Word 147 kB - Lunds universitet

Dept. of Arts and Cultural Sciences, Lund University
Intermediala studier: Fortsättningskursen IMS A22 + kurserna IMS B23 och IMS B24
Readinglist for IMSA 22 sub course 1, and IMS B24
Intermedia Studies: The Rhetorics of Advertising in Modern Media II
Updated: 2013-12-20
Approved by the department board
Literature is electronically available.
Some handouts may be added
(ca 70 p) will be added
(ca 100 p) should be worked out/found by the students them selves
Ca 650 p
Allan, David An Essay on Popular Music in Advertising: The Bankruptcy of Culture or
the Marriage of Art and Commerce? Advertising & Society Review, 2005, E-ISSN
Barthes, Roland “The rhetoric of the Image” in Text- Image - Music, Essays selecteted and
trans. By Stephan Heath, p.. 32-51 (19p)
Berger, Arthur Asa ”How to analyze Advertisement” 2002-2011 Center for Media
Literacy, Excerpted with permission from Signs in Contemporary Culture: An
Introduction to Semiotics by Arthur Asa Berger (Longman, Inc., 95 Church Street,
White Plains, NY 10601 (1 p)
Bengtson, Peter (2008), “Buzz marketing and the loss of authentic self: an investigation
of the motivational structure of marketing in the personal sphere and its potential
consequences on social relations” Lunds universitet/Sociologiska institutionen,
Examensarbete för kandidatexamen (37)
Borghini,S. et al. ” Symbioitic Postures of Commericial Advertising and Street Art”,
Journal of Advertising , Vol. 39. no. 3 (Fall 2010). pp. 113-126. (13)
Bortoluzzi, Maria “Towards a Framework of Critical Multimodal Analysis: Emotion in a
Film Trailer” Cross-Modal Analysis of Speech, Gestures, Gaze and Facial Expressions
Springer-Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg ©2009 ISBN: 978-3-642-03319-3, pp. 50 - 62
Carlsson,Sven E "Audiovisual poetry or Commercial salad of Images" - Perspective on
Music Video Analysis, Perspectives on Music Video Analysis
(musicvideo.pdf 200 K) (6)
Chandler, David (2007), “ “Signs “; “Rhetorical Tropes,” in Semiotics for Beginners
Chion, Michel. "The Audiovisual Contract: Projections of Sound on Image." In AudioVision: Sound on Screen. New York: Columbia UP, 1994. annotation by Deborah
Wolfson (Theories of Media, Winter 2003) 25 p
Clawson, Trevor ”Brands get smart on social networks”, (2008), Revolution ISSN
14605953, pp. 24-26 (2)
Cook, Nicholas "Theorizing Musical Meaning", Music Theory Spectrum, vol. 23, nr 2,
2001, 170–195. (25)
Cook, Nicholas "Music and Meaning in the Commercials", Popular Music, 1994, vol. 13, nr.
1, 27-40 (13)
Clüver, Claus, “Intermediality and Interarts Studies”, Changing Borders. Contemporary
Positions in Intermediality, Intermedia Studies Press: Lund 2007, s. 19–38.
ISBN 978-91 (19)
Gee, Sarah; Jackson, Steve Leisure corporations, beer brand culture, and the crisis of
masculinity: the Speight’s ‘Southern Man’ advertising campaign. Leisure Studies,
ISSN 0261-4367, 07/2011, pp. 1 – 20 (19)
Goldman, Robert ; Papson, Stephen (1996), ”ADVERTISING IN THE AGE OF.
