Aiken High School Bands Greg Priest, Director of Bands TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................... 2 GENERAL INFORMATION .................................................................... 3 BAND DIRECTOR RULES FOR ALL BAND ACTIVITIES .................................. 5 UNIFORM GUIDELINES .......................................................................................... 6 GRADE REQUIREMENTS FOR AIKEN HIGH SCHOOL BAND ......................... 7 AWARDS .................................................................................................................... 8 BAND MEMBERS ....................................................................................................................... 8 FLAG SQUAD MEMBERS ......................................................................................................... 8 2015-2016 STUDENT ACCOUNT .......................................................................... 10 BAND BOOSTER CLUB ......................................................................... 12 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS ............................................................... 14 APPENDIX Student Checklist Hand Book Acknowledgment Form Commitment Form Medical/Travel Authorization Form Prescription Medication Information Form Media release Form Parent Volunteer Form Band Booster Club Membership Application Parent Information Form 449 Rutland Drive ~ Aiken, South Carolina 29801 ~ School Phone: (803) 641-2500 e-mail: ~Website: Page 1 Aiken High School Bands Greg Priest, Director of Bands INTRODUCTION Welcome to the 2015-2016 Aiken High School Band Program. We have many activities planned for the band this year, and to make it a success, it will take the commitment and cooperation of the band director, students, and parents. An attempt has been made to provide enough information for the students and parents to understand what it will take to have a successful year. The information is divided into 7 sections: GENERAL INFORMATION Contains an overview of the band program, uniforms, grade requirements, award requirements and the band calendar 2015-2016 STUDENT ACCOUNT Explains what the Student Account is and how your student can earn money to build it up. 2015-2016 BAND BUDGET Outlines details of the projected spending and discussion of the student account and fundraising. 2015-2016 BAND BOOSTER CLUB Contains information about membership and volunteering QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Contains answers to the most commonly asked questions from band parents and students. APPENDIX Contains all mandatory forms and checklists. 449 Rutland Drive ~ Aiken, South Carolina 29801 ~ School Phone: (803) 641-2500 e-mail: ~Website: Page 2 Aiken High School Bands Greg Priest, Director of Bands GENERAL INFORMATION Dear Parents, I would like to personally welcome you and your child to the 2015-2016 Aiken High School Band Program. In this section of the booklet there are a few things that I need to bring to your attention. Yours truly, Greg Priest Director of Bands – Aiken High School CLASSROOM: During school, students will be divided into classes according to their auditions. Please review the BAND CALENDAR and sign the STUDENT COMMITMENT FORM in Appendix A that explains how grades and letter qualification may be affected if the student does not fulfill all the requirements. MARCHING BAND CAMP: Summer Band Camp will start on July 27. (See Marching Band Schedule) It is imperative that the entire band begin together. Plan your vacations prior to band camp. (see Marching Band Commitment form in Appendix A) MARCHING SEASON REHEARSAL - August through December: Please refer to the Marching Schedule. With this in mind, we would like to ask that you DO NOT SCHEDULE ANY APPOINTMENTS ON THESE DAYS. UNIFORMS and CLOTHING for MARCHING BAND: The band uses two uniforms. At the beginning of the year when it is warm, we wear khaki walking shorts and a green travel shirt. Your student will need to have a brown leather belt, all white tennis shoes or sneakers, and white socks. We will order the summer uniforms (shorts and T-shirts) at the end of the school year so they will be here for the fall. When the weather is cool, we will wear full band uniforms for football games. Students will also wear the full band uniform for parades, contests, and possibly honor bands. All marching band members will need to order black shoes and black gloves if they are new to the band or if they have outgrown their old shoes and gloves. We will take orders the first week at band camp for shoes and gloves. Uniforms will be fitted during band camp. Students will need to have a lyre and a flip folder for their instrument to hold their music. These items can be purchased through Pecknel or at Rock Bottom Music. CLEANING: The cleaning of the band uniforms is arranged by the band booster club and is included in the fair share fee. 449 Rutland Drive ~ Aiken, South Carolina 29801 ~ School Phone: (803) 641-2500 e-mail: ~Website: Page 3 Aiken High School Bands Greg Priest, Director of Bands BAND LETTER JACKETS – OPTIONAL: Orders for band letter jackets can be sent directly to Neff. Full payment is due at the time the order is placed. Please make check payable to Neff. See ORDER FORM in Appendix B. PAYMENTS and FORMS: All money (checks or cash) or forms should be placed in an envelope with the students name and reason for payment on the outside. This is to be placed in the green box in the band room library. A receipt will always be sent home with your student. Money or checks are NEVER to be given to the Director. PARENT ITEMS – OPTIONAL: Parents may also show their support by ordering their own travel shirts. See ORDER FORM in Appendix B. INSTRUMENT RENTAL (if applicable): Students who are renting school instruments must pay the $50.00 rental fee the first week of band