Economics 333 International Economics Intersession 2015 Study Guide II 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. Know the factors that affect who trades with whom Know the trends in what is being traded Be able to show graphically how relative supply is determined Be able to show graphically how relative demand is determined Be able to show graphically how imports and exports are determined Be able to show graphically biased economic growth Be able to show graphically the impact of export-biased growth Be able to show graphically the impact of import-biased growth Be able to show graphically the effects of a tariff Be able to show graphically the effects of an export subsidy Know the difference between external and internal economies of scale Know the implications of internal and external economies of scale on market structure Know the sources of external economies of scale and how they work Be able to show graphically the impact of trade with external economies of scale Know how regions might be able to get an initial advantage in the production of a good Be able to show graphically how a country might be able to retain an advantage even if another country can produce a product cheaper Be able to show graphically how a country might be worse off with trade than without it Know what is meant by dynamic increasing returns and the learning curve Be able to show graphically how dynamic increasing returns can lock in an advantage for a country Be able to show graphically how the equilibrium number of firms and price is determined in a monopolistically competitive industry Be able to show graphically the impact of trade on a monopolistically competitive industry Be able to show graphically the relationship between productivity and a firm’s profitability Be able to show graphically the effects of increased market size when there are differences in productivity Know what is meant by foreign controlled Know what is meant by multinational Know the difference between greenfield FDI and brownfield FDI Know what is meant by horizontal FDI and when firms might engage in it* Know what is meant by vertical FDI and when firms might engage in it* Know the difference between offshoring and outsourcing Know the reasons why a firm would go with vertical FDI and why it would go with outsourcing Know the consequences of outsourcing Be able to show graphically how the import demand curve is determined Be able to show graphically how the export supply curve is determined Be able to show graphically the effects of a tariff Be able to show graphically the effects of an export subsidy Be able to show graphically the effects of an import quota Know what is meant by voluntary export restraints and their impacts Know what is meant by local content requirements and their impacts Know what is meant by export credit subsidies Know what is meant by national procurement *Can be on a sheet that you can bring to the exam