How We Will Resource Ministry in the Year Ahead is called to touch her community as the presence of Christ. Preface What is a “Ministry Action Plan?” The Ministry Action Plan (or MAP, for short) is our annual church budget. Last year we adopted this new term because “Ministry Action Plan” emphasizes that budgeting is bigger than assigning numbers in a spreadsheet and expecting the money to arrive in the offering plate. Budget planning in church involves: 1) discerning what God is calling us to do in the next year, 2) determining what resources will be needed to carry out the ministries to which God calls us, and 3) deciding together to give what is needed. So we might compare this plan to a financial roadmap for 2014. The MAP will guide us in our endeavors as a church. These endeavors will certainly cost something. But our giving something great in response to God’s call on our lives is an essential part of the Christian life. Our giving enables our serving and singing and study and fellowship together; all of these are essential parts of our worship response to God’s great love and generosity. “For you know the generous act of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, so that by his poverty you might become rich.” -2 Corinthians 8:9 Working together and seeking God’s guidance, we have discerned the broad strokes of what Island View will do in 2014. Our committees and teams have also determined what resources will be needed to carry out this plan. Now comes a moment of decision, as we are invited to approve this plan and pledge our personal support to seeing it enacted in 2014. OUR VISION: Our vision is for the Island View Baptist Church to be a vibrant fellowship of believers, growing in spiritual maturity, ministering to the community, striving to reach the lost, whose focus is on worshipping God and treating each other with love. Add to this our statements of mission and calling: OUR MISSION: Under the leadership of the Holy Spirit IVBC is to: proclaim Jesus as Lord and Savior, encourage people to grow in Christlikeness, and unite in one body in Christ, serving the needs of the community, both locally and globally. OUR CALLING: Island View Baptist Church is called to touch her community as the Presence of Christ. Who developed this plan? Our Bylaws direct the Stewardship Committee “to develop a church budget to be presented to the church for adoption prior to the beginning of the next calendar year” and also to “educate the church in giving, money management, mission support and church budgeting.” The 2014 Ministry Action Plan fulfills both of these directives. The leaders of your 2013 Stewardship Committee are: Rannel Westberry, Chair Paul Ealum Emily Gunter Mike Hiers Doug Westberry Bob Zacharias What if I would like to see more detail? The MAP Index, a line-item listing of accounts and amounts is available in the Church Office for your review upon request. Members of the Stewardship Committee are prepared to handle inquiries and direct you to more information. How can I give? What guides our planning? The Ministry Action Plan is a living document; the details change from year to year. However, the core of our plan always emerges from our unique identity as a church, especially as expressed in our vision statement: Your offerings help us fund the entire Ministry Action Plan. Giving is as simple as putting money or checks in the offering plate. We encourage regular givers to use the offering envelopes provided to them, and we are preparing to offer a new online/automated giving service. You can also mail contributions, or set up automatic payments to IVBC through your financial institution. From the Pastor In Five Years My family looks much different than it did five years ago. The most noticeable differences you might spot on the steps during the Children’s Sermon and in the Nursery. I don’t remember what Andrea and I did before Karis and Jacob were born. Probably whatever we wanted to do; which seems so boring now. Life has changed, and it has changed for the better. We now serve a different church and live in a different state. My pant size has increased a tad, as have the hairs on my head numbered as gray (I guess not all the changes are for the better). Looking back, I see that we were not seeking any of these changes in our lives. The changes found us. At first, they felt strange and scary—interruptions into our normal way of life. But these changes have been enormous blessings (except for the waist and the hair). During the new year of 2014, Island View Baptist Church will engage in a church-wide initiative called Dawnings, a process which offers an opportunity to see the world and our ministry within it with fresh clarity and purpose. It is not a program; it is a process. And 2014 will not be the end of that journey; it will be a beginning. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6 (NIV) We’re not merely called to touch our community as the presence of Christ. We’re empowered too. What you have in your hands is more than a budget, but a PLAN for MINISTRY ACTION. To carry out this plan in 2014, we will need the time, talents, and treasures of our membership put into action. How well we do in this year will certainly impact the Island View Baptist Church of 2019 – only five years away. And that’s only a beginning. At the beginning of October, I preached a sermon called “How We Give” and put the matter as simply as I know how. In 1 Corinthians 16:1-2, we see that those blessed by God with great gifts are invited to give thanks in return: 1. Regularly – “on the first day of the week” 2. Personally – “each one” 3. Proportionally – “In keeping with your income” One reason I and other church leaders have been excited about this process is the underlying thought that God is already at work in us and the world around us. Change is finding us, whether we are ready for it or not. We need not contrive changes to fit some outside notion of what a church ought to do; rather we seek God’s spiritual shaping so that inward change leads to outward engagement. If you’re not already giving in this way, I invite you to have a prayerful conversation with your family and God and determine how you can really give in the way you want to give. I also encourage you to read through this MAP document so that you have a better idea of the multitude of ministry our giving enables. What will Island View Baptist Church look like in five years? Does that question excite or worry us? Does it lead us to lean on God or on our own understandings? I’m so grateful for our leaders in church committees, who have done a good job discerning a plan for 2014 and determining what resources are needed to act on it. How We Give Whatever our church looks like in five years, no one will have more of a hand in shaping it than God and us. No outside force can determine our course unless we allow it. Changes in neighborhoods, culture, and government will continue until Christ comes again. Yet, all the while, Christ is working in and through his church to bless the world. What church committees and staff cannot do, however, is the work of decision. And so we entrust this plan into the hands of the congregation. 2014 Ministry Action Plan Our vision is for the Island View Baptist Church to be a vibrant fellowship of believers : Worshipping God $111,817 “They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer… praising God.” – Acts 2:42,47 (NIV) Everything we do as a church arises from our experience of God’s grace and glory in our lives. Together we worship God—who has created us in the divine image, recreates us in Jesus Christ, and gifts us with the Holy Spirit. We gather each and every week to hear and respond to God’s Word in worship. Many gifted people lead us in worship through singing, playing instruments, reading scripture, preaching, and yielding other talents. So much of life gains its shape from events we hold in our sanctuary: faith decisions made, children dedicated, believers baptized, communion, weddings, funerals and more. People’s lives are changed by our weekly encounters with God in worship, and we aim to see more lives changed in 2014 as our worship time is renewed by deeper engagement from God’s people and a generous embrace of new worshippers. One desired outcome in this area is an increase in average worship attendance to 180 by December 2014. To do this, we must improve our reception and retention of guests. We must continue to train our present worshippers in some basics of welcoming guests and connecting them to others in the church. (Includes 1/3 of Pastor and Assoc. Pastor’s compensation; 1/2 of Custodian and Administrative Assistant’s compensation; Pianist; Organist; Music and supplies for The Sanctuary Choir, Orchestra, Children’s Choir, and handbells; instrument and sound equipment maintenance; sanctuary needs including flowers, decorations, supplies for ordinances, etc.) Growing in Spiritual Maturity $34,470 “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” – John 15:5 (NIV) God has commissioned the church, not to make converts or mere worshippers, but disciples—men and women who are being made into the image and likeness of God by following Jesus Christ daily. Spiritual formation is not a solo effort; maturing in life and growing into Christlikeness is something we do together. Knowing the Bible and how to freely read, interpret, and apply God’s Word into daily life is the key objective of our spiritual formation activities. We believe God’s plans for growing our church in 2014 include growing ministries to all age groups: from children, youth, and young adults to empty nesters and senior adults. Island View continues to see great opportunities in ministry with children and youth. Vacation Bible School continues to reach many new families, some for the first time, with the basic message of God’s love and wisdom as shown in Jesus. One desired outcome in this area is an increase in average Sunday School attendance to 120 by December 2014. We can accomplish this objective by inviting existing members and regular attenders to join a Sunday School class while we continue to connect new guests with appropriate classes. We also