has been confirmed (Drs J

Kissick, T Taylor, L Purcell, and R Frankovich).


There will be an educational insert in Canadian Health on head injury to run in

January/February edition. Canadian Health is the CMA’s magazine aimed at the public and mailed to all CMA physicians for their clinic waiting rooms. Content will focus on risk factors, identification of concussion, how to work with your doctor on treatment etc.

Canadian Concussion Collaborative

The second meeting for the CCC will take place in Ottawa in November 2012 at the CMA.

Renata Frankovich will replace Bruce Davidson as Chair.

Presidential Tour

President-Elect Pierre Fremont joined President Renata Frankovich and Executive Director

Dawn Haworth for the September 17, 2012 CASEM Presidential tour.

Own the Podium (OTP)

This is the first time CASEM has met with Own the Podium since Anne Merklinger was appointed CEO. The timing was ideal to start building a relationship with OTP.

Discussions with Anne centred round the role of the CASEM diploma qualified sport medicine physician in the provision of medical care to elite athletes. Further to the meeting Renata Frankovich began communicating with the Director of Sport Science,

Medicine and Innovation and NSMAC. CASEM proposed that the CASEM membership directory could be used as a resource for finding qualified sport medicine physicians and this would be an ideal time to implement this into the search criteria given we are revamping our website.


The main topic of discussion with the CCES is the various ways physicians could be educated regarding doping and TrueSport. The local Ottawa Sport Medicine fellows were invited to demo the e-learning tool. CCES has been approached to assist with an education session as part of the Team Physician Course in Whistler 2013.


Susan Yungblut, EIMC National Task Manager joined us at the CASEM office to teleconference with Kelly D. Murumets President and CEO of ParticipACTION. The goal of ParticipACTION is “Let’s get moving.” This complements the objectives of EIMC.


Pierre Fremont, Renata Frankovich, and Dawn Haworth discussed with Kelly Murumets the numerous projects that they have currently on the go and the strategy and lessons learned from getting a healthy message out using corporate sponsors that may be controversial. Kelly also shared with CASEM the philosophy they use to manage their

Advisory Board. It is based on giving the advisory board member a professional development opportunity, enlisting them to help run the business better, and realizing a benefit to the individual.


Pierre Fremont, Renata Frankovich, and Dawn Haworth met with Monika MacLaren,

Associate Director, Affiliates. She recommended that CASEM change our status to affiliate given that CASEM now is recognized by both colleges. In addition, Kevin

Doucette Senior Program Manager once again presented a comprehensive environmental scan which has been distributed to the CASEM Board.

Conference Call with CASEM Board Members October 4, 2012

Main objective of this conference call was to vote on the motion put forth by credentials prior to the exam in November and to plan for the board meeting in November.

Fellows Focus Group

Dawn Haworth and Renata Frankovich will meet with all of the fellows past and present from the Ottawa program in November to discuss career objectives and CASEM involvement with the next generation of sport medicine physicians.

ACTION ITEM: Ask focus group ‘what would be the best way to get them involved?’ –


South Africa Sport Med Association Meeting

Renata Frankovich attended the South Africa Sport Medicine Association’s Meeting. As part of her attendance Renata Frankovich spoke to the group about CASEM. While there Dr Frankovich learned about how the South Africa Sport Medicine Association host their conferences and events. Dr Frankovich also discovered that SASMA also have an initiative in Exercise is Medicine.

Finally, as part of her attendance Renata Frankovich spoke with Glen Hagman and discussed advertising each other’s conferences.



Discussion was had about ‘Does the journal still represent CASEM’. Dr. Winne Meeuwisse is no longer Editor of the journal. The new editorial management of the Journal, it seems, had no knowledge of the contract with CASEM, more specifically regarding our input into selection of the new Editor. CASEM has contacted CJSM and informed them of the contract.

CASEM invited Dr. Meeuwisse, by conference call, to be part of the Board discussions. o Call with Winne: Discussion about the journal and the background of the changes:

 staff and publishers

 now with more stable group

 new editor in chief was selected in the summer

 Touch base with the publisher and review what rights we have within the contract and make sure they are carried out

 The representation is the editors, now would be a good time to review representation. Ian Shrier is leaving his position.

