Development aid: Does it work? 1 Introduction There is a long-standing debate in development economics about whether development aid does any good or simply gives the donors a clean conscience and allows them to forget their colonial misdeeds. Angus Deaton, 2015 Nobel laureate, is a well-known critic; so is William Easterly, former World Bank staff. Another former World Bank staff, Dambysia Moyo, wrote a book claiming that the best thing that could happen to Africa would be if all African leaders received a phone call announcing them that all sources of aid would stop in the next five years. On the other hand, people like Jeffrey Sachs, founder of Harvard Center for Development Studies, argues that there is too little aid to make a difference. In his view, aid would have an effect if it took the form of a “big push” removing all the constraints to growth at once. To get a feel for the debate, take a look at the following two clips: Does it matter a lot? Development aid is big money: A grand total $120 billion in 2009 from 23 member countries of the OECD DAC (Development Assistance Committee) through 156 bilateral agencies (DDC in Switzerland, AFD in France, GTZ in Germany, DFID in England, etc.) and 263 multilateral agencies (World Bank, IMF, UNDP etc.).1 Basically 1% to 1.5% of recipient countries GDP. Since 1970, total is about $2.98 trillion dollars 2008. This is all big money, so whether it made any difference or not is a legitimate question. Who receives aid? The lion's share goes to Africa: Figure 1: Aid disbursements by recipient region (average 2000-2010) 1 Birdsall Kharas 2010. 1 Source : Ferro Wilson 2011 Who donates? The figure below shows the log of bilateral assistance in 2008 versus the log of GDP, both expressed in current dollars. We can see that the size of the economy widely predicts the size of aid flows. After adjusting depending on the size of the economy, the biggest donors (the greatest vertical distance from the regression line) are not the former colonial powers (GB, France) but rather the countries with strong social capital structure (Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Netherlands). Figure 2: Total aid vs GDP of donor countries 10 USA 9 DEU GBR FRA JPN NLD 8 DNK ESP CAN ITA SWE NOR AUS BEL CHE AUT 7 IRL FIN PRT GRC KOR 6 LUX NZL 10 12 14 16 lgdp Source : WDI (GDP) ; Birdsall Kharas 2010 (ODA) Evaluating the impact of aid is all the more important given that the budgetary situation of many donors is not as good as it used to be after the Global Financial crisis, turning public opinion against spending in general and against international aid in particular. Figure 3: Public opinion and spending cuts 2 Source : Financial Times, 12 july 2010. 2. Prima facie evidence Prima facie evidence is frankly not very encouraging, with growth plummeting in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) precisely when aid flows grow (Figure 4). However a graph like this says nothing and should be interpreted very cautiously. Easterly (2003) writes that it shows that aid is ineffective. But countries get aid when they are sick. The picture is like saying, “people in hospital are sicker than people in the street, therefore hospitals are useless”. There is a basic endogeneity problem that makes the identification of aid’s impact very difficult. As usual, we will be struggling with this identification problem through various econometric approaches. Figure 4: Aid and SSA’s economic performance 3 Source : Easterly 2003 Before trying to assess aid’s impact, one should keep in mind that its objectives are multiple, including 1. Reduce poverty 2 Improve health 3 Improve education 4 Accelerate growth. It is difficult to evaluate its efficacy according to a single criterion, so some evaluations have adopted a multi-criteria approach, like CGDev’s donor’s assessment by (Birdsall Kharas 2010) (Table 1) Table 1: Multicriteria evaluation of donor performance 4 This approach produces multidimensional performance ratings like in Figure 5. Figure 5: Multidimensional donor performance rating Alternatively, Ferro and Wilson (2011) test econometrically the adequacy of development aid to needs as expressed by the companies in the World Bank’s Enterprise Surveys, where companies divide the main obstacles to their activity among seven categories (labour, business climate, access to credit, infrastructure, stability, rule of law, or trade). The targeting of Development aid is measured through the the Creditor Reporting System, a database about assistance to development from the OECD. The estimating equation is 5 ln adrjt d r j Prj ,t 1 udrjt (1) where d is the donor country, r the recipient country, j is