Lesson Plan Using Wii Bowling to teach math averages by Kellie


Lesson Plan Title : Using Wii Bowling to calculate mathematical average or mean by Kellie DiBattista

Subject/Concept: Mathematics:

 computation of three digit numbers to find the sum

determine average or mean by dividing three digit numbers by one digit divisors

Use calculator to check computation

Description of

Broad Learning




Required Materials:

Students will realize the importance of participating in a lesson that is highly engaging while teaching important mathematical concepts of finding sums and averages/mean by utilizing modern technology.

Students will appreciate the use of the Wii game, online calculators and reference to a famous scientist, Albert Einstein.

Students will evaluate their manually calculated bowling average to determine if it is reasonable by checking the calculator to decide if both averages match.

Students will correctly solve mathematical computation problems involving addition of three digit numbers by determining the sum of three bowling games.

Students will correctly solve mathematical computation problems involving division of three digit numbers by a single divisor by calculating their final average or mean of three games of Wii bowling.

Students will correctly determine their bowling average by following steps to calculate mean/average

Wii bowling game with controllers


Computer with Movie

Pencil and paper for student calculations

Online calculator and personal calculator




Anticipatory Set



How to add 3 digit number to get an accurate sum

How to divide 3 digit numbers by 1 digit divisor to get an average or mean

Class discussion: “How cool would it be to calculate a math average using pencil and paper?”

“What do you think about calculating a mathematical average using an online calculator while you play Wii Bowling?”…

Practice adding 3 digit numbers to get a sum

Practice dividing 3 digit numbers by 1 digit divisors to get an average

Play Wii bowling

Calculate sum of 3 games

Calculate mathematical average using paper and pencil, check with online calculator

Discuss Albert Einstein’s education

Calculate mathematical sum

Calculate average or mean, self-correct using online calculator

Plan For



Closure: Discuss how much Albert Einstein would have loved a lesson like this

Assessment Based

On Objectives:

Exit slip- what did you learn?

Quiz- students will need to correctly calculate average/mean of 3 digit numbers.

Adaptations (For

Students With



Extensions (For

Gifted Students):


Connections To

Other Subjects:

Frequent checks for students with learning disability

Small group work to complete math problems

Teacher check student work with calculator

Gifted students may gather baseball data from the newspaper to calculate batting average of favorite players

Gifted students could create story problems that would require similar math steps to solve.

Albert Einstein could lead into a study of scientists or reading other biographies

Writing- students need to write about how they calculated their final average