 Paper or online subscriptions: the development of the iPad app is easier to use than online. Societies are moving to the online.

 What are the advantages of staying with CJSM: Catalyst to get specialty status, funding for research etc. Tangible benefit of membership with CASEM. CASEM is the only organization to receive royalties from sales.

Following this call, Dr. Andrew Pipe, Associate Editor of the Journal and CASEM representative, joined the Board by conference call. He reiterated much of what Dr. Meeuwisse had to say, adding that in his opinion it would be preferable that the Editor come from within the ranks of

CASEM. Dr. Meeuwisse had asked if Andrew would be interested in taking on the role of Editor but Dr. Pipe turned down the request. Dr. Pipe suggested next steps could be to hold a call with the founding editor, Gord Matheson along with himself and Winne and CASEM to look at developing a strategy for improved communications with the CJSM staff.

ACTION ITEM: Establish a date for a conference call with Drs. Gord Matheson, Winne

Meeuwisse and Andrew Pipe to develop a strategy on next steps with the CJSM


Secretary-Treasurer’s Report – Dr. Janice Harvey

Operating Budget 2012

In June 2012, the Board was presented and approved a revised balanced budget to eliminate the deficit the Board had approved the preceding Fall. These revisions were made to ensure


that CASEM did not post a negative balance two years in a row. This was carried out in a number of ways which included eliminating the spring meeting of the Board (and Chairs) and trimming excess spending where possible. CASEM also saw an increase in new members and therefore an increase in membership revenue which also helped with balancing the budget.

In August of this year CASEM was presented with a cheque for $44K, this was a donation to

CASEM from the Sport Medicine and Science Award Canada who earlier in the year decided to dissolve its organization and distribute remaining funds to the four founding members of the

SMSCC, one of which was CASEM. This significantly increased sponsorship monies. In addition, the annual symposium in Kelowna provided a further $40K over projected revenue. This was due, for the most part, to the shared costs of running four pre-conference courses and careful budget management throughout the development process. These two contributions have altered the projected forecast and we are anticipating a surplus in 2012 of +/- $88K. The remaining budget remains as projected in June with a few minor changes given we are now in the fourth quarter and can anticipate income and expenditure more accurately.

Banking and Investments

In September, Dawn and Janice Harvey looked at our banking services with the CIBC. This review was a direct result of new banking charges, instigated by the bank, specifically to the US account that CASEM holds – this review also included the money market funds in both US and

Canadian accounts.

Following this review, Dawn met directly with the CIBC and the following changes were implemented:

US Banking Account – This account is rarely used by CASEM and the significant increase in bank charges meant that retaining this account was not cost effective. We have therefore closed the US Bank Account effective August 31 st 2012.

CIBC US Money Market Fund – similarly the cost of running this fund and the poor performance of the US dollar meant this fund, once translated to Canadian funds, was losing money. This account was closed effective August 2012.

CIBC Money Market Fund Canadian – this fund was changed to a CIBC Premium Bond Fund

(which operates at a higher rate that the money market fund, +/- 3.5% in 2012 to date as opposed to 1.3) given the projected financial forecast where interest rates will remain low and hence bond funds perform better).


CIBC Canadian T-Bill Account – this held a very small amount of funds ($5K) and was set up when Dr. Lance Richard passed away. There has been no significant contribution for many years. This account was closed.

The monies from the CIBC US Money Market Fund, the US chequing account, the CIBC T-Bill and the Canadian Money Market Fund were moved over to the CIBC Premium Bond Fund and then topped up by CASEM out of its chequing account to $150K. This fund will be used exactly like the money market fund (where excess monies from the chequing account is housed), to access at short notice should chequing account funds be low (which usually happens at year end depending).

Investment Portfolio

The Board reviewed the most recent investment portfolio from Kronish Investments. Income from investments will be calculated at 31 st December to determine final investment income for the year.

