APPENDIX A ASSET MANAGEMENT PLAN 2007 - 2012 Updated October 2010 -1 CONTENTS Section Page 1. INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................... 3 2. ASSET MANAGEMENT…………………………………………………………………..4 3. VISION STATEMENT……………………………………………………………………..5 4. CORPORATE PRIORITIES………………………………………………………………5 5. CONSULTATION…………………………………………………………………………..5 6. PARTNERSHIP WORKING AND JOINT USE OF COUNCIL PROPERTY………...6 7. PROPERTY OUTCOMES THAT CONTRIBUTE TO THE DELIVERY OF CORPORATE PRIORITIES………………………………………………………………8 8. CAPITAL RECEIPTS…………………………………………………………………….14 9. SPACE UTILISATION……………………………………………………………………14 10. MAINTENANCE……………………………………………………………………….....15 11. SUSTAINABILITY………………………………………………………………………..17 12. CONCLUSION…………………………………………………………………………….19 -2 Appendices A Contribution of Property Types to Corporate Priorities B Capital Programme Summary C Action Plan Tables and Diagrams Page 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 9 14 14 16 18 Property outcomes that contribute to the delivery of Corporate Priorities Estimated Capital Receipts 2010-2014 Property Capital Receipts 2010 - 2014 Maintenance Backlog Display Energy Certificates Results Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations AMP BPMS COPROP CPA CPD CPO CIPFA CXMT DDA DEC DRC EPC EUV FBC FMS GIS HEOG HRA IPF KLOE LDF LIBOR LLPG MV MSCP PMS PUSH RICS TF UOR UPRN 1. Asset Management Plan Business Process Management System Association of Chief Corporate Property Officers in Local Government Comprehensive Performance Assessment Continuing Professional Development Corporate Property Officer Chartered Institute of Public Finance officers Chief Executive Management Team Disability Discrimination Act Display Energy Certificates Depreciated Replacement Cost Energy Performance Certificate Existing Use Value Fareham Borough Council Financial Management System Geographical Information System Hampshire Estates Officers Group Housing Revenue Account Institute of Public Finance Key Lines of Enquiry Local Development Framework London Inter-Bank Offer Rate Local Land and Property Gazetteer Market Value Multi Storey Car Park Property Management System Partnership for Urban South Hampshire Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors Technology Forge Property Management System Use of Resources Assessment Unique Property Reference Number INTRODUCTION -3 1.1 The Asset Management Plan (AMP) covers the period 2007 – 2012 and is closely linked with the Council's Finance Strategy. The AMP is updated on an annual basis to ensure the accuracy of the information contained therein. The document details what has been delivered with regard to asset management, e.g. the corporate priority actions and what is programmed for future delivery. 1.2 The AMP has been reduced in size for ease of reading and is supplemented by an evidence folder which has been created and includes details of the arrangements that have been put in place to ensure effective asset management at Fareham Borough Council and comprises largely standing information, e.g., the corporate arrangements and roles and responsibilities for asset management planning. 1.3 The updated AMP was approved by the Chief Executive Management Team on 22nd December 2010 and the Council's Executive on 7th February 2011. 2. ASSET MANAGEMENT 2.1 ''Asset management maximises the performance of fixed, physical or capital assets that have a direct and significant impact on achieving corporate objectives''. It is concerned with Council wide management issues. In particular, it is associated with: An integrated approach between service areas and the corporate centre Corporate responsibility for strategic asset management Explicit authority wide objectives for holding property and other assets Changes to the portfolio consistent with corporate priorities Sufficient data to analyse the suitability, sufficiency and performance of the portfolio and to make strategic decisions 2.2 The AMP sets out the overall direction and framework for managing the Council’s assets and pulls together cross service issues into an authority wide plan. It is reported annually to the Executive and as such details the contribution of the Council’s assets to achieving the corporate priorities. The AMP is linked, therefore, to the Council’s corporate priorities and is consistent with and complements the Council’s Finance Strategy, which sets out the Council’s approach to capital investment. It is also linked to the Housing Revenue Account Business Plan 2004-2034 which details the management of the Council’s Housing assets. 3. VISION STATEMENT 3.1 Fareham is a 'prosperous, safe and attractive place to live and work'. This has not happened by accident but by careful management and development and constant attention to our environment and the needs of our communities. Our vision for Fareham's future is based upon the assumption that residents want to preserve all that is good about Fareham , whilst increasing prosperity and making it an even more inclusive and attractive place to live and work. The vision is guided by a set of values which are shared by all elected members and employees: -4 4. Listening and being responsive to our customers; Recognising and protecting the identity of existing settlements; Enhancing prosperity and conserving all that is good; Being efficient and effective and providing value for money; Leading our community and achieving beneficial change. CORPORATE PRIORTIEIS 4.1 The Council has identified seven corporate priorities arising out of its Corporate Vision Statement. These are as follows: Protecting and enhancing the environment; Maintaining and extending prosperity A safe and healthy place to live and work Leisure for health and for fun A balanced housing market Strong and inclusive communities A dynamic, prudent and progressive Council 4.2 A strategic approach to the Council's property ownerships has the potential to release capital, reduce costs, improve public access and support organisational change. This in turn supports the delivery of our priorities. 