AP U.S. History - Unit 6 Outline Modern American Emerges (Progressives, Imperialism, World War I) QC Standards College Board Topics C.2.a. Identify and explain significant issues and components of the Populist movement and their impacts C.2.b. Explain the origins and accomplishments of the Progressive movement C.2.c. Analyze the efforts to achieve women’s suffrage in the early twentieth century C.2.d. Evaluate, take, and defend positions on the various U.S. foreign policies in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries C.2.e. Analyze the causes and consequences of the SpanishAmerican War C.2.f. Identify and evaluate the factors that influenced U.S. imperialism in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries and the ensuing debate over imperialism D.1.a. Identify and analyze the causes and significant events of World War I and their impact; evaluate the impact of the Treaty of Versailles o Origins of Progressive reform: municipal, state, and national o Roosevelt, Taft, and Wilson as Progressive presidents o Women’s roles: family, workplace, education, politics, and reform o Black America: urban migration and civil rights initiatives o American imperialism: political and economic expansion o War in Europe and American neutrality o The First World War at home and abroad o Treaty of Versailles Chapter Questions, APUSH Thesis Statements, and Key Terms are DUE ON TEST DAY. Do not wait until the last minute to do your unit assignments!!! Chapter 27 1. Explain why the United States suddenly abandoned its isolationism and turned outward at the end of the nineteenth century. 2. Describe the forces pushing for American overseas expansion and the causes of the Spanish-American War. 3. Describe and explain the unintended results of the Spanish-American War, especially the conquest of Puerto Rico and the Philippines. 4. Explain McKinley’s decision to keep the Philippines, and list the opposing arguments in the debate about imperialism. 5. Analyze the consequences of the Spanish-American War, including the Filipino rebellion against U.S. rule and the war to suppress it. 6. Explain the growing U.S. involvement in East Asia, and summarize America’s Open Door policy toward China. 7. Discuss the significance of the pro-imperialist Republican victory in 1900 and the rise of Theodore Roosevelt as a strong advocate of American power in international affairs. 8. Describe Roosevelt’s assertive policies in Panama and elsewhere in Latin America, and explain why his corollary to the Monroe Doctrine aroused such controversy. 9. Discuss Roosevelt’s foreign policies and diplomatic achievements, especially regarding Japan. Chapter 28 10. Discuss the origin, leadership, and goals of progressivism. 11. Describe how the early progressive movement developed at the local and state level and spread to become a national movement. 12. Describe the major role that women played in progressive social reform, and explain why progressivism meshed with many goals of the women’s movement. 13. Tell how President Roosevelt began applying progressive principles to the national economy, including his attention to conservation and consumer protection. 14. Explain why Taft’s policies offended progressives, including Roosevelt. 15. Describe how Roosevelt led a progressive revolt against Taft that openly divided the Republican party. Chapter 29 16. Discuss the key issues of the pivotal 1912 election and the basic principles of Wilsonian progressivism. 17. Describe how Wilson successfully reformed the “triple wall of privilege.” 18. State the basic features of Wilson’s moralistic foreign policy, and explain how, despite his intentions, it drew him into intervention in Mexico and elsewhere in Latin America. 19. Describe America’s initial neutral response to World War I, Wilson’s increasingly tough policies on Germany’s submarine warfare, and the sharp political divisions over the prospect of American entry into the war. 20. Explain how Wilson’s progressive domestic agenda and provisionally successful maintenance of American neutrality enabled him to win a narrow victory in 1916 over still-divided Republicans. Chapter 30 21. Explain what caused America to enter World War I. 22. Describe how Wilsonian idealism turned the war into an ideological crusade for democracy that inspired public fervor and suppressed dissent. 23. Discuss America’s mobilization for war and its reliance primarily on voluntary methods rather than government force. 24. Explain the consequences of World War I for labor, women, and African Americans. 25. Describe America’s participation in the War, and explain why its economic and political importance exceeded its military contribution to the Allied victory and German defeat. 26. Analyze Wilson’s attempt to forge a peace based on his idealistic Fourteen Points, the political mistakes that weakened his hand, and the compromises he was forced to make by the other Allied statesmen at Versailles. 