31.12.13 Principal's Report – 2013


2013 Annual Report

Te Korowai Matauranga mo nga Tamariki

“Through partnership: we provide quality, continuous, individually planned education for students.”

Central Regional Health School (CRHS) covers the Lower North Island and is one of three Health

Schools. It has three strands – health, mental health, and youth justice. Students in each strand have needs particular to their circumstances but also common needs. CRHS staff demonstrate inclusive practice and are dedicated to achieving success for students irrespective of the challenges the students face. They achieve this through individualised programmes and by being knowledgeable of the curriculum, skilled in the pedagogy of teaching, building respectful relationships with students and their families, and celebrating partnership.

CRHS is fully funded by the Ministry of Education and is governed by a Board of Trustees appointed by the Minister.

Te Korowai Matauranga mo nga Tamariki

Table of Contents

Members of the Board of Trustees ............................................................................................... 1

2013 Staff .................................................................................................................................... 3

Board Chair’s Report – 2013 ......................................................................................................... 5

Partnership ...................................................................................................................................... 5

Quality and Continuous .................................................................................................................. 5

Other ............................................................................................................................................... 6

Conclusion ....................................................................................................................................... 6

Principal’s Report – 2013 .............................................................................................................. 7

Partnership ...................................................................................................................................... 7

Quality ............................................................................................................................................. 7

Continuous ...................................................................................................................................... 7

Individual ......................................................................................................................................... 8

Other ............................................................................................................................................... 8

Appreciation and Acknowledgements .......................................................................................... 9

2013 Analysis of Variance ........................................................................................................... 11

Goal 1: Curriculum ........................................................................................................................ 11

Goal 2: Responsiveness to Māori .................................................................................................. 12

Goal 3: Transition .......................................................................................................................... 12

Goal 4: Partnership ....................................................................................................................... 13

Goal 5: Timely Admission .............................................................................................................. 14

Goal 6: Innovation and Growth..................................................................................................... 14

Goal 7: On going Monitoring and Review of Strategic and Operation Performance ................... 15

Financial Statements……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………17

Members of the Board of Trustees

For the year ended 31 December 2013

CRHS Board of Trustees, their Occupations and Business Interests - 2013

Diane Anderson (Board Chair)

Business Interests

Community advocate

Director - Dalmeny Agriculture

Elected Member - MidCentral District Health Board

Appointed by the Minister of Education until the close of the day before the new Ministerial appointed trustees take office.

Lois Dawson-Mikaere

Business Interests

Public Health Nurse, Hawke’s Bay District

Health Board


Appointed by the Minister of Education until the close of the day before the new Ministerial appointed trustees take office.

Paul Stannard

Business Interests

Management consultant


Appointed by the Minister of Education until the close of the day before the new Ministerial appointed trustees take office.

Ian Murphy Doctor - practising clinic based sports and exercise medicine

ACC - Member of the ACC Clinical Advisory Panel Medical

Director - New Zealand Rugby Union Paralympics New Zealand

Medical Director (2008 - 2012)

Business Interests Clinical practice at Wakefield Sports Medicine which is part of the Wakefield Specialist Centre on the Wakefield Hospital campus. This is part of the Acurity Health Group.

Appointed by the Minister of Education until the close of the day before the new Ministerial appointed trustees take office.

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Basia Arnold

Business Interests

Manager, Ministry of Justice


Appointed by the Minister of Education until the close of the day before the new Ministerial appointed trustees take office.

Dianne Armstrong CBE

Business Interests

Pauline Waiti

Business Interests

Lisa Thompson (Staff Trustee)

Ken McIntosh (Principal)

Business Interests

Business Development Manager

Arthritis New Zealand


Resigned 27 April 2013

Contractor in the area of Maori Education and Health

Director - Waiti Associates Ltd

Resigned 27 April 2013

Assistant Principal – Mental Health

Central Regional Health School

Elected until time of 2016 Trustee elections


Central Regional Health School

Trustee – Parham Hill Trust

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2013 Staff

Ken McIntosh (Principal) Wellington

Lisa Thompson (Assistant Principal – Mental Health) CRHS - City

Lynette (Lindy) Riches (Assistant Principal) (L) Te Au rere a te Tonga, Palmerston North