camp. For students not in marching band, the rental fee is due the first week of school. Even though some students will be using more than one school instrument, they will only pay one fee. The fee should be made payable to Aiken High School. BAND BUDGET AND FAIR SHARE FEE: The Aiken High School Band Program requires a fair share fee of $150.00 for all non-marching band members and a fee of $200.00 for all marching band members, including the color guard. The Strings Program requires a fair share fee of $50.00. This is due to additional budget cuts from the school district. This fee will be used for operational expenses such as the purchase and maintenance of uniforms, dresses, ties, music, transportation to festivals and trips, rental of concert facilities, and additional instructors. It is mandatory that Marching Band members pay the fee by May 7, 2015. Non-marching band members are required to pay their fee by August 21, 2015. Unfortunately the band receives little funding from the school district. We must support ourselves through fund raising. When we do our fundraisers the profit (not the amount sold) will be split 5050. The Band Booster operational account will get 50%, and the individual student account will get 50%. Another source of funding is sponsorship either through an individual or a company. This money can be applied to the student’s fair share fee. After the fee has been met, 50% of the money will be put in the student’s account and may be used for band fees, band trips and approved band related expenses. Any other use of this money must be reviewed by and approved by the Booster Club Executive committee. If a student quits or graduates from the band, the money left in the account will revert back to the Band Booster Club general account. If the student has a sibling at Aiken High who is in the band the money will be transferred to them. If they have a sibling in the band program at Schofield or Aiken Middle School at the time of graduation or resignation, the money will be held in the account for them. All students will be expected to participate in fundraising activities. The fundraising products we sell are quality products which yield high profits. Doing these fundraisers means a little work on your part, but a lot less money out of your pocket. 449 Rutland Drive ~ Aiken, South Carolina 29801 ~ School Phone: (803) 641-2500 e-mail: ~Website: Page 4 Aiken High School Bands Greg Priest, Director of Bands BAND DIRECTOR RULES FOR ALL BAND ACTIVITIES **SPECIAL NOTE: All clothes worn at all band functions must meet the Aiken High School Dress Code. Example: not halter tops, tank tops, tee shirts with undesirable pictures or writing or shorts that are too short. Road Trips: BE EARLY FOR DEPARTURE. “Early is on time, on time is late!” NO showing of affection, ESPECIALLY on buses. NO blankets, snuggies or slankets on the bus. NO LOUD talking, singing, or laughing on buses or at restaurants. Mind your manners at all times. Be respectful to all band volunteers, bus drivers, and any other people you meet. Remember you represent Aiken High School, your parents and your family. All students will ride district-approved vehicles to and from events – no private vehicles. Hotel rooms on Overnight trips: NO boys in girl’s rooms. NO girls in boy’s rooms for any reason! Students may not open the door for anyone other than the director or a chaperone. Students are not to damage or vandalize rooms. Students will be responsible for any damage they cause in a room. Students will NOT leave rooms after bed check. Students will maintain a minimum of noise in their room, and in the hallways. There are other guests in the hotel so be respectful. Students must abide by all curfews set by the hotel. Picking Up and Dropping Off Students at the school (including during school hours): Students should be dropped off in front of the gym, not at the band room. Students should be picked up in front of the gym, not at the band room. Students should be picked up ON TIME. When on school trips, a phone call will be made to the parents when we are approximately one hour from the school – please be available to take the call. School administration requires that the police are called to pick up any student whose parent has not picked them up in a timely manner. 449 Rutland Drive ~ Aiken, South Carolina 29801 ~ School Phone: (803) 641-2500 e-mail: ~Website: Page 5 Aiken High School Bands Greg Priest, Director of Bands UNIFORM GUIDELINES A Travel Uniform B Formal Uniform C Boys Concerts Girls Green Band T-Shirt Khaki Walking Shorts Brown Leather Belt White Socks All White Tennis Shoes or Sneakers Green Band Jacket with Gold Slash Green Band T-Shirt Black Band Bibbers Black Socks Black Dinkles Black Band Hat and Black Gloves (Marching Only) Black Pants, black shirt, black socks, black belt & black shoes Black Long-Sleeve Shirt Black Socks Black Belt Black Dress Shoes Green Tie Black Dress – below the knee if not assigned one Black Dress Shoes A – Travel Uniforms are worn for football games at the beginning of the season when it is still warm, for the Homecoming and Memorial Day Parades and possibly to and from competitions. B – Formal Uniforms are worn for cold weather football games, Marching Contests and events, the Marching Band Concert, Winter Parades, and County Band. C – Concert Uniforms are worn for all concerts, competitions and public appearances. REMINDERS: DO NOT alter band uniforms or dresses in any way. Permanent alterations will damage the uniform causing unnecessary expense to the band. Uniforms are assigned each year and due to growth and graduation, they may go to a different student. DO NOT switch pieces with other students. All uniform pieces have assigned numbers which are recorded on a master list. DO NOT put any pins or medals anywhere on the uniform ALWAYS see someone on the uniform committee if your uniform does not fit properly or needs repairs. For competitions, ALL HAIR must be inside your hat. NO JEWELRY of any kind is permitted Mr. Priest will specify which uniform is to be worn before each event. Please pay attention!!! 