NORFACE Welfare State Futures National Eligibility Requirements Please note that this list may not be complete since it is updated only as information becomes available to the NORFACE Coordination Office from the participating funding agencies. It remains your responsibility to check with your national funding agency for the most recent requirements. This document will be updated as soon as new information is available. 9th version Last update: 13 January 2014 NORFACE NETWORK 1 Austria (FWF) FWF Eligibility Requirements for NORFACE applicants based in Austria Who can apply? Any scholar working in Austria who has the necessary qualifications, the required infrastructure and sufficient free capacity to carry out in full the project for which support is requested, may participate in a NORFACE Welfare State Futures consortium as Main Applicant or Co-applicant. “Independent scholars” (Selbstantragsteller) are also allowed to apply within a NORFACE project. “Independent scholars” means a project leader whose salary is to be paid from the funding provided for the project. The prerequisite for such an arrangement is that either the researcher's main residence must have been in Austria for at least three of the past ten years at the time when the application is submitted, or the applicant must have been working continuously as a researcher in Austria for at least two consecutive years preceding the submission of the application. What are eligible costs for Austrian researchers? Only project specific costs may be requested, i.e. personnel and non-personnel costs that are essential to carry out the project and that go beyond the resources made available from the research institution’s socalled “infrastructure”. With the exception of projects submitted by “independent scholars”, no personnel costs may be requested for Main applicant and / or Co-applicant. It should be noted that the length of service of scientific co-workers may not exceed six years, irrespective of the extent (full- or part-time) of the contracts held. Applicants who are “independent scholars” are not subject of this restriction. Eligible personnel costs: (maximum project duration 3 years) o - Contracts of employment (Dienstvertrag) for full- or part-time employees (Post-doc positions, PhD-student positions) according to the current FWF salary scheme including provisions for inflation. It is not permitted to apply for PhD-student positions where the extent of employment exceeds 75% (which corresponds to 30 hours per week). The current FWF salary scheme gives the salaries that may currently be requested. - Reimbursement for work on an hourly basis (Geringfügig Beschäftigte). - Part-time contracts of employment (Dienstvertrag 50%, "studentische Mitarbeit") may be requested for people who have not yet completed a master's or diploma program (Diplom) in the relevant subject. Eligible material costs are e.g.: - Travel & accommodation & meeting costs - Costs for knowledge transfer - All joint publication costs (incl. editing and translation costs) At national Main Applicant level, the following costs are eligible Equipment costs, material costs, travel costs, other costs, contracts for work and services. Eligible general costs: - An amount for smaller, unforeseen costs necessary for the project, such as repairs, student assistance etc. is to be calculated as 5% of the total funding requested. No justification for general costs has to be included in the written project description. 2 Non-permissible costs: o FWF does not pay overhead costs for NORFACE projects. o FWF does not finance infrastructure of basic equipment at research institutions. This category includes all facilities that are required for the normal operations of the research institution (such as buildings, installations, communication facilities, scientific equipment considered as infrastructure and so on). o Funding for publication costs cannot be requested. However, the FWF does provide additional funding for peer-reviewed publications upon request up to three years after the end of an approved project. Please complete and sign the following national paperwork: 1. Forms: Application form, Programme specific data, Attachment Co-Author, Itemization of requested funding, (if exist: National research partner) must be completed, signed and stamped as appropriate 2. One-page summary in English and in German (largely for PR work) 3. If items of equipment are requested (costing more than €1,500 incl. VAT), Itemization form_Equipment must be completed for each item requested. You will find all forms under: The forms should be sent both on paper and electronically to Petra Grabner, preferably to arrive by the NORFACE WSF application deadline or shortly afterwards. Postal address : Petra Grabner Austrian Science Fund (FWF) Sensengasse 1 A-1090 Vienna, Austria Please include the financial budget table of FWF when submitting the Full Proposal form. Contact: Ms. Dr. Petra Grabner Austrian Science Fund (FWF) Haus der Forschung, Sensengasse 1, 1090 Vienna Telephone: +43-1 505 67 40 - 8310 E-mail address: 3 Denmark (DASTI) DASTI Eligibility Requirements for NORFACE applicants