WRIGHT STATE UNIVERSITY MIAMI VALLEY COLLEGE OF NURSING & HEALTH NUR7105 90 Spring 2014 Syllabus COURSE TITLE: Population Health CREDIT ALLOCATION: 3 credit hours PLACEMENT IN CURRICULUM: Master’s Program COURSE LOCATION AND CLASS TIMES: On-line PREREQUISITES: Graduate standing or permission of instructor COREQUISITES: none RESTRICTIONS: none FACULTY: Maura C. Boesch, DNP, MPH, MSN, RN Email: maura.boesch@wright.edu Office: 138 University Hall Office Phone: 937-775-3607 Cell Phone: 651-301-4055 – texting if fine, but put your name in the text (!) Office Hours: Monday 11:00 AM – 12:00 noon, Thursdays 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM, (or on-line by appointment) Secretaries: Sharon Brannon & Julie Greenup at 775-2577 and 775-2576. STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES: 1. Use epidemiological, social, and environmental data to draw inferences regarding the health status of client populations, i.e., individuals, families, groups, and communities. 2. Develop and monitor comprehensive, holistic plans of care that address the health promotion and disease prevention needs of client populations. 3. Analyze epidemiological, biostatistical, environmental, and other appropriate scientific data related to individual, aggregate, and population health. 4. Synthesize concepts, including psychosocial dimensions and cultural diversity, related to clinical prevention and population health in developing, implementing, and evaluating interventions to address health promotion/disease prevention efforts, improve health status/access patterns, and/or address gaps in care of individuals, aggregates, or populations. 5. Foster a multidisciplinary approach to discuss strategies and garner multifaceted resources to empower client populations in attaining and maintaining maximal functional wellness. 6. Evaluate care delivery models and/or strategies using concepts related to community, environmental and occupational health, and cultural and socioeconomic dimensions of health 1 REQUIRED COURSE MATERIALS/TEXTBOOKS: Required: Macha, K. & McDonough, J. (2012). Epidemiology for advanced nursing practice. Sunbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers. Nash, D., Reigsnyder, J., Fabius, R. & Pracilio, V. (2011). Population health: Creating a culture of wellness. Sunbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers. METHOD OF INSTRUCTION: Textbooks, Power point slides, quizzes, worksheets, case studies, application problems and practice, and computer-assisted self-learning instruction. EVALUATION METHODS: The final course grade is earned based upon the completion of the following weighted assignments: Quizzes (5 @ 25 points each) Epidemiology Paper and PowerPoint Presentation (100 points) CAI or CLAS Standards Certificates (10 points) Assignments and Worksheets (varied points) Health and Well-Being Group Paper (70 points) Health and Well-Being Group PowerPoint Presentation Critique & Peer Evaluation (50 pts) Total 50% 15% 5% 10% 15% 5% 100 COLLEGE GRADING SCALE: 90-100% 80-89.99% 70-79.99% 60-69.99% < 60% = = = = = A B C D F DISABILITY STATEMENT: The College of Nursing and Health works in collaboration with the Office of Disability Services (ODS) to ensure accessibility for all students. Faculty encourages self-referrals at the beginning of the semester. In fact, requests for disability accommodations are to be initiated by the student through the ODS. Any student requesting disability accommodations must contact ODS directly. The office is located at 023 Student Union; phone number is 937-775-5680. The website is http://www.wright.edu/disability-services Once a student is registered with ODS, the student will be provided with an approved accommodation form. This form must be shared with faculty in order that necessary accommodation(s) are made. This form must be presented by the student to the faculty BEFORE any accommodations are provided. ACADEMIC INTEGRITY & PLAGIARISM: a. Please refer to the University Student Handbook under academic dishonesty and disruption. b. Students are expected to follow APA guidelines in terms of plagiarism. c. Students exhibiting any form of academic dishonesty will earn an “F” in the course. 