Psyche of Indian consumer in creating international brands out of

Consumer Psyche
 Today the middle class has truly emerged in India.
 The ever discerning consumer has very specific product
Their mindset is constantly evolving, with emerging needs
& lifestyle.
Are well travelled, aware and quality-conscious.
Do not want to hear the virtues of a brand, they are
interested in specifics
Are ready to pay a certain premium for a certain value he
believes he will get.
Not price sensitive today. They want quality products and
the latest technology & are not willing to compromise.
Consumer Psyche (cont’d)
 21st century Indian woman is radically different from
the generation that preceded her.
 Ready to take on challenges and be independent.
 Stands for innate confidence, style and taste,
 Extremely aware of all products available to her today.
Commodity to Brand
 Challenge for any new brand is to establish
itself in a cluttered environment and amongst
brands that are well entrenched in the
consumer’s mind.
 To be a brand, one has to focus on a clearly
defined target consumer and be loyal.
 The merchandise offer and brand experience
have to be tailored to suit the specific
aspirational needs of this TG
 To create an emotional connect
I find India in
a perpetual
things get
amongst the
 World compressed in a country
 More languages, caste, creed,
need etc. than any other country
in the world
 No two people, area – even
within a suburb are the same
 Consumers
 Diverse
 Demanding
 Intelligent
 Value vs Luxury
Commodity to Brand - Examples
 Travel Examples
 747
 Duniya Dekho
 Auction
 Lifestyle Luxury Retail
 India 2005 -2008
TGIW – Thank God it’s Wednesday
 Objective – Create a relationship & break the corporate
barriers for Cox & Kings – Business Travel
 Audiences – Banks, Financial Institution
 Method – Sponsor a evening, invite relevant audience,
interact without hard sell.
 Result – The follow-up was warm
747 & Travelcard
 Objective – Tap a consumer channel with innovative
means to break the mind set for Outbound Travel of
Cox & Kings
 Audience – The Upper Middle class who had embraced
cell phones, had money, needed to spend
 Method –
 Offer a never heard of deal for a foreign holiday –
Singapore 2n/3d for 16999/ Offer 24/7 travel services
 Result – 50% jump in turnover & repeat business
Duniya Dekho
 Objective – create a tag line to nullify the name
(British perception) & appeal to a different segment of
consumers – Cox & Kings
 Audience – Mass – middle class; first time travelers
 Method – Name change, communication, referral
 Result – Jump to the nos 2 position in Outbound
 Objective – Achieve Mass appeal; CSR & connect with
different segment of consumers – &
 Audience – merge the online & offline community
 Method – Multi city online & offline auction
 Result – Substantial amount contributed to CRY &
other charities; visitors to website doubled
Bollywood & Lifestyle
 Objective – Establish a quick connect between
jewellery (largely commodity driven) into a BrandGitanjali (D’damas; Asmi; Nakshatra)
 Audience – Upper Middle class with aspirations
 Method – Brand Ambassadors; In Movie Placements;
TV shows
 Result – Immediate connect, expansion & reach that
translated into increase in turnover
Relationship & Lifestyle
 Objective “Differentiate Damas” by offering unparallel
delightful Experience with an element of surprise –
 Audience – Visitors to Malls; Stores; database of
 Method – Experience The Difference with the
Positioning as “You Are The Celebrity”
 Result – 100% increase in footfalls
Emotions & Lifestyle
 Objective – Appeal to the Indian emotions
 Audience – Middle class
 Method – Birth date & Anniversary date offer for
matching discount
 Result – 300% jump in Sales across stores
Take away
 Demography shall be obsolete by 2009 end.
 Gender, marital status, family composition, work
status, become complex because of new emerging
lifestyle patterns.
 Target thru behavioral segmentation, and emotions
rather than old methods.
 World is my hometown. No longer limited to one city,
country or place, the whole world is your stage &
opportunities are endless.
Take away (cont’d)
 Borders diminish & distances become a
thing of past.
 Marketers need to understand this.
 First listen then sell
 Click the refresh button from time to time
 Consumer Psyche is all about making
decisions with imperfect area & incomplete