ACCELERATED MEANING", Sign Wars, The Cluttered Landscape of Advertising, New
York, p .81-98 (17 )
Goldman,Robert and Stephen Papson Advertising in the Age of Hypersignification
Theory, Culture & Society, ISSN 0263-2764, 08/1994, Volym 11, Nummer 3, pp. 23
- 53
Gregory, Michele Rene (2009) "Inside the Locker Room: Male Homosociability in the
Advertising Industry", Gender, Work & Organization Volume 16, Issue 3, pages
323–347, (24)
Hall, Stuart (1997) “Representation, Meaning and Language”, in Representation, Cultural
Representation and Signifying Practices, Stuart Hall (red), London, ISBN-10:
0761954325; ISBN-13: 978-0761954323, pp. 15-30 (15)
Harrison Claire Real men do wear mascara: advertising discourse and masculine identity,
Critical Discourse Studies, 2008, 5: 1, pp. 55-74 (19)
Hatton Stacey, “Fashion and gender, Yahoo! Contributor Network, May 5, 2009 (1)
Hayes Deborah; MacLeod Nicola ”Packaging places: Designing heritage trails using an
experience economy perspective to maximize visitor engagement
Irvine, Martin “Approaches to Po-Mo” © 2004-2009 (Ca5)
Afterimage 28: 2 pp. 9-13 (4)
Martin R. (1995) “Fashion in the Age of Advertising. Journal of Popular Culture [serial
online]. 29(2), pp. 235-254 (19)
McLaren, Carrie; Hubger, Rick ”Salesnoise: the convergence of music and advertising”,
Stay Free! 15, fall 1998 ” (ca. 10 p)
McLaren, Carrie ”LICENSED TO SELL:Why the Jingle is Dead and Commercial Pop Rules”
Stay Free! 15, fall 1998 (2 P)
Meier Max and Beyer Gilbert ”Interacting with Sound”, in Pervasive Advertising Jörg
Müller, Florian Alt and Daniel Michelis (ed), Human–Computer Interaction
Series2011, DOI: 10.1007/978-0-85729-352-7, p. 325-342 (18)
Miller, Carolyn R.; Shepherd, Dawn (2004), “Blogging as Social Action: A Genre Analysis
of the Weblog” , Into the Blogosphere: Rhetoric, Community, and Culture of Weblogs
(June 2004) (pp. ca. 15)
Morris, Martin (2005), “Interpretability and social power, or, why postmodern
advertising works”, Culture & Society p: 697-718 (24)
Motschenbacher, Heiko Speaking the gendered body: The performative construction of
commercial femininities and masculinities via body-part vocabulary, Language in
society.2009: 38: 1 (22p)
Mulken, Margot van (2003);”Analyzing rhetorical devices in print advertisements”,
Document Design 4:2, pp 114–128 (14)
O'Barr, William M. "Representations of Masculinity and Femininity in Advertising",
Advertising & Society Review, 2006, vol. 7, nr. 2. (ca 7)
Owyang, Jeremiah, What Facebook’s New ‘Engagement Advertising’ Means to Brands.
Peeters, Heidi “The Semiotic of Music Videos: It Must Be ...” - Image & Narrative, May
2004, Online Magazine of the Visual Narrative - ISSN 1780-678X (ca 15)
Pekkilä, Erkki "Connotative Meanings and Advertising Music", AS/SA Nº 4,© 1998,
Article 6 , p 1-11
Proctor, Stella; Papasolomou-Doukakis; Proctor, Tony (2002)”What are television
advertisements really trying to tell us? A postmodern perspective” i Journal of
Consumer Behaviour: 1: 3pp. 246-255 (11)
Schroeder, Jonathan E ; Zwick, Detlev ”Mirrors of Masculinity in Advertising,
Consumption” Markets & Culture, ISSN 1025-3866, 03/2004, Volym 7, Nummer 1,
pp. 21 – 52 (31)
Scott, Linda M. Understanding Jingles and Needledrop: A Rhetorical Approach to Music in
Song, Kieun & Hwang, Sunjin et al. ”The effects of social network properties on the
acceleration of fashion information on the web.” Multimedia Tools and Applications,
March 2012, Springer Science and Business (20)
Vainshtein, Olga “Being Fashionable: Controversy around disabled Models. Russian State
University for the Humanities , (p36)
Vernallis, Carol, ”The Aesthetics of Music Video: An Analysis of Madonna's 'Cherish'”, in
Popular Music, Vol. 17, No. 2 (May, 1998), 153-185 (22)
Wolf, Werner ”Intermediality” in Routledge Encyclopedia of Narrative Theory, David
Herman, Manfred Jahn, Marie-Laure Ryan (ed). London, Routledge, 2005, p 252256 (handout) (4)
Institutionen för kulturvetenskaper
IMS A22, Delkurs 2, Temakurs 4: Digitala medier (7,5 hp)
Texter angivna med * = kompendietext; kompendium kan köpas före kursstart via
expeditionen på institutionen. Ytterligare korta texter kan tillkomma.