27. Discuss how Lodge and others resisted Wilson’s League of Nations, how Wilson’s total refusal to compromise doomed the Treaty of Versailles, and why Harding’s victory in the election of 1920 became the final death sentence for the League. APUSH Practice Thesis Statements 1. Reform - Why did the Progressives believe that strong government action was the only way to tackle the social and economic problems of industrialization? 2. Reform - How successful were the Progressives? Were the reforms they proposed adequate to deal with the evils they decried? 3. Reform - Describe the major role that women played in progressive social reform, and explain why progressivism meshed with many goals of the women’s movement? 4. Globalization - How was American expansionism overseas similar to and different from previous continental expansion westward? 5. Economic Transformations - Explain how President Roosevelt began applying progressive principles to the national economy? (conservation and consumer protection) 6. American Identity - Were U.S. actions in Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Cuba, China, and the Philippines a violation of fundamental American ideas of self-government and democracy? 7. War and Diplomacy - Was the U.S. genuinely neutral during the first years of World War I, or was it biased in favor of the Allies against Germany? 8. War and Diplomacy - Compare and contrast the foreign policies of Presidents McKinley, Taft, Roosevelt, and Wilson. Illustrate their relationship to imperialism. Key Terms - For any 60 of the 85 terms listed below, please indicate the most specific date possible relative to the term and write a clear, concise statement detailing its main idea and significance. Note – all terms on this list are important and could show up on the AP exam. You should ID the terms you are least familiar with. Key Term ID’s must be hand written and can be done on paper or notecards. Jane Addams Hull House Nativism National American Woman Suffrage Association Carrie Chapman Catt 19th Amendment Prohibition Woman’s Christian Temperance Union Anti-Saloon League 18th Amendment Imperialism Venezuelan dispute Annexation of Hawaii Spanish-American War Yellow journalism Maine William McKinley George Dewey US in the Philippines Rough Riders Platt Amendment US in Puerto Rico Roosevelt Corollary Open-Door Policy Panama Canal John Hay Gentlemen’s Agreement Great White Fleet Progressivism Jacob Riis Socialism Social Gospel Muckrakers Lincoln Steffens Ida Tarbell Upton Sinclair Direct primaries Initiative Referendum 17th amendment Australian (secret) ballot City-manager system Robert La Follette Muller v. Oregon (1908) Teddy Roosevelt Square Deal Interstate Commerce Commission Trust-busting Meat Inspection Act Food and Drug Act Forest Reserve Act Gifford Pinchot William Howard Taft Dollar Diplomacy Payne-Aldrich Bill Bull-Moose Progressives Election of 1912 Woodrow Wilson 16th Amendment Federal Trade Commission Federal Reserve Clayton Anti-Trust Act Moralistic/Missionary Diplomacy Wilson and Mexico Pancho Villa Central Powers Allied Powers U-boats Lusitania Zimmerman Note Fourteen Points Propaganda Espionage and Sedition Acts (1917-1918) National War Labor Board Victory gardens Rationing Herbert Hoover Liberty Loans Russian Revolution/Bolsheviks Trench warfare Treaty of Versailles League of Nations Henry Cabot Lodge Isolationism Election of 1920 MONDAY 1/5 Intro Progressive Overview Video 1/12 Quiz 28/29 (Progressives) Topic: Progressives III In-Class DBQ? TUESDAY 1/6 1/13 (A) WEDNESDAY 1/7 Topic: Progressives I PD: Progressives 1/8 Topic: Progressives II PD: Roosevelt v. Wilson HW: Ch.28 (“TRs Square Deal”-end) HW: Ch. 29 (until “New Directions in Foreign Policy”) Read DBQ PDs 1/14 (B) 1/15 Topic: Imperialism I PD: Imperialism FRIDAY 1/9 1/16 HW: Ch. 27 (“Cubans Rise” – “TR Brandisher of Big Stick”) HW: Ch. 27 (until “Cubans Rise in Revolt”) 1/19 THURSDAY 1/20 MLK Day 1/21 Topic: Imperialism II PD: Spanish-American War -No school- 1/26 Quiz 29/30 (WW1) Topic: WWI Conclusions PD: Treaty of Versailles 1/27 HW: Ch.27 (“TR Big Stick” end) Ch28. (“Taft-Round Peg”end) Ch. 29 (“Wilsonian Progressivism”- end) 1/28 2/2 Exam 5 2/3 2/4 1/22 Quiz 27/28/29 (Imperialism) Topic: Imperialism III PD: presidential policy 1/23 HW: Ch. 30 (until “Fighting France”) 1/29 Review Day Writing Workshop 1/30 2/5 2/6 MONDAY 1/5 TUESDAY 1/6 Intro to the Progressives 1/12 1/13 (A) Topic: Progressives II PD: Roosevelt v. Wilson HW: Ch. 29 (until “New Directions in Foreign Policy”) Read DBQ PDs 1/19 MLK Day 1/20 Topic: Imperialism II PD: Spanish-American War WEDNESDAY 1/7 1/14 (B) Quiz 28/29 (Progressives) Topic: Progressives III In-Class DBQ THURSDAY 1/8 1/15 1/26 2/2 2/3 HW: Ch.28 (“TRs Square Deal”-end) 1/16 HW: Ch. 27 (“Cubans Rise” – “TR Brandisher of Big Stick”) 1/22 -No schoolHW: Ch.27 (“TR Big Stick” end) Ch28. (“Taft-Round Peg”end) Ch. 29 (“Wilsonian Progressivism”- end) 1/27 Quiz 29/30 (WW1) Topic: WWI Conclusions PD: Treaty of Versailles 1/9 Topic: Progressives I PD: Progressives Topic: Imperialism I PD: Imperialism HW: Ch. 27 (until “Cubans Rise in Revolt”) 1/21 FRIDAY 1/23 Quiz 27/28/29 (Imperialism) Topic: Imperialism III PD: presidential policy HW: Ch. 30 (until “Fighting France”) 1/28 Review Day Writing Workshop 1/29 1/30 Exam 5 2/4 2/5 2/6