based in Denmark Who can apply? To participate in a NORFACE JRP consortium as Co-Applicant, the researcher must be at the level of a senior researcher. To participate in a NORFACE JRP consortium as Main Applicant, the researcher must be at the post-doctoral level. What are eligible costs for Danish researchers? The applicant may apply for funding to cover direct expenses of the proposed project, such as: o Scientific/academic salaries, incl. salaries for PhD-students, post-doctoral scholarships and visiting researchers from abroad. o Technical/administrative salaries. o Equipment expenses. o Operating expenses such as: data collection, hosting of scientific conferences, seminars, etc. In addition, the applicant may apply for an overhead contribution to cover indirect expenses of the proposed project. The calculation of the overhead contribution is made on the basis of total direct expenses of the proposed project, of which the overhead contribution can amount to 20 per cent for Danish state research institutions. For other Danish public institutions (regional and municipal institutions), an overhead contribution of 3.1 per cent of the direct expenses of the proposed project can be calculated. Danish private institutions are not eligible for overhead contribution. Please include the financial budget table of DASTI when submitting the Full Proposal form. Contact: Ms Tina Varberg Head of Section Division for Science, Social Sciences Unit Direct line (+45) 72 31 83 26 E-mail address: The Ministry for Science, Innovation and Higher Education The Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation Bredgade 40 DK-1260 Copenhagen K Telephone: (+45) 35 44 62 00 E-mail address: 4 Estonia (ETAg) Eligibility Requirements for NORFACE applicants based in Estonia Who can apply? Researchers at Estonian institutions may participate in a NORFACE project as Main Applicant or Coapplicant. All applicants 1. must hold the doctoral degree of Estonia or an equivalent academic degree (both awarded by the deadline of submission of the grant application, at the latest) 2. must have published a. at least three publications within the last five years, complying the requirements of clauses 1.1 of the classification of publications of the Estonian Research Information System (, b. or at least five publications, complying the requirements of clauses 1.1, 1.2, 2.1 and 3.1 of the classification of publications of the ETIS. The monographs (clause 2.1) are equalised with three clause 1.1 publications to each author if the number of authors of the monograph is three or less. NB! If the applicant for a grant has been on the parental leave or in the compulsory military service within the last five years, the deadline of the publication requirement shall be extended by the time stayed on the parental leave or compulsory military service. What are eligible costs for Estonian researchers? An eligible personnel costs for maximum project duration of 3 years: o The upper limit of the scholarship for a doctoral candidate is 400 euros a month, considering that the scholarship of the doctoral candidate along with the state education allowance may not exceed 600 euros a month. That is, maximum of the scholarship per doctoral candidate is 14 400 € (4800 € per year). o Full-time equivalent of 1.2 is allowed for scientific employees. For details, please ask the national contact point. Other eligible costs are: o Travel costs necessary for the project (transport, accommodation, subsistence allowance) o Organisational costs of the meetings/seminars/conferences in Estonia only o All joint publication costs o Consumables necessary for the project Overhead costs must not exceed a maximum of 20% of eligible costs. CONTACT: Dr. Aare Ignat Estonian Research Council Endla 4, 10142 Tallinn, ESTONIA Telephone: +372 731 7364 E-mail address: 5 Finland (AKA) AKA Eligibility Requirements for NORFACE applicants based in Finland Who can apply? The applicant who intends to act as Main or Co-applicant in a NORFACE project must have the qualifications of a professor or adjunct professor. The funding is granted primarily to teams composed of researchers who have completed their doctorate. What are eligible costs for Finnish researchers? Academy funding can be used to cover both the direct and indirect costs of a research project. Academy Project funding is granted towards all direct project costs to cover expenses arising from, for example, the research team’s working hours, research costs, travel, national and international cooperation and mobility, work and researcher training abroad, and the preparation of international projects. In accordance with its strategic objectives, the Academy encourages researchers to engage in international mobility that will support their research, for example, so that a researcher hired to a project works abroad for a fixed period. A project may also hire a foreign researcher who already works in Finland or who will come to work within the Finnish scientific community. Overhead is calculated up to 20% of all eligible costs being a consistent part of the total grant sum. Overhead costs are used for