Obligatorisk litteratur
Bolter, Jay David och Richard Grusin: Remediation. Understanding New Media,
Cambridge, Massachusetts, London: MIT Press 1999, flera upplagor kan läsas (295 s)
Digital Cultures. Understanding New Media, red. Glen Creeber och Royston Martin,
Maidenhead, Birkshire, England: Open University Press 2009, ISBN 978-0-33522197-4 (205 s)
Jenkins, Henry, Konvergenskultur. Där nya och gamla medier kolliderar (2006),
Göteborg: Daidalos 2008, ISBN 978-91-7173-271-2 (275 s)
Ekström, Anders, Jülich, Solveig, Snickars, Pelle: ur ”Inledning” till 1897.
Mediehistorier kring Stockholmsutställningen, red. Ekström, Jülich, Snickars, 2006 s.
14-26, ISBN 91-88468-07-0 . Finns också att tillgå elektroniskt på:
[http://www.kb.se/aktuellt/Butik-och-Publikationer/Mediehistoriskt-arkiv2/] (13
* Gere, Charlie, ”Introduction: What is digital culture?”, i förf:s Digital Culture,
London: Reaktion Books 2008, s. 11-20, ISBN 978-1-86189-388-8 (10 s)
* Ingvarsson, Jonas, ”Om remediation”, i OEI (ELEKTROEI) 2005:22-23, s. 253-256,
ISSN: 1404-5095 (4 s)
* Kingsepp, Eva, Mördarmaskin, moralist eller mittemellan? Om konstruktionen av
krigshjälten i dataspel och populärfilm, i Tidskrift för litteraturvetenskap, 2004:2, s.
74-99, ISSN: 1104-0556 (25 s)
* Collins, Karen, ”From Bits to Hits. Video Games Music Changes its Tune”, i Film
International, 2005:13, s. 5-19 (elektronisk, tillgänglig via ELIN@Lund), ISSN: 16516826 (15 s)
* Manovich. Lev, ”Nya medier från Borges till HTML”, i OEI (ELEKTROEI) 2005:2223, s. 58-71, ISSN: 1404-5095 (12 s)
Mossberg, Frans, ”Virtualitet som musikens gränssnitt. Om förändrade sätt att skapa
musik” i Virtualiteter. Sex essäer, s. 155-203, ISBN 91-976434-0-8 (49 s)
* Robillard, Valerie, ”Beyond Definition: A Pragmatic Approach to Intermediality” i
Media Borders, Multimodality and Intermediality, red. Lars Elleström, Basingstoke:
Palgrave Macmillan 2010, s. 150-162, ISBN: 0-230-23860-2 (13 s)
SUMMA obligatorisk litteratur: 916 s.
Rekommenderad litteratur
Blase, Christoph, ”Walter Benjamin och dagens CD-ROM: Om en ny mediaform”, sv.
övers. Tom Sandqvist, i Från 60-tal till cyberspace, Skriftserien Kairos, 1997:3, s. 181190 + 213, ISBN 91-87214-71-7 (11 s)
Ekström, Andreas, Google-koden, Stockholm: Weyler 2010, ISBN 978-91-85849-37-6
(250 s)
Eladhari, Mirjam, ”Historiekonstruktion i virtuella spelvärldar”, i Tidskrift för
litteraturvetenskap, 2004:3-4, s. 99-117, ISSN: 1104-0556 (18 s)
OEI (ELEKTROEI) 2005:22-23, ISSN: 1404-5095 (350 s)
Engberg, Maria, ”Riverisland och digital poesi”, i OEI (ELEKTROEI) 2005:22-23, s.
127-131, ISSN: 1404-5095, (5 s)
Fuller, Max, och Michael Hart, A Brief History of the Internet: The Bright Side: The
Dark Side, elektronisk, tillg. på: [http://www.netlibrary.com/Reader/]
Gunder, Anna, ”Berättelsens spel berättarteknik och ergodicitet i Michael Joyce's
afternoon, a story”. Finns på Human IT, på: http://www.hb.se/bhs/ith/3-99/ag1.htm
(ca 30 s)
Gustafsson, Anna, ”Att skriva personligt på en offentlig arena – om nätdagböcker på en
svensk webbcommunity, Lunarstorm”, i Mediekulturer: Hybrider och förvandlingar,
Claes-Göran Holmberg och Jan Svensson, Stockholm: Carlsson 2004, s 172-194, ISBN:
91-7203-630-3 (23 s)
Reberg, Mikael, ”Mediekonvergens, digitala bilder och Vilém Flusser”, i Tidskrift för
litteraturvetenskap, 2004:2, s 100-119, ISSN: 1104-0556 (19 s).
