Our Globe is Warming

Environmental Champions Seminar
Me (Ian Lander) as
Bob the Builder with
Rebecca, bringing
sustainability to an
Ideal Home Exhibition
Calling Green Heroes
A Game of 2 Halves
• Part One – Understanding the issues
• Introduction to climate change, including
common misconceptions
• Exploring perceptions of climate change and
• Psychology of climate change
• Climate change and risk management: how
climate change will impact upon businesses
• Tackling carbon emissions: how businesses
affect the climate and the environment
• Carbon Offsetting
Tea Break
• 15 minutes which
will give you a
break from my
CO2 emissions
• Local, organic,
The Second Half
• Taking Action!
• Introduction to environmental management
systems, environmental auditing
• Examining potential action areas: energy,
waste, recycling & resource efficiency,
transport, water, green procurement
• Communicating climate change in the
• Conclusion, questions & discussion
And now for something completely different…
Introduction to climate change
(including misconceptions)
Time to Act
The Greenhouse Effect
Earth can sustain life because of
natural greenhouse effect
Without it Earth would be a
lifeless -18ºC instead of average
15ºC which allows the cycle of
Atmosphere includes
greenhouse gases which trap
some of the suns heat which
would be lost to space
The greenhouse gases act like a
duvet. If their concentration is
increased it is like using a higher
tog duvet
We have increased greenhouse
gas concentrations by 40%
since the industrial revolution
Greenhouse Gases
• Can you name the 8 greenhouse
• Carbon dioxide
• Methane
• Nitrous oxide
• Water vapour
• Ozone
• CFCs
Interesting perspective
[Our Globe is Warming]
What is our temperature?
When do we say we have a
temperature or a fever?
What is the Earths temperature?
The Globe has warmed by
approx 0.8C since 1860
We are committed to another
IPCC predict temperature rise
this century between 1.4 – 5.8˚C
2˚C is considered a threshold to
dangerous global warming
Last time globe warmed by 6˚C
was 250 million years ago when
95% of life became extinct
The climate has always changed…
• What about the Medieval
Warm period and The
Little Ice Age?
• What about sun-spots!
• It’s cosmic rays…
• Cooling after 1940s and
last 3 years
• Weather forecasters
can’t get it right tomorrow
let lone this century
• Warming will cause an
ice - age
Exploring perceptions of climate
change and sustainability
(look at the messengers)
The clock is ticking…
Quite like a bit of Costa del Weston
Climate change – bring it on!
People doing the warning don’t walk the talk
If it’s so serious why are we told to turn our TV
• Mixed messages in the media
We live on a finite planet, but
expect infinite growth
environmental shopping list
Since 1950 world production of goods and
services has multiplied by 7, fish & meat
consumption by 5, oil consumption by 7, CO2 by 4
whilst population has doubled
A PC contains carcinogens such as lead and arsenic, plus
precious metals such as gold and copper as well as 6.3kg
plastic, 1.7kg lead, 6.8kg silica, 3.4kg aluminium, 5.6kg
iron, 0.2kg nickel, 0.6kg zinc, 033kg tin and trace amounts
of manganese, mercury, indium, niobium, yttrium, titanium,
cobalt, chromium, cadmium, selenium, beryllium, tantalum,
vanadium, europium
Our Economy is built on oil
• Can you think what is made from oil?
• Oil price up by 400% in 4 years. 1998 = $12
• During fuel protests the UK was days away from
foodless supermarkets
• The amount of oil world consumes in 6 weeks would
have lasted a whole year in 1950
• The global, UK & local economy needs to prepare for
peak oil…now
• Who is the highest emitter of
• How much CO2 is deforestation
responsible for?
• Rainforests are not only the
most biodiverse habitat on the
planet, but vital carbon sinks
• We need to stop the drivers of
• Hardwood timber & paper/pulp
• Biofuels & Choccy biscuits
• Cattle ranching/animal feed
• Mining, oil, minerals
Water is a resource as well
• 20% of the global
population consume 75%
of the water
• Cup of coffee requires
140 litres of water
• Water withdrawals from
rivers and lakes has
doubled in the last 40
years – we are mining
aquifers unsustainably
• The UN has said that
billions could face water
scarcity this century
don’t shoot the messenger
The revelation of the CEO of Interface Inc,
the worlds largest carpet manufacturer
about the product and the environment
Businesses are linked to and affect the
climate and the environment
• Natural capital refers to the natural world that
humans use
• i.e. resources – timber, grain, fish, water, fossil
fuels, minerals, sinks that neutralize or recycle
our waste and services eg. climate regulation
• Basis of all production in human economy
without which society could not sustain itself
• Loss of natural capital is a cost of economic
• Everything we put into the air, water, or land
would not be there in a natural ecosystem
costing the earth
• If we could put a price on our biosphere would
we value it more?