covering the running costs of the institution which are related to implementation of the NORFACE project. Please include the financial budget table of AKA when submitting the Full Proposal form. Contact: Dr. Jyrki Hakapää Academy of Finland Research Council for Culture and Society Hakaniemenranta 6 POB 131, FI-00531 HELSINKI Telephone: +358 29 5335 017 E-mail address: 6 France (ANR) ANR Eligibility Requirements for NORFACE applicants based in France Please consult the programme’s webpage on the ANR website, in particular the conditions for the participation of French applicants (Annexe pour les partenaires français), to make sure to comply with all ANR requirements. Who can apply? Researchers based at organizations eligible to ANR funding ( What are eligible costs for French researchers? Standard national rules apply, including for overheads. Staff costs, travel costs, outsourcing, investment costs and other costs are eligible under the provisions of the ANR’s Règlement financier (See Please include the financial budget table of ANR when submitting the Full Proposal form (“document financier de soumission”). Contact: M. Pierre-Olivier PIN Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR) 212, rue de Bercy 75012 Paris Telephone: +33 1 78 09 80 83 E-mail address: M. Bernard LUDWIG E-mail address Telephone: + 33 1 73 54 82 41 7 Germany (DFG) DFG Eligibility Requirements for NORFACE applicants based in Germany Who can apply? Qualified researchers (as a rule, those holding a doctorate) from all disciplines working at German research institutions; Researchers working at institutions which serve purely commercial purposes or those who are not permitted to publish findings in a generally accessible form are not eligible to apply. For further details see What are eligible costs for German researchers For details and eligible costs, please consult the Guidelines Research Grants Programme: To calculate employment costs, please use fixed DFG Personnel Rates only: In addition to eligible costs, 20 per cent overhead funding for indirect project costs will also be provided. This should not to be included in the funding request for the German team at this point and will be provided by DFG in case the project is funded. Mandatory submission via DFG eLAN portal The proposal needs to be submitted to Iris. All German applicants are requested to additionally submit the German application’s part via DFG eLAN portal (electronic platform for submission). The main or coapplicant of the German application’s part is in charge. The submission has to be done within one week after the submission date of the call at the latest. All documents uploaded via Iris need to be uploaded via DFG eLAN once more. These documents must be identical to those uploaded via Iris. Additional documents are not allowed. Please note that for German applicants the budget submitted via eLAN is applicable only. You must make sure that the amount of funds requested for the German part in the overview budget table of the Full Proposal template is in conformity with the budget submitted. Furthermore, the Full Proposal must include a justification of the German part of the budget. For your submission via eLAN please note: By filling out the entry form on the eLAN homepage please refer to NORFACE in the section Call for Proposals. In the section Proposal Data please indicate your project acronym and the proposal title. In the section Applicant please regard only these individuals as applicants who request for funding from DFG. Please enter the requested sums only for the German applicants. In the section Participating Individual please indicate the German cooperation partners as well as your international project partners (only main and co-applicants). You can leave out the international Co-operation partners. For all these persons you need not to (and actually cannot) fill in requested money. If you apply for your own Temporary Position for Principal Investigators please add the statement from your host institution which you can find here: 8 Additional remark (07-01-2014): Important Information for all German Main and Coapplicants DFG updated and increased its personnel rates for research staff in 2014. For calculating your budget, please use the new rates only: In particular, please make sure that the figures submitted in IRIS (at NWO) and Elan (at DFG) must not differ. Contact: Dr. Stefan Koch Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) -Geistes- und SozialwissenschaftenD-53170 Bonn Telephone: +49 (228) 885-2459 Fax +49 (228) 885-2777 E-mail address: 9 Iceland (RANNÍS) RANNIS Eligibility Requirements for NORFACE applicants based in Iceland Who can apply? Senior researchers who have acquired recognized experience in research and the management of large research projects may participate in a NORFACE project as Main Applicant. Researchers not formally affiliated with an institution recognised by RANNIS may be part of a NORFACE project but cannot function as formal Main Applicant. What are eligible costs for Icelandic researchers? o Eligible personnel costs: (maximum project duration 3 years) - one or more PhD(s) - one