2 COURSE REQUIREMENTS 1. Quizzes: There will be 5 short quizzes throughout the quarter. Each quiz with be worth 25 points. Students will have 35 – 45 minutes to complete each quiz (depending on quiz content). Quizzes are not open book/notes unless indicated otherwise by the instructor. Challenges to quiz questions must be submitted in writing via email to Dr. Boesch. (maura.boesch@wright.edu ) by 8 AM on the Thursday following the completion of the quiz, and must include a referenced justification for the request. 2. Assignments and Worksheets: There will be various assignments including discussion board, genetics module, and worksheets that will comprise 10% of your grade. The worksheets will help prepare you for the quizzes. The assignments and worksheets have varied point values, and should be submitted to the designated dropbox. 3. Epidemiology Paper: The assigned paper is 5-10 page paper evaluating the epidemiologic evidence of a Healthy People 2020 focus area/objective. This is an individual assignment and each student should choose a different topic. Post your choice on the discussion board: the first to post the chosen topic gets that topic. The Healthy People 2020 report is found at www.healthypeople.gov. This project should demonstrate achievement of course objectives. An electronic version of the paper is due to the Pilot dropbox. The electronic paper will be submitted to Turnitin.com to evaluate for plagiarism. APA format will be graded according to the second printing of the 6th edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (2001). ). Be sure to use images (pie charts, tables, graphs, etc) to illustrate your points & demonstrate your understanding of the ways to summarize data. Please see the grading rubric under “content” on Pilot for more information about the paper. 4. Epidemiology power point presentation: Based on your epidemiology scholarly paper, share your information with your colleagues via a power point presentation. You are expected to refer to Healthy People 2020 when determining leading health indicators and priorities for action. Please post the presentation both on the discussion board and to the Pilot dropbox for instructor feedback. 5. Self-Study: Choose 1 of the following 2 options to complete during Week 5: A. Computer Assisted Instruction Program: Salmonella in the Caribbean (CAI). The CAI is a self –paced investigative epidemiologic program available on-line. If your computer is not compatible with the program you can use the computer lab at the College of Nursing. Make sure you keep good notes as the program progresses. Each student is to submit the CNE certificate along with all interim notes taken during the CAI completion by the due date. The CAI can be accessed at http://www.cdc.gov/epicasestudies/computer_salmonella.html. Each student is to submit a final report along with all personal interim notes taken during the CAI completion by the due date. Just scan your notes on your computer printer & include them with your final report (fill in the blanks. Final report is part of the CAI). B. Complete all 3 modules of the Culturally Competent Nursing Care – A Cornerstone of Caring – (CLAS Standards at the Office of Minority Health, Department of Health and Human Services) - (and receive 9 continuing education credits –for FREE!). Access at: https://ccnm.thinkculturalhealth.hhs.gov/ This is a free program where you register to begin the program and complete all 3 modules for 9 CEU’s. You may dropbox a copy of your CEU certificates at the designated dropbox. 6. Health and Well-Being Scholarly Paper: Groups will complete a scholarly paper that meets the criteria for submission to a peer-reviewed nursing or multi-disciplinary journal. All sections of the scholarly paper, including the 250-word, single-spaced abstract, and references must be submitted using 6th edition APA format. A 250 word abstract is required unless specified differently by the journal. The scholarly paper will be based on the logic, synthesis and conciseness of discussion and presentations. Scholarly papers should not exceed the designated 15-page limitation. Please see the grading rubric on Pilot for more information about the paper. 