What is Xitami?

What is Xitami?
Xitami is a small, fast, and powerful multiplatform Open Source web server which runs on all
UNIX platforms, OS/2, OpenVMS, Windows 3.x, Windows 95, and Windows NT. Being
Open Source, many of its features have been added by users. Also, it is written in portable
and easy-to-read ANSI C.
Installing Xitami
Step 1. Download Xitami.
Xitami download link: http://legacy.xitami.com/download.htm
FileName: xiopen_2_5.zip
Release: Xitami 2.5c2
Last Updated: 2009-07-09
License: Freeware Free
OS: Windows 2003, XP, 2000, 98, Me, NT
Requirements: No special requirements
Publisher: iMatix Corporation
Homepage: http://www.xitami.com/
Step 2. Test Xitami installation.
run Xitami from the console by typing xitami and pressing the <Enter> key:
Alternatively, run xigui32.exe to use a gui-assisted webserver.
o Note: make sure that you’re in the H:> drive when you do this
Open your favorite browser, in the Address area type:
http://localhost/ or in the browser Address.
http://localhost:8080/ or in the browser Address.
If you see the Welcome to Xitami screen on your browser, eureka we have done it.
Installing PHP Under Xitami
Step 3. Download PHP and place in a separate folder.
Download link: http://php.net/downloads.php
Select the PHP 5.2.13 zip package
Copy the contents of the archive into a separate PHP folder. You can place it inside the
Xitami folder as a PHP subfolder.
Step 4. Edit configuration file of PHP.
Open the PHP.INI-DIST file from C:\PHP folder, locate the following line
;cgi.force_redirect = 1
We need to uncomment this line and change the setting to 0 as shown below to run PHP
under Xitami.
cgi.force_redirect = 0
Step 5. Edit configuration file of Xitami to accommodate PHP.
Add the following lines to xitami.cfg, which will be present in the folder where Xitami is
installed and restart the server to reflect changes.
Step 6. Test PHP under Xitami using a simple PHP file.
Open your favorite text editor and create a text file and type the following in it:
phpinfo() is a PHP function which outputs a large amount of information about the current
state of PHP. This includes information about PHP compilation options and extensions, the
PHP version, server information and environment, the PHP environment, OS version
information, paths, master and local values of configuration options, HTTP headers, and the
PHP License.
Save this file as info.php in a subfolder H:\Xitami\webpages\phptest
Open you browser and type:
in the address bar, click Go to make sure PHP in configured and running properly.
If the source code appears in the browser and not the output we are expecting, then PHP has
not been properly installed or Xitami does not recognizes PHP files, please make sure you
have followed the instructions properly.
Xitami files download: http://legacy.xitami.com/download.htm
Xitami configuration:
Installation tips: http://www.devarticles.com/c/a/PHP/Installing-PHP-Under-Xitami/1/
PHP download: http://php.net/downloads.php