Speciation Vocabulary Competition Name The Challenge The class will be split into 2 teams. Each team’s goal is to create the most accurate concept map, with sound justifications, of terms in the unit. Each student will be assigned 2-3 vocabulary words (listed below) and it will be the responsibility of the individual to know what their terms mean and how it relates to (or can be related to) the rest of the terms in the list. As a team, you will be asked to create a concept map using all terms and to write connections between terms/ideas. You will face the other half of the class in a head to head competition as individuals are called up simultaneously to add to the concept map, one word at a time. There is no order to who gets called or when, but each team member must be ready to contribute their word and justification for how it is connected. Essentially, each team will create a sound concept map to tie the concepts of Speciation together. Participation, accurate portrayal of your selected parts, and a notes sheet/mudslinging opportunity on the opposing team’s concept map is an individual 20 points total. Appropriate and sound mudslinging is helpful to your team and much appreciated by your teachers. The prize? All members from the team that “wins” (that is, who Ms. Templora and Mrs. Tanner agree connected and explained the concepts most accurately and effectively) will earn 2 extra points on the upcoming exam – the multiple choice part. Terms that must be included concept map competition: - Coevolution Reproductive Isolation Post-zygotic Barriers Pre-zygotic Barriers Geographic Isolation Allopatric Speciation Sympatric Speciation Species Temporal Isolation Mechanical Isolation Behavioral Isolation Ecological Isolation - Hardy-Weinberg formula Gene Flow Genetic Variation Large Population Mutation Random Mating Sexual Selection Natural Selection Heterozygote Advantage Natural Selection Darwin’s Observations (5) Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium - Stabilizing Selection Directional Selection Disruptive Selection Analogous Structures Homologous Structures Vestigial Structures Adaptive Radiation Bottleneck Effect Founder Effect Genetic Drift Biological Species Concept What we will provide: - The classroom will be your “stage” and we will set 2 spots for the concept maps to be created simultaneously. Paper (ie, the vocabulary words). You just have to know which ones you’re responsible for. Your audience will be the other team and your teachers. Resources to Use: - Textbook Chapters 22-24 (all Evolution chapters) Notes from lectures, reading, and/or reading guides Animations on www.campbellbiology.com for Chapters 22-24 or YouTube, Bozeman Biology, Khan Academy, etc. List of AP Biology Standards (see list on back) for this unit Concept Maps will be created/presented on Tuesday, April 8, 2014