Political leadership, communication and psychology PROF. PATRIZIA CATELLANI; PROF. ALESSANDRO AMADORI MODULE I: Psychology of Politics (Prof. Patrizia Catellani) COURSE AIMS The course is aimed at introducing students to the exam of how people (citizens, militants, leaders) interact with politics. Special attention is devoted to the issues of political communication and persuasion through the media. These will be dealt with in seminars related to the official course. COURSE CONTENT 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Scope and relations with other disciplines. Political knowledge and attitudes. Ideological orientation and socio-political values. Identity and social categories in politics. Conflict and integration between groups. Collective action. Voting choice. Political communication and persuasion. READING LIST P. CATELLANI, Psicologia politica. Nuova edizione, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2011. P. CATELLANI-G. SENSALES (edited by), Psicologia della politica, Cortina, Milano, 2011. TEACHING METHOD Lectures, discussion of empirical research, use of online teaching aids on Blackboard platform. Seminars on the issues of political communication and persuasion. ASSESSMENT METHOD By written examination. For students who attend lectures the examination will centre on lecture notes and online teaching material that supplements the set texts. For students who do not attend lectures the examination will centre on the set texts. NOTES On the website http://blackboard.unicatt.it, students enrolled can find online aids to the course: teaching materials, self-assessment exercises, information and notices, topics for dissertations. Students can also address Dott. Patrizia Milesi (patrizia.milesi@unicatt.it), al Dott. Augusta Isabella Alberici (augustaisabella.alberici@unicatt.it) o al Dott. Mauro Bertolotti (mauro.bartolotti@unicatt.it). Further information can be found on the lecturer's webpage at http://docenti.unicatt.it/web/searchByName.do?language=ENG or on the Faculty notice board. MODULE TWO: Political Marketing (Prof. Alessandro Amadori) COURSE AIMS The course intends to provide students with theoretical, methodological and applicative knowledge pertaining to political-election marketing. The course illustrates useful tools for the effective positioning of a political brand/product on the market. By the end of the course students will be able to perform politicalelection consultancy activities according to the most common approaches in an international environment. COURSE CONTENT 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 7. Elements of strategic marketing. The development of political consultancy and political marketing approaches. Political marketing tools. The design, construction and implementation of an election campaign. Politics as narrative. The application of semiotic narrative to political marketing. READING LIST A. AMADORI, Madre Silvio, Edizioni Mind, Milano, 2011. M. MARK-C.S. PEARSON, The Hero and the Outlaw, McGraw Hill, New York, 2001. Further recommended reading: G. ABBATE, Mind marketing. La dimensione invisibile del marketing, Scuola di Palo Alto, Milano, 2012. A. AMADORI, Mi consenta, Libri Scheiwiller, Milano, 2002. M. CACCIOTTO, Marketing Politico: come vincere le elezioni e governare, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2011. P. KOTLER, I dieci peccati capitali del marketing. Sintomi e cure, Il Sole 24 Ore Pirola, Milano, 2004. N. PAGNONCELLI, Le opinioni degli italiani, La Scuola, Brescia, 2009. J. SASSOON, Storie virali, Lupetti, Milano, 2012. TEACHING METHOD Lectures and “hands on” group exercises and field-work projects. ASSESSMENT METHOD Full-time students: Oral examination and discussion of case-studies. Distance-learning students: Written examination and oral examination. NOTES Students can access online support for the course at http://blackboard.unicatt.it Further information can be found on the lecturer's webpage at http://docenti.unicatt.it/web/searchByName.do?language=ENG or on the Faculty notice board.