• MIT quantified the global value of ecosystem
services and natural capital. Or what it would
cost to provide man-made substitutes for
services if we didn’t get them free from nature
• The cost was $33 trillion every year
Psychology of climate change
climate change and global warming are
two very vague and mis-leading phrases
The Denier Industry
• It’s a conspiracy, many scientists question
climate change
• Global Climate Coalition
• Media and a balanced story
• Same tactics as pro-smoking campaign – lobby
media, governments, UN climate meetings
• So you’d have us living in the stone age or Medieval
Times would you! Or the fifties…(where the index of happiness was higher)
• In the 1970s people enjoyed rock pools, spangles, The
Sweeny, The Rolling Stones (some things don’t change)
• In the 80s there was no such thing as a gap year and
(some) people still enjoyed the Stones)
• In the 90s not everyone had 2 cars and a TV in every
room (and the Stones were getting a bit past it)
• World energy demand has increased by 80% since 1970
Why haven’t we taken action?
• Not an immediate threat/
distant threat
• Don’t believe it
• It’s too late
• Technology
• What about China & India
• Don’t care
• Nothing I can do
• How I run my life is my
• I’m doing my bit
• Too expensive
An Apology
How Climate change will impact on
“Our actions over the coming few decades
could create risks of major disruption to
economic and social activity, later in this
century and in the next, on a scale similar
to those associated with the great wars
and the economic depression of the first
half of the 20th Century".
The Stern Report
“Investors want to know how exposed a
business is to climate change. The
physical risks to Tesco are clear, but could
be far-reaching. Freak weather in the past
few months has disrupted our supply lines
in Hungary, Bangladesh and Korea. Any
responsible board of directors should be
planning ahead, thinking through these
risks, and presenting them in a clear,
transparent way - Sir Terry Leahy, CEO,
Tesco (2007).”
• “We have a basic notion that unless
we find a solution for environmental
problems, we will not achieve
sustainable growth in the coming
years - Hiroyuki Watanabe, Managing
Director, Toyota, 2001.”
• “Companies not interested in
sustainable development issues will
not survive long - Malcolm Brinded,
Chairman of Shell UK, 1999.”
Carbon Trust report
• More than a quarter (26%) of
all UK businesses and 43%
of large businesses, have
been affected by climate
• Almost the same number
(27%) of UK businesses now
see climate change as a
business opportunity, with
that number rising to 60% for
Our varied economy is vulnerable to
climate change impacts
• Can you think of how
your business has been
affected by climate
change or could be
affected in the future?
• What about peak oil
and resource deletion?
• Increasing temperatures will affect the comfort of your
employees and customers and may impact product storage
• A changing climate may affect demand for your product or
• Businesses who are currently affected by weather events will
be increasingly affected by our changing climate eg.
agriculture, construction, transportation and outdoor events
• Equally businesses whose trade is directly related to the
weather; for example the retail trade will see a connection, as
weather affects customer behaviour
• Businesses that have global markets will probably be affected
by climate change in those countries
• As will those whose operations overseas are affected by
resource variabilities, eg. copper or oil
too close to home
The Pitt Review into the
devasting floods that affected
Cheltenham in 2007 warned:
‘Events of last summer also
demonstated the vulnerability
of infrastructure and the
dependency of our society on
the essential services they
provide. The loss of Mythe
left 350,000 people without
drinking water, while the
potential loss of power in
Sheffield would have seen
750,000 people without
climate change could cripple the
insurance Industry
The cost of June and July’s
floods (which predominately
affected Gloucestershire) to
the insurance industry was
£3.3 billion (nearly twice the
average annual weather
related claims). 8,500
businesses were affected by
the floods and economists
estimate that a further £3.2
billion was lost in terms of
productivity in missed
working days and tourism
adaptation to climate change is
about planning
• Adaptation model - Business Areas
Climate Impacts Assessment Tool
(BACLIAT) - simple checklist to review
how prepared your organisation is to
climate change impacts.