Stephanie Algie (Assistant Principal – Youth Justice) Te Au rere a te Tonga, Palmerston North


Jane Bell (Part-time) (L)

Anita Bidlake

Rochelle Collins

Keith Connor (L)

Lyn Corkran – Team Leader

Elizabeth Couchman (L)

Michelle Deed

Debbie Dennes (Part-time)

Emma Dobbelaar (Part-time) (L)

Lawrence Fay

Lee Ferguson

Janne Finlayson (Part-time)

Robyn-Ann Grant (Part-time)

Jane Gray

Ginny Higgins (Part-time)

Charlotte Humphrey (Part-time) (FD)

Suzanne Jarvis (Part-time)

Cate Johnstone (Part-time) (FD)

Phillippa Le Fevre

Sue Marshall

Jennifer Norris (Part-time) (FD)

Barbara Phipps-Black

Alan Ramsay (Part-time)

Susan (Sue) Rowell

Shahla Sakina (Part-time) (L)

Mary-Anne Sutherland (L)

Julie Taylor (Part-time)

Cathie Trotter (Part-time)

Kerry Wiles







Hawkes Bay


Hutt Valley


Hawkes Bay



Thorndon Quay





Thorndon Quay



Wellington Hospital


Lower Hutt




Hawkes Bay


Mental Health

Angela King

Vicki Morton (LTR- term 3)

Fiona Ofamo’Oni

Jan Sage (Part-time)

Philippa Salem

Terence Thompson

Mike Jenks (L)

CRHS - City

Regional Rangatahi Adolescent Inpatient Services

CRHS - City

CRHS - City

Regional Rangatahi Adolescent Inpatient Services

Hikitia te Wairua

CRHS - City

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Te Au rere a te Tonga

Hohepa Waru

Amanda (Mandy) Blight

Racheal Malton

Sean Bristow

Alastair Cox

Lauris Glazebrook (L)

Tuitupoa (Tui) Halatokoua

Richard Kupa (L)

Caletta Macdonald (Part-time)

James Pearse (FD)

Sulieti Vaipulu (Part time)

Support Staff

Mary Ashby (Part-time)

Bernardine Castle

Fiona Greer (Part-time)

Tracey Irwin

Mike Jenks (FD)

Pamela Johnson (Part-time)

Nidda Lathong (Part-time)

Fleur Marshall (Part-time)

Sharon Marshall

Louise Phillips (Part-time)

Lorraine Smith (Part-time) (FD)

Stuart Staffer (Part-time)

(L) Left during the year

(FD) Finished in December

(LTR) Long Term Relieving

Team Leader

Lead Teacher

Lead Teacher










Thorndon Quay


Thorndon Quay

CRHS - City

Thorndon Quay

CRHS - City


CRHS - City

Hawkes Bay


Hikitia te Wairua

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Board Chair’s Report – 2013

Through partnership: we provide quality, continuous, individually planned education for students.


2013 has been another very good year for the CRHS working towards its mission of providing quality, continuous, individually planned education for students by working in partnership with the students, parents/caregivers and other stakeholders.

The scene was set for the year at Tatum Park where, as a school, we gathered to reinforce our partnership as board and staff. Although we have different roles within the school, we are all very much an important part of CRHS and its ability to perform well for the benefit of our students.

All Board members have worked well together as we continue our CRHS strategic journey from

“good” to “exceptional”.

This year saw changes in our Board as part of the triennial ministerial appointment process. We bid farewell to Dianne Armstrong. Dianne had been on the board since the school’s inception in 2000.

With appreciation we acknowledged her huge contribution over the years. Pauline Waiti, who had been with us for only a short time was also farewelled. New appointees Basia Arnold and Ian

Murphy have brought new skills and perspectives and we welcome these.

New board members also gave us the opportunity to change our meeting time from Saturday to midweek. Although a popular choice, this caused difficulty arranging our annual off-site meeting and opportunity to engage with parents/caregivers and stakeholders. We value this opportunity and it will be reinstated in 2014.

