Communication between two or more people Communicator




Conflict, and Power


• Communication : Interactive process uses symbols and gestures to send and receive messages

• Communication:

• A transaction

• A process

• Co-construction of meanings

• Uses symbols


Communication Evokes shared or common meaning in another person

Interpersonal Communication Communication between two or more people

Communicator Person originating message

Receiver Person receiving message

Perceptual Screen Window through which we interact with people that influences the quality, accuracy, and clarity of the communication


Message Thoughts and feelings the communicator is attempting to elicit in receiver

Feedback Loop Pathway that completes two-way communication

LanguageWords, pronunciation & methods of combining them understood by a group of people

Communication Process

Communication Process

Basic Interpersonal Communication






















• Context

• Affect




















Perceptual screens Perceptual screens

Influence message quality, accuracy, clarity

Include age, gender, values, beliefs, culture, experiences, needs

One-way vs. Two-way Communications

One-Way Communication

* Person sends message to another person

2-way Communication

* Communicator &

* Receiver interact

*No questions, feedback, or interaction follow

* Good for problem solving

* Good for simple directions

* Fast but often less

accurate than 2-way communication

Cultural Context of Communication

• More likely to interact with similar people

• Social class

• Race

• Ethnic group

• Through shared words, gestures, or expressions

Cross-cultural Communication

• Body language:

– use of arms by the Dutch, compared to

– use of the whole upper part of body by the French

– The Dutch may perceive French as very emotional and excited since the Dutch only use gestures made by the French when they feel deeply emotional

Cross-cultural Communication

• Silence

– Western cultures : Silence marks pauses in a discourse.

– Eastern cultures: Sile nces are integral part of communication.

– Silences can indicate :

• Respectful agreement or disagreement

• Modesty (avoid improper use of words)

Conflict & Power:

Defensive Communication

Communication can be aggressive, attacking, & angry, or passive & withdrawing

Leads to:

• injured feelings

• communication breakdown

• alienation

• retaliatory behaviors

• nonproductive efforts

• problem solving failures

Defensive Tactics

Defensive Tactic Speaker

Power Play Boss


“Finish this report by month’s end or lose your promotion.”



Raising Doubts




“A capable manager would already be done with this report.”

“You must be a slow learner. Your report is still not done!”

“How can I trust you, Chris, if you can’t finish an easy report?”

Defensive Tactics

Defensive Tactic Speaker




Employee “Bill has not gone over the information I need for the report.” [Bill left Chris a copy of the report.]


Hostile Jokes


Employee “Bill did not give me input until just today.”

Employee “You can’t be serious! The report isn’t that important.”

Employee “I gave it to the secretary. Did she lose it?”

Non defensive Communication

Non defensive Communication

• Assertive, direct, & powerful


• Basis for defense when attacked

• Restores order, balance, and effectiveness

Non defensive: Assertive


Communication :

Active Listening


Good eye contact

Good body language

Encourage other to continue talking

10/ 23? Five-Stage Model of the Listening


Reflective Listening

Reflective Listening Skill of listening carefully to another person and repeating back the message to correct inaccuracies or misunderstandings

This complex process needs to be divided to be understood

What I heard you say was we will understand the process better if we break it into steps

Reflective Listening

• Emphasizes receiver’s role

• Helps receiver & communicator

• Clearly & fully understand the message

• Useful in problem solving

Reflective Listening:

4 Levels of Verbal Response

Affirm contact

Paraphrase the expressed

Clarify the implicit

Reflect “core” feelings

Barriers to Communication


Barriers Blo ck or significantly distort successful communication

• Physical separation

• Status differences

• Gender differences

• Cultural diversity

• Language

Channels of Communication

• Verbal Communication

• Spoken exchange of words to convey:

• Thoughts

• Feelings

• Information

• Non Verbal Communication

• Communication that does not involve words

Barriers to Understanding Verbal


• Bypassing : Misunderstanding words that have multiple meanings.

• Lack of precision : Incorrect or unclear language

• Overgeneralizing : Sweeping generalizations not supported by evidence

• Static evaluation : Statements that do not allow for change.

Polarization: Seeing the word in black and white

• Biased language : Reflect biases about race, ethnicity, sex, sexual orientation, religious faith, or other cultures

Nonverbal Communication

Nonverbal Communication – Elements of communication that do not involve words

Four basic types

• Proxemics Perception & use of space

• Kinesics Body movements, including posture

• Facial & Eye Behavior Movements that add cues for receiver

• Paralanguage Variations in speech, such as pitch, loudness, tempo, tone, duration, laughing,

& crying

10/28 Proxemics: Territorial Space

Bands of space extending outward from the body

 Differs from culture to culture

Proxemics: Culturally Variable

Kinesics - Body Movements

Facial & Eye Behavior


• Twilight: Captioning the “gaspiest” movie ever

Harry Potter

Body Language Secrets! - Drago De Silver


He’s unapproachable!

Examples of

Decoding Nonverbal Cues

He’s angry! I’ll stay out of his way!

Boss fails to acknowledge employee’s greeting

Boss breathes heavily & waves arms

I wonder what he’s hiding?

My opinion doesn’t count

No eye contact while communicating

Manager sighs deeply

New Technologies for Communication

• Informational databases

• Electronic mail

• Voice mail

• Cellular phone (smart)

• Texting

How Do New Technologies

Affect Behavior?

• Fast, immediate access to information

• Immediate access to people in power

• Instant information exchange across distance

• Makes schedules & office hours irrelevant

• May equalize group power

• May equalize group participation

How Do New Technologies

Affect Behavior?

• Communication can become more impersonal —interaction with a machine

• Interpersonal skills may diminish —less tact, less graciousness

• Non-verbal cues lacking

• Alters social context

• Easy to become overwhelmed with information

• Encourages polyphasic activity (doing more than one thing at a time)

Tips for Effective Use of New

Communication Technologies

Provide social interaction opportunities

Is the message really necessary?

Regularly disconnect from the technology

Strive for message completeness

Build in feedback opportunities
