Board Meeting Minutes Tuesday, November 18th 2014 3:00 p.m. W. G. Mills Building 3301 Whitfield Avenue, Sarasota, FL 34243 Board Members: Present: Philip Brown, Chris Carle, Patrick Carnegie, Alicia Chalmers, Alex Chavez, Steve Lobel, and Felice Schulaner Absent: Marie Byrd, Darryl Cobb Others Present: Cindy Cavallaro Day, John Elbare, (Community Foundation of Sarasota County, Inc.) A. Louis Parker, Shannon Rohrer-Phillips, and Neil Phillips Quorum present? Yes Proceedings: • Meeting called to order at 3:05 p.m. by Acting VMA Board Chair, Alex Chavez • The Board retreat summary will be tabled Approval of the minutes: • 11/18/14 Meeting minutes were properly moved and seconded (Recording did not capture names) I. CEO Report- Neil Phillips (Report is attached) VPK strategy will be headed by Shannon Rohrer- Phillips with Philip Brown supporting Budgetary need to set enrollment target (125-150 students) Capital campaign will be discussed Principal Search led by Louis Parker with Marie Byrd supporting Board reports received a head of time Board members will come to the to the next meeting with 10 potential donors Concerns around current enrollment (losing students due to transportation, childcare) Connection with parents must go above the norm Chris Carle mentioned looking at the bus routes, and having teachers call one student parent each night with a brief report Student and Family Services – Shannon Rohrer- Phillips (Report is attached) o Student loss due to housing instability o Professional Development is still a need o Parent Success averaging 20 parents each week o VPK Outreach Strategy was reviewed (Attached) o Alex Chavez questioned the reality of getting 220 students for next year o Parent School Choice night January 12th o The Sarasota Housing Authority toured VMA and is interested in partnering o Felice Schulaner suggested connecting with Peter Hayes (Education Foundation) o Alicia Chalmers suggested Janet Kahn (Sarasota Early Learning Coalition) o Alex Chavez will contact Paul Scharf (sp?) (Manatee Early Learning Coalition) for a VMA tour o Shannon Rohrer- Phillips reviewed recruitment incentives for parents o Steve Lobel and Felice Schulaner mentioned helping with incentives o VMA Multicultural Holiday Assembly will be on 12/19 o Felice Schulaner mentioned Neil Phillips winning the 2015 BIZ941 Unity Award for Education o Alex Chavez suggested having new School Board Member Mary Cantrell tour VMA II. Operations Report- Louis Parker a. A portable was donated b. Louis Parker, Cindy Cavallaro Day, and Neil Phillips in the process of speaking with Commissioners about acquiring the lot next to VMA III. Finance Report- Louis Parker (Budget a. Approval of an amended Budget (Based on current enrollment) b. Suggested student number reduced to 130 c. $125,000 approved from CSP (Charter School Plan) d. $25,000 needed monthly IV. Development Report- Cindy Cavallaro Day (Report is attached) a. John Elbare (Community Foundation of Sarasota County, Inc.) is coming in to talk about the importance of the donor b. Short Term ($800K), Long Term ($2 Million) c. July 1- Nov 10 $519, 579 d. A special Thank You to Felice Schulaner for hosting a reception with 20 attendees on (11/6/14) e. A list of 10 influencers/ donors needed from each Board Member f. Discussion was had around the budget, various enrollment numbers, and cutting expenses g. A motion to accept the amended budget with a student count of 100 with the recommended changes suggested by Louis Parker was made by Felice Schulaner and seconded by Chris Carle h. John Elbare has joined the meeting i. Visible Men Academy was hand picked by the Community Foundation of Sarasota County, Inc.) to participate in the process (Business Plan for Fundraising) ii. John spoke about ways to keep donors engaged and donations strategically goal oriented