449 Rutland Drive ~ Aiken, South Carolina 29801 ~ School Phone: (803) 641-2500 e-mail: ~Website: Page 6 Aiken High School Bands Greg Priest, Director of Bands GRADE REQUIREMENTS FOR AIKEN HIGH SCHOOL BAND Grades for band will be given under the following criteria: 1st Nine Weeks (Ends 10-20-15) 1. Perform in the marching band or, if not in marching band, perform one solo or duet which has been approved by Mr. Priest. Solos and duets will be done in class. Marching Band students must play their show music from memory. 2. Students missing marching rehearsals and/or performances will have their grade adjusted to reflect this. 3. Pass off rhythm lines assigned for these nine weeks. 4. Pass off music from selections being worked on during these nine weeks. 5. Pass a written test of musical terms that will be assigned during these nine weeks. Grades from the above requirements will be averaged for the 9 week grade. 2nd Nine Weeks (Ends 1-12-16) 1. Students will learn All-State audition requirements, clinic or senior, and pass them off for Mr. Priest. 2. Pass off rhythm lines assigned for these nine weeks. 3. Pass off sight reading test given during these nine weeks. 4. Pass off music from selections being worked on in class during these nine weeks. 5. Pass a written test of musical terms that will be assigned during these nine weeks. 6. Perform at the Winter Concert (20% of the Nine Weeks Grade) Grades from the above requirements will be averaged for the 9 week grade. 3rd Nine Weeks (Ends 3-22-16) 1. Pass off music from selections being worked on in class during these nine weeks 2. Perform at Concert Festival (20% of the Nine Weeks Grade) Grades from the above requirements will be averaged for the 9 week grade. 4th Nine Weeks (Ends 6-2-16) 1. Pass off music from selections being worked on in class during these nine weeks. 2. Perform a total of three (3) hours of work during Solo and Ensemble Festival. 3. Perform at the Spring Concert (20% of the Nine Weeks Grade) Grades from the above requirements will be averaged for the 9 weeks grade. Other grade requirements will include all rehearsals and performances by the band. All marching band students will march in the Christmas, Homecoming and Memorial Day parades and perform at a concert in October, pep rallies and at “Christmas by the Lake” in December. 449 Rutland Drive ~ Aiken, South Carolina 29801 ~ School Phone: (803) 641-2500 e-mail: ~Website: Page 7 Aiken High School Bands Greg Priest, Director of Bands AWARDS BAND & ORCHESTRA MEMBERS Requirements to Earn Letter, Bars, and Star Awards In order for students to be eligible for any awards, including LETTER, BAR(s) or STAR, they must meet the following qualifications during one school year: 1. 2. 3. 4. Try out for Region/ All-State Perform in all Concerts and Festivals Perform at Solo and Ensemble Earn a grade of no less than a B for all four (4) quarters Letter – Awarded after first year that all requirements are met Bar – Awarded after second year that all requirements are met Star – Awarded after all requirements are met your senior year If a student does not receive a letter by their senior year, they will be awarded one at the banquet of their senior year. MARCHING BAND Requirements to Earn Letter, Bars, and Star Awards 1. March at all games, contests and parades 2. Must be at all rehearsals 3. Must have good discipline and good attendance FLAG SQUAD MEMBERS Requirements to Earn Letter, Bars, and Star Awards 1. March at all games, contests and parades 2. Must be at all rehearsals 3. Must have good discipline and good attendance If a student does not receive a letter by their senior year, they will be awarded one at the end of their senior year. 449 Rutland Drive ~ Aiken, South Carolina 29801 ~ School Phone: (803) 641-2500 e-mail: ~Website: Page 8 Aiken High School Bands Greg Priest, Director of Bands SAMPLE BAND BUDGET Instruction 1. Percussion instructor 2. Color Guard 3. Drill Writer $ 1,500.00 $ 1,500.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 4,000.00 Instruments 1. Sousaphone 2. Tuba $ 5,000.00 $5,000.00 $ 10,000.00 Equipment 1. Guard flags and uniforms 2. Percussion $ 1,500.00 $ 1,500.00 $ 3,000.00 Uniforms 1. Concert Dresses 2. Uniform Cleaning 3. Shirts 4. Shoes 5. Shorts 6. Gloves $ 1,500.00 $ 1,500.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 750.00 $ 500.00 $ 6,250.00 Honor Bands and Festivals 1. All-State 2. All-State Jazz 3. Region Band 4. USC-A Concert Festival 5. Jazz Festival $ 850.00 $ 850.00 $ 1,500.00 $ 100.00 $ 350.00 $ 3,650.00 Music and Operating Expenses 1. Music 2. Phone Tree 3. Office Supplies 4. Awards $ 1,500.00 $ 100.00 $ 700.00 $ 500.00 $ 2,800.00 GRAND TOTAL $29, 700.00 449 Rutland Drive ~ Aiken, South Carolina 29801 ~ School Phone: (803) 641-2500 e-mail: ~Website: Page 9 Aiken High School Bands Greg Priest, Director of Bands 2015-2016 STUDENT ACCOUNT Dear Parents: Each student in the band will have an account. Once their fair share fee has been met, 50% of all money they receive from fund raising activities and sponsorships will be placed in their account. This money may by used for band fees, band trips and approved band related expenses. Any other use of this money must be reviewed by and approved by the Booster Club Executive committee. This money cannot be given back to the student. It may be carried over from year to year; or upon graduation; it may be left to a sibling, if the sibling is in Schofield or Aiken Middle school or the Aiken High school band. If the student does not have a sibling who meets the above requirements or resigns from band, the money will revert back to the Band Booster general fund. It requires a large amount of help from parents for the band to be successful. We hope you will volunteer to do your share to support the band. We have a great group of students and a great band program. If you have any questions about this letter, please call Mr. Priest at 641-2500 during his planning period at Aiken High School or e-mail him at Yours truly, Yours truly, Greg Priest Director of Bands – Aiken High School Mark Goldman President – Band Booster Club The following is a list of the various fundraisers we offer during the year. 50% of the money earned/donated will be deposited into the student’s account. It can also be put towards your fair share fee. Sponsorships are the easiest way to earn money for your account. 