ASNPO Principles

The Board needs to formally, by motion, adopt the ASNPO principles of accounting to continue to audit CASEM. (Please see the November 2012 Board Report pages 37-38 for a brief explanation of upcoming changes that will affect CASEM.)

MOTION: Alan Vernec / Pierre Fremont motion to adopt ASNPO. Carried.


National Office Report – Dawn Haworth

Dawn Haworth reported that 2012 saw a rebound in membership numbers and a significant increase in new members from the previous year despite our member fee increasing from $295 to $350. In addition, CASEM had a better year with regard to member retention as the attrition rate for 2012 is down to 6.7% (11.6% in 2011, 9.5% in 2010).

A number of Dip Sport Med holders have not renewed, including past-president, Dr. Doug

Dittmer. Efforts will be made to contact each individual physician to ascertain member status.

ACTION ITEM: Janice Harvey to contact Preston Wiley and ask him to contact Dr. Doug

Dittmer directly.


FIMS Membership

Members of CASM who wished to join FIMS in 2012 paid CDN $13 fee – CASEM is charged $10

Swiss Francs per person (all of FIMS fees now are in Swiss Francs since they moved to Lausanne) and Board agreed the $13 CAD per member charge should remain.

ACTION: The Board approved the continuation of a FIMS individual subscription as a memberbenefit to CASEM members at an annual fee of $13.00 CAD.

Office Equipment

The Board approved the purchase of two laptop computers (one which is dedicated to finance, the other used for staff to take to meetings) the replaced laptop computers will remain at

CASEM for annual meeting use for presenters - this will add to the 3 LCD machines CASEM owns and save on AV costs. These purchases will be made in 2013. Dr. Vernec suggested that head office look into purchase of an Ipad to ensure staff are tablet-savvy.


National office budget is on target and there are no surprising differences for 2012 and will come in at +/- $270K (see Secretary Treasurer report).

Accounting Services

Bad Debt

Bank Charges

Casual Labour





Office Supplies

Printing Publications

Professional Fees


Staff Salaries/Benefits

Staff Development

Staff Travel

Payroll Expense

Website Update and Maintenance

2012 Projected




















Joint Commission of Sport Medicine

The Joint Commission of Sport Medicine will be held in Alabama in February of 2013. Dawn

Haworth and Renata Frankovich will attend with a focus on promoting our World Congress in



As approved by the Board in November 2007, CASEM has purchased subscriptions to

Sportdiscus for its members at a cost of $6000 for 2012. The Board approved that CASEM continue to offer Sportdiscus as a member benefit in 2013.

ACTION Item: Jaime McLean to include a write up on Sportdiscus in the next CASEM


ACTION: Jaime to solicit data on CASEM member use of Sportdiscus from SIRC and look at development of short member survey on the use of Sportdiscus in CASEM to ascertain usefulness.

Sponsorship Update

Dr. Marshall and Dawn will be fixing a date to head to Toronto later this year or early next to discuss sponsorship contracts for 2013. Current corporate contract status for 2013 is as follows:


Genzyme - $21,000


DJO - $20,000 (Year 2 of a 3 year contract)


Ferring – needs further follow up and meeting


S&N – no corporate sponsorship but will contribute to annual symposium

CASEM needs to continue to identify potential corporate and meeting sponsors – earlier this year Jaime and Dawn met with Appletree Medical/Canadian Health Systems (an EMR company) and have submitted a proposal for their consideration.

Action Item: Jaime to look into the following potential sponsors: Coke, Cold Fx, McDonalds,

Apple, EMR Companies



Conference Call with Bob McCormack:

Dr. Bob McCormack was asked to join the Board meeting by conference call to discuss his new role as Medical Director for the Canadian Olympic Committee, the new role of Chief Doctor and the future liaison between CASEM and COC.