or more Postdoc(s) - one or more senior researcher(s) o Eligible material costs are e.g.: At CRP level (will be administrated by the PL) o Travel & accommodation & meeting costs o Costs for knowledge transfer o All joint publication costs (incl. editing and translation costs). o Overhead and facilities are recognized as eligible cost up to 20% of total cost (excluding Contracted services). - Other material costs (contact RANNIS to check eligibility of proposed material costs). Please include the financial budget table of RANNÍS when submitting the Full Proposal form. Contact: Ms Hulda Proppé The Icelandic Centre for Research - RANNÍS Laugavegi 13 IS-101 Reykjavík, Iceland E-mail address: Tel: +354-515 5800 Ms Elísabet Andrésdóttir The Icelandic Centre for Research - RANNÍS Laugavegi 13 IS-101 Reykjavík, Iceland E-mail address: Tel: +354-515 5800 10 Ireland (Irish Research Council) IRC Eligibility Requirements for NORFACE applicants based in Irish Institutions Who can apply? Main applicants and Co-applicants shall be full-time members of the academic staff, either permanent or on temporary contracts of sufficient duration to cover the period of the proposed project, of a third-level institution within the meaning of Section One of the Higher Education Authority Act, 1971 and/or in receipt of public funding as approved by the Minister for Education and Science for the purposes of the Free Fees Initiative. Applications will also be accepted from permanent members of the academic research staff at the Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI) and the Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies (DIAS). Researchers not formally affiliated with an institution recognised by the Research Council may be part of a consortium but cannot function as formal Main applicant or Co-applicant. What are eligible costs for Irish researchers? Eligible personnel costs for the purpose of the NORFACE collaboration must be sought at agreed national rates. These are available at: Total personnel costs must not exceed the following limits over the maximum project duration of 3 years; one or more Postgraduate / PhD Candidate(s): one or more Postdoctoral Fellow(s): maximum eligible costs per person € 93,000 maximum eligible costs per person : € 160,000 one or more senior researcher(s): maximum eligible costs per senior researcher (replacement costs) € 126,000 Personnel costs can only be claimed in the above three staffing categories. Eligible material costs can include: Travel & accommodation & meeting costs Costs for knowledge transfer All joint publication costs (incl. editing and translation costs) Other material costs, equipment where justifiable Consumables The cost of institutional overheads may be included at a rate of up to 20% of overall direct costs less equipment. Please include the financial budget table of IRC when submitting the Full Proposal form. CONTACT: Irish Research Council Mr. Paul Kilkenny Shelbourne Road, Ballsbridge, DUBLIN 4, IRELAND E-mail address: Tel. +353-(0)12315000 Website: 11 Netherlands (NWO) NWO Eligibility Requirements for NORFACE applicants based in the Netherlands Who can apply? Researchers who are employed at Dutch universities or NWO- and KNAW-institutes may participate in a NORFACE project as Main Applicant of Co-applicant. Note that the employment can be a tenured appointment or a temporary appointment for the course of the application process and the research project. Articles 2.1 and 2.2 of the General Terms and Conditions of NWO Grants 2012 of NWO Grants state from which Dutch organizations a funding proposal to NWO can be submitted. Only Dutch applicants from the domain of the NWO Division of the Social Sciences (NWO-MaGW) are eligible for this subsidy. This domain is defined in the NWO social sciences list of discipline codes. What are eligible costs for Dutch researchers? o Eligible personnel costs: (maximum project duration 3 years) - one or more PhD(s): maximum eligible costs per full time PhD in accordance with VSNUcontract (1-7-2013 €161.362 including the bench fee of €5000). The PhD student should successfully have completed a Dutch research master’s study programme; - one or more Postdoc(s): maximum eligible costs per full time Postdoc in accordance with VSNU-contract Postdoc (1-7-2013 €204.465 including the bench fee of €5000). For more information, please visit o Eligible material costs are e.g.: - Travel & accommodation & meeting costs - Costs for knowledge transfer - All joint publication costs (incl. editing and translation costs) - Other material costs (contact NWO to check eligibility of proposed material costs) - The costs of student-assistants All budget items must be justified. In accordance with the NWO-VSNU agreement, the non-staff costs exclude infrastructure costs (accommodation, office automation, books, i.e. costs of facilities which can be regarded as part of the normal infrastructure for the discipline concerned) and overheads. As a consequence, the subsidy will not cover the costs of data processing time at computer centres or the acquisition of personal computers or laptops; costs for accommodation / housing, overhead, maintenance or depreciation. For PhD students and Post docs, costs covered by the bench fee cannot be applied for. For members of the research team who are not funded through this application, these costs can be included in the material costs. Please include the financial budget table of NWO when submitting the Full Proposal form. Contact: Anne Westendorp E-mail address: Tel: +31 (0)70 344 09 02 Carlien Hillebrink 12 E-mail address: Tel: +31 (0)70 349 43 11 Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research P.O. Box 93425 2509 AK THE HAGUE THE NETHERLANDS 13 NORWAY (RCN) RCN Eligibility Requirements for NORFACE applicants based in Norway Who can apply? Researchers at Norwegian universities, university colleges or other Norwegian research institutions may participate in a NORFACE project as Main Applicant or Co-applicant. What are eligible costs for Norwegian researchers? o Eligible personnel costs: Postdoctoral research fellowship: Funding for min. 2 and max. 3 man-years. Doctoral research fellowship: Normally funding for 3 man-years. Both types of fellowship are funded according to RCN lump-sum allocation. Applicants from universities and university colleges: For funding of salaries for researchers the rate for the lump-sum allocation for post-doctoral research fellowships should normally be used. This rate includes compensation for indirect costs, so additional overhead will not be granted. Applicants from independent research institutes: Payroll for researchers and indirect expenses are to be calculated together as hourly rates for groups of R&D personnel. The hourly rate is to be established by the individual research institute and must reflect the actual costs based on efficient operations. National requirements for personnel costs are described on RCN’s website: o Eligible material costs/operating expenses: At project level (will be administrated by the Main Applicant and Co-applicants) - Travel & accommodation & meeting costs - Costs for knowledge transfer - All joint publication costs (incl. editing and translation costs) - Other operating expenses In NORFACE applications all costs must be given in Euros. Please include the financial budget table of RCN when submitting the Full Proposal form. Contact: Ms. Gunnlaug Daugstad The Research Council of Norway Stensberggata 26 NO-0131 Oslo Email adress: Tel. 22 03 75 87 Norway 14 POLAND (NCN) NCN Eligibility Requirements for NORFACE applicants based in Poland Only proposals involving basic research may be submitted in response to the call for proposals. Who can apply? Any scholar employed at a Polish research institution who has the necessary qualifications, the required infrastructure and sufficient free capacity to carry out in full the project for which support is requested, may participate in the project as a Main Applicant or Co-applicant. What are the eligible costs for Polish researchers? You can apply for funding for all costs relevant, necessary and directly connected to the proposed research project including: o Personnel costs; o Equipment – the cost of an individual item of equipment must not exceed PLN 150,000; - Material costs e.g.: Travel & accommodation & meeting costs - Costs for knowledge transfer - All joint publication costs (incl. editing and translation costs) - Other consumables Please note: o Overhead costs must not exceed a maximum of 30% of the total eligible costs (excl. equipment) and may not be increased during the course of a research project. o Under this scheme the NCN will not offer state aid grants (cf. o Administrative personnel costs have to be covered from overheads. o Personnel costs should be calculated based on the recommendation of the NCN Council (cf. o No double financing permitted. A single grant can be awarded to any one beneficiary. o Applicants are obliged to adhere to the rules included in Annex 4 of the following document: Please include the financial budget table of NCN when submitting the Full Proposal form. Contact: NARODOWE CENTRUM NAUKI Dr Anna Marszałek ul. Królewska 57, 30-081 Kraków, POLAND e-mail address: tel. +48 12 341 9170 Malwina Jabczuga-Gębalska ul. Królewska 57, 30-081 Kraków, POLAND e-mail address: tel. +48 12 341 9017 15 Portugal (FCT) FCT Eligibility Requirements for NORFACE applicants based in Portugal Who can apply? Researchers in: Higher education institutions, their institutes and R&D centres; Associate laboratories; State laboratories; Private non-profit institutes whose main objective is to carry out S&T activities; Companies provided that they participate in projects headed by public or private non-profit institutions; Other public and private non-profit institutions which carry out or participate in scientific research activities. What are eligible costs for Portuguese researchers? Human resources; Missions in Portugal and abroad directly related to the project; Consultants; Acquisition of goods and services and other current expenses directly related to the execution of the project, and the intervention of licensed auditors or accountants; Registration in Portugal and abroad of patents, copyrights, utility models