5. CONSULTATION 5.1 Undertaking specific consultation exercises is a valuable process and has implications for asset management. Examples of consultation exercises are: Officers from the Council met with their counterparts at the Fareham and Gosport Primary Health Care Trust to consult on the provision of health and community facilities together with the provision of affordable housing in the town centre. The group investigated the future use of sites including Osborn Road South, St. Christopher’s Hospital and Fareham Health Centre with the objective of maximising the potential of these sites whilst achieving the objectives of both partner organisations. The Borough Council undertakes regular consultation with residents which, includes a Borough's Residents' Survey which is held every other year. There was previously a statutory requirement to carry out a 'Place Survey' every two years and the latest one was carried out during 2009. However, the Government has recently decided to cease carrying out the Place Survey so FBC will not be undertaking one this year. The 2009 survey results showed that overall, 95% (95%) of residents are satisfied with their local area as a place to live. Only 4% of residents responded "not at all" when asked if they felt that they belonged to their local neighbourhood. The full results are published on the Council's website. -5 6. PARTNERSHIP WORKING AND JOINT USE OF COUNCIL PROPERTY 6.1 The Council is involved in a number of key local partnerships. The shared use of Council property in support of these partnerships is a follows; Partnership for Urban South Hampshire (PUSH) PUSH is a partnership of the South Hampshire local authorities and their immediate neighbours and is a most important partnership in which Fareham plays a significant leadership role. It is formally recognised as leading the development of a plan for South Hampshire as a sub-region within the South-East Plan process. Since its inception the Partnership has developed into a groundbreaking collaboration between local authorities and the significance and unique nature of the Partnership as a process for the planning of future development is recognised at national level. PUSH meetings are held in Fareham Civic Offices. The provision of dedicated offices for PUSH was initially provided on the 8th and 9th floors, however they are now based at 54A High Street, with the estates department providing property related assistance where necessary. Portchester Crematorium Joint Committee The Council is a member of the Joint Committee in partnership with Portsmouth, Gosport and Havant Local Authorities. The site of Portchester Crematorium is owned by the Council and leased to the Joint Committee. Building Control Partnership Fareham and Gosport Council’s have entered into a partnership to provide a joint Building Control service to both Local Authority areas. The offices are based on the 5th floor of Fareham’s Civic Offices. Hampshire Highways South Hampshire County Council to devolve the highways service across the County has set up regional offices. The Hampshire Highways South office is located on the 4th floor of Fareham’s Civic Offices. The accommodation is leased to Hampshire County Council. Hampshire County Council As part of the Council’s objective of providing “ Strong and Inclusive Communities” and working with other partners and agencies to achieve, for example, a new approach to service delivery based on neighbourhood working the Council will endeavour to identify opportunities for the shared use of its property to deliver seamless, cross sector , cross agency, community based services. An example of this is that FBC is currently in discussion with the Wessex Youth Offending Team regarding the potential subletting of space within the Civic Offices. Not only will this provide additional income -6 but it will also facilitate a closer working relationship with the Community Safety Team. Fareham Community Action The Council acquired a long lease hold interest in the ground floor of 163 West Street which has been developed by Portsmouth Housing Association in order to relocate Fareham Community Action from 5 & 7 Osborn Road South. The Council has for many years provided accommodation to FCA at a concessionary rent and this has continued with the move to new office accommodation at 163 West Street, Fareham. FCA are a Registered Charity who work for the benefit of Fareham residents and provide a core support service to the voluntary sector and provide community services i.e. advice, information, support and development to groups and organisations in the voluntary sector across the Borough. In addition to the core service, FCA provides a range of community services for individuals. These are Community Transport, Dial A Ride, Home Help Service, Shopmobility, Advocacy and Volunteer Bureau. Shopmobility The Shopmobility service is provided from space in the Council’s Osborn Road Multi Storey Car Park. Primary Care Trust (PCT) The Council are working with the PCT to identify a site preferably within Council ownership for the replacement of Fareham Health Centre. The existing Health Centre could then pass into Council ownership and will help facilitate the development of the land to the north of Fareham Shopping Centre. Hampshire Capital and Asset Pathfinder Initiative FBC has been invited to join the Government Pathfinder Initiative which aims to make more efficient use of public assets across the country. Partners included in the Hampshire Pathfinder include Hampshire County Council (which is leading the Hampshire Pathfinder), District Councils, Hampshire PCT and Hampshire Constabulary etc. Mapping data of all assets held by FBC has already been provided, along with specific details on the Civic Offices, Depot and Ferneham Hall. One initiative being currently being progressed is sharing office space in the Civic Offices with other public sector organisations. Further information on the Pathfinder initiative will be provided in due course and will feature in the update of the AMP for 2011/12. 