the type of obstacle, adrjt is the amount of disbursed assistance targeted on constraint j in country r by donor country d, in millions dollars, in year t, and Prj ,t 1 is the proportion of firms in country r giving constraint j as the main one for year t-1. If ̂ is significant, aid is correlated with firm perceptions of what are the biggest obstacles to them, which is what we hope. This will give us an overall picture of adequacy of aid to needs. A variant can be tested where interaction terms allow us to test different coefficients, one for each type of constraint: ln adrjt d r j Prj ,t 1 j 1 j Prj ,t 1 I j udrjt (2) 1 for constraint j Ij otherwise 0 (3) 7 where In this case, the marginal effect of a perceived constraint, say trade-related (e.g. inefficient border agencies, high import tariffs, etc), on aid is adrjt Prj j (4) Their sample is a panel of 67 developing countries over 2004-2008. Results are shown in Table 2. Table 2: Firm perceptions of constraints to growth and aid allocation 6 Source : Ferro Wilson 2011, Table 3 The correlation is positive, and this is rather good news. The basic problem in the evaluation of aid’s impact on the basis of donors criteria is that money is fungible. By that, we mean that when a donor grants money for a program or project, it relaxes the Government’s overall budget constraint and allows it to spend larger amounts where its wants to, not necessarily where the donor wants. Put in plain terms: The donor gives for a hospital. This allows the government not to spend money for the hospital, and instead spend that money on the armed forces. The fungibility of aid money makes it logical to take as the performance criterion some single objective on which both beneficiary and donors can agree. Here we will consider (unsurprisingly) the impact aid has on growth, as, at least in principle, improvements in criteria 1-3 in our classification above are correlated with growth at the country-time level. 2. The impact of aid on growth Given that this whole business of adequacy of grants to needs, perceived or real, is marred by the problem of money fungibility, a short-cut approach is to assess the overall, “reduced-form” effect of aid on growth. This is justified by the fact that a whole lot of welfare indicators are closely 7 correlated to GDP per capita, so if aid helps GDP per capita to grow faster, all welfare indicators can be expected to improve (or so the story goes…) The basic equation to test the impact of aid on growth is gi 0 1ai xiβ ui (5) where ai is the amount of aid per capita and xi is a vector of country characteristics influencing growth (initial GDP, education levels, investment rates as in any Barro growth regression, and whatever you want on institutions, social capital etc.) Problem 1 : endogeneity of aid. If aid tends to go either to promising countries or, more likely, to countries undergoing difficulties that translate into low growth, (5) will return biased estimates. In order to take the endogeneity of aid to growth into account in the estimation, one should estimate something like gi 0 1ai xiβ ui ai 0 1 gi zi δ vi (6) where aid is a function of growth for instance through crisis response. Equation system (6) is basically what was estimated by IV techniques in the first generation of papers (e.g. Boone 94, 95); where the coefficient of aid in the growth equation was typically not significant. The problem in estimating this kind of equation through instrumental variable (e.g. 2SLS) is that it is almost impossible to find at the same time strong instruments (correlated with aid) that also satisfy the exclusion restriction (in plain English, recall that the exclusion restriction means that the instrument for aid can influence growth, but only through its relationship with aid; not directly). As we do not know much about bilateral aid allocation criteria, instruments are likely to be weak, even if we knew those criteria, they would be likely to be related to the recipient country’s growth performance, violating the exclusion restriction. Frankly, there is no perfect fix for that. We will see later on a paper by Nunn and Qiang with a super-smart identification strategy for U.S. food aid, a particular type of aid. Problem 2 : Heterogeneity of effects This issue has given rise to even more debate than reverse causality. The issue is whether a given dollar of aid has more impact in some policy environments than in others, and whether that should be taken into account in both the estimation of impact and in the allocation of aid. Suppose that a scatter point of growth vs. aid at the recipient-country level looked like Figure 6. Figure 6: Fictitious data on growth and aid