1. BASIC SPONSORS: Ask Relatives, friends and small businesses Second Chair ($24.00 - $49.00) Section Leader ($100.00-$199.00) First Chair ($50.00 - $90.00) Concertmaster ($200.00 +) 2. CORPORATE SPONSORS: Ask Larger businesses and corporations Green Sponsor ($250.00-$499.00) Drum Major’s Circle ($1,000.00-$1,999.00) Gold Sponsor ($500.00-$999.00) Director’s Circle ($2,000.00 +) 3. INDIVIDUAL FUNDRAISERS: Ask Parents, relatives, friends, business Corbi Sales Fruit Sales Cobb Sales Profit $5.50-5.75/package Profit approx. $7-9/box Profit approx. $6.75/each 449 Rutland Drive ~ Aiken, South Carolina 29801 ~ School Phone: (803) 641-2500 e-mail: ~Website: Page 10 Aiken High School Bands Greg Priest, Director of Bands See Appendix B for the Basic Sponsor Form and the Corporate Sponsor Form. Please contact people as soon as possible to ensure their support. 449 Rutland Drive ~ Aiken, South Carolina 29801 ~ School Phone: (803) 641-2500 e-mail: ~Website: Page 11 Aiken High School Bands Greg Priest, Director of Bands BAND BOOSTER CLUB Dear Parents, As the school year approaches, the Band Booster Executive Board would like to invite you to join us in making this the most satisfying year for your student by providing the personal and financial support a program like this requires. The executive board that has been elected for the 2015-2016 year has expressed the desire and commitment to serve you to the utmost of our ability. To encourage more parent involvement, we will make you aware of opportunities in which you can assist and work with the band. We are sure you will find it to be very rewarding. There is a volunteer form in Appendix B for you to indicate how you would like to help. There are many areas that need your help. The first Booster Club meeting will be on August 20, 2015 at 7:30 p.m. in the AHS Band Room. As a reminder, we will meet the 3rd Thursday of each month at 7:30 p.m., except December, in the AHS Band Room. Any changes to this schedule will be posted on our Facebook page: Aiken High School Band & Orchestra or our website: Sincerely, Mark Goldman President Gwen Mulligan Treasurer Melissa Goldman Vice-President Melanie Brinkley Secretary 449 Rutland Drive ~ Aiken, South Carolina 29801 ~ School Phone: (803) 641-2500 e-mail: ~Website: Page 12 Aiken High School Bands Greg Priest, Director of Bands BAND VOLUNTEER GUIDELINES FOR ALL BAND ACTIVITIES 1. You must be a member of the Aiken High School Band Booster Club. 2. Please be aware that at times we are limited to the number of volunteers we are permitted per event, especially football games and competitions. Please pay at the gate if you have not been appointed as a chaperone and given a badge. 3. Have a positive attitude and assist the band director and the students. 4. No smoking is allowed. 5. Please be calm about any medical problems. The students tend to reflect our reaction. Notify the Head Chaperone who will have the First Aid Kit close by. 6. If you have a problem with a band student, please notify the Head Chaperone. Do not try to handle it yourself. 7. Please leave any disagreements with your son or daughter or other band parent at home. A calm atmosphere is a must for students to perform well for games, competitions and concerts. 8. Please do not discuss any problems about other adults or students in front of students. We are setting an example and need to work as a team. 9. Be extremely careful not to put hands on students. If they need assistance with a uniform, ask permission to help and be in the presence of others. 10. If students have a rest room emergency, they must be accompanied by a chaperone. Please notify the Head Chaperone before leaving. 11. Any volunteer using abusive language or displaying anger in front of the students will no longer be allowed to participate. 12. Any volunteer who treats any band equipment or band vehicle in a way that may damage the equipment or endanger a student or another parent will no longer be allowed to participate. 449 Rutland Drive ~ Aiken, South Carolina 29801 ~ School Phone: (803) 641-2500 e-mail: ~Website: Page 13 Aiken High School Bands Greg Priest, Director of Bands QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS What are all these band events? MARCHING CONTEST: The Marching Band may travel to competitions. The Band will present their show on the field and judges will score their performance. The areas in which they will be judged are music, visual, overall effect, drum line, color guard and drum major CONCERT BAND FESTIVAL: All band classes will play at a concert festival provided they are ready. The band will perform on stage and will be judged on their musical performance. The judges will look for balance, blend, intonation and musical expression. Parents are needed as chaperones and equipment handlers. These festivals can be at either local or out of town locations JAZZ FESTIVAL: Similar to concert festival, the jazz band will perform on stage and be critiqued by three judges. This festival is held in Newberry at the beginning of March. Parents are needed as chaperones and equipment handlers. This is a state level contest. HONOR BAND AUDITIONS: Honor band auditions are usually held the first week of January. All students are