6.2 In addition, the Council is also involved with: Project Integra (with other Hampshire Authorities) Fareham and Gosport CCTV Partnership -7 7. Fareham Community Safety Partnership (with Hampshire Police Authority, Probation Service and Hampshire CC) PROPERTY OUTCOMES THAT CONTRIBUTE TO THE DELIVERY OF CORPORATE PRIORITIES 7.1 A draft Corporate Strategy for public consultation was approved by the Executive in October 2010. The public consultation exercise will take place over a 12 week period. 7.2 The Council’s assets have been used as a driver and enabler of change in the organisation to facilitate achievement of the corporate priorities. Through in particular the process of Property Review and Maintenance of Operational Property the Council can show an understanding of the opportunity cost of its portfolio and which is used to deliver value for money for its residents and derive benefits to the community. 7.3 An example of this is the requirement to dispose of assets within the Portchester area in order to assist with the funding of the new Community Centre. On the 6 December 2010, the Executive approved a report on the sale of the freeholds of Northfield Farm and site of 14/16 West Street, Portchester. Table 1 below shows specific property outcomes and how they are being used to achieve the corporate priorities. -8 Property Proposal Corporate Priority / Planned Improvement Land adjacent to Locks Heath Shopping Centre FBC site earmarked for a new leisure development to include a swimming pool. The land is subject to restrictive covenants in favour of New River Retail (new owners of Locks Heath shopping centre). Negotiations continuing to release covenant. Due to no progress being made other site options are being investigated e.g. with Coldeast. Provide a new swimming pool in the West of the Borough to support the following corporate priorities; 'Leisure for health and for fun' and 'A safe and healthy place to live and work'. Due to the inability of the Council to persuade the owners to enter into the legal agreements to release the covenants to enable this project to proceed, a review of site options is to be undertaken. Properties in Quay Street Fareham. Following the Locks Heath Centre going into receivership the opportunity may present itself to resurrect with new owners the Council's preferred location for the leisure facility on Council land adjoining the Shopping Centre. Properties forming the “Island Site” and adjoining the former foundry site will be sold to Tesco by way of a land exchange as part of the Companies development of the former foundry site for a food store. The proposed land exchange with Tesco will provide a site to be developed by a Registered Housing Association for affordable housing. The Council also owns a land locked site in Adelaide Place. As part of the deal with Tesco access rights will be provided in perpetuity to this site which will also be developed by a Registered Housing Association for affordable housing. Terms for the disposal of the Council's land were agreed by the Executive on 28 July 2008. A report was submitted to the Executive on the 7th September 2009, dealing with the issues arising from the European Union Public Procurement -9 Secure the delivery of a food store within Fareham Town Centre. Achieve a target of 100 affordable homes per year. This project, when complete, will support the following corporate priorities; 'Protecting and enhancing the environment', 'Maintaining and extending prosperity' and 'A balanced housing market'. case known as 'Roanne'. This at the request of Tesco necessitated change to the heads of terms with FBC for the land deal as reported to the Executive on the 28th July 2008. On the 16th October 2009, a meeting was held with Tesco to progress the land deal and to enable the planning permission to be issued for the store development which has been permitted. The Council's outstanding matters were resolved but Tesco experienced a delay in completing the agreement with Scottish & Southern to relocate a sub station. However it is anticipated that all the land agreements will be completed by the end of 2010. It is expected that the Tesco store will be open for trading during 2011. Property Land to north of Fareham Shopping Centre Proposal Corporate Priority / Planned Improvement FBC are taking the lead to assess the potential for the development of publicly owned land north of Fareham Shopping Centre for retail and/or a mixed use scheme in partnership with the private sector. This would include the replacement of existing community facilities owned by FBC and Hampshire County Council and the Health Centre owned by the Primary Care Trust. This will be a project -10 Lead the development of the area to the North of Fareham Shopping Centre, which will support the following corporate priorities; 'Protecting and enhancing the environment', 'Maintaining and extending prosperity' and 'Strong and inclusive communities'. considered as part of the Hampshire Capital and Asset Pathfinder Initiative referred to above. Property FBC sites with potential for Affordable Housing Proposal Four sites, namely Kenwood Road, Birchen Close, Robinson Court and Rear of Minden House are all proceeding towards development. Kenwood Road has planning consent for a 3 bed chalet bungalow. Birchen close has planning consent for a 2 bed bungalow. Robinson Court has planning consent for 2 x 3 bed houses and Rear of Minden has planning consent for a 2 bed bungalow. Corporate Priority / Planned Improvement Achieve a target of 100 affordable homes per year, to support the corporate objective for 'A balanced housing market'. Through the tender process a preferred contractor is known and has been approved by the Executive, but contracts cannot be signed until related land assembly issues are resolved and funding (the grant agreement with HCA) is finalised. Subject to resolution of these issues and detailed plans being drawn and accepted, work should begin on site shortly. The Council in July 2010 took a surrender of the Palmerstion Ave Car Park from the Shopping Centre and which will be developed in due course by the Council for residential purposes. Fareham Shopping Centre Partnership with Dominion Corporate Trust Limited, now FTI Ltd & FT2 Ltd owners of Fareham Shopping Centre, to create three -11 Vibrant and viable town, district and local centres offering a range of shopping, leisure, employment and social opportunities. retail units and a kiosk comprising 67-75 Westbury Mall. The largest of the new units was to be occupied in March 2009 by Debenhams Desire. The proposals include the demolition and rebuilding of the Civic Way Multi Storey Car Park. -12 This has been delayed as a result of Debenhams Desire deciding to no longer open a store in Fareham. The Council have been working with FTI Ltd & FT2 Ltd with a view to a new store operator taking the Debenhams unit. An announcement by FTI Ltd & FT2 Ltd has been made referred to below which will signal completion of the Civic Way Multi Storey Car Park. This project supports a number of corporate priorities, namely; 'Maintaining and extending prosperity', 'Dynamic, prudent, progressive, best Council' and 'Protecting and enhancing the environment'. FTI Ltd & FT2 Ltd announced in November 2010 that they have reached agreement with Debenhams to return to Fareham and open a department store of 28,000 sq ft in the Shopping Centre and which will bring the legal action initiated by FTI Ltd & FT2 Ltd against Debenhams for breach of contract to a close. 8. CAPITAL RECEIPTS 8.1 In addition to the estimated capital receipts in table 2 below, the sale of assets under the Council’s Disposal Strategy e.g. the sale of the Fareham Community Centre, Kings Road Assembly Hall sites, Osborn Road South site and sale of land at Yew Tree Drive have all provided valuable capital over the life of the capital strategy. Estimated capital receipts over the next four years are indicated in table 2. Under the capital finance and accounting regulations a proportion of the estimated housing revenue account receipts shown will be paid to the Government (pooled). It is estimated that £188,000 will be pooled each year. Table 2- Estimated Capital Receipts Source Right To Buy Sales and other Other HRA Capital receipts Receipts Totals 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 Total £000s £000s £000s £000s £000s £435 £435 £435 £435 £2,175 £0 £435 £0 £435 £0 £435 £0 £435 £0 £2,175 Table 3 - Property Capital Receipts 9. Year Site Amount Completed 06/07 07/08 07/08 08/09 09/10 10/11 10/11 Site at Yew Tree Drive, Whiteley Fareham Community Centre site Linden Lea Shop Site Site of 5-13 Osborn Road, South Site of Broadlaw Walk Northfield Park, Portchester 14/16 West Street, Portchester £600,000 £960,000 £55,000 £1,000,000 £445,000 £450,000 £60,000 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No SPACE UTILISATION 9.1 Space utilisation has enabled the Council to reduce the net cost of occupying operational buildings by taking action to maximise the occupancy and to lease areas to other organisations, e.g. Part of the civic offices has been leased to Hampshire Highways as mentioned earlier and it is hoped that the Wessex Youth Offending Team and Integrated Offender Management will also take space and which will contribute to the Hampshire Capital and Asset Pathfinder initiative. In addition, a partnership has been entered into with Gosport Borough Council for the joint provision of Building Control Services across the two authorities. This cross authority service is located at the Civic offices. -13 9.2 Changes to the locations of various workgroups as a result of a management restructure undertaken by the Chief Executive during 2009, have taken place, freeing up space for opportunities such as the Wessex Youth Offending Team and Integrated Offender Management proposals. A master plan for the whole building is currently being finalised, with the aim of freeing up additional space to sublet and thereby running the building in a more efficient way. 9.3 Information has been collated on the occupancy levels and costs associated with the Civic Offices. This helps to inform future decisions on space utilisation in the Civic Offices. A pilot is due to be undertaken shortly to explore home working, which again would release floor space and thus provide the opportunities for income generation. 10. MAINTENANCE 10.1 Planned Maintenance Planned maintenance programmes (Asset Management Plans) have been developed for those properties where the Council has the repair obligation and are updated annually. Currently planned maintenance programmes exist, or are being prepared for: The Civic Offices The Broadcut Depot Public Conveniences Ferneham Hall Community Centres Sports pavilions Maintenance improvements to car parks Decent Homes programme. The Head of Building Services is responsible for advising client/budget holders on the maintenance of property under their control thus ensuring that Housing property is considered along with the Council’s other land and property assets. This ensures that the Councils overall assets are considered as a whole. The condition surveys allowed data to be collected and monitored with regard to the maintenance backlog and for decisions to be made with regard to addressing the major backlog. Information on the actions taken to address maintenance issues as regards the Council’s operational properties with planned and funded schemes can be found in the Evidence Folder Table 4 below sets out the current backlog maintenance figures for 2010 for works arising from the condition surveys undertaken. A detailed explanation of the works and planned schemes for each of the properties is included in the Evidence Folder. 