with heterogeneous effects 8 4 2 0 -2 -4 0 2 4 6 aid growth Fitted values In such a setting, a “naïve” regression of growth on aid of the form gi 0 1ai ui (7) would return no impact : Because it would pick up only average effects shown by the regression line in Figure 6. The correct specification in such a case would be a regression of growth on aid with an interaction term between aid and the “hidden variable” in Figure 6, which could be for instance the quality of domestic policies in the recipient country: gi 0 1ai 2 pi 3 pi ai ui If we did that on the fictitious data of Figure 6, we would get the following results : 9 (8) with the marginal effect on aid being gi ai 1 3 pi 1.65 3.15 0.54 0.0551 pi 1 2 (9) This is what Burnside and Dollar (2000) did in a paper that had a huge impact. How to measure the "quality" of domestic policy? One approach would be to take the World Bank’s CPIA index, which rates the quality of government policies in each country. Instead, they try to assess it as part of their estimation procedure. Their approach is to regress growth on a whole bunch of policy variables and aid: gi 0 1ai pi α xiβ ui 0 1ai 2 si 3 i 4 SWi (10) In (10), s is the government budget surplus, is the rate of inflation, and SW is the Sachs-Warner openness variable.2 Therefore, the policy quality vector is essentially about macro policy. They then take the component of growth that is explained by these variables as their policy-quality index through an auxiliary regression whose results are shown in Table 3. Table 3: Burnside-Dollar’s results—determination of weights 2 In case you forgot, a closed economy is one where one of the following conditions is verified : average tariff over 40%, coverage ratio of non-tariff barriers is higher than 40%, foreign-exchange premium is bigger than 20% for 10 years, a socialist economy, or the presence of an export monopoly. 10 As aid looks non-significant (in accordance with the results of the papers of first generation, and, in their argument, because the regression looks at average effects like in Figure 6), they take it out. They then recover the regression coefficients and build a quality index of quality over politics. pˆ i const. ˆ1si ˆ2 i ˆ SWi 1.28 6.85si 1.4 i 2.16SWi (11) which is equal to the predicted growth based on the values of the three variables for a country with the average of all the other features that are taken into consideration in the growth regression. In the second step, they put the index in two main regressions (growth and aid), with a square term for aid, in case the effect would be non-linear: gi 0 1ai 2 pˆ i 3 pˆ i ai 4 pˆ i ai 2 xiβ ui ai 0 1 gi 2 pˆ i zi δ vi (12) Then they consider the first one by 2SLS, i.e. using the predicted value of ai in the second equation as an instrument for ai. (or by OLS, ignoring the problem of aid’s endogeneity). In this approach, the interaction term in the first equation allows us to treat the problem of heterogeneity of effects, and the inclusion of quality of policies index in the second equation allows us to see if aid is effectively targeted to those countries whose policies are good (two tests for the price of one – the paper proposes a combined answer to the two initial questions + an implicit evaluation of the targeting’s performance). 11 Results are shown in Table 4. Table 4: Burnside and Dollar’s regression results (main regression) The interaction term is positive but significant only in OLS: Instrumentation through the second equation in (12) kills the effect or makes it barely significant (only at the 10 percent level), suggesting that much of the significance of the effect observed under OLS is driven by simultaneity bias. Marginal effect of aid using OLS (4) column: gi ai ˆ1 ˆ3 pi 2ˆ 4ai pi pi 0 not signif. 0.20 1.2 2 0.019ai 1.2 0.24 0.0228ai ˆ3 pi (13) pi 0.24 0.036 0.203 So if the aid as a percentage of GDP rose from 1.6% (0.016) to 2% (0.02), an increase of 0.004, the average growth would increase from 1.1% per year (0.011) to 1.18% per year (0.011 + 0.203 × 0.04)-less than 1% of acceleration in growth. Passing aid to 5% of GDP, growth would rise to 1.7% per year. Worse: Three years later, Easterly, Levine and Roodman paper showed that even these weak results were not robust enough to proceed to an extension of the sample. 12 Source : Easterly, Levine et Roodman (2004) Other papers questioned the approach of Burnside and Dollar on a more substantial basis. For example, Guillaumont and Chauvet suggested a better identification of the aid’s determinants (the 2e equation, the weak link in all this story) from shocks (terms of trade, climate shocks, etc.). By doing this, the impact of aid depends on shocks, not policies. 