Department of English: Grade 11 Course Options Currently in ENG2PI, Applied English -> Required Course: 1. ENG3CI, College English This course emphasizes clear, correct communication through speaking, use of media, and writing. Speeches, novel study, non-fiction texts and poetry are the units of study. Students who are successful in this course are then recommended for ENG4CI or 4EI. - OR2. ENG3EI, Workplace English This course helps develop students’ ability to read, write, speak, present, and understand media as they are applied in the workplace and everyday life. -> Optional Courses: 1. ETC3MI, Canadian Literature Do you like reading? Like talking about what you've read? Then this course is for you! In Canadian Literature, you will study literature that is by Canadians, is about Canada or is otherwise relevant to our unique society. This literature will include poetry and prose, novels and short stories as well as other forms. Class discussions will be a key element to learning. 2. EMS3OI, Media Studies This course is all about the modern Mass Media: Radio, TV, Film, Music and the Internet. Classes focus on how media function and what influence they have over the Popular Culture of the twenty-first century. Using the tools of Media Literacy, students will study and analyze a wide variety of media products, such as television shows, radio commercials, feature films, magazines and music videos to examine how and why they are made and to determine the impact they have on us and on our culture. The course also provides opportunity to write for and about the mass media through creative script writing and opinion pieces. Students also gain insight into media production through hands on video production work. Department of English: Grade 11 Course Options Currently in ENG2DI, Academic English -> Required Course: 1. ENG3CI, College English This course emphasizes clear, correct communication through speaking, use of media, and writing. Speeches, novel study, non-fiction texts and poetry are the units of study. Students who are successful in this course are then recommended for ENG4CI or 4EI. - OR2. ENG3UI, University English This course emphasizes formal, academic presentations and essay writing. Speeches, Shakespearean drama, novel study, and ISU comparative essay are the units of study. Students who achieve at a level of 70% or above or are considering applying to university upon graduation are then recommended for ENG4UI. -> Optional Courses: 1. ETC3MI, Canadian Literature Do you like reading? Like talking about what you've read? Then this course is for you! In Canadian Literature, you will study literature that is by Canadians, is about Canada or is otherwise relevant to our unique society. This literature will include poetry and prose, novels and short stories as well as other forms. Class discussions will be a key element to learning. 2. EMS3OI, Media Studies This course is all about the modern Mass Media: Radio, TV, Film, Music and the Internet. Classes focus on how media function and what influence they have over the Popular Culture of the twenty-first century. Using the tools of Media Literacy, students will study and analyze a wide variety of media products, such as television shows, radio commercials, feature films, magazines and music videos to examine how and why they are made and to determine the impact they have on us and on our culture. The course also provides opportunity to write for and about the mass media through creative script writing and opinion pieces. Students also gain insight into media production through hands on video production work.