urged to audition for the honor bands. These auditions determine a student’s placement in Region and All-County band. It also determines whether or not they are called back to audition for the All-State band. These auditions consist of scales, a prepared solo, sight-reading and musical terms. REGION BAND: This is a two day event. If selected for Region Band based on the honor band audition, students will rehearse and play a concert with other chosen students in Region 2. This is one step below All-State Band. ALL-STATE BAND: This is a three day event. If selected, students will rehearse and play a concert with other chosen students from all over the state. This achievement is one of the highest honors for a band student. A set amount of students are called back after Region Band auditions to audition for All-State. The competition is tremendous. ALL-STATE JAZZ BAND: This is a three day event. If selected, they will rehearse and play in a concert with other chosen students from all over the state. This achievement is one of the highest honors for a band student. There is one audition for the jazz band that coincides with the final round of auditions for the All-State Band. USC BAND CLINIC: This is a three-and-a-half day event. This clinic is similar to All-State Band and is sponsored by the University of South Carolina in Columbia. This clinic is usually limited to seniors. 449 Rutland Drive ~ Aiken, South Carolina 29801 ~ School Phone: (803) 641-2500 e-mail: ~Website: Page 14 Aiken High School Bands Greg Priest, Director of Bands SOLO AND ENSEMBLE FESTIVAL: Students are not required, but urged to participate. Students prepare a solo or an ensemble and perform it for judges. Students receive a rating of Superior, Excellent or Good. Superior ratings qualify you to receive a medal. Excellent ratings receive a certificate. Parents are needed as volunteers for this event. Please see the Volunteer Form in Appendix B if you are interested in helping with any of the above events. What is the purpose of the Band Booster Club? The Band Booster Club’s purpose is to maintain an enthusiastic interest in the various phases of the Instrumental Music Program of the Aiken High School Band; to lend possible support, both moral and financial; to cooperate with those in charge of the Instrumental Program but in no way interfere with the teaching policies or the individual directors. The Band Booster Club shall also exist to build and maintain a non-profit organization of parents and interested persons to help promote the activities of the Aiken High School Band. All of the Band Booster Club’s net income or earnings shall be used for the purpose of supporting the efforts of the program. Does the band get any financial support from the school? We receive a small percentage of registration fees from the school. Is there a membership fee to join the Band Boosters? Yes, there is an annual fee of $5.00 per person. This will entitle that individual to volunteer, chair committees, run for office, vote and participate in all meetings and elections of the Band Booster Club. Who do I see to join the Booster Club? Contact any of the club officers for a membership application or fill out the one in Appendix A of this handbook. We meet the 3rd Thursday of each month at 7:30 p.m. in the band room, except in the month of December. Any schedule changes will be posted on the bands Facebook page: Group name Aiken High School Band & Orchestra. or at Do I have to be a member of the Booster Club to attend the meetings? No, but according to the Club constitution you would not be allowed to vote on any business issues. Where does the band parent get some of the items supporting the band? Shirts, ties and ball caps may be ordered using the order for in Appendix B. What if we do not raise enough money to meet the budget? The budget has been developed and outlined by priority. Those items with the lowest priority would have to be dropped. 449 Rutland Drive ~ Aiken, South Carolina 29801 ~ School Phone: (803) 641-2500 e-mail: ~Website: Page 15 Aiken High School Bands Greg Priest, Director of Bands Where do you get a band letter jacket and does the student have to purchase one? The jacket is optional and paid for by the student. The student that participates in the band for a year will receive a letter whether he/she has a jacket or not. The jacket is ordered through the school in September. If you miss the October 1 cutoff please see Mr. Priest. Payment in full is due at the time of the order which may be placed by filling out the form in Appendix B. What if I do not have the cash to pay my students fees? The students can earn money by participating in the fund raising events and by getting sponsors. Many have covered all their fees and paid for their trips this way. What if a student pays nothing? There are some items the student may have to pay for in order to participate. However; if the student is having a financial problem he/she should talk to Mr. Priest. Are all fundraisers designed to credit the student account? Yes. 50% of the profit from each fundraiser is credited to the student’s account provided the fair share fee has been paid. Another source of funding is sponsorship from either an individual or a company. Like the fundraisers, 50% of the sponsor’s donation goes to the student’s account, and 50% goes to the Band Boosters general budget provided the fair share fee has been paid. Where does the Band Fruit Sale money go? The band fruit sale is handled the same as any other fundraiser. The student receives credit for 50% of the profit from their sales. Do you have trouble collecting money from fundraisers? All money is collected when the order is taken, so this is not an issue. If an order is turned in without the proper payment, the order will not be placed. Where are fundraiser items picked up? Cobb and Corbi items are refrigerated and must be picked up after school in the band room. Fruit will be available at the back of the school in F Wing between 1:00.and 6:00 P.M on the day it is delivered. How are band trips funded? This is the main reason for the student account. This account may be built up from year to year by participating in multiple fundraisers and obtaining sponsors. The amount the student may be obligated to pay for his/her trip depends on the balance in their account at that time. Why is a Medical Release form required? It’s the law. Without this form, your student may not receive any medical help. What happens if a student fails to turn in a permission slip for a band function? The student will not be allowed to participate in that function. 