3 Can aid have perverse effects? Potential perverse effects of aid include o Corruption o Distortions in prices (disguised dumping) o The “Dutch disease” "Dutch disease" refers to a macroeconomic syndrome related to the exploitation of natural resources (origin: gas in the Netherlands in the 1970s): o Capital inflow + booming exports causing an appreciation of the currency 13 o Boom of a sector (mining) causes a local inflation (wages, prices of goods, services, real estate etc.) The combination of the two (appreciation + inflation) causes a stronger real appreciation that undermines the country's competitiveness in all other sectors. Pushing it to the extreme, the mining sector cannibalizes the rest and the country is deindustrializing (examples: Netherlands s 70, Nigeria, Great Britain s 80). The curse of aid: in monetary terms, aid has the same effect as an influx of capital: it allows the maintenance of an unrealistic exchange rate which penalizes all tradable sectors of the economy. In real form, aid has the same effect as a massive dumping: discourages local production and creates annuities. Collier and Hoeffler (2004) show that, against a background of civil conflict, aid tends to strengthen the central Government (due to fungibility which allows the government to increase security spending) and therefore discourages rebellions, which reduces the incidence of conflict. Other arguments go in the reverse direction, suggesting that enlarges the “pie” over which belligerants want to fight. Is this true? A recent study (Nunn Qiang 2011) suggests that aid may well contribute to trigger conflicts. This is a quite important issue: over the last 40 years, 98% of the deaths deriving from conflicts (civil or international wars) occurred in developing countries and three quarters of these conflicts are civil wars (Nunn Qiang 2011). Nunn and Qiang (2011) applied a very original identification strategy to the problem by analyzing the potential contribution of US food aid to conflicts in recipient countries paying very careful attention to avoiding any endogeneity trap. The original motivation of the U.S. Food Aid program is nicely summarized in the following quote from John F. Kennedy: Nunn and Qiang argue, instead, that US food aid may well consist of dumping US agricultureal surpluses in bumper-crop years. This is apparent in Figure 7. This suggests a nice identification strategy: Use as an instrumental variable for U.S. food aid the level of precipitations in Kansas the year before (given that much of the wheat that is dumped as food aid is produced in Kansas). Figure 7: U.S. food aid and wheat production 14 Source : Nunn Qian 2011 Then, they show that the incidence of conflicts seems to correlate with food aid/production in Kansas : Source : Nunn Qian 2011 Based on this preliminary evidence, they regress the incidence of conflicts in country i (region R (i) such as Africa, Asia etc.) over the amount of food assistance received by this country from the United States in the year t, considering all the control variables that you can imagine. Sample: 113 countries over 29 years (1976-2004). The identification problem is the usual one: Aid is very probably endogenous to the conflict; i.e. there is food aid because there is a conflict. But the instrumental-variable approach avoids this trap: 15 The fact that there is a conflict in Uganda does not make it rain in Kansas. The only problem is that the instrumental variable varies by year, not by recipient country. Their strategy is to interact a recipient country receives on average over the period of sampling (which varies across recipients but not over time) with rainfall in Kansas (which varies across years but not across recipients), thus generating an instrument that varies across time and recipients. ait 0 1Tt 1 ai 2 Pt 1 ai 3ci ,t 1 zit Ri t i uit (14) The second stage equation regresses the impact of (a dummy variable for a civil or international war) conflict over aid, instrumented by the first one: cit 0 1ait xit γ Ri t i uit (15) The estimate answers to the following question: do the recipient countries have a stronger incidence of conflicts than non-recipient countries after a year of grain oversupply in the United States? Source : Nunn Qian 2011 Mechanism of conflict’s activation: the aid amounts issues; If there is no democratic institutions to resolve conflicts, the dispute over annuities degenerates. Nunn and Qiang found a 6 times greater effect for those countries that never had a civilian Government. Example: Somalia (see Maren, M (1997), The Road to hell: The ravaging effects of foreign aid and international charity, NY, NY: The Free Press). "The government had launched a cynical campaign: First you starve them, then attract them to central areas with food, then cart them off to where you want them." "That had been the government's plan, carried out with the assistance, unwitting sometimes, of local foreign charities using donated by schoolchildren and old ladies and working-class families in church." 