THE NEW SUSTAINABILITY ADVANTAGE : The Presentation Featuring excerpts from three talks by Bob Willard about the book THE NEW SUSTAINABILITY ADVANTAGE: The Presentation Part I INTRODUCTION Excerpt from a keynote talk at CMA Ontario’s Big Ideas Conference Definitions of Sustainability Sustainable Development (SD) Meeting the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. – Brundtland Commission, 1987 – Sustainability The possibility that human and other forms of life on earth will flourish forever. – John Ehrenfeld, Professor Emeritus, MIT – Sustainable Development (SD) Enough - for all – forever. – African Delegate to Johannesburg (Rio+10) – Core Concepts of Sustainability Futures Thinking Intergenerational responsibility (Eco-)Systems Thinking Carrying capacity of the planet to absorb waste and support life Social Justice Equity, Dignity, Basic services, Human rights, Stakeholder voices Economic, Environmental, Social/Cultural responsibilities 3-Legged Sustainability Stool Sustainability Economic Leg Good Jobs Fair wages Security Infrastructure Fair Trade Environmental Leg No Pollution & Waste Renewable Energy Conservation Restoration Social Leg Working conditions Health services Education services Community & Culture Social justice Quality of Life / Genuine Wealth / Genuine Progress Corporate Sustainability 3-Legged Stool Triple Bottom Line (TBL) = 3Es = 3Ps = Sustainability = Sustainable Development (SD) = Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) = Corporate Responsibility (CR) = Green = Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG) Economy - Profits Growth Jobs, Taxes Products Services Environment - Planet Eco-efficiencies Eco-effectiveness Equity - People Employees Community / Culture World Smart Business 3-Legged Stool Asset Management Natural Capital Economic / Financial Capital Built / Manufactured Capital Human Capital Social Capital Sustainable Value Creation THE NEW SUSTAINABILITY ADVANTAGE: The Presentation Part II THE 5-STAGE JOURNEY Excerpt from a talk to a York University Class SUSTAINABILITY JOURNEY 2. Compliance 1. Pre-Compliance SUSTAINABILITY JOURNEY 3. Beyond Compliance 2. Compliance 1. Pre-Compliance SUSTAINABILITY JOURNEY 4. INTEGRATED STRATEGY 3. Beyond Compliance 2. Compliance 1. Pre-Compliance THE NEW SUSTAINABILITY ADVANTAGE: The Presentation Part III THE CASE FOR SUSTAINABILITY Excerpt from a talk at a book launch event at the Toronto Sustainability Speakers Series (TSSS) MORE COMPELLING BUSINESS CASE 9% 25% +51 to +81% PROFIT -16 to -36% 2. Reduced energy 75% 3. Reduced waste 20% 4. Reduced materials 10% 5. Increased productivity 6. Reduced turnover SUSTAINABILITY CAPITAL RESERVE Revenue Risks 7. Reduced revenue and increased expenses 1. Increased revenue Income Statement Expenses Opportunities 2% SLIDES WHAT’S NEW? “CSV” and “Sustainability Imperative” Position as “Strategies” for Stage 4 WHAT’S NEW? “CSV” and “Sustainability Imperative” Position as “Strategies” for Stage 4 More compelling / rigorous case Better business case tools THE NEW SUSTAINABILITY ADVANTAGE: The Presentation IN CLOSING … THE NEW SUSTAINABILITY ADVANTAGE: The Presentation See for more resources for sustainability champions