ATLA Professional Development Committee Grant Application

ATLA Professional Development Committee Grant Application
Grant for Continuing Education Programs Application form
Name of Regional group or Institutional Member Sponsoring the Program:
Name of any additional institutions participating:
Name of Contact person for application:
E-Mail Address:
Name and Address of Payee (should the grant be awarded):
Title of Proposed Program:
Program Description (include a description of program format, such as workshop, panel, or lecture, as
well as basic context of the program):
Learning Outcomes for the Program (please refer to attached learning outcomes guidelines):
Name and Address of Reporter (ATLA requires a documented report on the program after
 Name:
 Address:
 Phone:
 E-Mail Address:
Suggested Presenter(s):
Qualifications of the Presenter(s):
Intended Audience:
Estimated Size of Audience:
Proposed Date and Location for Program:
Estimated Program Expenses***
Speaker expense
Other (examples: room fees,
Materials, equipment rental,
Amount of Funding
**PLEASE NOTE: ATLA requires a minimum 400 word write up of the program to be turned in to the
Director of Member Programs within one month of the program’s completion. This should include a
description of the program, its learning outcomes, how these outcomes were achieved, and an
acknowledgement of funding. This description will be published in ATLA’s monthly newsletter. We also
encourage program organizers to send photos of your event to be used in furthering the promotion of
ATLA’s efforts to provide grants for continuing education.
***PLEASE NOTE: Grant funds may be requested for all types of expenses related to speakers. If the
speaker is a member of the ATLA staff the organization will normally cover related costs. Suggested
honoraria are: full day, $400-$450, half day, $200-$250, one- or two-hour workshops, $150-$200. Please
explain any deviations from the suggested honoraria in the Comments section above.
Grants are not available for individuals. Grant funds should not be requested for participants’
lunch/break food expenses or parking fees. It is anticipated that grant funds may not be available to
cover the total cost of a program and that the regional group may need to provide additional funding.
Return this completed form to:
Director of Member Programs
The American Theological Library Association
300 South Wacker Dr, Suite 2100
Chicago, IL 60606
Phone: (888) 665-2852
Fax: (312) 454-5505
Learning Outcomes for Professional Development
Your professional development activity should include a listing of 3-5 learning outcomes, which will be
used to evaluate the proposed activity’s professional development effectiveness and value.
What are Learning Outcomes?
Learning outcomes, for the purpose of this discussion, are “statements that describe significant and
essential learning that learners have achieved, and can reliably demonstrate at the end of a course or
program. In other words, learning outcomes identify what the learner will know and be able to do by the
end of a course or program” (Lesch, n.d.).
Learning outcomes thus represent the end result of your professional development program, and should
be an answer to the question “what do you seek to accomplish through this program?”
Keep the following guidelines in mind when writing your professional development activity’s learning
Outcomes focus on specific knowledge areas, competencies, or skill-sets that learners acquire as
a result of the learning experience.
Outcomes should be learner-oriented: what will the professional development activity’s
participants be able to take away from this event, or what will they be able to do? (Do not
discuss what “this workshop will…” or what “the instructor will…”)
Outcomes use active verbs. (Avoid vague language like “know” or “understand.”) If there is no
hands-on application during the professional development event, indicate that participants “will
be able to <verb>” and reference future application. (For an example of useful verbs, visit
Sample learning outcomes for professional development activities include:
After this program, learners will be able to characterize the major differences between Shiite
and Sunni Islam.
At the end of this workshop, participants will be able to name key figures in Unitarian
Universalist history and list important library and web resources for UU seminarians.
At the conclusion of this workshop, participants will characterize the key components of a
library disaster management plan and prioritize needs relevant to their institution.
After this session, attendees will be able to choose and evaluate emerging electronic resources
for the study of the New Testament and articulate their use in biblical interpretation.
After this presentation, learners will be able to identify key events in the history of Christian
religious orders and intentional communities.
(Prepared by James Estes, Library Director and Associate professor of Theological Bibliography, Wesley
Theological Seminary)
S. Lesch, “Learning Outcomes: Learning Achieved by the End of a Course or Program.” Retrieved from on April 15, 2015
University of Toronto Center Centre for Teaching Support & Innovation. (n.d.) Developing Learning
Outcomes: A Guide for University of Toronto Faculty. Retrieved from on April
15, 2015