16 4. Impact evaluation at the micro level The assessment of aid projects is generally quite primitive. Over more than 80 projects of assistance to trade from the World Bank, only 4 with a more or less serious assessment. It is even worse for bilateral donors (European Commission, etc.). there is currently a controversy over how evaluation should take place, with scholars at MIT’s JPAL research center advocating for the systematic use of randomized control trials (RCTs) whereas other people like Angus Deaton have contested the superiority of RCTs over traditional econometric methods. In general, there is a wealth of methods available, illustrated in Figure 8. Figure 8: Evaluation methods available Main IE methods Experimental RCT Encouragement design REQUIRE DELIBERATE PROJECT DESIGN Quasi-experimental Pipeline RDD DID Matching-DID REQUIRE CERTAIN PROJECT CHARACTERISTICS None of them is perfect and there is a number of inevitable trade-offs, illustrated in Figure 9. Highly relevant outcome variables such as aggregate (country-level) export performance, growth or employment are likely to be related only in very complicated way to policy interventions and projects on the ground; that’s what I call “long causal chains”. By contrast, very operational performance measures like container “dwell times” (how long a container remains stranded in customs or in a port) may be quite correlated with the effectiveness of interventions, but typically politicians don’t give a damn. Then the other inevitable trade-off is between o cross-country econometrics, where general empirical regularities are identified (good “external validity”), but only loosely because there are so many confounding influences/endogeneity biases (see our discussion earlier in this chapter and throughout the course) (poor “internal validity”), and o impact evaluations, where program effects are identified sharply (good internal validity) but results may fail to hold in other settings (poor external validity). There is no real way out of these key trade-offs. 17 Figure 9: Key trade-offs in evaluation Choice of outcomes o Interesting/important outcome -> long causal chain -> weak identification o Strong identification -> short causal chain -> unexciting outcome Relevance Visibility Identification of causal chain Export, Growth, Unemployment TRADE-OFF 1 Container dwell times Length of causal chain Relevance of outcomes Better policy relevance comes at the price of weaker identification Internal validity (ability to identify a causal relation) Investigation approach o Impact evaluation -> strong internal validity o Cross-country econometrics: strong external validity IE TRADE-OFF 2 Cross-country econometrics External validity (ability to derive generalizable results) 4.1 Identification with a control group Here the argument is that a proper program evaluation needs to have a control group, as simple before-after comparisons are liable to all sorts of confounding influences. This is visible in Figure 10, where Senegal’s horticulture exports seem to soar after the implementation of an EU technical assistance program, the Pesticides Initiative Program (PIP). Figure 10: The illusion of a before-after comparison 18 Début du programme Source : Jaud Cadot 2010 However, it is not really clear that it is the effect of the program we are observing. There may be overall influences on all observed individuals confounding the treatment effect. Let us define treatment-group status 1 if 𝑖 is treated 𝐺𝑖 = { 0 otherwise (16) and treatement period 1 after the programm′ s begnning 𝑇𝑃𝑡 = { 0 before To avoid the problem of "confounding influences", we must define a control group which is not subjected to the treatment, and we compare the performance of individuals after vs. before treatment (difference 1) for individuals in treatment vs. for those in the control group (difference 2). This method is called “difference-in-differences” (DID) regression. It makes it possible to control for situations like that shown in Figure 11. Figure 11 illustrates another situation where DID estimation is needed, because there is a cisis affecting all individuals after 2006. Figure 11: A situation where DID estimation is needed 19 30.00 0.00 10.00 20.00 Program year 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 year treated control Formally, a DID regression equation looks like this. Let y be e.g. exports level or growth and xi a vector of individual characteristics: yit 0 1TGi 2TPt 3TGi TPt xiβ uit Treatment effect In the case of the PIP’s evaluation, DID regression results are as follows Clearly, they are a lot less spectacular than a before-after comparison would suggest. 