10.2 Maintenance Backlog -14 Table 4 below provides a breakdown of changes in the maintenance backlog between 2008 and 2010: Operational Property Non Property Total July 2008 July 2009 £5,774,000 £2,220,225 1#(£1,385,000 2# backlog maintenance) October 2010 £2,628,575 £5,774,000 £2,628,575 Operational £2,220,225 Notes: 1 # £5,774,000 was the 2008 maintenance figure, however this included planned maintenance. The true maintenance backlog figure was £1,358,000. The breakdown of these figures can be found in the Repairs and Maintenance Strategy within the Evidence Folder. Despite the overall increase in the maintenance backlog it can be seen that the Council has a full understanding of maintenance issues as regards it’s operational property and has taken significant actions to address the maintenance problems with planned maintenance / improvement programmes in place or to be put in place i.e. Civic Offices. 10.3 Maintenance Expenditure and Budgets In addition to programmes to tackle the maintenance backlog, expenditure is incurred annually on reactive, planned and cyclical maintenance for Operational properties. The actual maintenance costs by property type and the number of works orders placed during 2009-2010 can be found in the Repairs and Maintenance Strategy within the AMP Evidence Folder. The revenue budgets in place for the Council’s two main operational buildings for 2010/11 are as follows: £ Civic Offices Depot 10.4 448,300 127,700 Repairs and Maintenance Strategy A Repairs and Maintenance Strategy has been produced to guide the process for: Determining the extent and nature of the maintenance backlog. Determining appropriate actions and plans to address areas of backlog, e.g. by property or by property element. Determining the priorities for each area of the backlog. -15 Assessing the budget provision available to address the backlog and to identify where additional finance is required. Developing planned and cyclical maintenance programmes. The Repairs and Maintenance Strategy is updated and reported annually as part of the corporate asset management process and is now included within the Evidence Folder. 11. SUSTAINABILITY In view of the need to manage and reduce energy consumption and relating carbon footprint for public buildings to deliver cost efficiencies and address sustainability the Chief Executive Management Team (CXMT) received a report in May 2007 on energy consumption in the Council’s main operational buildings (Civic Offices, Depot and Ferneham Hall). In view of the 2006/07 utility costs of the Civic Offices, Depot and Ferneham Hall, the CXMT agreed a report and action plan on 18 July 2007 to implement measures to reduce energy consumption and achieve financial savings. A further report was presented to the CXMT on 19 November 2008 on energy consumption issues relating to the Council's operational properties i.e. Civic Offices, Depot and Ferneham Hall. This report has now been updated and was considered by the CXMT on the 4 November 2009. 11.1 Corporate Sustainability Working Group A Corporate Sustainability Officers Group has been established in order to provide a corporate lead and direction for sustainability work being undertaken. Representatives from the appropriate Council departments attend, with the last meeting held on 19 July 2010. The Corporate Sustainability Group has been instrumental in the development of an updated Environmental Sustainability Strategy and Action Plan which was approved by the Executive in March 2010. The strategy is wide ranging and aims to bring together the activities of the Borough Council, its statutory partners, the business community and local residents to adapt to the impact of climate change and to undertake measures to reduce carbon emissions and make more effective use of natural resources. Crucial to this is the need for the Borough Council to lead by example in the reduction of carbon emissions to help meet the overall target set by the government. The strategy therefore summarises the actions the Council has taken in recent years and the actions it proposes to take in the future. These include the installation of smart meters, boiler replacement, installations of low energy light fittings, further capital works to council owned buildings and continuing to raise the awareness of staff and Members. It has set a target of reducing the Council's carbon footprint by 10% between 1 April 2009 and 31st March 2011, with a further reduction of 4% per annum in the following years. Figures for 2009/20 show a reduction of around 8%, so it is well on the way towards meeting this target. In addition to workshops run for managers by the Carbon Trust, a workshop was also held for Members, presented by the Energy Saving Trust. Posters -16 are also being displayed throughout the building with the slogan 'Helping Fareham save energy today for a brighter tomorrow'. The posters contain useful facts such as 'A computer left on overnight for a year creates enough CO2 to fill a double decker bus' and are rotated on a monthly basis to reinforce the message. Graphs are also produced to show the monthly electricity consumption of the Civic Offices, Depot and Ferneham Hall. This allows comparison with usage during 2008 and 2009. The information is placed on the Intranet for staff to view. It is envisaged that the same will be undertaken for gas. A dedicated staffing resource for sustainability issues is being established which will enable the co-ordination of this important work to continue. 