This year CRHS has coordinated and led the Principal and Chair teleconferences with our Northern and Southern health school partners each term. This provides the opportunity to share ideas, discuss national agendas, and highlight individual school’s issues. CRHS is coordinating the planning for the biennial seminar to be held in Wellington early in 2014.

During the year we have gained a deeper understanding of “partnership” and seen some great results when partnership is built on respect and trust which has been built up over time.

Quality and Continuous

Student academic achievement, timely access and transition success, continue to be very important to CRHS. We endeavour to create an environment that allows staff to flourish both individually and as a team, to provide the best possible learning opportunities for the students they teach. As a board, we must be continually looking ahead at future trends, opportunities and risks that might impact on CRHS and reflect these in our planning, risk management and the way we conduct our business.

During 2013 achievement against our strategic and annual plan goals has been very satisfactory.

Our Charter and strategic plan, which we comprehensively reviewed in 2010, has continued to give us a clear planning framework and pathway through into 2013.

Achievement highlights have included:

Funding technology PD for teachers on an individual and group basis to ensure they all maximise the benefits of the technology we provide.

Ongoing funding support for an appropriate mental health position, based at CRHS-City, supporting families and students in the greater Wellington area (in partnership with C&CDHB)

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Continuing refinement of eTap student management system to ensure data collected not only reflects student achievement but also is appropriate to guide our ongoing planning processes.

Funding to ensure appropriate resourcing to allow for roll growth and change within the school.

Encouraging and supporting changes to the management structure to ensure strength and flexibility for future growth and succession planning.

One of our Health School Teachers, nominated by a parent, winning an Inspiring Teacher


Submitting the successful proposal for the provision of education at the Epuni Care and

Protection Residence. This will be a significant new project for CRHS in 2014.

Initial work with C&CDHB planning for the provision of the education component at the new

National Youth Forensic Service due to open in 2015.

The presentation of the findings of a research study by one of our teachers on Privacy and the impact it has on our work. This lead to some changes to our Privacy Policy.

Funding and encouraging the Principal to present on “Multi Agency Teams” at a Youth Justice


Conference in Australia in partnership with Child Youth and Family and MidCentral DHB. This reflected their experience working at the Youth Justice Facility in Palmerston North.

Property has continued to create challenges in 2013. After a prolonged process during which the

Board felt let down by the Regional Office of the Ministry, CRHS moved from its base in Russell

Terrace. This was as a result of long standing and unresolved leaky building issues and significant health impacts on staff. Initially the move to Thorndon Quay was to be a long-term solution: this has not been the case and at year-end we are still in limbo waiting for the Ministry to provide an appropriate, fit-for-purpose, building space for our Wellington CRHS base. On a brighter note, much needed changes have occurred at the Kapiti site to allow more space to accommodate growing numbers of students and staff.

Earlier in the year we farewelled Lindy Riches, Assistant Principal –Youth Justice, a valued staff member who had made a huge contribution to the school. She had the challenge in 2011-12 of maintaining a successful education programme for those in residence whilst a major rebuild occurred.


In conclusion I want to pay tribute to Principal Ken McIntosh for his very able leadership of the school. To all teachers – we appreciate and value your professionalism, willingness to learn and the effort you put in to get the best outcomes for your students….sometimes in some very challenging situations.

To the administration team: we could not do what we do without you….thank you.

Fellow trustees: Thank you for the work you have done this year. I know we all share a strong commitment to ensuring the success of CRHS into the future. I look forward to working together during the coming year.

Diane Anderson

Board Chair


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Principal’s Report – 2013

Through partnership: we provide quality, continuous, individually planned education for students.


Central Regional Health School (CRHS) has always been committed to inclusive practices, advocating in the best interests of the student and to working in partnership. It is when we work in partnership with students and their families, and with other agencies, that we know we achieve the best results.

Special thanks to Capital and Coast DHB – Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service for their commitment to CRHS – City; to Child Youth and Family at Te Au rere a te Tonga; and the District

Health Boards for their on-going support of CRHS.

In May I attended the Australasian Youth Justice Conference in Canberra where I co-presented with

Grant Bennett, CYF Manager Residential Services show casing the Mulit agency work we do at Te Au rere a te Tonga.