7. Health and Well-Being Presentation: Each group will prepare a presentation highlighting the major sections of the group paper. Evaluation of the presentation will be based on the content, format, professional appearance of the PPT slides, professional appearance and delivery style of 3 the group presenters, and adherence to a 15-20 minute time period. Each group member is expected to complete his or her assigned portion of the scholarly paper and contribute the contracted amount of time and effort on the project. Group or team work is encouraged and expected for the success of this assignment. You are expected to refer to Healthy People 2020 when determining leading health indicators and priorities for action. Your power point presentation should be voiced over in Microsoft Power Point (or using another program). 8. Want extra credit? UP to 10 points for watching the film “Escape Fire” “Escape Fire” at the following link (the WSU library also has a copy of the DVD). Paper due on 4/28/14. http://www.escapefiremovie.com/ You should write a 3-4 page paper that addresses one of the post- viewing discussion question areas found on pages 13 & 14 in the Escape Fire screening guide. The screening guide is posted under content in “course documents.” You should answer all of the questions posed in one of the particular problem areas. The problems cited are: Paying more, getting less Overmedication & overtreatment An entrenched system Treating the whole person Preventing disease, enhancing wellness The military COURSE POLICIES 1. Students are responsible for all class content, reading assignments, and information posted on the bulletin board under NUR 7105. 2. Extensions on assignments must be requested in writing via email prior to the due date of the assignment. Assignments not received or completed on time (including quizzes) will be graded as “0.” 3. Course-related emails to Dr. Boesch (maura.boesch@wright.edu ) should contain NUR 7105 somewhere in the subject line. Topical Outline Next Page 4 Topical Outline Spring, 2014 (subject to change based on class needs) Date Week 1 01/13/14 Week 2 01/20/14 Martin Luther King Holiday Topic order of discussion Introduction to Population Health, purpose & rationale – Epidemiology (introduction & history) – PowerPoints Population Health: forward, preface, executive summary (pages xxxv to page 7), and Chapter 1, Spectrum of Care (PowerPoint and/or Tegrity Recording) Student Learning Outcome from course syllabus: 1. Use epidemiological, social, and environmental data to draw inferences regarding the health status of client populations, i.e., individuals, families, groups, and communities Epidemiology Chapter 1, Epidemiology and its Progress (an introduction & a brief historical overview) – PowerPoint and/or historical overview movie presentation courtesy of Dr. Mary Beth Kaylor Concepts, models & theories used in population health approaches Advocacy Quality & Safety Student Learning Outcome from course syllabus: Population Health: Chapters 3 (health system navigation - role of health advocacy and assistance program, short chapter, no associated PowerPoint), 4, & 5. (continuity of care, and population health quality & safety. Be clear on why the current focus on population health, what population health IS, & the rationale for this perspective. 6. Evaluate care delivery models and/or strategies using concepts related to community, environmental and occupational health, and cultural and socioeconomic dimensions of health Week 3 01/27/14 Readings and Assignment See Pilot for PowerPoints under “content) Epidemiology Statistics, & Study Designs Nursing data resources Student Learning Outcome from course syllabus: 3. Analyze epidemiological, biostatistical, environmental, and other appropriate scientific data related to individual, aggregate, and population health. Assignment: Begin worksheet one – This worksheet is due 1/24/14. Worksheet One due 1/24/14. Assignment: Begin worksheet two (contains concepts from Chapters 1, 3, 4, & 5). This worksheet is due 1/31/14. Epidemiology: Chapter 2, (statistics--note, this reading is quite extensive) but much of the chapter is a review of your research & statistics courses) 3 (study designs), and 4 (nursing resources – brief PowerPoint with Chapter 4). This week has a few shorter lectures. The first PowerPoint is an overview of statistics in epidemiology. The rest are divided into the respective types of study designs smaller chunks for digestion (!) Worksheet Two due 1/31/14 Take Quiz #1 (Weeks 1 & 2 content) 5 Date Week 4 02/03/14 Topic order of discussion Screening and Prevention Environmental Epidemiology Role of Culture in Epidemiology Student Learning Outcomes from course syllabus: 3. Analyze epidemiological, biostatistical, environmental, and other appropriate