449 Rutland Drive ~ Aiken, South Carolina 29801 ~ School Phone: (803) 641-2500 e-mail: ~Website: Page 16 Aiken High School Bands Greg Priest, Director of Bands APPENDIX 449 Rutland Drive ~ Aiken, South Carolina 29801 ~ School Phone: (803) 641-2500 e-mail: ~Website: Aiken High School Bands Greg Priest, Director of Bands STUDENT CHECKLIST Items necessary to participate in the band program: REQUIRED CLOTHING FOR MARCHING BAND TRAVEL UNIFORM Travel Shirt (green T-shirt with logo) One shirt covered by fair share fee 1 pair Khaki Walking Shorts One pair of shorts covered by fair share fee 2 pair all White Socks Student responsible for purchase 1 pair all White Tennis Shoes/Sneakers Student responsible for purchase 1 Brown Leather Belt Student responsible for purchase FORMAL UNIFORM Travel Shirt (green T-shirt with logo) One shirt covered by fair share fee 1 pair Black Dinkles (marching shoes) * First pair covered by fair share fee 1 pair Black Gloves First pair covered by fair share fee 1 pair Black Socks Student responsible for purchase REQUIRED CLOTHING FOR CONCERTS Boys Black Shirt Black Dress Pants Black Socks Black Belt Black Dress Shoes Green Tie Student responsible for purchase Student responsible for purchase Student responsible for purchase Student responsible for purchase Student responsible for purchase Provided by the Band Booster Club Girls Black Dress Black Dress Shoes Provided by the Band Booster Club Student responsible for purchase **REQUIRED FORMS** Medical Form/Prescription Info Form Parent/Student Commitment Form Media Release Form * Marching Band Shoes will be sized and ordered the first week of band camp. PARENT CHECKLIST Medical Form/Prescription Info Form Parent/Student Commitment Form Media Release Form Membership Application for Band Booster Club Volunteer Form Volunteer for committees and to help with band functions PARENT/STUDENT COMMITMENT FORM 449 Rutland Drive ~ Aiken, South Carolina 29801 ~ School Phone: (803) 641-2500 e-mail: ~Website: Aiken High School Bands Greg Priest, Director of Bands HAND BOOK ACKNOWLEDGEMENT FORM I have reviewed the contents of the 2015-2016 Parent/Student Handbook, and understand the guidelines, expectations and fees required of the Students/Parents from the band program. I have also reviewed the enclosed AHS 2015-2016 Band Calendar and will see that my child is at all rehearsals and performances listed where my child will be participating. I understand that these performances are mandatory and if missed, may cause a reduction in the student’s grade. Band Students: I further understand the GRADE REQUIREMENTS FOR AIKEN HIGH SCHOOL BAND as described in the Parent/Student Handbook. Flag Squad: If a member of the flag squad has an unexcused absence and does not come to a game, or comes to a game and is not in uniform with the band, they will not be allowed to tryout for the squad the following year. _______________________________________________/____/____ Student’s Signature Printed Name Date _______________________________________________/____/____ Parent’s Signature Printed Name Date _____________________________ Phone 449 Rutland Drive ~ Aiken, South Carolina 29801 ~ School Phone: (803) 641-2500 e-mail: ~Website: Aiken High School Bands Greg Priest, Director of Bands 2015-2016 Marching Band Parents and Students: Please read carefully and consider seriously before signing. Commitment Form The Aiken High School Marching Band is the most visible component of the Band Program. To be successful, all members must commit to many hours of work. We will perform during half time of football games, parades, contests, pep rallies, and at the “Christmas by the Lake” for the Aiken Regional Hospital. I am very excited and optimistic about the upcoming season, but it is very important to understand a major characteristic that separates the marching band from other activities. There are no substitutes in Marching Band. Every member will be responsible for marching a particular part on the field. Every member will be responsible for performing their music from memory. If one student is absent from a rehearsal or performance, it creates a “hole” that can not be filled. Our drill is custom-written for our band and is very expensive. If a students “drops” marching band after the drill is written, it costs even more to correct the drill. NOW is the time to decide if you can make this commitment. You may not drop band after you make this commitment as it will negatively impact everyone else. Unexcused absences from rehearsals and performances may cause a student to be removed from the marching band without a refund of fees or sponsorships. I hope that everyone will participate, but please do not commit to this organization if you cannot dedicate yourself to the whole season. Attached is a calendar of events that is as accurate as I can make at this point. If you have the dedication to be a member of this ensemble, we welcome you. The Marching Band requires a very large operational budget. Expenses include shirts, shorts, shoes, gloves, maintenance of the formal uniforms, maintenance of the instruments, music, instructors, transportation, flags, … As the financial assistance from the