In December the school was successful in its bid to become education provider at Epuni Care and

Protection Residence – starting in the middle of 2014. This will be a significant development and fits well with the strategic direction of the school.

The release of the Children’s Action Plan and the Prime Minister’s Initiatives for Youth Mental Health are key areas where the school is well placed to be part of positive change for students.

The management structure of the school has been refined. Each strand now has an Assistant

Principal to oversee the day-to-day management. Congratulations to Lisa Thompson (AP –Mental

Health) and Steph Algie (AP – Youth Justice) for their new role within the school. The AP- Health position will be filled early in 2014. Thanks also to the Team Leaders at the Health sites for their work coordinating the day-to-day operation of the school at their site.


The Board completed a rigorous review of the strategic plan and Charter at the end of 2010. This proved to be a very useful exercise. The resulting plan is clear and goal focused; it continued to guide the operation of the school throughout 2013.

Preparing the proposal for Epuni was an excellent opportunity for self-review and to showcase the quality of governance, leadership, curriculum, partnerships, staff and strategic direction of the school.


Roll growth was steady in 2013. Adequate staffing and funding ensured CRHS was able to meet the increased demand for services.

Successful transition of students off the CRHS roll is one of the key goals. Achieving effective transitions requires a deliberate and planned approach. For health students this is often around recovery from illness. Students with mental health conditions may find it harder to transition back to school and require concerted effort working with schools. The students from youth justice can be very difficult to get back in to school. The best results are achieved when working in partnership with

CYF and schools: increasing the number of successful transitions remains a goal for both CYF and


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The school has three strands – health, mental health, and youth justice. Students in each strand have needs particular to their circumstances, but also common needs. CRHS staff are dedicated to achieving success for students irrespective of the challenges the students face. They achieve this through individualised programmes and by knowledge of the curriculum, skill in the pedagogy of teaching, building respectful relationships with students and their families, and having a commitment to partnership promoting student achievement.


At the time of the triennial Board appointments, we bid farewell to Dianne Armstrong, the last of the original trustees. Dianne has been a staunch supporter and advocate for the school since 2000. As

Board Chair she oversaw several major developments across the school.

Lindy Riches, AP – Youth Justice, resigned in September. Lindy led the Youth Justice Team over the period of the redevelopment and saw the development and implementation of several key systems.

The building at Russell Tce was identified as being at significant risk from water tightness issues. This was confirmed in a damning report in August 2012. In April the situation became dire as a result of severe health and safety concerns and all staff had to move out. The Ministry was able to provide temporary accommodation: a long term solution will be sought in 2014.

The Board invested significantly in information technology during 2011. A new terminal server was installed at Russell Tce, eTap was introduced as the student management system and new technologies trialed for students. During 2012 the new systems began to provide the Board with reports showing student achievement from the data, streamlining teacher workload and allowing teachers to take advantage of new technology to support student learning. This development continued into 2013 with the refinement of systems and with developing trends in information reported.

Roll growth puts pressure on staff. Over time the school is able to respond by establishing new sites and the appointment of permanent teachers. In the interim, existing staff ensure the quality of service remains high. The dedication, flexibility and hard work of the full-time and part-time staff is acknowledged and appreciated.

Special thanks to Lisa Thompson for her role as Staff Trustee and to Diane Anderson as Board Chair for her on-going commitment to leading the Board.

Thank you to the Board, staff, students and their families, and the numerous other agencies who have contributed to the success of Central Regional Health School.

K B McIntosh



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Appreciation and Acknowledgements

The Board acknowledges, and sincerely appreciates, the support the school has received during 2013 from parents, schools, medical practitioners, the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Social

Development and the numerous other agencies working in partnership with the school, the students and their families.

To Capital and Coast District Health Board our special thanks for the commitment it has made to

CRHS – City with the provision of clinical support.

Thank you to the following District Health Boards for providing space within hospitals for the use of the CRHS teachers.

Capital and Coast

Hawke’s Bay


Thank you to the following schools for having CRHS offices on their school sites under the terms and conditions of a Ministry of Education Legitimate Use Agreement.

Naenae Intermediate School, Lower Hutt

Queen Elizabeth College, Palmerston North

Horowhenua College, Levin

Lakeview School, Masterton

The Ministry of Social Development for their commitment to multi agency collaboration and practices at the Te Au rere a te Tonga.