11.2 Display Energy Certificates Under the provisions of the Energy Performance of Buildings (Certificates & Inspections) (England and Wales) Regulations 2007, from 1 October 2008 all public buildings over 1000m2 are required to obtain a Display Energy Certificate (DEC). The DEC shows the energy performance of the building based on actual energy consumption as recorded annually. The DEC has to be displayed in a prominent place visible to the public. Under the Regulations there is also a requirement to obtain Energy Performance Certificates (EPC) for residential properties when they become vacant. The DEC results from 2008 to 2010 are shown below: Civic Offices Depot Ferneham Hall 2008 F E D 2009 F D D 2010 F D D Scoring within the bands has improved year on year for all 3 properties. 12. CONCLUSION 12.1 The Asset Management Plan outlines the arrangements in place and under development to improve corporate asset use, with the ultimate aim of improving service delivery. There will be ongoing development of the asset management process over the forthcoming year, with a particular focus towards supporting the Councils Corporate Priorities. 12.2 The Asset Management Plan shows that the Council has a service wide understanding of the Corporate ownership of assets, and demonstrates a high priority given to asset management. With the AMP being aligned to the Finance Strategy resources have been identified and put in place to deliver the Council’s policies and priorities. -17 Appendix A CONTRIBUTION OF PROPERTY TYPES TO CORPORATE PRIORITIES Property Category Cemeteries Corporate Priorities Protecting and enhancing our environment. A safe and healthy place to live and work. Parks and Open Spaces Protecting and enhancing our environment. Leisure for health and for fun. Entertainment, i.e. Ferneham Hall Allotments Leisure for health and for fun. A safe and healthy place to live and work. Leisure for health and for fun. Foreshore Protecting and enhancing our environment. A safe and healthy place to live and work. Fareham Leisure Centre Leisure for health and for fun. A safe and healthy place to live and work. Community Centres Protecting and enhancing our environment. A safe and healthy place to live and work. Leisure for health and for fun. Car Parks Protecting and enhancing our environment. Maintaining and extending prosperity. Public Conveniences Civic Offices Protecting and enhancing our environment. Depot A dynamic, prudent, progressive best practice Council. Council Housing A balanced housing market. Surplus Property A balanced housing market. A dynamic, prudent, progressive best practice Council. -18 APPENDIX B CAPITAL PROGRAMME SUMMARY 2010/11 £'000 Policy, Strategy and Finance Neighbourhood Initiative Town Centre Redevelopment Henry Cort Millennium Project Purchase of land at Waitrose Civic Offices 10 Year Improvement Plan Depot Vehicles and Plant Information Technology/Systems Matched Funding Public Protection CCTV Project Street Scene Health and Safety in Cemeteries Glass Recycling Public Conveniences Community Improved Access for People with Disabilities Outdoor Rec: Wicor Western Wards Swimming Pool Ferneham Hall – Major Repairs Play and Parks Schemes Green Flag Awards Allotment Improvements Footpath Improvements Burridge Community Facilities Fareham Hockey Club Community Buildings Health & Safety Fund Foreshore Signage 2011/12 £'000 2012/13 £'000 2013/14 £'000 2014/15 £'000 Total £'000 41 25 43 41 25 43 66 682 502 16 973 66 2,173 109 545 310 360 180 360 180 360 180 360 180 109 1,985 1,030 336 2,157 1,042 556 1,513 540 336 5,808 71 71 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 271 271 43 43 23 199 265 0 0 0 0 23 199 265 10 5 5 5 3 28 14 80 14 80 576 548 1,124 375 7 6 36 18 190 242 48 7 178 243 1,228 62 36 18 30 12 30 12 18 18 -19 Review of Community Buildings Western Wards Sports Changing Facilities Stubbington Guide Hut Cricket Practice Nets - Locks Heath & Allotment Road Catisfield Memorial Hall Community One Stop Shop Tennis Court Refurbishment Fareham Town Football Club AFC Portchester Club Fareham Community Church Lockswood Bowling Club Portchester Community Centre Stubbington/ Hill Head Community Facilities Sport & Recreation Schemes Disabled Facilities Grants House Improvement Loan Schemes H.E.C.A Enabling Social Housing Dibles Caravan Park Refurbishment Strategic Planning and Env Environmental Improvements: West Street Environmental Improvements: West Street Eastern End Surface Car Park Repairs Osborn Rd Life Care Plan Osborn Rd 5 Year Programme Car Park Barrier Control System - Fareham Shopping Centre Dore Avenue - Traffic Calming Environmental Improvements: Future Programme Environment Agency - Burnt House Lane Flooding Wallington Property Level 25 125 121 217 125 125 100 500 338 20 42 20 42 20 50 35 10 30 10 20 50 35 10 30 10 25 2,000 25 2,000 3 3 65 540 242 165 510 60 1,830 570 60 105 595 60 41 620 60 2,206 2,835 542 20 756 10 1,802 30 10 1,802 10 800 10 752 60 5,912 30 3,091 5,815 4,651 1,878 1,830 17,265 265 265 350 350 47 32 125 125 125 495 422 32 495 100 100 27 27 50 50 50 50 200 20 20 232 232 -20 Flood Protection Grant General Fund Total Housing Revenue Account Renovation of LA Dwellings OVERALL TOTAL 973 6,557 645 7,552 175 5,432 175 3,616 175 2,595 2,143 25,752 2,410 8,967 2,679 10,231 2,107 7,539 2,099 5,715 1,575 4,170 10,870 36,622 Capital Programme The approved capital programme and total capital expenditure on housing and nonhousing services is estimated to be £28.2 million in the years 2007-08 to 2011-12 and later years, as detailed below: Financial Year 2010-11 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015 TOTAL Housing 3,201 2,154 2,107 2,099 0 9,561 -21 Total £000s 10,447 6,859 5,697 5,431 2,198 30,632 APPENDIX C ACTION PLAN Action Timing 1. Review of Corporate Asset Management Planning Regular Corporate Ongoing Asset