• Tool developed by the UK Climate
Impacts Programme (UKCIP), which
is funded by Defra.
not necessarily what it says on the tin
64-70 degrees fahrenheit
coffee berry borer beetle
a well earned break
The carbon footprint of a cup of tea or coffee:
21g CO2e: black tea or coffee, boiling only the water you need
53g CO2e: white tea or coffee, boiling only the water you need
71g CO2e: white tea or coffee, boiling double the water you need
235g CO2e: a large cappuccino
340g CO2e: a large latte
Adverts (when people often put the kettle on (during
Corrie or the footie)
leading to strain on power stations…)
and as in America advert breaks are getting
longer and longer
A short film about emissions
It’s becoming a crowded marketplace
4.7 million SMES in UK
• SMEs account for 50%
of total UK business
• FSB survey: 83% were
minimizing waste &
recycling; 39% using
energy efficiency
measures; 41% green
procurement; 30%
changing core products
and services to be
more environmentally
Why go green?
• Create competitive advantage and product
differentiation – be better placed in the
market when legislation forces change
• Reduce costs and increase profits
• Increase chance of tendering or receiving
• Increasingly shareholders, pension funds
and customers are making decisions
based on your environmental credentials
• Increase morale, staff retention and
A low carbon economy
• Annual World market of
environmental goods is estimated at
$1.37 trillion = 2.7 times aerospace &
pharmaceuticals industries
• Set to double by 2020
• UN report - 20 million new jobs by
A UK low carbon economy
• £106.5 billion in 2007/8
• Contribution to economy, between
healthcare and construction industry
• UK is sixth largest low carbon and
environmental economy, with 3.5% of
global market share
your workplace
In terms of products
and services you use
or produce or
workplace culture or
procedures what 3
(or more) actions
could you take and
can you think of 1
barrier to change?
• New Green Deal
• The Corporate Leaders Group, May 2005 – Thirteen
business leaders (including BAA, BP, HSBC and John
Lewis) argue that there is a need for urgent action to
avoid worst impacts of climate change. They offer to
work with government to reduce greenhouse gas
• Carbon Disclosure Project (September 2005) acting on
behalf of institutional investors with combined assets of
more than £11 trillion surveyed world’s 500 largest
companies. 90% said climate change posed commercial
risks or opportunities and 63% said they were taking
steps to cut emissions
• Allianz Group, June 2006 – Europe’s
second largest insurer called on the G8 to
come up with a clearer policy on climate
change so business can adapt to the global
threat. This was backed up by comments
earlier in the year from Swiss Re who
highlighted Exxon Mobil, who account for
about 1% of global carbon emissions and
lobby against action to mitigate global
• The Aldersgate Group, June 2006 –
Business leaders (from amongst others
Tesco, Shell and B&Q) urged Tony Blair to
impose tougher limits on greenhouse
emissions from UK industry and told the
government that government action on
reducing CO2 emissions was needed to
drive the development of clean
• A group of leading business people call for
urgent action to prepare the UK for Peak Oil.
The second report of the UK Industry Taskforce
on Peak Oil and Energy Security (ITPOES) finds
that oil shortages, insecurity of supply and price
volatility will destabilise economic, political and
social activity potentially by 2015.
• ITPOES’ membership includes Arup, Foster +
Partners, Scottish and Southern Energy, Solar
Century, Stagecoach Group and Virgin Group.
2010 Peak Oil Report – The Oil
• Taskforce warns Britain is unprepared for
significant risk to companies and consumers
• Poorest to be hit hardest by price rises for travel,
food, heating and consumer goods
• New policies must be priority for whoever wins
the General Election
• Recommended packages include legislation,
new technologies and behaviour-change
Telly Selly Time
Environmental Management System
• same purpose as management systems
related to quality assurance or health and
• assesses strengths and weaknesses to
identify and manage significant impacts.
• better resource management
• manage environmental issues – which are
• compliance with legislation and
performance against recognised industry
Why implement an EMS?