Svedjedal, Johan, Den sista boken, ingår bl. a. i pocketutgåvan av förf:s Tänkta världar,
Stockholm: W&W 2004, ISBN: 91-46-20436-9 (ca 250 s)
Svensson, Gary, ur Digitala pionjärer. Datakonstens introduktion i Sverige, Stockholm:
Carlsson 2000, s 13-18 + 33-42, ISBN: 91-7203-992-2 (15 s)
Wolf, Mark J. P., ”The Video Game as a Medium”, i förf:s The Medium of the Video
Game, Austin, Texas: University of Texas Press 2001, s. 13-33, ISBN 0-292-79148-8
(20 s)
SUMMA rekommenderad litteratur: ca 1000 s.
Institutionen för kulturvetenskaper: intermediala studier
All literature is available electronically on the educational platform
IMSB23 The Aesthetics of Popular Culture + IMSA22 Delkurs 3 (7,5 credits)
Ackerman, Alan “The Urge for Totality”, Review of The Total Work of Art: From Bayreuth to
Cyberspace by Matthew Wilson Smith In: Twentieth Century Literature. Summer, 2007, Vol.
53, Issue 2, p224-231, 8p
Clü ver, Claus, ”Intermediality and Interarts Studies”, Changing Borders. Contemporary
Positions in Intermediality, Intermedia Studies Press: Lund 2007, pp. 19–38. ISBN 97891-976670-0-5 (20)
McConachie, Bruce “An Evolutionary Perspective on Live and Mediated Popular
Performance”, Popular Entertainment Studies ISSN 1837‐9303 , Vol. 1, Issue 1, pp.26‐43.
2010 (18)
Connell, John “Marketing place: music and tourism” in Sound Tracks. Popular Music Identity and
Place, London 2002 (9780415170284) pp. 221-250 (29)
Eco, Umberto. ”Semiotics of Theatrical Performance:” The Drama Review Volume: 21 Issue: 1,
1977-p. 107-117. ISSN: 0012-5962 (10)
Ek, Richard; Larsen Jonas; Hornskov Søren Buhl; Mansfeldt Ole Kjær “Dynamic Framework of
Tourist Experiences”, Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism, Volume 8, Issue 2,
2008, 122-140 (18)
Elleström, Lars ”The Modalities of Media: A Model for Understanding Intermedial Relations”
Media Borders, Multimodality and Intermediality by Edited by Lars Elleström, Palgrave
Macmillan, March 2010, ISBN: 978-0-230-23860-2, ISBN10: 0-230-23860-2, pp. 11-48
Falconi, Jorge Perez “Space and Festivalscapes” in Platform, (2011) 5(2), 12-27. (15)
Fischer-Lichte, Erika “Culture as Performance” in ACTAS/ PROCEEDINGS HISTÓRIA DO
TEATRO E NOVAS TECNOLOGIAS ” (14p), ), also published in Modern Austrian
Literature; 2009, Vol. 42 Issue 3, p1- 14 (14)
Fiske, John "Popular Culture" in: Frank Lentrichchia ;Thomas McLaughlin, Critical Terms for
Literary Study. The University of Chicago Press, 1995, 321 – 335 (14) ISBN:
Foucault, Michel “Out of Spaces” translated from "Des Espaces Autres," and published by the
French journal Architecture-Mouvement-Continuite October, 1984 by lay Miskowiec (7p)
Highmore, Ben ”Michel de Certeau’s Poetics of everyday life” in Everyday Life and Cultural
Theory. An Introduction, London : Routledge, 2002, p. 145 – 175 (30p) ISBN:
0415223024 ;
Fuchs, Cynthia “Images” in Horner & Swiss (ed) 1999: Key Terms in Popular Music and Culture.