need to find and implement a strategy for the spiritual growth of young adults, both those who are single and married. A new teacher or teachers will likely be needed. (Includes 1/2 of Custodian and Administrative Assistant’s compensation; Sunday School literature and supplies for adults, youth, children and special needs adults; Youth Ministry; Children’s Ministry; Vacation Bible School; Library; stewardship promotion) Ministering to the Community $58,979 “The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.” – Luke 4:18-19 (NIV) The walls of our church do not place boundaries on the Good News of Jesus. We are sent out to bless and love our neighbors in ways that recognize holistic needs of body, mind, and soul. Island View has strong partnerships with groups doing essential ministry in the community, and our members reach out in countless ways through the year. In 2012 we began a program of Mission Grants, awarded to partners doing kingdom work in our community. In 2014 those grants will be awarded again and we will strengthen our hands-on involvement in community ministry and outreach through such initiatives as the Mercy Network Adopt-a-Group-Home project. Our benevolence program will also continue to meet basic human needs in a time of continuing economic uncertainty. One desired outcome in this area, unmet last year, is an increased commitment to the Adopt-a-Group-Home project. We can increase our commitment by identifying a coordinator who will lead our efforts each quarter and expand the circle of volunteers. (Includes 1/3 of Pastor and Assoc. Pastor’s compensation; Mission Grants to organizations such as The Clothes Closet / Food Pantry, BASCA, and Quigley House; Jacksonville Baptist Association; benevolence) Striving to Reach the Lost $81,962 “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” – Matthew 28:19-20 (NIV) Making disciples has been in the DNA of Island View ever since we began as the Collins Road Mission over a half-century ago. We want to be a haven for the hurting and a guiding light for the lost, whether they live down the street or around the world. Events like Trunk or Treat or concerts for the community move us into relationship with others so that we can share our own experience of God’s grace: “Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.” – Psalm 34:8 In 2014, we will reach out to our community through events like community concerts, our annual Easter Egg Hunt, Vacation Bible School, Trunk or Treat, Child Care Center open houses, etc. Island View also cooperates with other churches through the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship and Southern Baptist Convention to make a global impact together. In 2014, we will strategize how to better promote generous giving to mission causes beyond the amount budgeted here. One desired outcome in this area is a sustained increase in the number of households giving to our Easter and Christmas mission offerings. We believe this measure to be more important for tracking growth than even the dollar amount we give. Particularly at these two times of the year, we will invite and encourage all members to give any amount to missions. As we continue to track the number of households giving to missions in future years, our aim is for every household to give. (Includes 1/3 of Pastor and Assoc. Pastor’s compensation; giving through Cooperative Baptist and Southern Baptist channels; public relations; special music events; support for Women on Mission and Deacons) Treating Each Other with Love $22,935 “If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal.” – 1 Corinthians 13:1 (NIV) The ministry of Jesus was always rooted in God’s great love for people. Therefore, whether we are caring for children, saying thank you to our volunteers, or providing a meal at a funeral, we want to be known for our love. Even our giving is an expression of our love for God and other people. In 2014, we want to continue our support of fellowship events such as our quarterly luncheons before business meetings or Hanging of the Green. We want our Men’s Ministry/Brotherhood mobilized to care for practical needs in our congregation, including home repairs and accessibility work for seniors. And we will continue to screen and train all volunteers with children, youth, and disabled adults to know the signs of potential abuse and ensure that Island View is a safe place for all. One desired outcome in this area is recruiting six new volunteers to work in the nursery, extended session and children’s church and six new volunteers to help with Young at Heart Luncheons and Wednesday Night Dinners. Training and mobilizing these volunteers will not only reduce costs in other areas, but will engage our members in actively showing love to others. (Includes Financial Administrator’s compensation; child abuse prevention; supplies for hospitality and bereavement events; nursery salaries and supplies; support for Brotherhood and History Committee) In order to carry out our Church Vision as outlined above, we must also commit to: Equipping Ministry (Administration) $19,150 “So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up.” – Ephesians 4:11-12 (NIV) Our ministry team and all of our volunteers depend on basic materials to get their jobs done. Whether the equipment needed is a ball-point pen, a computer, or a copy machine, we provide the basics and they do a wonderful job of minimizing waste and maximizing ministry. (Includes office supplies, equipment and software; postage) Facilitating Ministry (Properties) $126,360 “God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.” – 2 Corinthians 9:8 (NIV) Woven throughout Island View’s story are testimonies to God’s provision of a place to worship, grow, and serve. We began in a home, grew into a chapel, moved up the road when I-295 was built, survived a fire, and have a splendid facility today. Being good stewards of our resources means being good stewards of our space. Every one of our ministries benefits from our facility, as do other ministries such as the Renaissance Haitian Church, BASCA, Young at Heart, and the Child Care Center. (Includes building and grounds maintenance; supplies; insurance; utilities; properties expenses of Child Care Center) MAP Gross Total Child Care Center Contributions to MAP TOTAL NEEDED TO CARRY OUT OUR MINISTRY PLAN (MAP Net Total) $455,673 $57,000 $398,673 $995 less than 2013 The detailed MAP Index with all line items and amounts listed is also available for your review in the Church Office. 2014 MINISTRY ACTION PLAN SUMMARY TOTAL GROSS M.A.P. Worshipping God Growing in Spiritual Maturity Ministering to the Community Striving to Reach the Lost Treating Each Other with Love Equipping Ministry (Administration) Facilitating Ministry (Properties) Child Care Center Contributions Treating Each Other with Love Facilitating Ministry (Properties) Contributions to IVBC MAP TOTAL (NET) OF CHILD CARE PAYMENTS Worshipping God Growing in Spiritual Maturity Ministering to the Community Striving to Reach the Lost Treating Each Other with Love Equipping Ministry (Administration) Facilitating Ministry (Properties) 2013 MAP 107,950.00 33,199.00 57,558.00 80,148.00 22,813.00 20,500.00 134,500.00 456,668.00 2014 MAP 111,817.00 34,470.00 58,979.00 81,962.00 22,935.00 19,150.00 126,360.00 455,673.00 750.00 56,250.00 57,000.00 750.00 56,250.00 57,000.00 2013 MAP 107,950.00 33,199.00 57,558.00 80,148.00 22,063.00 20,500.00 78,250.00 399,668.00 2014 MAP 111,817.00 34,470.00 58,979.00 81,962.00 22,185.00 19,150.00 70,110.00 398,673.00 ** See Footnote Change 3,867.00 1,271.00 1,421.00 1,814.00 122.00 (1,350.00) (8,140.00) (995.00) Footnote This $57,000 represents the contributions from the Child Care Center that are for expenses included in the Ministry Action Plan. In addition the Child Care Center contributes $18,000 towards the renovation debt retirement which is a designated fund not included in the Ministry Action Plan. Total Contributions from the Child Care Center to IVBC is $75,000. Island View Child Care Center About Our Child Care Center Begun thirty years ago as an outreach ministry of Island View Baptist Church, the mission of the Child Care Center is to provide an early childhood program that promotes the spiritual, cognitive, physical, emotional, and social development of children from six weeks through five years of age. Few other programs in our area have been so consistently rated A+ by the Florida Department of Children and Families. Our longterm, skilled, and caring teachers will help us carry that track record of excellence into our 31st year of ministry. Educational Philosophy of the Program We utilize the "Wee Learn" curriculum, designed around themes which challenge a child's development mentally, physically, spiritually, socially, and emotionally. We are committed to providing Biblically-based, age-appropriate experiences to allow each child to progress in these areas at his/her own level of ability while enjoying feelings of success. Children are given the opportunity to explore their world, primarily through hands-on activities in learning centers and positive Christ like role modeling from the staff. Parent newsletters will keep you informed about each unit designed for your child's class. We believe that child growth, development, and education are processes that require a partnership between parents and early childhood programs. We respect and support parents in their role as primary care givers, and desire to serve as an advocate for children and their families in this community. Program Administration IVBC Childcare Center is a non-profit center that is licensed by the Florida Department of Children and Families (# C04CL0028). The Director is responsible for its daily operation and the implementation of policies established by the Department of Children and Families. Proposed 2014 Budget (Approved by Stewardship Committee) $526,246 BUDGET SUMMARY Personnel $404,035 Operating Expenses $41,586 Equipment/Building $80,625 TOTAL $526,246 Budget formulated towards having 75 children enrolled 2014 Contribution to the IVBC Ministry Action Plan $57,000 2014 Contribution to Renovation Debt Retirement $18,000