iii. High performing Boards are always asking “How can we get better” V. Other Committee Reports a. Alex mentioned concern about getting more Board Members to serve on committees b. Audit Committee- Louis Parker i. We passed our audit and it has been filed with the State and School District ii. Louis will provide the Board with the Audit report c. Principal Search- Louis Parker with support from Marie Byrd i. Principal Job Description has been created ii. Steve Lobel mentioned adding a line in the budget for Head of School iii. Felice Schulaner suggested an endowed Principal position iv. Alicia Chalmers suggested an endowed Head of School VI. New Business a. Daryl Cobb has requested to be removed from the Board with remarks of support for VMA. A letter of Resignation is forthcoming VII. Adjournment a. A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Chris Carle, and seconded by Felice Schulaner b. The meeting was adjourned at 4:48 pm Next Board Meeting: Tuesday, January 13th 2014 3-5 pm @ W. G. Mills Building 3301 Whitfield Avenue, Sarasota, FL 34243 Minutes submitted by VMA Administrative Assistant, Dawnyelle Singleton with assistance from audio recording. Board Reports Below: VMA - Board of Director’s Meeting CEO Report (for 11/18 mtg.) Current Enrollment: 102 students MAP (Measures of Academic Progress) Testing: 12/8-16 o Quarterly testing in Reading and Math o 1st cycle occurred in September o NWEA MAP aligned with Common Core o Teacher’s predicting outcomes to gauge reliability of individual progress monitoring practices o Overview and summary of results to BoD at January meeting Teacher observations/evaluations: beginning 11/12 o Theme – Stretching outside of comfort zones o Pre-observation meeting – What will I observe? o Observation of lesson plan implemented o Post-observation discussion/assessment of effectiveness and insights gained SHINE Evaluations o Interviews completed mid-October o All students Field Trips/Special Events: o Kindergarten 1st grade – Hunsader Farm o 2nd, 3rd, & 4th grade – Van Wezel Let’s Do Science Show Board Report November 18th, 2014 Director of Student & Family Services, Shannon Rohrer-Phillips, MSW 1. VMA Student Data Fall 2014 Total Students: 101 (Attrition data: 4 students moved, 2 Project Heart, 2 to Sibling school) Race 92.3 % Minority (Students of Color) 7.7 % White African American: 52 Students Hispanic: 38 White: 8 Asian 3 ESL -English as Second Language-: 26 students (Spanish, Haitian Creole & Tagalog) ESE-Exceptional Student Education: 13 Students with Actual IEP VMA has held 5 successful IEP meetings this fall and Received notice from District that we are in FULL COMPLIANCE! o FARMS- 100 Eligible o County: Manatee- 93 Sarasota- 12 - Project Heart- 8 (4 additional pending referrals) o Manatee Glens/Mental Health Services- 34 o YMCA Anti Gang Task Force (pending VMA partnership review with YMCA) o 9 students from Pride Park & Newtown served in 2013-14 o Child Protective Services Involvement -29 2. Student Support Services: o Weekly Resource Team Meetings: review referrals of identified high risk students & plan interventions with Dean, SCT, ESE Teacher & Director Curriculum o Social Work Support: includes Student Crisis Support, Safety Assessments, Social/Emotional/Behavioral Support, referrals to community providers, family meetings & communications Oversee Learning Lab, ensure pull out strategy used as alternative setting for students who need 1:1 & small group instruction o Tutoring Referrals to Reading Rays & Study Stars for low academic performers, high social/behavioral risk students o SEL- Social Emotional Learning Drama Discovery Kindergarten Group every Wednesday 11:30 Wellness Groups 1st & 2nd Grade, Tues & Wed (Self Regulation, Positive Expression, Friendship) delivered by Mental Health Therapists Forty Carrots o Lunch