VPWG Minutes FINAL January 2011 Attendees: ABrose, BGC

VPWG Minutes
January 2011
Attendees: ABrose, BGC; PJohnson, PCRG; RGermany, LCG; KGraziani, MO; KHanley,
CNNC; DKolke, OBB; TPiazza, PPND; MUrishko, ACED; KPelling, ELDI, DFauth, AD;
DD’Anna, MWCDC; JEash, LC; BDamewood, RHLS; DStewart, OPDC;
Staff: BDavidson,
Guests: TCummings, JSmith-Perry, URA;
The meeting was called to order by co-chair Aggie Brose at 9:09am. Welcome and Introductions
were conducted
December meeting minutes were reviewed and passed without revision [1st: PJohnson/2nd:
Treasurer’s Sale:
October 2010 Sale redemption period expiring shortly. Hand money is due Thursday January
27th to City Finance. If you have property in the sale (list distributed) make sure money is in no
later than the 27th. Extensions will not be granted and late money will not be accepted, which
will result in a default of the Land Reserve provisions.
May 2011 Sale – URA approvals expected this month – be on the lookout if you submitted an
November 2011 Sale (tentative) – Process to begin in April – groups have 2-3 months from now
to get their information request lists together
Property Reserve:
Staff reviewed the PRStatus Report. Many parcels came due at the end of October, City letters
should be going out soon, so please make sure that you are following up on your parcels –
either scheduling closings or requesting time extensions, if necessary.
Condemnation Lists:
Updated Lists (that reflect new condemnations and demolitions that have occurred since July
2010) are to-be distributed shortly, please review and re-submit any priorities to BDavidson and
Christie Berger (christine.berger@city.pittsburgh.pa.us)
Additional notes:
Training session needed on the City Departments that interact with condemnations as well as
with other community groups that can mentor and help new groups become familiar with this
ACTION: Staff is to ask BBI/URA to come to an upcoming meeting to review the following
-Prioritization of demolitions
-Requirements of Contractors
-Scope of a building inspector (role and relationship with community group)
-URA Party Wall program
-Sample Signed Contract (enforcement of deficiencies)
GLS Buyback and Related Lists:
Co-chair ABrose gave the update on the recent meeting with the County Economic
Development Department and the agreed upon next steps. The ACED representative to VPWG
will be Melissa Urishko (in attendance).
Staff will collect the following information from URA/City and community groups:
-Round 1 Buyback Parcel Status Update
-Round 2 Re-Use and Timelines
-Map from City Planning of remaining GLS portfolio and revitalization plans
Current designated point of contact: Melissa Urishko – Allegheny County Economic
Neighborhood Stabilization Program:
Guests from the URA were on-hand to discuss the most recent set of funds available through
for h the National program and how the City might be able to apply for a portion of the
Pennsylvania allocation (PA total: $5m)
The group discussed the opportunity and decided on several next steps:
- A motion was made of recommendation from VPWG to the PCRG Board that PCRG support
the city’s NSP3 application recognizing the constraints that are in place and that the
neighborhoods will continue to work with the city between now and the date of final application
-The issue will be an agenda item at the next PCRG Board Meeting (next week)
-PCRG staff and several neighborhood representatives will attend Council Next Wednesday at
10:00am to speak during the public comment portion regarding the resolution Council will be
voting on to approve the application, as well as PCRG Staff will be available during the
intergovernmental affairs committee piece of the agenda where the resolution will be voted on
-Before council there will be a pre-meeting at the URA (Ware room 13th fl) at 8:30am to further
vet and refine the components of the application
REO and National Community Stabilization Trust (NCST)
Co-Chair KPelling gave a brief overview of the First Look Program and becoming an authorized
partner with NCST to be able to see and potentially purchase/receive foreclosed buildings
before they hit the public market
The NCST representative for our region is Dawn Stockmo
NSP 1, 2, 3 eligible tract maps were distributed/viewed
Staff will look into what is meant by ‘NSP eligible tracts’
Issue: A local CDC ‘got beat out’ from MLS First-Look program by a private individual where the
application did not denote that it was owner-occupied or the use for the property. This is in direct
conflict with the First Look Program guidelines. What are the options? File a complaint with PA
Real Estate Commission
Land Recycling Task Force:
KGraziani and the sub-committee community co-chairs (KPelling and BDavidson) all provided
updates on the work that has been done wince December and the next steps. The general
timeline is that there will be a set of recommendations generated by the Land Recycling Entity
and Finance sub-committees by the end of June, though there are moving pieces that will
require action before then (such as State legislation).
Comprehensive Plan:
Both the PreservePgh public meeting and the OSPR Advisory/Management committee
meetings were cancelled (to be re-scheduled) due to winter weather. OSPR public meetings are
targeted for the first half of February. Information will be distributed as it is available.
2011 Goals:
This agenda item was deferred to February meeting
-January 26th, Larimer Community Plan to be distributed to the community. This is a great
accomplishment! Please be on the lookout and consider participating in vetting the draft plan.
-City of Pittsburgh Snow Removal Plan public meetings next week. View City website for
-Based on the success of the first round, the 2nd Civic Leadership Academy applications are out
next week. Deadline February 8th. Please distribute the information widely and encourage staff
and community leaders to apply.
There was no more business and the meeting adjourned at 11:01am 1st: KPelling/2nd: DStewart