Dr. McCormack explained that the Medical Director, appointed directly by the COC, will serve a two Game term after which the COC will evaluate and decide if a new Medical Director should be selected. Interested MDs from previous Olympic and PAN Am games will be eligible to apply for the Medical Director position. At Games, the Medical Director will change his title to Chief

Medical Officer in order to reflect the IOC and OCOGs terminology and will represent COC as a spokesperson with Media, OCOG, IOC, WADA etc. The CMO will be the ultimate leader of the

HST. Dr. McCormack also confirmed that the CMO will always be a physician.

The Board asked Dr. McCormack his view on how CASEM and the Medical Director could work together.

The call for physicians at Games will still fall to CASEM however it is recognized that there will always be a higher ratio of NSF appointed physicians than core. Dr. McCormack noted that he is looking at a common application process, through an electronic record, for all games applications and further information will be available on this in the Spring of 2013.

Finally, discussion centered around representation at COC meetings and Dr. McCormack informed the Board that as the Medical Director he does get to attend COC meetings and is a voting representative. His costs to attend these meetings, however, are not covered by the

COC and he suggested that in order to ensure the voice of sport medicine is heard, CASEM may wish to support his attendance at future meetings. This will be an item for discussion at a future Board meeting.

Committee Reports:

Professional Services (Ed Pilat)


- CASEM Newsletter

The process is working well with National Office seeking content from various committees and setting out the Newsletter with reviews being carried out by the committee in English and in French by members of the committee.


ACTION: Jaime McLean to draw up a publication schedule for the newsletter and include on the website

- Timely Topics (Andrew Marshall)

1. Running Injuries

This Timely Topics has been presented twice in 2012, once in Hamilton and one in

Ottawa. The next running injuries workshop will be held out west, date and place to be determined and costs should be included in the 2013 operating budget.

2. OA

The OA series will be resurrected in 2013, two workshops will be held (exact locations to be determined but potential ON and Prairies).

3. Anti Doping

It is our intention to host the half day integrate anti-doping into the overall Team

Physician Development Course being held pre-conference at Whistler. In 2014, for the

World Congress of Sport Medicine, we will re-establish s a stand-alone half day preconference workshop.

4. The committee is happy to accept any new ideas for Timely Topics for 2013 and beyond. We continue to feel local, timely CME is good for the membership and for networking and mentorship.

5. Sport Medicine Endurance Course

It is anticipated that CASEM will hold this course either in conjunction with Challenge

Penticton (formerly Ironman Canada) or Tri-Muskoka (Muskoka 70.3) in Huntsville.

Mont Tremblant - further dialogue is required.

- Social Media

Facebook and Twitter are used regularly by CASEM members – Jaime posts relevant articles to encourage member dialogue 2-3 times per week. Manon Cote, Renata and

Jaime continue to tweet regularly.

CASEM has also opened a LinkedIn account which will be used predominantly to share information on conferences and CME.

- Website

In August of this year a Request for Proposal was prepared which asked potential developers to look at a revamp of the CASEM website (with all current website applications including hosting) and the development of a separate FIMS 2014 website

(with event registration and online payments). 7 proposals were received and a review undertaken by Jaime and Pierre. 3 proposals were shortlisted and presentation requirements/criteria sent to the vendors. The presentations were made to Pierre,


Jaime at CASEM head office on November 1 st . The presentations were then discussed and a selection for vender will be presented to the board. It is anticipated that a new website will be up and running by early June of 2013. No changes will be made until membership renewal and meeting registration for 2013 has been carried out.


The Publication Committee submitted a revised Position Statement and Discussion

Paper for Board approval. There was one small editorial amendment requested which

Pierre Fremont carried out on site and the guidelines were approved and will be posted on the website.

ACTION ITEM: Jaime McLean to post new Position Statement Guidelines.

The review process for Position Statements is in motion with a goal of being completed by end of 2012. Most authors have responded with intentions to complete the reviews.

ACTION ITEM: Jaime McLean to send reminders to authors.

Team Physician Coordination

The Team Physician Committee has asked for assistance in updating the Physician

List to ensure accuracy. Dr. Goudie asked that paralympic spots be included and will help identify physicians involved at the NSF level.