scientific data related to individual, aggregate, and population health. Week 5 02/10/14 4. Synthesize concepts, including psychosocial dimensions and cultural diversity, related to clinical prevention and population health in developing, implementing, and evaluating interventions to address health promotion/disease prevention efforts, improve health status/access patterns, and/or address gaps in care of individuals, aggregates, or populations. Computer assisted instruction— investigation of an acute illness outbreak in a school Student Learning Outcome from course syllabus: 3. Analyze epidemiological, biostatistical, environmental, and other appropriate scientific data related to individual, aggregate, and population health. 4. Synthesize concepts, including psychosocial dimensions and cultural diversity, related to clinical prevention and population health in developing, implementing, and evaluating interventions to address health promotion/disease prevention efforts, improve health status/access patterns, and/or address gaps in care of individuals, aggregates, or populations. Readings and Assignment See Pilot for PowerPoints under “content) Epidemiology: Chapters 6, 9 & 10 (environment & culture) Begin worksheet 3. Worksheet 3 due 2/14/14. Discussion Board – Texting while Driving – VIEW video at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xk1vCqfYpos FIRST POSTING DUE 2/10/14 BY 11:00 PM, RESPONSE POSTING DUE 2/14/14 AT 11:00 pm No new readings. CAI (Option A) or CLAS Standard Modules (Option B) Due: 02/14/14 at 11:00 PM: Option A. Salmonella in the Caribbean (CAI). The CAI is a self –paced investigative epidemiologic program available on-line. If your computer is not compatible with the program you can use the computer lab at the College of Nursing. Make sure you keep good notes as the program progresses. Each student is to submit the CNE certificate along with all interim notes taken during the CAI completion by the due date. The CAI can be accessed at http://www.cdc.gov/epicasestudies/computer_salm onella.html. Each student is to submit a final report along with all personal interim notes taken during the CAI completion by the due date. Just scan your notes on your computer printer & include them with your final report (fill in the blanks. Final report is part of the CAI). Option B. Complete all 3 modules of the Culturally Competent Nursing Care – A Cornerstone of Caring – (CLAS Standards at the Office of Minority Health, Department of Health and Human Services) - (and receive 9 continuing education credits –for FREE!). Access at: https://ccnm.thinkculturalhealth.hhs.gov/ 6 This is a free program where you register to begin the program and complete all 3 modules for 9 CEU’s. You may dropbox a copy of your CEU certificates at the designated dropbox. Worksheet 3 due 2/14/14. Discussion Board on Texting While Driving: FIRST POSTING DUE 2/10/14 BY 11:00 PM, RESPONSE POSTING DUE 2/14/14 AT 11:00 pm Week 6 02/17/14 Epidemiology and Statistics of Chronic Disease Student Learning Outcome from course syllabus: Epidemiology Chapter 7 (chronic diseases) Population Health Chapters 7, 8 & 14 (Justification, Business Culture & successful models). Begin worksheet 4 – Due 2/28/14. Week 7 02/24/14 6. Evaluate care delivery models and/or strategies using concepts related to community, environmental and occupational health, and cultural and socioeconomic dimensions of health Epidemiology and Statistics of Acute Disease & emerging infectious diseases Student Learning Outcome from course syllabus: Epidemiology Chapter 5 (emerging infectious diseases) Population Health Chapter 9 (Information technology) & 10 (decision support, data use & data evaluation PowerPoint). Worksheet 4 – Due 2/28/14 3. Analyze epidemiological, biostatistical, environmental, and other appropriate scientific data related to individual, aggregate, and population health. Week 8 03/03/14 Week 9 03/10/14 Spring Break Epidemiology & Statistics of Genetic Disease Determinants of Health Student Learning Outcome from course syllabus: 1. Use epidemiological, social, and environmental data to draw inferences regarding the health status of client populations, i.e., individuals, families, groups, and communities Begin worksheet 5 – DUE 3/14/14 Spring Break Social Determinants of Health PowerPoint Epidemiology Chapter 8 (genetic disease) Complete Genetics module (see Week 9 Instructions under “content” on Pilot the certificate is due on 03/21/14 at 11:00 PM) Epidemiological paper & PowerPoint presentation due: 3/14/14 at 11:00 PM Worksheet 5 – DUE 3/14/14 7 Topic order of discussion Week 10 03/17/14 Readings and Assignment See Pilot for PowerPoints under “content) Nursing in Pandemics and Emergency Preparedness Epidemiology Chapter 11 (Pandemics & emergencies). Student Learning Outcome from course syllabus: Genetics Certificate due 03/21/14 at 11:00 PM Take Quiz # 2 – Content from Weeks 3 & 4 2. Develop and monitor comprehensive, holistic plans of care that address the health promotion and disease prevention needs of client populations. Week 11 03/24/14 Week 12 03/31/14 Behavior Change & Marketing Student Learning Outcome from course syllabus: 2. Develop and monitor comprehensive, holistic plans of care that address the health promotion and disease prevention needs of client populations. Population Health Chapters 2 & 11 (behavior change, marketing). Population Health Education & Policy Student Learning Outcome from course syllabus: 2. Develop and monitor comprehensive, holistic plans of care that address the health promotion and disease prevention needs of client populations. Population Health Chapters 12 (Policy implications) and 16 (pop. education). Take Quiz #3 – Content from Weeks 6 & 7 Take Quiz #4 – Content from Weeks 9, 10 &11 4. Synthesize concepts, including psychosocial dimensions and cultural diversity, related to clinical prevention and population health in developing, implementing, and evaluating interventions to address health promotion/disease prevention efforts, improve health status/access patterns, and/or address gaps in care of individuals, aggregates, or populations. 8 Topic order of discussion Week 13 04/07/14 Week 14 04/14/14 Political, legal & and Ethical Considerations Empowerment Models Student Learning Outcome from course syllabus: 4. Synthesize concepts, including psychosocial dimensions and cultural diversity, related to clinical prevention and population health in developing, implementing, and evaluating interventions to address health promotion/disease prevention efforts, improve health status/access patterns, and/or address gaps in care of individuals, aggregates, or populations. 5. Foster a multidisciplinary approach to discuss strategies and garner multifaceted resources to empower client populations in attaining and maintaining maximal functional wellness. Epidemiological applications in advanced nursing practice Future of Population Health Student Learning Outcome from course syllabus: 4. Synthesize concepts, including psychosocial dimensions and cultural diversity, related to clinical prevention and population health in developing, implementing, and evaluating interventions to address health promotion/disease prevention efforts, improve health status/access patterns, and/or address gaps in care of individuals, aggregates, or populations. 5. Foster a multidisciplinary approach to discuss strategies and garner multifaceted resources to empower client populations in attaining and maintaining maximal functional wellness. Week 15 04/21/14 Week 16 04/28/14 Read Colleagues Presentations Escape Fire Extra Credit Paper Readings and Assignment See Pilot for PowerPoints under “content) Epidemiology Chapter 12 (ethical & legal) Population Health Chapters 6, 13 & 17 (ethical, legal, risk management & political aspects). Epidemiology Chapter 13 (application to practice) Population Health Chapter 18 (future) Health and Well-Being Paper & Power Point Presentations Due on 4/17/14 (Thursday) at 11:00 pm Take Quiz #5 – Content from weeks 12, 13, & 14 EXTRA CREDIT: View the film “Escape Fire” at the following link (the WSU library also has a copy of the DVD). Paper due on 4/28/14. 10 points. http://www.escapefiremovie.com/ Write a 3-4 page paper that addresses one of the postviewing discussion question areas found on pages 13 & 14 in the Escape Fire screening guide. The screening guide is posted under content in “course documents.” You should answer all of the questions posed in one of the particular problem areas. The problems cited are: Paying more, getting less Overmedication & overtreatment An entrenched system Treating the whole person Preventing disease, enhancing wellness The military Online critique colleague’s ppt. presentation due 04/24/14. Extra credit paper due 4/28/14 at 11:00 PM. Online Evaluations 9 10