4.2 Experimental methods 20 (17) Problem: Correlation between the likelihood of being treated and individual characteristics Examples o Education o Voluntary technical assistance programs The most direct method to filter the selection effects is randomization. Sources of difficulties o 'Acceptability': ethics, political, more easy with lotteries among the beneficiaries, or with the “incentives design” which consists in randomizing the promotion of the program between different regions, which generates various participation rates at random rates o Size of sample/cost; a randomized impact assessment can easily cost you 200-300'000 $ o External validity: an impact assessment cannot claim to generate general lessons. 4.3 Quasi-experimental methods The key problem in quasi-experimental method is one of selection. In principle, treatment status should not correlate with pre-treatment individual characteristics that can impact future performance. But this is rarely the case. If a program goes to the worst performers (e.g. development aid) and we do not correct for selection, we underestimate the treatment effect (true treatment is larger than measured). If the program goes instead to the best performers (e.g. voluntary assistance to technical assistance) and we do not correct for selection, we overestimate the effect of treatment (true treatment is smaller than measured). Suppose that growth during the treatment correlates somehow with growth before the treatment (because growth is persistent). If it happened that treated firms in a given program (say, an exportpromotion program) enrolled into the program because they had a period of fast growth just before the treatment that made them interested in getting export promotion, we might attribute their faster growth during the program to a “treatment effect” while, in reality, it is just a “selection effect”: Firms enrolled into the program because of the fast growth. If fast growth is a permanent characteristic of treated firms, no problem: this can be controlled by fixed effects. But what if they had fast growth after a change of management a few years before the program? Propensity-score matching can help reduce the bias due to selection effect by “handpicking” a control group with characteristics similar to those of the treatment group. In our case, we would use lagged growth as a firm characteristic and “match” treated firms with high-growth control firms, as in Figure 12. Figure 12: A case where treated firms were fast growers before treatment 21 3 2 Pre-program growth matching 0 1 Low weight or discarded 0 .5 1 log firm size Control group 1.5 2 Treatment group The propensity-score matching (PSM) procedure treats this problem in two steps. In the first, treatment status is regressed on individual characteristics: Pr i TG f xi (18) In (18), characteristics are taken as time-invariant and evaluated at the beginning of the sample period. But we could also re-estimate that in every period for programs in which firms or invididuals enrol when they want, and that’s what we would do if we wanted to use lagged growth as one of the determinants of enrolment. From step 1, we retrieve predicted treatment probabilities (“propensity scores”), pˆ i , and use them to assign weights to control-group observations when matching them with treatment-group observations. For each treated individual i, we form a “customized” control group with weights wij assigned to control-group individuals j with lower weights on those having propensity scores that differ a lot from i’s. The DID estimator is then ˆ PSM DID iTG yi jCG wij y j (19) yi yi ,post-traitement yi ,pre-traitement (20) where Example : Export promotion in Tunisia, where DID produces severely biased results without matching. Table 5: FAMEX treatment effects estimated by DID without matching 22 Forwarding degree Estimator Outcome Total exports R-squared Nb. destinations R-squared Nb. products R-squared TY (k = 0) OLS (1) TY+1 (k = 1) OLS (2) TY+2 (k = 2) OLS (3) TY+3 (k = 3) OLS (4) TY+4 (k = 4) OLS (5) TY+5 (k = 5) OLS (6) 0.774*** [0.187] 0.550 0.890*** [0.204] 0.552 0.445** [0.220] 0.551 0.600*** [0.227] 0.551 0.519* [0.282] 0.544 0.852*** [0.290] 0.551 0.338*** [0.033] 0.413 0.355*** [0.033] 0.417 0.323*** [0.037] 0.416 0.288*** [0.036] 0.417 0.305*** [0.043] 0.412 0.353*** [0.045] 0.418 