Te Aho o Te Kura Pounamu - The Correspondence School - for working in partnership with CRHS.

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2013 Analysis of Variance

Goal 1: Curriculum

To continue strengthening the quality and the delivery of the curriculum.

Student outcomes are highly dependent on skilled and knowledgeable teachers delivering quality and innovative individualised programmes based on the New Zealand Curriculum. The Board has a statutory responsibility to ensure it has in place systems and procedures to ensure this can occur.

Information on student achievement informs future strategic direction.


For all staff to have the up-to-date knowledge and skills to deliver individualised programmes consistent with the New Zealand

Curriculum (2007)


Targeted and planned professional development programme in place

Rigorous appraisal process in place





On going

On going




Completed and to be continued in



To review the assessment tools used across the school

For The New Zealand

Curriculum to be the basis for all student programmes

Development of IT systems to share information (e.g. Use of Moodle and ETap)

Identify any additional tools that may be appropriate to use

Complete professional development with

Massey University

“Using Digital technologies to

Enhance Assessment and Appraisal.”

Report outcomes and recommend change (if necessary)

Specific professional development relating to the New Zealand



Data on key competencies outcomes collected and analysed

Data on other Learning

Areas collected and analysed as necessary

Outcomes reported

Principal, Unit holder and



Unit holder and Massey


Unit holder and Massey


Principal and

Unit holder

Unit holder


















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To report to the Board 6 monthly in a format that shows student outcomes.

Use eTap to collect the data on individual students, collate the data, present the outcomes in a format that shows trends for groups of students and will inform change over time

Report in a variety of formats appropriate to the purpose. (e.g.

Photographs or artefacts)


Principal and

Unit holders

July and


On going


Completed and to be maintained

Goal 2: Responsiveness to Māori

To incorporate those Te Ao Māori (Māori world view) elements that target the learning needs of

Māori students to ensure these students achieve success as Māori.

The Board is committed to ensuring its valuing of the Treaty of Waitangi is demonstrated both strategically and operationally


To develop and implement school-wide processes to ensure

Maori students achieve success as Maori

To report to the Board

6 monthly in a format that shows student outcomes – in particular for Māori students.


Full school facilitated session at Tatum Park

 Include specific goals

 in IP for Maori students

Use eTap to collect the data on individual students, collate the data, present the outcomes in a format that shows trends for groups of students and will inform change over time

Goal 3: Transition

To ensure all students achieve their transition goals.




All teachers

Principal and

Unit holder

Completion Comments

01.13 Completed

On going Completed and to be maintained

Completed July and


All CRHS students are transitioning somewhere – back to school/further study/employment. Planned and effective transitions help ensure long term student outcomes. Transition is also an area of specific interest in the wider education and social development communities.


For all school age students at Te Au rere a te Tonga to transition to a registered education provider


Continue with the work started in 2010.


Principal and



Completion Comments

On going Partly completed.

Continued area for development

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To continue to include transition goals in all IP

To report to the Board 6 monthly in a format that shows student outcomes.

Monitor compliance and outcomes

Use ETap to collect the data on individual students, collate the data, present the outcomes in a format that shows trends for groups of students and will inform change over time.

Set on-going targets

Share information of student transition outcomes with partner agencies.

Principal and

Unit holder

Principal and

Unit holder


Board and


Goal 4: Partnership

To ensure all relevant stakeholders are engaged with the school.


July and



On going




Partly completed

Partnership is vital to the success of the school: it underpins everything we do.


To be able to demonstrate actively working in partnership with stakeholders

To include parent and student voice in the reporting to the Board

To hold at least one

Board meeting out of



Report at each meeting on partnership opportunities and the outcomes

Work with other

Regional Health

Schools on issues of common interest.

Reports to the Board will include feedback from parents and students. This may be in a variety of forms – e.g. written, video, attending meeting

Make arrangements as necessary




Assistant and

Team Leader -

Mental Health

Board and





Principal and

Team Leader -

Mental Health


Completion Comments

At each Completed

Board meeting and on-going

On going

On going


Completed and on-going

Partly completed

Continued area for development

Not completed.