and designs, national models or brands associated with other forms of intellectual property, namely fees, prior-art searches and consultants’ fees; Adaptation of buildings and facilities when essential to carrying out the project, in particular for environmental and safety questions, provided that these costs do not exceed 10% of the total eligible cost of the project; Acquisition of scientific and technical instruments essential to the project and which shall remain attached to the project during the period of its execution; Overheads based on the real costs incurred due to execution of the project and which are imputable to it on a pro-rated basis according to a fair and equitable method of calculation duly justified and periodically reviewed, up to a limit of 20% of the eligible direct costs of the corresponding participation in the project. NOTE: For transnational projects the rules related to the % of dedication of the PI and team members to a project are not applicable. Please feel free to add more information if needed. Further details can be found at: Please include the financial budget table of FCT when submitting the Full Proposal form. Contact: Carlos Pereira, FCT-Foundation for Science and Technology Department for International Relations Av. D. Carlos I, 126 1200-049 Lisboa Email: Tel. ++ 351213924397 16 Slovenia (ARRS) National Eligibility Requirements for NORFACE JRP applicants based in Slovenia Who can apply? Researchers (senior, post-doc, PhD student) who are registered at Slovenian Research Agency (ARRS) and are employed at Slovenian higher education or research institutions or will be employed at the research institution by signing of NORFACE grant contract at the latest. Higher education or research institutions of the applicant need to be registered at ARRS research organisations records and shall not be business sector entities. Business sector entities may apply, however they need to ensure their own funding for participation. Eligible entities may participate in a NORFACE Welfare State Futures consortium as Main Applicant or CoApplicants. What are eligible costs for Slovenian researchers? Eligible costs for Slovenian researchers are: Personnel costs (salary per senior researcher, PhD student, post-doc) Social security, health, pension and other contributions according to national legislation, Material costs (Travel and meeting costs, Consumables, Dissemination and knowledge exchange costs, Other costs) Depreciation costs Slovenian teams will be financed as the price category D projects (information available at the ARRS website under item 2.2 Research projects – 2.2 Raziskovalni projekti at: Total sum of research hours is calculated by deviding total grant sum by the value of research hour of price category D. Overhead is calculated up to 20% of all eligible costs (without subcontracting costs) being a consistent part of the total grant sum. The calculation of overhead thus lowers individual category of eligible costs in a proportional manner. Overhead costs are used for covering the running costs of the institution which are related to implementation of the NORFACE project. At the Outline and Full Proposal stage all Slovenian applicants are obliged to contact ARRS as the proposed budget will be examined by ARRS prior to official submission. Additionally, names and research organisations of all Slovenian participants should be forwarded to ARRS with planned budgets for each year of the project (max 3 years). Please include the financial budget table of ARRS when submitting the Full Proposal form. Contact: Tina Vuga Slovenian Researh Agency (ARRS) E-mail: 17 Sweden (VR) VR Eligibility Requirements for NORFACE applicants based in Sweden Who can apply? Researchers holding a Ph.D. affiliated to Swedish universities, university colleges or other Swedish research institutions (e.g. museums) recognised by VR, may participate in a NORFACE project as Main Applicant or Co-applicant. The activity in the project must be at least 20 per cent. Given that the host institution agrees to host and employ the applying researcher if funds are granted, employment is not required at the time of submission of the application. Doctoral students may participate in a NORFACE project only if their doctoral research is well and clearly integrated in the consortium research programme. Doctoral course training and other curricular activities are not funded. What are eligible costs for Swedish researchers? The total project costs should be specified, including both direct and indirect costs. o Eligible personnel costs: - One or more senior researcher(s), PhDs - One or more Post-doc(s) - One or more Ph.D. student(s) (for restrictions on Ph.D. student participation - see above) o o Eligible material costs are e.g: - Travel & accommodation & meeting costs - Costs for knowledge transfer - All joint publication costs (incl. editing and translation costs) Indirect costs: - The research institution hosting the researcher should calculate the indirect costs based on their own models. In accordance with the agreement by NORFACE countries, the overhead costs must not exceed the maximum