Management Group (CAMG) meetings to ensure that there is proper co-ordination of cross cutting property issues which will assist in the development of the Asset Management Plan. 2. Data Management Transient data (i.e., Ongoing energy costs, maintenance requirements, etc) held on the Technology Forge Property database needs to be monitored regularly. Progress Corporate Priority Regular meetings are held, the latest being the 28th September 2010. Protecting and enhancing the environment Maintaining and extending prosperity A balanced housing market The Property Ongoing Management System to be linked to the Local Land and Property Gazetteer (LLPG) currently under development by means of the BS7666 based unique property reference number (UPRN) The Corporate GIS Ongoing was replaced in 2010 with ArcGIS products from ESRI. -22 Monitoring spreadsheet has been put together to enable cross checking of rent and lease details against the Finance system 'e-financials' and against the paper files and legal completion slips. The interface between the TF system and the LLPG is currently being investigated with a view to cross matching all PMS records during 2010/11. Dynamic, prudent, progressive, best practice Council A current land ownership layer data capture using desktop software has commenced and will be maintained Dynamic, prudent, progressive, best practice Council Dynamic, prudent, progressive, best practice Council alongside the other asset registers. The layer can then be rolled out to all Council staff that require access through using a Localview product. 3. Property Review Ongoing review of portfolio in line with the aims of investigating new property solutions and maximizing income, releasing capital, reducing property running costs, supporting the Council's corporate objectives and supporting organisational changes. Efficiency savings added to the Council's vision and priorities 'to achieve 3% cash efficiency savings per annum for the period April 08 to March 2011 4. Suitability and Sufficiency Action Plan to implement measures to reduce energy consumption and achieve financial savings 5. Display Energy Certificates Energy Performance Certificates are to be updated annually. Ongoing A grazing land and A balanced Housing and Open housing market Space review has been undertaken. A garage land review is due to be undertaken shortly. April 08 to March 2011 Progress monitored at 1-1 between the Director of Finance and Resources and Head of Estates. Dynamic, prudent, progressive, best practice Council Various actions have been achieved or are in progress. Protecting and enhancing the environment The 2010 DEC 's Protecting and have been produced enhancing the for the Civic Offices, environment Depot and Ferneham Hall. -23 6. Corporate Sustainability Working Group The Environmental Sustainability Strategy contains an Action Plan for the strategy which includes a range of actions which seek to reduce carbon emissions related to energy use in the provision of Council services. New National Indicator set, includes NI185 relating to reductions in CO2 emissions from Local Authority operations data has to be collected and reported at district level. A dedicated staffing resource for sustainability issues is being established. Report to be presented to CXMT to seek approval to the establishment of a Corporate Sustainability Group with representatives from across Council departments, in order to provide a Corporate led and direction for Sustainability work being undertaken, Executive approved a commitment of £2.041 million towards the 10 year asset management plan for the Civic Offices. Corporate premises Health and Safety Group meets monthly Ongoing Corporate Sustainability Working Group has been established. Protecting and enhancing the environment To be addressed by the Corporate Sustainability Working Group NI185 for 1009/2010 reported that our Carbon emissions reduced by 8.7% overall. This included a 12.3% reduction for all buildings. Protecting and enhancing the environment To be actioned by the Chief Planning and Transportation Officer. Ongoing Protecting and enhancing the environment Corporate Protecting and Sustainability enhancing the Working Group has environment been established and regular meetings are held. To be confirmed prior to April 09. The 10 year programme will commence in 2009/10. The 10 year programme is underway Protecting and enhancing the environment Ongoing Detailed monitoring statement is updated after each meeting A safe and healthy place to live and work A safe and healthy place to live and work -24 to co-ordinate and manage the work required to deliver H & S improvements to Council owned property. and is used to record and monitor the work that is being undertaken. Risk assessment spreadsheets are also prepared. 7. Corporate Asset Risk Register A number of new risks Ongoing included above have been identified and assessed as high and appropriate action plans are now being drawn up to address these. These will be monitored by the Corporate Premises Health and Safety Group as an extension of their current monitoring role. Formal monitoring to Ongoing be put in place if inspections highlight any Health and Safety or Maintenance issues on Council owned land. 8. Pathfinder Initiative Asset pathfinder Immediate information to be provided 9. Capital Strategy It is planned to work towards merging the Finance Strategy and the AMP into one document. 10. Relationship of Asset Management Plan to the Council's wider objectives Asset management plans for surface car Ongoing A safe and healthy place to live and work A safe and healthy place to live and work GIS land ownership layers have been provided as well as information on the 3 operational buildings. To be considered in liaison with the Director of Finance and Resources. Ongoing Dynamic, prudent, progressive, best practice Council AMP for Osborn Rd MSCP approved. -25 Dynamic, prudent, progressive, best practice Council Protecting and enhancing the parks will be prepared and will be integrated in to the updated AMP 20011-2012. An AMP has been prepared for the Osborn Road MSCP and was considered by the Executive on the 6th September 2010. The Civic Way MSCP remains to be completed but it is now expected that this will be achieved by the middle of 2011. 