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Goal 5: Timely Admission

To ensure all students, eligible to be on the CRHS roll, access the service without avoidable delays.

Since the school started there have always been students who do not access the service as soon as they meet the admission criteria. There has been a lot of work to communicate with stakeholders to reduce the time-lag but still the situation remains.


To be able to demonstrate strategies that are used and/or could be used to promote the school

To analyse eTap data showing student’s last day of attendance and date of admission to



Prepare and maintain the list of strategies used and/or could be used

Prioritise actions.

Complete a summary report

Analyse data

Make recommendations







Completion Comments

On going Completed

On going





Goal 6: Innovation and Growth

To be alert to potential opportunities or initiatives that will improve student outcomes.





Innovation is valued. From time to time situations will arise where the school could improve student outcomes. Systems and processes ensure opportunities are identified and responses are considered and strategic.


To regularly review and update potential opportunities

For the Board to consider its response to the opportunities.

To have a Mental Health

Social Worker as part of the school team

To review the school management system


Details presented to

Board as opportunities arise

Details presented to the Board as required

(or at least quarterly)

Initial scoping was completed in 2011 however it was agreed for this to be a long term position on going funding would be required.

Continue working with

MoE and CYF

Consider the current management structure and possible changes given the growth of the school and workload issues

Implement any agreed changes

Delegation Completion Comments

Board July and



As agreed at the time

Principal and

Team Leader

– Mental


Principal and





As required




Dependent on the opportunity

Yet to be completed.

Funding from

DHB approved but appointment process stalled.


2/3 AP appointed.

Health AP to be appointed in 2014

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To trial a modified version of Check and


To complete an Inquiry

Project on topics relevant to the on going development of the school

Assistant Principal to trial a modified version of Check and Connect to assist students transferring from Te Au rere a te Tonga

Unit holder to identify suitable topics, agree on appropriate methodology, complete inquiry and report back as agreed



Unit holder




To be continued in


Privacy Project


Goal 7: On going Monitoring and Review of Strategic and Operation Performance

To ensure maintenance of earlier strategic goals and that accurate and timely information informs the monitoring and review of strategic and operational performance.

The Board uses robust data and information for accountability, as well as to monitor, review, and inform the strategic direction of the school.


To implement reporting procedures for the

Board to measure progress against the strategic and annual plan

To report to the Board 6 monthly in a format that shows student outcomes.

To complete all specified projects/initiatives according to plan, ontime and within budget


Use ETap to collect the data on individual students, collate the data, present the outcomes in a format that shows trends for groups of students and will inform change over time.

Set on-going targets at the time of reviewing the Annual Plan

Use ETap to collect the data on individual students, collate the data, present the outcomes in a format that shows trends for groups of students and will inform change over time.

Set on-going targets at the time of reporting.

Any specified project or initiative is planned according to agreed processes – including budget, timelines monitoring and reporting

Delegation Completion Comments

Board and


On going Completed and on-going

Board and


Board and


Board and



(or delegate)

Annual in


On going

On going



Completed and on-going

Completed and on-going

Completed and on-going

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To maintain risk management strategies and monitoring as prepared in 2011

To maintain Human

Resources management and monitoring as prepared in 2011

To complete annual analysis of key operational areas

In March then six monthly review risk management strategies to ensure risks are mitigated, managed or avoided.

Board competencies to be formally reviewed in time for the 2013

Board appointment process

Effective utilisation of school personnel

Appraisal and professional development completed

Develop systems and processes to ensure all teachers are effectively assessed against the

NZTC Registered

Teacher Criteria

Complete analysis of

Curriculum delivery

Complete analysis of financial position

Complete analysis of property matters

Complete analysis of staffing use

Complete reviews as listed in the schedule

Board and







Board and


Board and



Trustee responsible

To maintain on going policy review as per the schedule.

To prepare a list of stakeholders and a relationship management file and plan for the partnerships with the various stakeholders

Plan prepared.

Including strategies for identifying and responding to key stakeholders and their nominated representatives.

Board and


03.13 and



On going

On going


Completed and on-going

Completed and on-going

Completed and on-going

Completed and on-going

Annually by


On going






06.12 then on going


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