school district diminishes quickly, the burden falls on our shoulders to fund this activity. As such, the cost for Marching Band will be $200.00. This fee is due by Thursday, May 7, 2015 and will also serve as the “Fair Share Fee” for the 2015-2016 school year. If you owe money from previous years, it must be paid in full by Thursday, May 7, 2015 in order for you to be eligible to join the marching band. _____ Yes, I want to be a member of the Aiken High School Marching Band. I understand and accept the commitment for the entire year. Please write in a position for me in the drill. Student signature Printed Name Date Parent signature Printed Name Date 449 Rutland Drive ~ Aiken, South Carolina 29801 ~ School Phone: (803) 641-2500 e-mail: ~Website: Aiken High School Bands Greg Priest, Director of Bands MEDICAL/TRAVEL AUTHORIZATION FORM STUDENT NAME: _________________________________________________ Date of Birth_____/_____/_____ Sex_______ Social Security Number ____________________ Address ___________________________City _______________ State _____ Zip ___________ Parent/Guardian _______________________________________ Home Phone ______________ Work Phone ___________________ Emergency Phone ________________ Health History: (Please Check and give approximate dates) Ear Infections Rheumatic Fever Convulsions Diabetes Behavior Date of last Tetanus Booster Operations or serious injuries Chronic or recurring illness Restricted Activities Chicken Pox Measles German Measles Mumps Asthma Allergies: Hay Fever Poison Ivy Food Drugs Medication: Yes ☐ No ☐ The following medications may be administered to my child: Ibuprofen Tylenol Alka Seltzer Kaopectate Benedryl Pepto Bismol Dramamine Aleve Other Medical Insurance: Company _____________________________________________________________________ Name of Insured ____________________________________Policy/Group# _______________ (Attach copy of Insurance Card) Parent’s Authorization: In the event I cannot be reached in an emergency, I hereby authorize Mr. Priest or his designee to hospitalize, secure proper treatment for, and to order injection, anesthesia, or surgery for my child as named above. I also authorize release of treatment information to the proper insurance company for payment purposes. I also give my child permission to travel with the band to all band activities for the school year. I agree that neither the school district nor any person employed by the school district will be held liable for any accident involving my son/daughter or for any injuries sustained by my son/daughter. Parent’s Signature_________________________________________ Date: _____/_____/_____ Student Conduct: I, _________________________________, am aware that when I am on a schoolsponsored trip, I am under the jurisdiction and supervision of the school-employed sponsors/chaperones and that my behavior must conform to the “code of Student Conduct”, in the school’s Student Handbook, the additional rules set by the Band Director and reasonable instructions from chaperones. I understand I will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action for violations of these rules and regulations. Student’s Signature: _______________________________________ Date: _____/_____/_____ 449 Rutland Drive ~ Aiken, South Carolina 29801 ~ School Phone: (803) 641-2500 e-mail: ~Website: Aiken High School Bands Greg Priest, Director of Bands PRESCRIPTION MEDICATION INFORMATION FORM STUDENT NAME: _________________________________________________ IMPORTANT: If your child is on any prescription medication regardless of needing to take it during a band function, please list it. This information could be vital in the case of an emergency. 1. ________________________________________________________________________ Name of Prescription Medication _______________________________________________________________________ Indications (Reason for taking) _______________________________________________________________________ When taken and Dosage 2. ________________________________________________________________________ Name of Prescription Medication _______________________________________________________________________ Indications (Reason for taking) _______________________________________________________________________ When taken and Dosage 3. ________________________________________________________________________ Name of Prescription Medication _______________________________________________________________________ Indications (Reason for taking) _______________________________________________________________________ When taken and Dosage _________________________________________________________________/______/_____ Parent’s Signature Printed Name Date ________________________________Phone where best to be reached 449 Rutland Drive ~ Aiken, South Carolina 29801 ~ School Phone: (803) 641-2500 e-mail: ~Website: Aiken High School Bands Greg Priest, Director of Bands MEDIA RELEASE FORM I hereby give my consent for the image and likeness of _____________________ to be videotaped, audio taped, or photographed for the following uses: • Educational/Instructional media • Web site content • Recruitment media • Newsworthy media documentation I further authorize The Aiken High School Bands to use this electronic media and/or photographs in any manner, whole, or in part. This waiver includes usage of this media in any way deemed appropriate, which may include electronic and photographical reproductions thereof for the production of educational, instructional, promotional, or institutional advancement materials which support the educational and publicity activities of The Aiken High School Bands. I hereby waive any right I may have to inspect or approve any use of this electronic media and/or photographs and I release The Aiken High School Bands from all liability which could result from its use. Student’s Name (please