0.290*** [0.039] 0.414 0.285*** [0.041] 0.415 0.240*** [0.042] 0.415 0.230*** [0.044] 0.414 0.265*** [0.054] 0.411 0.337*** [0.053] 0.416 21,077 18,638 13,802 9,197 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Observations 18,805 21,089 Fixed effects included in 3 regressions above Firm Yes Yes Sector-year Yes Yes Table 6: Same thing after matching Forwarding degree Estimator Outcome Total exports R-squared Nb. destinations R-squared Nb. products R-squared TY (k = 0) PS weighted (1) TY+1 (k = 1) PS weighted (2) TY+2 (k = 2) PS weighted (3) TY+3 (k = 3) PS weighted (4) TY+4 (k = 4) PS weighted (5) TY+5 (k = 5) PS weighted (6) 0.411** [0.171] 0.793 0.486** [0.200] 0.770 0.208 [0.216] 0.765 0.080 [0.280] 0.762 0.009 [0.349] 0.746 0.144 [0.327] 0.740 0.104*** [0.022] 0.840 0.111*** [0.027] 0.825 0.076** [0.032] 0.813 0.022 [0.033] 0.807 -0.014 [0.046] 0.787 0.039 [0.045] 0.783 0.086*** [0.031] 0.799 0.081** [0.037] 0.783 0.062 [0.042] 0.773 -0.025 [0.047] 0.761 -0.009 [0.053] 0.755 0.072 [0.055] 0.755 21,077 18,638 13,802 9,197 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Observations 18,805 21,089 Fixed effects included in 3 regressions above Firm Yes Yes Sector-year Yes Yes Effect of matching 23 Predicted Observed FAMEX No FAMEX Average Export value per firm (KTD) Average Export value per firm (KTD) No FAMEX 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 FAMEX 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 4.4 Externalities Philosophical problem of the impact assessment if it is used to evaluate enterprise assistance programs. The Government should use taxpayer money to help companies only if there is a market deficiency (otherwise the companies should pay for the services provided): Informational externalities: If a company explores a new market and succeeds, it demonstrates the profitability of this market, others imitate it, therefore, annuities are dispelled (the information is a public good), and anticipating that the company provides less resources it would be socially optimal. It is only in a case of this kind that the program can be justified. However o If there are treatment’s effects, it means the benefits of the expansion into new markets are internalized by the recipient firms, therefore, we do not need the program o If there is no treatment effect, it means that either the program has no effect or the benefits are spread among the control group, which would precisely be good justification for the program! 24 Table 7: Cost-benefit analysis TY TY+1 (a) Total exports of all FAMEX firms (in millions of TD) (b) Total counterfactual exports of all FAMEX firms without treatment (in millions of TD) (c) Additional exports generated by FAMEX program (in millions of TD) 1352.26 1433.42 896.53 881.67 455.73 551.75 (d) Discounted (using 8% rate) additional FAMEX exports (in millions of TD) 455.73 507.61 (e) Total profits (using 5% rate) generated by additional FAMEX exports (in millions of TD) 22.79 25.38 6.84 7.61 Tax revenue collected on total profits generated by additional FAMEX exports (30% (f) corporate tax rate) (in millions of TD) Total cost of grants provided to firms + administrative and operational costs of FAMEX (g) program (in millions of TD) (h) Public benefit/cost ratio = (f)/(g) TY+2 TY+3 TY+4 TY+5 Total Ratio Difference across FAMEX firms and counterfactual is not significant - - - - - - - - 14.20 48.17 14.45 14.20 1.02 (i) Net after-tax total profits generated by additional exports (in millions of TD) = (e)-(f) (j) Amount paid for by FAMEX firms as matching grants (in millions of TD) (k) Private benefit/cost ratio = (i)/(j) 15.95 9.44 (l) Total public and private cost of FAMEX program = (g)+(j) (m) Overall benefit/cost ratio = (e)/(l) 23.64 17.77 - - - - 33.72 9.44 3.57 2.04 References Birdsall, Nancy, and H. Kharas (2010), Quality of Official Development Assistance Assessment; Washington, DC: Center for Global Development. Burnside, Craig, and D. Dollar (2000), “Aid, Policies, and Growth”; American Economic Review 90, 847-868. Collier, Paul, and A. Hoeffler (2004), "Greed and grievance in civil war”; Oxford Economic Papers 56, 563-595. 25 Easterly, William (2003), “Can Foreign Aid Buy Growth?”; mimeo, New York University. —, R. Levine and D. Roodman (2004), “Aid, Policies, and Growth: Comment”; American Economic Review 94, 774-780. Ferro, Esteban, and J. Wilson (2011), “Foreign Aid and Business Bottlenecks: A Study of Aid Effectiveness”; World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 5546; Washington, DC: The World Bank. Nunn, Nathan, and N. Qian (2011), “Aiding Conflict: The Unintended Consequences of U.S. Food Aid on Civil War”; mimeo, Harvard University. 26