ACTION ITEM: National Office to help update Physician List and then send back to committee

ACTION ITEM: Include Para-Sports on the List – Richard to help on this

Accreditation (Jennifer Fletcher) a) Credentials

The committee met in Kelowna and discussed and voted 5 to 4 that the critical stations be discontinued.

The stations will be changed into complex stations and evaluated not as fail/pass stations but as an overall score of the exam. Complex stations will be worth 20% of the entire exam (whether 2 or 3 stations), and the rest of the exam (17-18 stations) will be worth 80%.

The committee forwarded two motions for Board approval:

MOTION: CASEM Credentials committee recommends discontinuing critical stations as of today



MOTION: Complex stations will be worth 20% of the entire exam (whether 2 or 3 stations), and the rest of the exam (17-18 stations) will be worth 80%.

Both motions were approved. (Janice Harvey as a member of the committee abstained) b) Specialty Status

Sport and Exercise Medicine (SEM) was officially recognized as a new AFC (Area of

Focused Competence) discipline of the Royal College in the fall of 2011. A working group was struck in the spring, 2012, consisting of Bob McCormack (Orthopedics), Bob

Foxford and Anita Pozgay (Emergency Medicine), Claire LeBlanc (Rheumatology), Mark

Roberts (Internal Medicine), Deirdre McLean (Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation), and

(Pediatrics). Five out of 7 of the members have had extensive experience on their respective specialty committees at the Royal College.

The working group met for the first time two weeks ago at the Royal College in Ottawa to finalize the documents before the program is considered “live”: Competency Training

Requirements, portfolio, and documents required by individual programs to apply for accreditation. Once the Royal College has approved the documents, which should be later this fall, programs can begin to apply to be accredited. The process for accreditation is not as stringent / onerous as that of primary specialties and subspecialties.

The AFC Sport and Exercise Medicine program is competency-based, not time or rotation based: some credit will be given for competencies achieved during the primary residency program. Evaluation at the end will be through review of a portfolio submitted by the trainee to the Royal College. The portfolio seeks to assess the core competencies required to practice Sport and Exercise Medicine at the level of a

“specialist” in this area. We still anticipate that most fellows will follow the traditional 1 year training, since this fits best within the rest of the teaching structure in most centres, but theoretically, a fellow could start anytime and could finish in less than a year or take more than year depending upon how long it takes for them to achieve the competencies.

AFC’s are not evaluated through examination by the Royal College; however, the CASEM diploma exam has been stipulated by the Working Group to be a requirement of the portfolio and therefore a requirement for successful completion of the training


program. Some competencies may need to be met through arrangements with other centres if not all experiences are available in a given centre.

All AFC programs will be required to pay $2000 per year to the Royal College in order to maintain accreditation. This is different than specialty and subspecialty programs.

ACTION ITEM: Dawn to clarify who is responsible for this fee, CASEM or Fellowship


POST MEETING NOTE: Fellowship Programs will be responsible for the fee.

CCFP’s and GP’s without College affiliation:

It is anticipated that the SEM diploma program will be opened up to CCFP’s and GP’s fairly soon. While the Royal College would be willing to confer a DRCPSC on successful

CCFP diploma candidates, it is expected the CFPC (and its members) will likely prefer to have certification from their own College.

GP sport medicine physicians are also expected to be eligible to enter the program fairly soon. The Royal College would provide accreditation to these physicians who are not presently affiliated with the CFPC. Although not specifically discussed, I expect that an annual membership fee to the Royal College will be required to maintain the credential, just as we have for CASEM and the Dip. Sport Med.


CASEM will maintain control of the exam in terms of content and administration. As this exam is now a requirement of the AFC program, ongoing communication will be necessary between Credentials committee (CASEM) and the AFC Committee (RC). The

AFC working group felt that multiple choice or short answer questions on an exam would be the best way to meet certain portfolio requirements (for example, to evaluate functional anatomy). The AFC will be requesting that Credentials consider adding a written component to the exam to cover certain competencies.