11. Property Outcomes that contribute to the delivery of corporate objectives Report to go to the Executive in early 2009 which will be necessary to deal with amendments to the structure of the Tesco land disposal due to a European Union decision in a case called 'Roanne'. -26 Civic Way MSCP nearing completion. environment A report was submitted to the Executive on the 7th September 2009, and at the request of Tesco necessitated change to the heads of terms with FBC for the land deal as reported to the Executive on the 28th July 2008. On the 16th October 2009, a meeting was held with Tesco to progress the outstanding matters and it is anticipated that the land agreements will be completed by the end of the 2010. It is hoped that the store will be open for trading during 2011. Protecting and enhancing the environment Maintaining and extending prosperity A balanced housing market 12. Partnership working and joint use of Council property Contact Hampshire Fire and Rescue Service every quarter to establish whether there is potential for joint working. 13. Maintenance Maintenance works to be carried out in line with condition surveys for Community Centres and Sports Pavilions Ongoing Ongoing Civic- 10 year planned Ongoing in line with maintenance plan plan Maintenance works to be carried out in line with 10 year improvement plan for Ferneham Hall Ongoing Maintenance works to be carried out in line with 5 year improvement plan for the Depot. Ongoing in line with plan Maintenance works to be carried out in line with a 2 year maintenance and renewal programme for a number of Public Conveniences. Regular contact is made but the Service Property plans remain unchanged therefore there is no joint working opportunity at present. Maintaining and extending prosperity Works are ongoing Protecting and enhancing the environment Ongoing A heating and cooling system upgrade and re wiring works are due to commence in January 2011 Boiler and associated controls are being replaced. All of the 2007/2008 works and the majority of the 2008/2009 works have been completed. Works completed during 2009. Dynamic, prudent, progressive, best practice Council A safe and healthy place to live and work Protecting and enhancing the environment A safe and healthy place to live and work Protecting and enhancing the environment A safe and healthy place to live and work Protecting and enhancing the environment A safe and healthy place to live and work Protecting and enhancing the environment A safe and healthy place to live and work -27 AMP is being produced for the Henry Cort Sculpture Park It is intended that the plan be completed in the early part of 2011. Protecting and enhancing the environment A safe and healthy place to live and work Coastal Management Strategy 14. Health and Safety Risk assessment spreadsheets of risks such as Asbestos, Fire, Legionella and DDA have been prepared together with a summary of recommendations to monitor works to be undertaken to Council operational property. 15. Performance Information Keep performance indicators up to date for non-operational property. 16. Disposal Strategy The strategy is updated as a matter of course with the AMP and reported annually as part of the corporate asset management process. 17. Property Strategy The strategy is updated as a matter of course with the AMP and reported annually as part of the corporate asset management process. Work is in the early stages, but it is intended that the Strategy will be completed by mid 2013. Ongoing Ongoing A safe and healthy place to live and work Ongoing On hold due to market conditions Dynamic, prudent, progressive, best practice Council To be updated annually along with the Asset Management Plan Updated for 2010 and now incorporated in to the Evidence Folder A balanced housing market To be updated annually along with the Asset Management Plan Updated for 2010 and now incorporated in to the Evidence Folder A balanced housing market -28 Dynamic, prudent, progressive, best practice Council Dynamic, prudent, progressive, best practice Council 18. Repairs & Maintenance Strategy The strategy is updated as a matter of course with the AMP and reported annually as part of the corporate asset management process. 20. The HRA Business Plan The plan will be kept under review and generally updated with the AMP and reported annually as part of the corporate asset management process. As part of the ongoing development of asset management planning with FBC, the AMP will be further developed to guide the management of all Council owned land and property, including the Housing portfolio. 21. Space Utilisation and Sustainability An action plan has been prepared to implement measures to reduce energy consumption and achieve financial savings. To be updated annually along with the Asset Management Plan Updated for 2010 and now incorporated in to the Evidence Folder A safe and healthy place to live and work Protecting and enhancing the environment Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing A balanced housing market Dynamic, prudent, progressive, best practice Council Action Plan agreed by the CXMT on 19 November 2008. Update provided to CXMT on 7 November 2009 -29 Measures have been Protecting and put in place, i.e., enhancing the Carbon Trust environment workshops were run for Managers, a poster campaign is in place to encourage staff awareness and electricity consumption graphs are placed on the intranet for staff to see.