• Regulatory compliance – meet legal
responsibilities and manage them in a
methodical and on a daily basis
• Resource efficiency – policies and
procedures are implemented to manage
waste and resources
• Market positioning – demonstrates to
customers and investors your commitment
to reducing your environmental impact
• Prevents loss of tendering – Large
businesses may only deal with companies
with an EMS
Recognised EMS
• ISO 14001 - International Standard: helps
identify, evaluate, manage and improve the
environmental impacts of your products and
• EMAS (Eco Management and Audit Scheme)
– EU initiative - you produce a public
statement regarding your performance
against targets and objectives. Incorporates
ISO 14001
• BS8555 – British Standard divides EMS
process: ISO14001/ EMAS into 6 stages easier, less daunting and manageable
especially for smaller companies
Carbon Footprint
• Your carbon footprint is a
measure of your
company’s contribution to
global warming
• Almost every energy
consuming activity that
your company undertakes
has an associated release
of greenhouse gas
emissions and thus a
carbon cost and a cost to
the environment
Carbon Auditing
• Direct emissions – From
energy use such as oil, gas
for heating, electricity,
transport fuel (Defra only
talk about direct)
• Indirect emissions – The
energy and carbon
embedded in products
(Carbon Trust cover
indirect and direct)
Carbon footyprint of World Cup, 2.8 million
tonnes CO2e = 6000 space shuttle flights; =
Embedded CO2e of Discovery 3.5 UK people and
4x exhaust CO2 of C1 for lifetime. Process based/
input-output based
Measuring your emissions is the
starting point to reducing them
• Only 1% of
businesses know their
carbon footprint
• All companies listed
on the stock exchange
will have to publish
carbon emissions by
Carbon Quiz
• It’s time to calculate
your carbon footprint
We can keep the findings secret
• Or we can have
a prize for the
• (Don’t get too excited
Setting targets is vital
BT – 80% carbon reduction by 2020
NHS – nearly 2/3 less by 2050
M & S aim to be carbon neutral by 2012
Tesco – 50% by 2020
Commercial – 25% by 2007, 50% by 2008,
up to 80% by 2009
• Severnprint are first business in SW to be
listed in Sunday Times 50 Best Green
Companies 2008 – 14th!
a commercial break…
Taking action to reduce your
environmental Impact
• Energy
• Waste recycling & resource efficiency
• Transport
• Water
• Green Procurement
The Save our Generation Game
Let’s take a walk
around the building
and then see how
many things we
can put on our
green conveyor
belt to reduce our
cuddly toys
Energy – identify uses
• According to the DTI businesses accounts
for 22% of UK energy use
• In the commercial sector 64% of energy
use is from space heating and hot water;
15% for lighting; 11% - ‘other’ and 10% on
• In industrial sector process is by far the
largest user of energy at 55%; ‘others’ is
16%; drying/separation – 11% and space
heating only 10%
Energy – Take Action: Heating
• Insulate, draught proof
• Turn thermostat down to 18C, fit TRVs, fit
boiler controls, service, replace
• lowering room temperatures by 1ºC can
reduce your annual heating bills by 8-10%
• Switch to gas instead of oil
• Consider micro-CHP/ on-site CHP
• Consider solar hot water/heating and
ground and air source heat pumps
• Not biofuel or biomass
Energy – Take Action: Electricity
• Switch to truly ‘green’ electricity supplier. V21
recommend ecotricity and good energy
• Measure energy use
• Try/Do not to use air conditioning
• Switch off – timers, itellipanels
• Lighting – daylight, daylight sensors, occupancy
• When Replacing equipment buy most efficient
• M & S will reduce the amount of energy used in
in stores by 25% per square foot of floor space
• University of Gloucestershire using green
electricity since 1993!
