
One dimensional arrays
Index of projects
Random picture display
Sum array values
Display names in listbox
Name search
Car sales
• Arrays are multi-entry data structures.
• One dimensional arrays have a fixed length
associated with the array name, once they have
been built.
– For this reason (one-dim) arrays are called “linear”
data storage
– For this reason arrays are called “static” data storage
– the allocation may not be changed later.
• One dimensional arrays have a datatype
associated with them, the type they may hold.
For this reason arrays are called
• Arrays are declared specifying a size.
• Examples might be:
Dim calendarEntries(365) as Date
Dim bestFriends(3) as String
Dim list(5) as integer
Dim values(25) as Double
• Arrays can be allocated at compile time, in which
case their size is calculated based on how many
entries are provided, as in
Dim numbers as double()={1.1,2.2,3.3}
• Because arrays have fixed size, once
allocated, loops are useful for processing
• Array indices are zero-based (count
subscripts starting at zero) just as String
indices are in VB.
• There are a number of fields/methods
useful for arrays such as: length, getType,
initialize(), reverse(), lastIndexOf
A loop is generally used to process
an array
‘ if we have built an array:
Dim list(5),i as integer
‘ then later….
For i=0 to list.length-1
‘ process elements here… for example
‘a typical initialization
We could “glue together” names
Dim longstring as string=“ “
Dim picnames As String() = {"lisa", "bart", "dollars", "robot“_
,"booper", "shakespeare", "nerd"}
For i=0 to picnames.length-1
Longstring = longstring & “ “ & picnames(i)
We could search for a name
Dim picnames As String() = {"lisa", "bart", "dollars", "robot“_
,"booper", "shakespeare", "nerd"}
Dim name as string
Dim found as boolean=false
For i=0 to picnames.length-1
If name= picnames(i) then
End if
A form which displays random
• Uses our array of names since I found
those gif files.
• Uses techniques we used in our “flags-ofthe-world” application to display pictures
A form which displays random
Clicking random button
This form uses
• A string array declared as a field value and
initialized at time of declaration
• A random object to pick random entries –
remember parens are used when allocating an
object with the new keyword
• A picture box to display pictures
• Gets the image from a file using
Dim randomguy As Random = New Random()
Dim picnames As String() = {"lisa", "bart", "dollars", "robot", "booper",
"shakespeare", "nerd"}
Random class
• The next (or nextint()) function gets the
next random value.
• You can give the next a start and final
value and it will pick a random int from
start to final-1
• If you use random class to generate reals,
it gives reals in the range (0,1). To get
other reals multiply and shift.
Code for btnrandom
Private Sub btnRandom_Click(ByVal sender As
System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Handles btnRandom.Click
Dim val As Integer
val = randomguy.Next(0, picnames.Length)
picture.Image =
Image.FromFile(directory.GetCurrentDirectory &
picnames(val) & ".gif")
End Sub
Debugger note
• In VB 2003 the debugger expects files to
be named “bin”&name.gif since the debug
version of your project is in a bin
• We noticed in VB2005 it didn’t work the
More on arrays and the debug
For each item in array…next
• For each is a useful mechanism when the
number of items in an array is not known:
Private Sub Btndisplay_Click(ByVal sender As
System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Handles btndisplay.Click
Dim Name As String
For Each Name In names
Debug.WriteLine(Name) ’write to debug
End Sub
Now display to listbox
Array allocation and button code
Dim names As String() = {"bob", "sue", "mary",
"jeremiah", "opie", "jezebel"} ‘put on one line or use
line continue
‘this is compile time array allocation
Private Sub Btndisplay_Click(ByVal sender As
System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Handles btndisplay.Click
Dim Name As String
For Each Name In names
End Sub
Common activites
• Arrays often need to be searched for a specific
• Largest or smallest value may be sought.
• Arrays may need to be summed (if contents are
Allocate an array and sum its
Dim values As Double() = {1.2, 2.3, 3.4, 5.6, 6.7, 7.8, 8.9, 9.0}
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e
As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim sum As Double = 0 'set sum to zero…additive identity element
Dim guy As Double
For Each guy In values
sum += guy
MessageBox.Show("sum is" & sum, "The sum",
MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Hand)
End Sub
Find the largest (or smallest)
Revised loadform code
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object,
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim big As Double = values(0) 'set big to first one
Dim guy As Double
For Each guy In values
If guy > big Then
big = guy
End If
MessageBox.Show("largest is" & big, "findbiggest",
MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Hand)
End Sub
Look for mary
Mary found
Look for bozo
Can’t find him
One version of search code: remember, the user
may need a reminder about case-sensitivity
Private Sub btnfind_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles btnfind.Click
Dim search, guy As String
Dim found As Boolean = False
search = txtguy.Text ‘value in textbox
For Each guy In names
If guy = search Then
MessageBox.Show(search & "is found", "results",
MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Hand)
found = True
End If
'after loop you'll know if he's not there
If Not found Then
MessageBox.Show(search & "is not found", "results",
MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Hand)
End If
End Sub
Another version of search code
Private Sub btnfind_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles btnfind.Click
Dim search, guy As String
Dim found As Boolean = False
search = txtguy.Text ‘value in textbox
For Each guy In names
If guy = search Then
found = True
End If
'after loop you'll know if he's not there
If found Then
MessageBox.Show(search & "is found", "results",
MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Hand)
MessageBox.Show(search & "is not found", "results",
MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Hand)
End If
End Sub
Yet another version of search code
Private Sub btnfind_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object,
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnfind.Click
Dim search, guy As String
Dim message as String = “Not there” ‘ must assume
won’t be found
search = txtguy.Text ‘value in textbox
For Each guy In names
If guy = search Then
Message=“Is there”
End If
'after loop you'll know if he's not there…no if needed
MessageBox.Show(search & message, "results",
MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Hand)
End Sub
Car sales
We have several employees and
car models
• This application uses a combobox
• You can populate it from the properties
window by clicking the ellipsis and
entering strings into the dialog box
Arrays needed for car sales
‘which one?
Dim list As Integer() = {0, 0, 0, 0}
‘ name of car sold
Dim values(4) As String
’car costs
Dim prices as
‘worker names
Dim employees() as String={“names”,”go”,”here”}
Keep track of individual employee sales