Throughout the application process for AFC recognition for SEM, we indicated that

CASEM would continue to administer its exam and credential successful candidates, since these new AFC fellowships will not produce enough qualified SEM physicians to meet the needs of the sport community at large. At our recent workshop, Jason Frank seemed surprised that CASEM would still be conferring a “Diploma in Sport Medicine” on successful candidates. I think this stems from the unfortunate coincidence that both bodies are using the term “Diploma”. I explained that the CASEM credential would still


be required to meet demands as I mentioned above. This concern on the part of the

Royal College will need to be addressed diplomatically (no pun intended) to reassure them that the CASEM diploma and the Royal College diploma are not competing credentials; rather, they each fulfill a unique role in ensuring that physicians who treat athletes have appropriate certification depending upon their level of involvement in sport and exercise medicine. For example, a physician who only does a small amount of sport medicine within their practice, but provides medical coverage for a local youth sports team may not wish to do an entire fellowship but would benefit from preparing for the CASEM exam and having the certification.


For those already in practice and in possession of the CASEM Diploma, there will be a route to certification, although the details of this have not been fully worked out. It will likely involve completion of a portfolio similar to the one used in the AFC fellowship. The portfolio includes the key performance outcomes (KPO) that a SEM physician must have with evidence they have acquired the outcome (e.g. for KPO of “Long-Term athlete development”, the fellow would submit a personal learning project on the topic, while a physician who has actually been involved in LTAD might be able to submit other evidence of their experience). The AFC SEM Committee will be tasked with reviewing all portfolios.

ACTION ITEM: Board to write to both Lisa Fischer and Merrilee Zetaruk congratulating them on the great work they are doing. c) Fellowship Committee

Fellowship continues to work on uniform dates for submission and choosing of applications for the PGY 3 Program.

Academic (Alan Vernec) a) Research

First Call for Abstracts for 2013 Symposium has been drafted and the first call has been released.

The deadline for abstract submissions for the CASEM Annual Symposium 2012 Scientific

Program will be Friday, November 30, 2012.

The research committee will continue to refine the grant review process to ensure transparency and fairness to applicants. The RG and NIG application deadline for 2012


and beyond will be May 1 of each year. The call for applications will be released in mid-

January 2013. b) CPD/KT

MSK Ultrasound Basics Workshop

In the spring of 2012, CASEM was approached by Dr. Jon Halperin to undertake a MSK

Ultrasounds Basics course. This was launched in 2012 with 36 and the course sold out very quickly. The evaluation of the course (carried out through SurveyMonkey) was highly rated in all areas.

With Board approval, this course will be given in Whistler, this time looking at lower limb (so people who attended in Kelowna, could attend again. Drs. Hager and Visco would like to participate again. Jon Jacobson, the guru of MSK ultrasound in North

America, could also be available (he loves Canadian beer!!) We would need GE to commit again and I will approach once Board has discussed and hopefully approved.

The Board approved the running of this course with the proviso that it would be revenue netural.

Sideline Emergency Course

This course, chaired by Dr. Tatiana Jevremovic with a faculty of 8, was held preconference in Kelowna. This set up and design was equipment intensive and once again we partnered with the Justice Institute of British Columbia who provided the paramedic expertise and the majority of course equipment.

Again, CASEM restricted numbers for the course to 42 to ensure maximum participation by each physician.

With Board approval, this course will be given again in Whistler, partnering with the


The Board approved this course for 2013 with the proviso that it be run budget neutral. c) Annual Symposium

The final registration count was 284 (230 paying delegates) which produced a healthy surplus. The surplus was also due to the fact that CASEM ran three other courses that same week (MSK, Sideline, Injury Prevention), so speaker, on site staff and AV costs were able to be shared hence reducing expenses on the annual meeting budget.


Sponsorship – we are still waiting for the $15K from Centric Health. This could reduce sponsorship monies and overall bottom line should they fail to pay and CASEM incurs the bad debt. A letter will be written on behalf of the CASEM Board.