Buddies- Meet with 2 students each week to have special Lunch in Resource Room, encouraging Mother/Son Lunch Buddies Professional Development: Upcoming Playworks Social Emotional PlayPE, Solar, After Care, Manatee Glens-positive behavior support with Oppositional Students-January (or Feb) ESE Specialist, hired .5 ESE Teacher Terrell Winn through contract with Progressus Therapy to handle IEP Compliance, meetings & charts o ESE Certified (Jackie, Kalyn, Eliana, Traci Studying) o Children’s Therapy Solutions Continues to be Speech/Language & Occupational Therapy Provider for student with IEP’s o Student Conduct Team, Close daily collaboration with SCT to strategize on support and intervention plans & Family Engagement for high risk Behavior Wellness- Need $900 Funding to implement Bee Safe Curriculum Contract RN Anette Myer came to audit Medication Log and Communications, provided feedback to Shannon for areas of improvement o Volunteer PT RN with Elementary School Experience 11-2 would be significant asset as majority of illness/injuries occur between lunch/PE o SEL Curriculum to institute School Wide (Conscious Discipline, PlayWorks, PE) 3. Parent Success Program (See Flyer): o The launch of Parent Success has been tremendously successful: o September: o First JFCS Parenting Class & Family Dinner, Tuesday 4-6pm, 20 Parents, 26 Children for a total of 46 Served o Averaging weekly attendance between 14-19 Parents, 22-29 students o First Saturday Success, Parent Success Wellness Workshop: 15 Parents o October: o JFCS Parenting Class Ongoing every Tuesday 4-6pm o Saturday Success Parent Success Workshop-Job Fair, 14 Parents attended, very successful o Case Management from JFCS is Adequate but has room for improvement, free for all enrolled JFCS Parenting Class participants o Student Emergency Fund (Project Heart, Transportation, RX) SRQ Community Foundation o Parent Success Workshop Series on Wellness, Stress Reduction, Boy Behavior & Job Search during Saturday Success 9:30-11:30 will continue through community Partners, Women’s Resource Center, Florida Center o VMA Fatherhood Initiative: Continue to “listen & learn” from our VMA Suns & parents on the topic of fatherhood. Encourage & Track Paternal Engagement. Identify themes, needs and focus groups with VM. Benchmark w/National Fatherood initiatives to customize best practices at VMA. o Parent Success Partners: JFCS, WRC Manatee, Florida Center, Sarasota Community Foundation, Aspen Institute, Ascend Network, ThinkXChange event October 6-9, Children First Florida Parent Engagement Regional Team Jorge Godoy Parent Advisory Group Monthly meetings, Meetings Held 9/3/14, 10/1/14, 11/12/14 Top Agenda Topics-Facility Needs, stay in Pride Park, S. Manatee Communications (between school, home & community) Parent Mentoring & Volunteer Initiatives 3. Community Engagement/Student Recruitment See VPK Recruitment Strategy Document Open Enrollment Begins January 12th, 2015. VMA will recruit K-5 for next fall Target Enrollment for 2015-2016 is 220 Kindergarten: 54, First: 54, Second: 36, Third: 36, Fourth: 22, Fifth: 18 *See attached Recruitment Strategy & VPK Outreach Strategy Documents 5. VMA Social Media Summary Social Media is used at VMA for 2 purposes 1. KIDS: Engage our VMA Student & Families with direct school information/Engage Target Market for recruitment (bilingual) Facebook 50% of VMA parents 2. CAUSE Increase VMA Brand Awareness in the Ed Reform & Philanthropic space both regionally and nationally & show relevance of VMA innovative minority education. Twitter Social Media Outlets VMA Facebook: 576 VMA Twitter: vmacademy1: 329 o TheVMAcademy Youtube Channel: 28,110 views of “Happy Video at Visible Men Academy” Neil Phillips: Facebook 587, Twitter 295 Shannon Rohrer-Phillips, Twitter 666 VMA Brand (Minority Ed Reform, Whole Child, Positive