of 20% of the eligible costs. Please include the financial budget table of VR when submitting the Full Proposal form. Contact: Dr. Lucas Pettersson The Swedish Research Council 103 78 STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN E-mail address: 18 United Kingdom (ESRC) Eligibility Requirements for NORFACE JRP applicants based in UK Who can apply? Proposals may only be submitted by Research Organisations which are eligible to apply to the ESRC. These organisations are: - Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) that are directly funded for research by HEFCE, DEL, HEFCW and SFC; - Independent Research Organisations that have received Research Councils recognition (see; - Research Council Institutes. All UK applicants (whether Main or Co-Applicants) must be associated with an eligible Research Organisation, and must be able to meet the time commitment to the project as stated in the proposal. Proposals which may result in an over-commitment of time for any applicant across all their projects (whether or not those projects are NORFACE funded) will not be accepted. Any applicant employed as a member of staff for more than 20 per cent of their time in an ESRC Research Centre, Group or Network must obtain a supporting statement from the Director to accompany their proposal. Funding may also be sought for UK grant-linked studentships, designed to add value to the proposed research outlined in the proposal whilst providing a clear opportunity for a distinct and independent course of inquiry for the student. Students must be located in an ESRC-accredited Doctoral Training Centre and studying on an accredited pathway, and the Principal or Co-Investigator(s) must be approved to act as primary supervisors for PhD students. What are eligible costs for UK researchers? o Directly Incurred Costs This heading will include specific sub-headings relating to the direct costs of the research project, comprising: - Staff (for example Research Assistants) - Travel and Subsistence - Other Directly Incurred Costs: Purchase/hire of vehicles, recruitment and advertising costs Predicted costs for communication, knowledge exchange, public engagement and other impact activities throughout the course of the project Predicted costs of dissemination of research outputs, for example publication in authorpays journals, where these will be incurred during the period of the grant. Where these costs are likely to occur after the grant has ended, they should be included in the indirect costs of the Research Organisation Equipment and survey costs up to £10,000 – equipment costing between £10,000 and the OJEU threshold will require a Research Organisation contribution of 50 per cent and over the OJEU threshold may be paid at 100 per cent. 19 Directly Allocated Costs o - Investigators: provides for the costs of all principal and co-investigators working directly on a project, e.g. their time charged to the grant will be based on estimates rather than actual costs. Where costs are actual, auditable and verifiable, they should be included under the Directly Incurred Costs heading. Investigator time, not cost, must be justified. For any individual investigator, the maximum amount of time that the ESRC will fund across all their projects is 1650 hours per year (equivalent to 37.5 hours a week, 44 weeks a year). Indirect Costs In accordance with the agreement by NORFACE countries, overheads should be calculated up to 20% of all eligible costs (without subcontracting costs) being a consistent part of the total grant sum. The calculation of overhead thus lowers individual category of eligible costs in a proportional manner. Overhead costs are used for covering the running costs of the institution which are related to implementation of the NORFACE project. Overheads may include: - Building and premises costs - Basic services and utilities - Clerical staff - Equipment maintenance and operational costs - Costs of any shared resources such as staff (eg pooled technicians) and equipment - Other indirect costs as calculated by the Research Organisation Exceptions Exceptions include specific categories of funding: Equipment above the OJEU threshold value (£121,588 inc. VAT) – for these items applicants will be required to submit a two page business case outlining the strategic need for the equipment; Social survey costs which are sub-contracted. Any surveys completed using in-house resources should be included under Directly Incurred costs for equipment; Project students – project students are outside fEC, but must not be counted as research fulltime equivalent for the purposed of calculating estates and indirect costs; International co-investigator costs; UK business, third sector and/or government body co-investigator costs. Please ensure all specified costs are fully justified. Any that are not are liable to be removed from the grant. Please include the financial budget table of ESRC when submitting the Full Proposal form. Contact: Ms. Alexa Mills Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) Polaris House North Star Avenue Swindon SN2 1UJ Telephone: +44 (0)1793 413159 Email address: 20