MOTION: Richard Goudie / Pierre Fremont motions to hold the MSK Ultrasound course and

Sideline Course Whistler on a budget neutral basis. Carried

ACTION: Dawn Haworth to draft letter to Centric Health. d) Team Physician Courses

Confirmation of dates for courses (prior to CASEM 2013 meeting at Whistler):

FIMS Basic Team Physician Course – Whistler – Mon April 22 & Tues April 23, 2013;

Chair: Dr. Andrew Marshall

Sideline Emergency Medicine Course – Whistler – Wednesday April 24, 2013;

Chair: Dr. Tatiana Jevremovic

Education of the Team Physician: Ongoing with Course Chairs, National Office staff.

Course outline for FIMS Team Physician Course taken to the FIMS meeting in Rome in

September 2012 by Dr. Julia Alleyne, and approved by the FIMS Education Committee.

Action Plan: Program outlines, speakers etc. being firmed up.

Endurance Sport Medicine Course: Extend offering of Timely Topics Running Injuries

Course to include more broad sport medicine topics (hyponatremia, hyperthermia), swim and bike injuries. Discussion: Penticton has lost the bid for Ironman Canada.

Currently bids are in from 3 other Canadian cities (Whistler, Kelowna, Huntsville) – winner announced mid-October. Dawn has sounded out the idea of such a course with local Committee (Tri-Muskoka) and they seem interested. Action Plan: National Office staff to follow up, once decision has been made on host city. Note: This course will actually be run under the auspices of Timely Topics, with Dr. Renata Frankovich as Chair.

Clinical Issues I (Richard Goudie) a) b)

Athletes with a Disability

The committee has unanimously decided to continue working together under the guidance and Chairmanship of Russ O’Connor.

After symposium the goal will be to liaise with the EIM focus group within CASEM to developing position paper for EIM for Canadians with disabilities. The committee will


meet once in the summer to organize the next steps. c) Wilderness Medicine

The committee is working on multiple projects. They are working on a Position Paper on

Athletes at Altitude. It will discuss issues related to athletes performing / competing at high altitude, prevention of altitude-related illness, preparation, nutrition, performance, doping, sleep, immunosuppression, iron stores, UV radiation, hydration, travel hygiene, immunizations, food safety. The paper is complete and going through the final revision stage. d) Performing Arts Medicine

The committee has asked for approval for a workshop at the Whistler conference. The format for the workshop would be a 15 minute presentation followed by 15 minute discussion. This would take place, like it did in Ottawa, Saturday afternoon as an alternate activity to the Saturday PM sport activity. This event, like the previous one, would be a free activity open to all the participants of the CASEM conference who are already signed up to the full conference.

Clinical Issues II (Laura Cruz) a) Sport Safety

The Committee is working on multiple position papers. The first is ‘Bicycle Helmet

Position Paper Update’ (Richard Goudie). Dr. Richard Goudie and medical student

Jessica Page completed this in May 2011 and this has been submitted and approved by the Publications Committee (May 2011).

Need to contact Margaret Burghadt ( head of Publications

Committee to see if can get published in CJSM b) WIISM

The committee is looking at Transgendered athletes. The committee will consider preparing position statement on transgendered athletes. c) Pediatric Exercise Medicine

The committee is working on physical activity recommendations for children with chronic health conditions (i.e. Type I Diabetes). The committee is currently updating

Physical Inactivity in Children and Adolescents – Position Statement 2004


Laura Purcell represented CASEM at the Ontario Healthy Schools Working Table on

Concussion. Neil Cooper will represent CASEM on Canadian Pediatric Society Healthy

Active Living – Project Advisory Group


Affiliated Representatives



CASEM is applying to become a FULL affiliate member of the CMA – an application has been submitted along with the CASEM database to ensure 55% of CASEM members are CMA members. The application will be reviewed by the CMA Board and brought forward to the CMA

General Counsel in August of 2013.


CASEM received a letter from the AMSSM about their project of creating a network of sport medicine organizations. Dawn Haworth will be contact for CASEM. We will work together and help promote each other’s events

ACTION ITEM: Dawn Haworth to draft letter of response.