Oxford: Blackwell Publishers. Malden, Mass. : Blackwell, 1999 (kap. 13) (9 s.) ISBN 0-63121263-9
Führer, Heidrun "Astrid Lindgren World - a Total Work of Art?" in Surmatz Astrid,
Kümmerling-Meibauer Bettina (eds) Beyond Pippi Longstocking : intermedial and
international approaches to Astrid Lindgren's work, New York : Routledge, 2011, 239 –
257 (18), ISBN 978-0-415-88353-5
Goffman, Erwin "The nature of deference and demeanor" American Anthropologist. Jun., 1956,
Vol. 58, Issue 3, p473-502, 30p.
Hilliker, Rebecca, Rennert, Hellmut Hal ”Brecht's Gestic Vision for Opera: Why the Shock of
Recognition Is More Powerful in The Rise and Fall of the City of Mahagonny than in The
Three Penny Opera” in : Essays on Twentieth-Century German Drama & Theater: An
American Reception 1977-1999, 2004, pp. 225-235 (11)
Hinton, Stephan “Die Dreigroschenoper” in Grove Grove Music Online, 1992; Oxford University
Press, ca 5 p
Hudson, Ray. ”Regions and place: music, identity and place” in Progress in Human Geography.
Oct2006, Vol. 30 Issue 5, p626-634. (9p). DOI: 10.1177/0309132506070177.
Kattenbelt, Chiel ” Performativity and Corporeal Literacy. Intermediality in Performance and
as a Mode of Performativity” in Sarah Bay-Cheng, Chiel Kattenbelt, Andy Lavender, and
Robin Nelson Mapping Intermediality in Performance, Amsterdam University Press,
2010 , pp. 27-37 (11) ISBN 90-485-1314-6
Kowalke, Kim H. “ Singing Brecht vs. Brecht Singing: Performance in Theory and Practice”
Cambridge Opera Journal , Vol. 5, No. 1 (Mar., 1993), pp. 55-78 (23)
Kurzon, Dennis “Hush… The Lights are Dimmed: A Case of Situational Silence”, Journal
of Music and Meaning, 2011, Vol. 10, 26-44 (18)
Laing, Dave “The three Woodstocks and the live music scene” in Bennett, Andy Rembereing
Woodstook, pp.1-17, 2004, ISBN: 978-0-7546-0714-4 (17)
Lizardo, O. and Sara Skiles "Cultural consumption in the fine and popular arts realms" 2008,
Sociology Compass 2: 485–502 (17)
Madison, D.S.; Hamera, J Performance Studies at the Intersection, Madison, D. Soyini and
Judith Hamera (eds.). The Sage Handbook of Performance Studies, p. Xi - . (15)
Novitz, David ”Aestehtics of Popular Art” The Oxford Handbook of Aesthetics (2005-01-27) pp.
733-747 ISBN: 9780-199279456 (14)
Pavis, Patrice (1997). 'The state of current theatre research' in Applied Semiotics / Sémiotique
appliquée 2 (1997), 3: 125-140. (25)
Robbins, D. High Entertainment, 2009 , chapter 1 , 2. (ca 17 )(online resource)
Sanes, Kates ”Traveling Through Hyperreality With Umberto Eco”, in The Age of Simulation
Storey, John, “What is Popular Culture?” in An Introduction to Cultural Theory and Popular
Culture, Prentice Hall: London 1996, p. 1-19 (19p)
Wolf, Werner “Intermediality” in Routledge Encyclopedia of Narrative Theory, p 252b-256b
In total: 456 p
Film etc (Youtube)
Berger, John “Ways of seeing the World”1 4 TV production , 1972 (Ca 4 x ca 7 min)
Schechner, Richard : Performance Studies: An Introduction - Make Believe/Make Belief (ca 5
min) Youtube film http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YG6fMnH17GU
The Threepenny Opera - Shooting Down Pictures
Hall, Stuart ”Representation & the Media” (ca 5min)
Schechner, Richard; Performance Studies: An Introduction - Broad Spectrum of Performance
(ca 5 min) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KO-ebw_vJ3c
Delkurs 4: Uppsats (7,5 hp)
Ejvegård, Rolf: Vetenskaplig metod, Lund: Studentlitteratur 2009. ISBN 9789144054742
(183 s)
Uppsatsanvisningar (kopia, ca 10 s.) som tillhandahålls av kursansvarig
Därtill förväntas de studerande att självständigt söka och tillgodogöra sig ytterligare
litteratur om ca 450 sidor.
Summa: ca 650 s.