Structure • Arrange the following in order of complexity. Explain. – Amylopectin – Amylose – Dextrin – Glycogen – Hexose - monosaccharide – Lactose - disaccharide – Limit dextrin Digestion • Arrange the following in order of occurrence in the process of digestion: – Disaccharidase (brush border) – Limit/alpha-dextrinase (brush border) – Pancreatic alpha-amylase – Salivary alpha-amylase • Identify the source of the enzyme. • Identify the location of chemical reaction. Digestion • Which of the following shows the same relationship as: brush border enzyme :: limit-dextrinase A. disaccharidase :: sucrase B. lactase :: maltase C. limit-dextrin :: limit-dextrinase D. salivary amylase :: pancreatic amylase Blood Glucose Level • What is GI? What does it stand for? • What is the difference between GI & GL? • Which would be numerically higher? Blood Glucose Regulation • Insulin is produced by the ___ cells of the ___ (an organ). This organ is part of the ___ (a body) system. • What is the function of insulin? • How do body cells use insulin? Blood Glucose Regulation What does each prefix/suffix mean? • Hyper- & Hypo• glyco• gluco• keto• -genesis • -lysis What does each term Mean? • Hyper-/Hypoglycemia • Glycogenesis • Glycogenolysis • Gluconeogenesis • Ketogenesis Quiz Activity Part 1 • • • • The chapter is divided into 4 sections each assigned to a different group. Each group will need to make 20 questions from the section including: 5 MC, 5 completion, 5 modified T/F, 2 diagram, 3 short answer questions. Questions will be written on color coded index cards. I will review the questions and grade you based on the difficulty of your questions (handwriting and neatness counts too!). Quiz Activity Part 2 • • • • • After removing all the easy/lame questions, each group will randomly receive 10 questions. You and your group members will write the answers to each question on the back of the index cards. Make sure you write your names on the back of the cards as well so you can get points. Return the cards to their makers to be graded. Hand in all the cards to have your group quiz grade recorded. Quiz Activity Topics • Types and structure (yellow cards) • Digestions and absorption (pink cards) • Regulating blood glucose level (orange cards) • Dietary fiber, diverticulitis, gelatinization, whole grain foods and GI & GL (purple cards) Concept Map Intro The chapter is divided into 4 sections assigned to 4 groups. The activity is composed of 4 parts, the topics will be rotated from one group to the next for each part of the activity. Concept Map Activity 1. Make a list of key vocabularies (10 min.) 2. Make a concept map (15 min.) • • Example of concept map Leave enough space for the next step 3. Add, modified or improved the concept map (10) • • Use a different color marker May add key words or concepts 4. Present the concept map to the class Concept Map Goal • Review all of chapter 4, not just one section • Help each other to catch mistakes and misconceptions in the process Concept Map Topics • Types and structure • Digestions and absorption • Regulating blood glucose level • Dietary fiber, diverticulitis, gelatinization, whole grain foods and GI & GL