2013 Election

Jennifer Fletcher was elected as President Elect (2013-2016), and Richard Goudie was elected

Secretary Treasurer (2013). With the new Executive in place, there are now three board positions open for 2013, one for BC and two that are open. A call will go out to the member early in 2013.



Sport Matters

CASEM received a letter from the Sport Matters Group (SMG) thanking for CASEM’s in-kind support.

SMSCC Sport Award Foundation

Monies were received from Kitchen Legal, the law firm representing the SMSCC Sport Award

Foundation which was dissolved in 2012. Monies from the dissolution were divided amongst the four founding organizations of which CASEM was one. A cheque was received for $44K, this amount will be deferred to 2013 and used towards research. The New Investigator Grant will be named the SMSCC NIG Grant.



Other Business

Advisory Board

The CASEM Advisory Board comprising Jim Penman, Jeff Palamar and Allison Seymour will be invited to Whistler in the Spring of 2013. The intent will be to introduce themselves to CASEM and for the CASEM Board to recognize the skills, knowledge and abilities brought to the CASEM

Board table.

Motion to invite the advisory board to Whistler: Janice Harvey /Bruce Davidson. Carried

Communications Strategy

Jim Penman chaired the discussion around the newly developed Communications Strategy for

2013. This strategy was created based around CASEM’s four pillars of Activity; Governance and

Membership, Stakeholder Engagement, Patient Care, and Prevention and Promotion.

Discussion amongst the Board and Chair helped to fill in and finalize the plan (attached to these minutes).

Website Redevelopment update

Jaime McLean presented to the board the process for selection of website vendor. The selection of vendor recommended by Pierre Fremont and Jaime McLean was for the company

One Marketing. Jaime McLean asked the board for approval to set up an ad-hoc sub- committee that is given authority of approval during the website redevelopment process with the stipulation that any substantial financial decisions be presented to the Executive

Motion: Renata Frankovich / Bruce Davidson - To approve Website Committee of Pierre

Fremont, Victor Lun, and Andrew Marshall for the development process: CARRIED

Motion: Laura Cruz / Jennifer Fletcher - to approve vender selection of One Marketing:.


Motion: Janice Harvey / Bruce Davidson - to approve the website redevelopment split over 2 years and FIMS funding: CARRIED

Community Physician Award of the Year 2012

The board reviewed nominations from 3 candidates for the 2012 Community Sport Medicine

Physician of the Year Award. After discussion and consideration of all candidates, a blind vote took place and Dr Robert Brock was selected. He was nominated by Dr Bryan Barootes


ACTION: Dawn Haworth to contact Dr. Robert Brock to inform him of the appointment.

CMA-CASEM Environmental Scan

The environmental scan, created by Kevin Doucette of CMA, was presented to the Board. The scan considered the current Canadian economic and governmental climate and how organizations can operate effectively.

BJSM (Proposal by CASEM Member)

Jim Bovard sent an email request to the CASEM office, requesting that the BJSM be made available to the CASEM membership.

ACTION ITEM: Dawn to email Jim back that he has access through SIRC, and we will explore this further.

ACTION ITEM: Develop Survey of Online vs Paper for how the membership would like to receive the CJSM

Hit Count Initiative Meeting Boston – Pierre Fremont

Pierre Fremont discussed his experience in Boston at the Hit Count Initiative Meeting. There is now technology available that can read impact levels. From this we can act on reducing hits during practice. We have to find ways to reduce the hit count. Development of SLI Canada will soft launch with the Grey Cup and would like to work with CASEM for medical leadership. Does

CASEM become a promoter of legal changes and support in Canada? Pierre Recommends that

CASEM stay involved with SLI Canada, and form a team with the Sport Safety Committee and create a Position Paper on ‘Head Trauma Prevention’.


CASEM to stay involved with Sport Legacy Institute.

CASEM to share the information and create awareness with membership.

Pierre Fremont to look at the development of a Position Statement on Hit Count

HR MEETING: Held in Camera


Next Meeting

Conference Call in December




Meeting Adjourned November 9 th , 2012 at 9:30pm

