ISACA New England - Academic Scholarship Program ISACA NE Academic Scholarship Overview The H. Peet Rapp Memorial Scholarship The Information Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA) of New England is honored to sponsor the H. Peet Rapp Memorial Scholarship. This award acknowledges Peet’s efforts in the advancement of ISACA’s primary vision – “Trust in, and value from, information systems” and endeavors to continue his great work by encouraging today’s students to become tomorrow’s leaders. We have chosen to honor his memory by providing an opportunity for 3 students to showcase, through essay, their knowledge of the practice of Information Systems Auditing and the field of Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC) and the importance of these disciplines in the ever changing business environment. The essay topic is current, pertinent and relates directly to issues facing GRC professional’s today. Peet was a dedicated member of ISACA for many years, serving on the board of directors, as well as on various committees. Peet supported countless ISACA members in their pursuit of expanding their knowing of system controls, security practices, standards, laws and regulations. Peet co-authored the ISACA Cloud Computing Security and Governance eBook as well as the Cloud Computing Business Benefits with Security, Governance and Assurance Perspectives white paper. Peet dedicated most of his professional career to the field of Information Technology and the advancement of the IT Security Profession. ISACA of New England, through the H. Peet Rapp Memorial Scholarship, is offering academic assistance for 3 qualified applicants as follows: 1 – Grand Scholarship of $2,000.00 2 - Additional scholarships for $1,250.00 each Additionally, the first five (5) applicants will receive an ISACA student membership in addition to each Scholarship award winner. The scholarships are for the 2014/2015 academic year. The period for applying for the scholarship ends May 5th, 2014. Scholarships are presented at the Annual General Meeting held at the Boston Convention Center in June 2014. (Admission to the meeting will be provided for the scholarship recipients as well as student membership recipients). Participants are to choose from one of the topics below and complete an essay of 900-1000 words on the subject area. Following the close of the enrollment period, members of the ISACA New England Scholarship Committee will review each applicant’s entry. The individual scholarships are awarded to the top three candidates based on the quality of their essay submissions and the students' current academic standing. Essays are evaluated based on relevance, clarity of thought, demonstrated understanding of the subject matter, organization, originality, spelling, punctuation, and grammar. Undergraduate and graduate students are evaluated separately. The winners will have their essays published in an upcoming edition of the ISACA New England newsletter and on the chapter’s website. The winners will attend the ISACA NE Annual General Meeting in June 2014, for presentation of the scholarship awards. About ISACA ISACA is a global organization for Information Technology (IT) professionals focusing on information governance, compliance, security and audit. IT has become essential in managing the transactions, information, and knowledge necessary to initiate and sustain business. Today’s organizations rely upon individuals who know how to secure systems and evaluate and report on the adequacy of system controls, security practices, efficiency and effectiveness to assure that data integrity is protected and that systems comply with applicable policies, standards, laws and regulations. ISACA’s 50,000+ members address these needs as Information Security (IS) auditors, consultants, educators, security professionals, regulators, and chief information officers. Students are welcome and encouraged to join ISACA on the following page: Scholarship Requirements Eligibility: 1 Current full-time undergraduate or graduate students who are studying information systems, accounting, computer science or other business related degrees at an accredited college or university in any of the following states are invited to apply: • New Hampshire • Maine • Vermont • Massachusetts *Students who are legal residents of any of the four states listed above, studying outside of New England, are also encouraged to apply. Essay Rules: • The essay should be double-spaced and must include between 900 and 1000 words, excluding names, headers, and end-notes. • An author is to submit only one essay. • Submit the essay in a standard word processing format such as Word. • When citing sources, essays must follow either the MLA or APA format and the essay must contain a reference page. • During the period that the essay is under consideration, the author asserts that it has not been published elsewhere and is not being considered for publication elsewhere. • May 5th, 2014 is the deadline; submissions will not be accepted after that date. • Authors will be notified by May 20th, 2014 of decisions on award winners. • Essay submissions must include the completed Academic Scholarship Application, Student Certification and Verification of Student Standing (see below). • Submissions not meeting each of the requirements defined above will be disqualified from the competition. Essay Submission Questions (choose one): The White House has recently introduced the National Security Initiative through collaboration with NIST spelling out new guidelines for businesses to protect consumer information. What are some of the key actions businesses have to take and how will they help to ensure consumer information is safeguarded? What current event has had the greatest impact on the IT Security profession? How was the event significant and what are the changes that have occurred due to the event in the IT Security landscape? What are the greatest information security risks today and how are those risks mitigated, accepted, avoided and/or transferred? 1 Graduate Students must be full time students Page 2 of 5 ISACA New England - Academic Scholarship Program Academic Scholarship Application (Application entries must be typed or printed) First Name: Last Name: Current Address: City: State: Zip: State: Zip: Home Address (if different from above): City: Which address should we use to contact you (Current or Home)? Phone: ( ) E-Mail: Birth Date: College or University: Year in School: Expected Graduation Date: Major: Should you have any questions, please send an email to Signature of Applicant: Date: Please e-mail your completed Academic Scholarship Application, Student Certification and Verification of Student Standing, along with your Essay to Page 3 of 5 ISACA New England - Academic Scholarship Program Academic Scholarship Competition Student Certification Certification: I hereby certify that the information provided in this application and during the application process is the original work of the applicant and is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I have not knowingly withheld or misstated any facts or circumstances that would be relevant to the consideration of this application. During the period that my essay submission is under consideration by the New England ISACA Chapter, I am also certifying that it has not been published elsewhere and is not being considered for publication elsewhere. If awarded the academic scholarship, I authorize ISACA New England to publish the contents of my essay in the ISACA New England website and newsletter. Applicant Signature Date Applicant Name (Printed) Please e-mail your completed Academic Scholarship Application, Student Certification and Verification of Student Standing, along with your Essay to Page 4 of 5 ISACA New England - Academic Scholarship Program Academic Scholarship Competition Verification of Academic Standing I give my written permission and authorize the New England ISACA Chapter to contact my college or university and verify my current enrollment and academic qualifications as outlined below. Applicant Signature Date Applicant Name (Printed) Please e-mail your completed Academic Scholarship Application, Student Certification and Verification of Student Standing, along with your Essay to Page 5 of 5