World Religions-outline notes - amanda-armstrong

World Religions
Main Idea ~ A religion is an organized system of beliefs and practices, often centered on
one or more gods that provides an ethical code and addresses the meaning of life.
Polytheistic Religions
I. Hinduism- Major religion and a way of ________________
A. Gods (__________ main)
1. Brahman ____________ the universe
2. Vishnu ______________ the universe
3. Shiva _____________ the world and _______________ it again
B. Founder- _______________
C. Holy Text- The _______________ Book of Knowledge
D. Beliefs
1. Hindus believe in ____________________ (law and duty)
2. _____________________
a. A person’s every action affects his or her fate in the _________ life
b. The soul is ________________________ after death into another body
c. A _______________ of life: birth, __________________, rebirth
E. Holy City- none, the _____________________River is considered ___________________
1. Reverence for life symbolized in the sacred _________________
F. __________________ System, outlawed now, organized by a (class)
1. Brahmin (_________________)
2. Kshatriyas (________________________________)
3. Vaishyas (herders, _______________________, farmers)
4. Shudras ( _______________________, workers)
* ___________________________ (lowly, dirty)
G. Symbol- is the __________________ which represents the Universal spirit or the Brahma
H. Leaders- Brahmin ______________________ are the religious leaders
I. Place of worship- Hindu __________________
J. The Festival of ______________________ is celebrated with lights
Religions with no deity
II. Buddhism – A way of life
A. God-no main ___________________ (God)
B. Founder- Buddhism began in ______________ by a Hindu prince
1. Founded by Siddhartha ________________ or __________________ “enlightened one”
2. Born into a noble family, left home to search enlightenment or ________________
C. Beliefs
1. Buddhist believe in the _____________ ________________ _______________
a. Life is full of _____________________
b. The cause of suffering is _____________________
c. Nirvana~ the _____________________ for suffering is to overcome desire
d. Follow The Eightfold __________ or The Middle_________ to end suffering
i. Right behavior
D. Symbol- a _____________ “sets in motion the wheel of dharma” (his teaching)
E. Leaders- Buddhist ____________ live in religious communities called ____________________
F. Place of worship- ________________ or temples
G. Goal – to reach _____________________ and end the ___________ of rebirth (reincarnation)
Monotheistic Religions
III. Judaism- first major monotheistic religion
A. God- one god called ____________________
1. Yahweh is the “God of ______________________”
B. Founder- Abraham, a ____________________ shepherd
C. Holy Text- _________________ or first 5 books of Hebrew Bible
D. Beliefs
1. Jews serve God by studying the ________________ and living by its
2. The ________ Commandments were given to _________________ from God
a. an _______________ code
E. Holy City - _________________________
F. Symbol- The Star of ___________________
G. Leaders and teachers - _______________________
H. Place of worship- ___________________________
I. Celebrate _______________________ and Hanukkah
IV. Christianity - the largest religion in the world
A God- one god- __________________-the God of Abraham
B. Founder- _______________________
C. Holy Text- The _________________ to include the ________ and ________ Testament
D. Beliefs
1. Based on the life teachings of __________________
2. Jesus, a ________________, taught many ideas from the Jewish tradition.
3. God has 3 parts or the Holy ____________________ that includes:
a. God, the __________________
b. Son (Jesus Christ)- The ______________________ or Savior
c. Holy ________________ (God’s presence on Earth)
4. The _________ Commandments and New Testament in __________________
5. The ultimate goal is ___________________ through eternal life with God in
6. Christians believe in __________________ and communion as sacraments
E. Holy City- _____________________________
F. Symbol- the ________________________
G. Leaders- priests, pastors, or ___________________ (Catholic ____________________)
1. Christianity includes: Catholics, _______________________ and Orthodox
H. Place of worship- church or _____________________________
I. Christians celebrate Christmas and ________________________
V. Islam – __________________ major religion
A. God- one god called ________________________
1. This is the _______________ God who is worshipped in Christianity
and Judaism (God of Abraham)
B. Founder- a prophet named ________________________
C. Holy Text- The __________________________
1. The Qur’an describes allowed and _____________________ acts
a. Cannot eat pork, drink alcohol, or invest money that charges
D. Beliefs
1. ____________________ follow the Five __________________ of Faith
a. _________________
b. ____________________- 5 times per day, facing __________________
c. ___________________- give to the poor
d. ___________________________
e. __________________________ to Mecca (hajj)
2. The ultimate goal of the Muslim people is to live according to
Allah’s guidance and be rewarded with __________________________
E. Holy Cities
1. _____________________ (the birthplace of Muhammad).
2. _________________________
a. The _________________ of the __________ where Muhammad rose
to heaven to learn Allah’s will
F. Symbol- The ___________________ moon
G. Leaders- an __________________ usually leads prayers.
H. Place of worship- Muslims worship in a _______________________
I. Muslims __________ from dawn to sunset during the holy month of
VI. City Holy to three religions: Jerusalem
1. Christianity- ___________________________
2. Judaism- ______________________________
3. Islam- ____________________________________