Vocab 1-6 Quiz

From Princeton Review’s Hit Parade
Week 1:
 Knowing or perceiving quickly and readily
2. Paramount
Of chief concern or importance
3. Urbane
Notably polite and elegant in manner; suave
4. Epiphany
A sudden burst of understanding or discovery
5. Trenchant
Keen, incisive
6. Whimsical
Subject to erratic behavior; unpredictable
To try to equal or excel, especially through
8. Nascent
Coming into existence; emerging
9. Novice
A beginner
10. Laudatory
Expressing great praise
Week 3
1. Incumbent
Imposed as a duty; obligatory
2. Indigenous
Originating and living in a particular area
3. Innate
Possessed at birth; inborn
5. Parochial
Narrow in scope
6. Pervasive
Having the quality or tendency to be
everywhere at the same time
7. Penitent
Expressing remorse for one’s misdeeds
8. Vindicated
Freed from blame
9. Jurisprudence
The philosophy or science of law
10. Biased
Week 4
1. Immutable
Not able to be changed
2. Mundane
Commonplace; ordinary
3. Prosaic
Unimaginative; dull
4. Prudent
Exercising good judgement
5. Tenent
A principle held as being true by a person or an
6. Stoic
Indifferent to pleasure or pain; impassive
7. Austere
Somber; stern
8. Genre
Describing a category of artistic endeavor
9. Staid
Characterized by a strait-laced sense of
10. Archaic
Characteristic of an earlier, more primitive
period; old-fashioned
2. Nocturnal
 Of or occuring at night
Week #5
 Reminder… Vocabulary QUIZ in two weeks
 Lists 1-6
 Best ways to study?
 Kind of quiz?
1. Temperate
 Moderate, mild
2. Nocturnal
 of or relating to the night
3. Conflagration
 A widespread fire
4. Arid
 Describing a dry, rainless climate
5. Curtail
 To cut short, abbreviate
6. Terse
 Brief and to the point, concise
7. Purist
 One who is particularly concerned with
maintaining traditional practices
8. Pragmatic
 practical
9. Frank
 Open and sincere in expression,
10. Candor
 Sincerity, openess
Week #6
 Reminder… Vocabulary QUIZ this Friday! Lists
1. Volition
 Will, conscious choice
2. Voluntary
 Willing, unforced
3. Didactic
 Instructive; intended to instruct
4. Disparate
 Different; incompatable
5. Disparage
 To belittle; to say uncomplimentary things
6. Ephemeral
 Short-lived; not lasting
7. Compliant
 Yielding; submissive
8. Prosaic
 Boring, unimaginative
9. Expedient
 Providing an immediate advantage
10. Fastidious
 demanding
Week #7
1. Pander
to cater to the desires of others by exploiting
their weaknesses
2. Zealous
 Passionate; extremely interested in pursuing
3. Milk
 To draw or extract profit or advantage from
4. Tenacity
 Persistent adherence to a belief or a point of
5. Obstinate
 Stubbornly adhering to an opinion or a course
of action
6. Meticulous
 Extremely careful and precise
7. Intrepid
 Courageous; fearless
8. Conscientious
 Careful and principled
9. Assiduious
 Hard-working
10. Propriety
 Appropriateness of behavior
Week 8
1. Punctilious
Strictly attentive to minute details; picky
2. Dogged
 Stubbornly persistent
3. Facetious
 Playfully humorous
4. Egregious
 Outstandingly bad or offensive
5. Ruse
 A crafty trick
6. Slander
 False charges and malicious oral statements
or reports about someone
7. Specious
 Having the ring of truth or plausibility but
actually false
8. Superfluous
 extra; unnecessary
9. Squalor
 A filthy condition or quality
10. Sonorous
 Having or producing sound
Week 9
1. Incorrigible
Unable to be reformed
2. Notorious
 Known widely and usually unfavorably
3. Caustic
 Bitingly sarcastic or witty
4. Transitory
 Short-lived or temporary
5. Parsimonious
 Excessively cheap
6. Repugnant
 Causing hatred or disgust
7. Obdurate
 Stubborn; inflexible
8. Ingrate
 An ungrateful person
9. Cantankerous
 Grumpy; disagreeable
10. Brusque
 Describing a rudely abrupt manner
Week 10
1. Abstruse
hard to understand
2. Arduous
 Difficult; painstaking
3. Futile
 Having no useful purpose
4. Henious
 Hatefully evil; abominable
5. Impenetrable
 Incapable of being understood
6. Dilatory
 Describing one who habitually delays or is
7. Sedentary
 Not migratory; settled
8. Indolent
 lazy
9. Paucity
 Fewness; an extreme lack of
10. Soporific
 Causing sleep or sleepiness
 Vocab quiz 7-12 next Friday
 Flash cards!
 Partner study!
 Review skits!
 Make a song!
Week #11
1. Wry
dryly humorous, often with a touch of irony
2. Abdicate
 To formally give up power
3. Annihilate
 To destroy completely
4. Benevolent
 Kind, generous
5. Haughty
 Condescendingly proud
6. Omnipotent
 All-powerful
7. Patronize
 To treat in a condescending manner
8. Usurp
 To take power by force
9. Parody
 An artistic work that imitates the style of
another for comic effect
10. Imperious
 Arrogantly domineering or overbearing
Week #12
 Quiz , lists 7-12 this Friday!
1. Camaraderie
 Good will between friends
2. Gregarious
 Enjoying the company of others
3. Sanguine
 Cheerfully confident; optimistic
4. Opulent
 Exhibiting a display of great wealth
5. Pristine
 Not spoiled; pure
6. Medley
 An assortment or mixture, especially of
musical instruments
7. Aesthetic
 Having to do with the appreciation of beauty
8. Ornate
 Elaborately ornamented
9. Salutary
 Promoting good health
10. Serene
 Calm