School Culture, Play/Let’s Move School, High Expectations, Aspen Ascend/2Gen, Neil Phillips Leadership Brand) *Visible Men Academy Student Recruitment 2015-16 School Year Target Enrolled Students: 220, K-5 K: 54 1: 54 2: 36 3: 36 4: 22 5: 18 Must yield 300 applications total to yield 220 Phase 1 September 2014-December 2014 October Strategic planning meeting held with Founding Team Marketing Material needs reviewed, designed & ordered Outreach Begins with VPK Strategic plan Community Partners, All After School Service Providers, Preschools, ELC, and Recruiters, Unidos Now, Healthy Start, YMCA, BGC, Just for Girls November Announce Dates of VMA Open Enrollment 1/12/15 with Manatee County School District, the Parent Information Center, VMA website and in the VMA Sunlight (Newsletter to parents). Begin tours of VMA and increase community outreach with Faith based community, Preschools, Case Management Service providers, and Community Partners, Neighborhood Services Inform eligible VMA siblings of sibling priority in admissions and disseminate enrollment material Disseminate Intent to Re-Enroll to all VMA students with return deadline of 12/15/14 to save seat. Each One Recruit One Campaign Launch with teachers, parents, students, volunteers and community partners, Social Media Coverage & Incentives December Complete & Secure all new VMA Marketing materials by 12/1/14 o Rack Cards, Flyers, (All materials will contain Multilingual content and include Sarasota County) Engage Parent Advisory group at VMA and establish student recruitment plan Identify VMA staff and consistent VMA volunteers for recruitment teams, review admissions process with recruiters Invite interested parents/ and community for tours of school VMA Students Intent to Re-Enroll forms due December 15th 2014 Phase 2 January 2015-March 31st 2015 January Heavy Marketing through Bradenton Herald, TV/Video, Radio and Spanish media outlets Recruitment Events o MLK Parade (Draws people from Bradenton and Palmetto) o Manatee Parent Choice event 1/27 , reported 10,000 families Congregations-Louis to speak at 3 churches Mass mailing to VPK centers in both Manatee and Sarasota counties VMA hosts Weekly Parent information coffee Hours (Thursdays 8:30 am) free coffee, food, tours about school and on the spot enrollment Parent Advisory Group Recruitment Team executes 2 neighborhood canvasses Robert Taylor Center Recruitment booth during peak hours 2x/month “Pizza at Pick UP” Boys and Girls Club Popsicle party at Pick Up x2 (De Soto Branch Bradenton Branch) Feb-March Weekly Parent information coffee Hours (Thursdays 8:30 am) Robert L. Taylor Center on site recruitment during peak dismissal Mass mailing to churches in Bradenton 2 Enrollment Open House at VMA (After Saturday Success event) 13th Ave Dream Center Pizza at pickup-large Community Center Phase 3 April 1st 2015—June 1 Invite VPK centers to VMA for Popsicle & Kaboom Kinder playdate o Morton Clark Head start o Pine Village Head start o South County Head start o Children’s First Head start (Sarasota) o Ellen Meade Weekly Parent information Coffee Hours ( Thursdays 8:30 am) Parent Advisory Group meetings to continue with recruitment focus VMA Kindergarten Round Up in May Visible Men Academy Recruitment VPK Outreach Strategy Target Enrollment: 54 Minimum 1. Identify Target Zip Codes: 34203, 34205, 34207, 34208, 34234 2. Identify & establish contact with 50 Feeder Preschools Schools 3. Execute Bulk Open Enrollment Mailings: January, Feb, March 4. Principal Outreach Calls, VMA Founding Team Outreach by Feb 1, 2015 5. VMA Kindergarten Open House dates January 17th, February 7th, March TBD, April 16th 6. Scholastic Book Fair-Open HOUSE Guest of Honor reading story, April 16 7. On site Preschool Recruitment November-May 8. Marketing Material designed for Kinder Audience-Video, Flyers, Testimonials 9. Engage Early Ed Stakeholders, ELC, Head Start Leadership, Vroom, Natl. Head Start 10. Align with k-5 Recruitment Strategy Next Steps: 1. Create Marketing Material-Bulk copy 500 of English & Spanish & Creole One Sheet, Open Enrollment Rack Cards ALL MARKETING MATERIAL COMPLETE BY 11/21/14 2. Mailers (50 preschools, boy demographic #) 3. Radio Ad, English/Spanish 4. Promo-Video Head Start N. SRQ, Children’s First, (, VMA App Head Start Manatee Ellen Meade Faith Based Preschools Weekly Recruitment Meetings November 2014-August 2015: Weekly Recruitment Meeting: 11/10/12 Shannon, Dawnyelle Agenda 1. Marketing Material 2. Calendar of Recruitment Events 3. VPK-Divide & Conquer 4. Each One Recruit One Campaign (teachers, volunteers, students, parents) Incentives Notes: 1. Marketing Material (Budget $3k max) One Sheets, $75 Create new rack cards with Dan’s photos, 300 total count 11x17 Posters, draft of poster 11/14, ALL VMA RECRUITMENT MARKETING MATERIAL PRINTED BY 11/21 2. Calendar of Events Jan 12, District Parent Info Night January 17th VMA Recruitment Open House February 7th, Saturday Success Recruitment Open House March TBD (Taylor Center and BGC Pizza at Pick up) April 16th-Scholastic Book Fair, Kinder Open House VPK Mailers Jan-April Foot Canvassing-Newtown BGC Sarasota-Pizza at Pick up-Dawnyelle to ask Nate Taylor Center-Treats at Pick up 3. VPK-Leadership Team Discussion 4. Each One Recruit One campaign: Teachers, Parents, Students, Volunteers-outline incentives, UTC gift cards, swag, Incentives for Each One Recruit One $400 Swag- t-shirts, car magnets, yellow bags 5. Misc. Over 100 Postings: Community Centers, Laundromats, Small Biz Need 3 academic data points to market, quote by parent or student Shannon working on video shorts with David VISIBLE MEN ACADEMY SENSITIVITY BUDGET ALL FUNDS BY FUNCTION & OBJECT FOR THE PERIOD JULY 1, 2014 THROUGH JUNE 30, 2015 Enrollment 130 100 Revenues 3240 3300 3334 3600 3290 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 000 000 000 000 000 Title I FEFP - Manatee Cty Sch Dist Florida Teacher's Lead Program Donations CSP Start-up Grant Total Revenues 102,605 889,842 4,136 403,487 225,000 78,927 684,489 3,182 403,487 225,000 1,625,070 1,395,084 370,348 109,750 16,803 36,727 52,958 3,601 6,720 5,843 1,987 18,900 6,567 24,934 609 11,014 25,085 16,000 51,966 4,291 38,279 16,300 370,348 109,750 16,803 36,727 52,958 3,601 6,720 4,495 1,529 18,900 5,052 24,934 469 8,472 19,296 16,000 51,966 3,301 38,279 16,300 818,682 805,899 62,161 426 47,816 328 62,587 48,144 40,000 1,400 3,060 5,884 300 560 1,048 40,000 1,400 3,060 5,884 300 560 806 52,252 52,010 10,028 7,714 10,028 7,714 Expenditures 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4001 4002 4003 4005 4006 4007 4008 4009 4011 4012 4014 4016 5100 5100 5100 5100 5100 5100 5100 5100 5100 5100 5100 5100 5100 5100 5100 5100 5100 5100 5100 5100 120 150 210 220 230 240 250 310 315 330 390 510 511 512 520 610 640 642 643 691 Classroom Teachers Classroom Aides Retirement Social Security Group Insurance Workers Compensation Unemployment Compensation Contracted Services Field Trips Travel / Conference / Workshops Copy and Printing Supplies Yearbook Uniforms Textbooks Other Books Furniture & Equipment Non Capital Furniture & Equipment Computer Equipment Software Total Instruction 4000 4000 5200 5200 310 Contracted Services 510 Instructional Materials Total Exceptional Instruction 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 6100 6100 6100 6100 6100 6100 6150 150 210 220 230 240 250 310 Registrar Retirement Social Security Group Insurance Workers Compensation Unemployment Compensation Parent Involvement Total Pupil Personnel Services 4000 6300 310 Curriculum Development Total Instruction and Curriculum Development VISIBLE MEN ACADEMY SENSITIVITY BUDGET ALL FUNDS BY FUNCTION & OBJECT FOR THE PERIOD JULY 1, 2014 THROUGH JUNE 30, 2015 Enrollment 4000 130 6400 310 Staff Development Total Instructional Staff Training Services 4000 4000 6500 6500 310 Technology Support & Service 310 Technology Support & Service Total Instruction Related Technology 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 7100 7100 7100 7100 7100 7100 310 310 320 730 790 795 Legal and Audit Expense Legal and Audit Expense Insurance Dues and Fees District Admin Fees Bank Charges Total Board Administration 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 7200 7200 7200 7200 7200 7200 110 210 220 230 240 250 Administrators Retirement Social Security Group Insurance Workers Compensation Unemployment Compensation Total General Administration 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 7300 7300 7300 7300 7300 7300 7300 7300 7300 7300 7300 7300 7300 7300 7300 110 160 210 220 230 240 250 310 330 370 390 510 640 643 690 Administrators Administrative Assistants Retirement Social Security Group Insurance Workers Compensation Unemployment Compensation Administrative Contracted Services Travel / Conferences / Workshops Postage Advertising Office Expense Furniture & Equipment Computer Equipment Software Total School Administration 4000 7400 360 Facility Lease Total Facilities Acquisition 4000 7500 310 Contract Controller Service Total Fiscal Services 100 10,434 8,026 10,434 8,026 11,527 5,000 8,867 5,000 16,527 13,867 5,985 10,210 2,918 2,123 44,492 1,411 5,985 10,210 2,918 2,123 34,224 1,411 67,139 56,871 155,500 5,443 11,896 5,884 1,166 1,120 155,500 5,443 11,896 5,884 1,166 1,120 181,009 181,009 178,816 40,000 7,659 16,739 23,537 1,641 2,240 20,000 3,084 1,743 16,000 13,078 4,563 5,211 19,000 178,816 40,000 7,659 16,739 23,537 1,641 2,240 20,000 3,084 1,743 16,000 13,078 4,563 5,211 19,000 353,311 353,311 48,000 48,000 48,000 48,000 25,360 19,508 25,360 19,508 VISIBLE MEN ACADEMY SENSITIVITY BUDGET ALL FUNDS BY FUNCTION & OBJECT FOR THE PERIOD JULY 1, 2014 THROUGH JUNE 30, 2015 Enrollment 4000 4000 130 7600 7600 510 Food Service Supplies 570 Food Total Food Services 4000 7800 310 Transportation - Contracted Services Total Pupil Transportation Services 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 7900 7900 7900 7900 7900 7900 7900 7900 7900 7900 7900 310 320 351 352 370 380 390 430 510 642 730 Contracted Services Insurance - Building Contract Custodial Service Contract Lawn Maintenance Communications Water Sewer Garbage Collection Other Purchased Services Electricity Custodial Supplies Non-Capital Furniture Dues and Fees Total Operation of Plant 4000 8100 350 Repairs and Maintenance Total Maintenance of Plant 4000 9100 310 Aftercare Contracted Services Total Aftercare Total Expenditures 100 11,478 6,678 8,829 5,137 18,156 13,966 61,240 61,240 61,240 61,240 2,200 2,596 13,887 4,219 5,670 3,753 3,285 7,824 3,810 662 114 2,200 2,596 13,887 4,219 5,670 3,753 3,285 7,824 3,810 662 114 48,022 48,022 8,215 8,215 8,215 8,215 3,729 2,868 3,729 2,868 1,784,692 1,728,670 Excess (Deficit) of Revenues Over Expenditures (159,622) (333,586) Fund Balance, July 1, 2014 172,897 172,897 Fund Balance, June 30, 2015 13,276 (160,688) VMA Board Meeting Development Report November 18, 2014 1. Approval of VMA 2014-2015 Development Plan 2. John Elbare, Development Consultant 4:30 pm 3. Need everyone’s list of top 10 influencers and donors to include name, address, affiliation, phone and email Update Events: October 18th: 24 attendees, $21,000 ($10,000 pledge & $11,000 cash) November 6th: 20 attendees, $103,250 ($97,000 pledge & $6,250 cash) Tour updates: Average 3 high net worth tours per week, all converted to donors Average 1 non-profit tour per week, partnership oriented Grants: Q2: Knight Cities RFP, Gulfcoast Community Foundation. Bezos RFP, Kellogg RFP. End of the year Ask: Mailer & On line