• 600 million tonnes of raw materials are turned
into goods each year in the UK
• for every tonne of product consumed 11
tonnes of natural resources are used
• Typically 1% of business turnover or £1,000
per employee can be saved from waste
• Landfill tax is currently £32 per tonne but this
will increase to at least £48 per tonne
• At least a quarter of office waste can be
easily avoided
• Recycling a tonne of paper saves almost 13
trees. Companies will now buy your paper
• The average office worker currently uses about
one trees worth of paper each year
• e-mails have increased paper use by 40%
• We get through 4.8 million tonnes of printing
paper – much isn’t recycled or made from
recycled paper
• The energy saved by recycling 1 bottle will power
a computer for 25 minutes
Waste – Take Action
• Waste hierarchy – eliminate, reduce, reuse, recycle, disposal
• Save money, make money – win-win
• Instigate a waste minimisation programme
– appoint team and a champion
• Increase morale, staff retention and
• Commercial's Waste Management
Programme has reduced the amount of
waste going to landfill by 88.5% in 2007
Recycling – Take Action
• Install colour coded office bins and wheelie bin/skips to
separate waste streams
• In Cheltenham you can recycle: paper, glass, cardboard,
fluorescent tubes, cans, plastic, wood, construction &
demolition waste, aerosols, batteries, computers, fire
extinguishers, flammable and chlorinated solvents, etc,
• A V21 report found that 80% of Cheltenham companies
surveyed would be willing to work together to reduce
their waste
• Waste presses, which reduces space (containers & bins)
devoted to waste on-site reduces pick-ups (which
reduces on emissions), waste costs and creates an
income from sorted waste
Transport - Facts
• 25 % of car journeys in the UK are less than 2 miles
• 58 % of car journeys in the UK are less than 5 miles
• The average worker in the UK commutes 2,906 miles a year by
• UK workers spend on average 45 minutes a day commuting,
which is the highest in Europe, to go along side our long working
• In the last decade, commuting passenger miles increased by 6%
• The average distance traveled increased by 17% to 8.5 miles
• Between 1991 and 2001 the percentage of people commuting
more than 50km increased by 30%
• Transporting goods by train instead of by road emits 92% less
• In the UK only 12% of our freight travels by rail
Transport – Take Action
(don’t drive like Jeremy Clarkson)
• Measure your company’s fuel use to quantify carbon
• Record and analyse business travel
• Measure individual’s fuel consumption
• Ensure that fuel expense rates are not too generous
• Promote environmentally friendly driving practices
• Remove any excess weight. Remove roof racks when
not in use. Streamlining kits reduces drag
• Service fleet regularly
• Ensure tyres are inflated to correct pressure
• Use air-conditioning sparingly, if at all
• Plan ahead – get drivers to choose uncongested routes
and combine trips… Commercial have done much of this
Transport – Take Action (
don’t listen to Top Gear)
Smaller cars produce less CO2 (‘A’ rated)
Hybrid cars can produce less CO2 (Sky)
Hydrogen cars - No infrastructure
Electric cars – great for local journeys
using green electricity (Sky/Urban movers)
• Emissions – Best: CNG, LPG, diesel,
• Biofuels – Worst than fossil fuels unless
from waste (MacDonalds, Lush,)
Transport – Take Action
(My other car’s a bus)
• Encourage cycling – sheds, showers, bike to
work scheme Commercial
• Double car efficiency over night – take a
colleague to work – Zurich, GCHQ car share
• Encourage public transport use
• Use electric vehicles locally
• Put freight on railway & CANALS (Dave Gorman/M&S)
• Consolidate deliveries and dispatches
• Source locally – good for local business
• Use video-conferencing (Spirax Sarco)
Wash basins
Grey water
Rainwater harvesting – The Greenshop/NHS
Water – Take Action
• Water can cost 1% of your turnover in manufacturing.
• In retail, hospitality or the service sector 50% of water
bills can be saved.
• If water use is confined to office use, there are many
ways to save water with payback periods of a few
• A Water Management System could save you money
and reduce your water consumption by up to 80%
• Severnprint have reduced water use by 302,930 litres
= Ave litres usage per employee per work day reduced
by 32%
Green Procurement
Environmental policy
Carbon/environmental audit
Switch to truly ‘green’ electricity
Insulate, boiler, controls
Ethical bank/pensions, phone, internet
Sustainable construction
Green gardening
Green your office, canteen, toilets
Transport, vehicles, fuel
communicating climate change in
the workplace
• Convey it is serious; it will affect your business;
your business will be forced to change
• Stress moral responsibility. Climate change
isn’t funny, but taking action can be fun
• Stress need for big solutions not plastic bags
• Bigger action isn’t daunting just a change of
habit to change behaviour
• Educate, inform, keep informed of action
• Carrot or stick, reward or reprimand
• Get management buyin (all for one, one for
• Involve everyone
• Screen Age of Stupid –
dispute denier myths
• Use marketing, PR,
psychology, humour
• Don’t harangue or
• Talk about credit
crunch, job security
• Have theme days
Conclusion, Questions, Discussion
• Very big subject – we can send you any information
you need or point you in right direction
• Start of journey - hope we have provided you with
more confidence on the subject
• Where next – visit to Commercial
• Follow up service with you or your manager to answer
questions or support by phone, email or site visit
• Carry out a carbon audit, switch to green electricity
• Identify barriers and work with others to overcome