print) _______________________________________________________________ Student’s Signature ________________________________________________________________ (Required) A parent or guardian must sign this form. Parent/Guardian’s Name (please print) _________________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature _________________________________________________________________ (Required) 449 Rutland Drive ~ Aiken, South Carolina 29801 ~ School Phone: (803) 641-2500 e-mail: ~Website: Aiken High School Bands Greg Priest, Director of Bands PARENT INFORMATION Please Print Student Name: ______________________________________________________ Mother: ___________________________________ Phone #_________________ Mailing address: ____________________________________________________ Work phone ________________________________Cell phone: ______________ E-mail address: _____________________________________________________ Father: ____________________________________________________________ Mailing address: ____________________________________________________ Work phone: ________________________________Cell phone: ___________ E-mail address: _____________________________________________________ Emergency contact # 1 _______________________________________________ Relationship to student: _______________________________________________ Home phone: ________________________________Cell phone: ____________ Emergency contact # 2 _______________________________________________ Relationship to student: _______________________________________________ Home phone: ________________________________ Cell phone: ____________ 449 Rutland Drive ~ Aiken, South Carolina 29801 ~ School Phone: (803) 641-2500 e-mail: ~Website: Aiken High School Bands Greg Priest, Director of Bands 2015 July-August July 27-Leadership Camp 9:00-4:00. July 28-Rookie Camp 7:00-4:00 July 29 –Everyone is at Band Camp 7:00-4:00. Shoe fitting 8:30AM. Pecknel will also be here to get any equipment orders. July 30-Band Camp 7:00-4:00 July 31-Band Camp 7:00-4:00 Aug 3 – Aug 7 – Band Camp 7:00-4:00 Aug 10 – Aug 14 – Rehearsal 4:00-6:00 Aug 14 End of Camp cookout and performance for parents - 6:00PM Aug 17 – First day of classes 18 – Rehearsal 3:45-6:00 19 – Guard and sectionals 3:45-5:30 20 – Rehearsal 3:45-6:00. Instrument Rental Fee Due! 21 – Football at Strom Thurmond 7:30; NO BAND. Fair Share Fees Due! 25 – Rehearsal 3:45-6:00 26 – Guard and sectionals 3:45-5:30 27 – Rehearsal 3:45-6:00 28 – Football at South Aiken; report at South Aiken at 6:15PM September 1– Rehearsal 3:45-6:00. Cobb Fundraiser Due!!! 2 – Guard and sectionals 3:45-5:30 3 – Rehearsal 3:45-6:00 8 – Rehearsal 3:45-6:00 9 – Guard and sectionals 3:45-5:30 10 – Rehearsal 3:45-6:00 11 – Football vs Dreher; report at 5:30 15 – Rehearsal 3:45-6:00 16 – Guard and sectionals 3:45-5:30 17 – Rehearsal 3:45-6:00 18 – Football vs North Augusta; report at 5:30 22 – Rehearsal 3:45-6:00 23 – Guard and sectionals 3:45-5:30 24 – Rehearsal 3:45-6:00 25 – Football at Barnwell 7:30; NO BAND 26-Competition @ Midland Valley 29 – Rehearsal 3:45-6:00 30 – Guard and sectionals 3:45-5:30 449 Rutland Drive ~ Aiken, South Carolina 29801 ~ School Phone: (803) 641-2500 e-mail: ~Website: Aiken High School Bands Greg Priest, Director of Bands October 1 – Rehearsal 3:45-6:00 2 – Football vs Brookland Cayce; report at 5:30 ??? – Region Orchestra Auditions 6 – Rehearsal 3:45-6:00 7 – Guard and sectionals 3:45-5:30 8 – Rehearsal 3:45-6:00 9 – Football at Airport 7:30; NO BAND, Socastee Beach Band Blast 10- Competition- Socastee Beach Band Blast 11-Competition-Socastee Beach Band Blast 13 – Rehearsal 3:45-6:00 14 – Guard and sectionals 3:45-5:30 15 – Rehearsal 3:45-6:00 16 – Football vs Swansea; report at 5:30 20 – Rehearsal 3:45-6:00 21 – Guard and sectionals 3:45-5:30 22 – Rehearsal 3:45-6:00 23 – Football vs Gilbert; report at 5:30 27 – Rehearsal 3:45-6:00 28 – Guard and sectionals 3:45-5:30 29 – Rehearsal 3:45-6:00 30 – Football at Midland Valley; report at 5:00 November 2 – Registration for Honor Band Auditions ??- Veteran’s Day performances December ??- Windsor Christmas Parade. Call time 2:00PM in Windsor 8 – Winter Concert at St. John’s UMC. Call time 6:00PM ?? – Christmas by the Lake, call time 5:00PM. ??- Jazz Band: Christmas at Breezy Hill. Call time 5:00PM ?? – Aiken Christmas Parade. Call time 1:00pm. ??- Jazz Band: Lights at Hopeland Gardens. 449 Rutland Drive ~ Aiken, South Carolina 29801 ~ School Phone: (803) 641-2500 e-mail: ~Website: Aiken High School Bands Greg Priest, Director of Bands 2016 January 9 – Region Band Auditions @ Brewer Middle School 16 – Inclement Weather – Region Band Auditions 23 – All-State Auditons @ Lexington High School 30 – Inclement Weather – All-State Auditions February 3-Jazz Band 3:45-5:00 19-20 – Region Band Clinic @ Lexington HS. 20-22- All State Orchestra Clinic @ River Bluff HS March ???-USCA Concert Festival 1-Solo and Ensemble Registration Due 3-5 – All-State Jazz Band Clinic @ Newberry College 6 – Aiken County Honor Band @ Midland Valley High School. 11-13 – All-State Band Clinic @ Furman University. 16-18- State Concert Festival?? ???-Garcia All County Orchestra Clinic @ USCA. April 14- Spring Marching Band Rehearsal 3:45-5:00 21- Marching Band Rehearsal 3:45-5:00 22-23 – Solo & Ensemble Festival @ Aiken High School. Everyone in the band program is required to work at least one shift. We ask that everyone donate a case of drinks for this event as well. 26 – Spring Concert @ St. John’s United Methodist Church. Call time is 6:00PM, concert starts @ 7:00PM. Students are to wear formal concert black attire. 28-Marching Band Rehearsal 3:45-5:00 May 5-Marching Band Rehearsal 3:45-5:00 12-Marching Band Rehearsal 3:45-5:00 19-Marching Band Rehearsal 3:45-5:00 26- Marching Band Rehearsal 3:45-5:00 ? - Memorial Day Parade 449 Rutland Drive ~ Aiken, South Carolina 29801 ~ School Phone: (803) 641-2500 e-mail: ~Website: