1. Before registering for mastering chemistry you need… • a student access kit which comes with a newly purchased textbook or, if you don’t purchase a new text, you need to purchase a student access code from the bookstore • the course ID which is CHEM1050ThompsonF10 • your student ID • your MUN e-mail address, which ends in @mun.ca 2. To register for mastering chemistry go to www.masteringchemistry.com and you will see the website to the right Click on the “Students” tab 3. You will get to a website with the following on it. If you do not have an access code, purchase one from the bookstore. If you have an access code click on the “Yes I have an access” code circle then click “Continue”. 4. On the page that comes up read through the licensing agreement and click bottom of the page. 5. On the next page click the “No” circle. The webpage will automatically change… at the 6. Fill in all the information: • • • a unique login name (your e-mail address is best so you will remember) a password that you will remember And enter your access code. • Then press Next at the bottom. KEEP YOUR INFORMATION, PASSWORD ETC PRIVATE!!! TELL NO ONE!! 7. Fill in all the information asked of you. Unclick the little box at the bottom unless you want Pearson to e-mail you. Click “Next” Use “other” if Memorial doesn’t show up 8. Print the following page to be safe, you will receive a confirmation e-mail. 9. On this page you can also click 10. In the future, when you login, you will go to www.masteringchemistry.com and fill in your login name and password. When you login do not let windows remember your password unless you are working on your own private computer!!! 11. When you first login you will see the following. Click that you have a Course ID and then enter it. Your course ID is CHEM1050ThompsonF10 12. Enter your student ID. You are now registered and are ready to start doing assignments on Mastering Chemistry. 13. Keep track of the due dates!! Do not wait till the due dates to do the assignments, do them as far in advance as you can. You need to register and do the first assignment before Friday night. The first three assignments worth marks are due by the dates listed. Severe late penalties are implemented. These assignments are regular to keep up with the work in the lectures and some are even on material not yet covered!!!! You have unlimited chances to do each question assignments but marks are deducted (2% of question mark, minimal) for each wrong answer. Wrong answers to multiple choice questions are deducted at a rate of 100%/number of options. If you open a hint you will lose 1% of the question mark. If you do not open a hint for the question you get a 2% bonus per question. The assignments are designed to ensure you get practice doing problems and you have an opportunity to convince yourself you understand the course material. Mistakes areminimally penalized and only so you don’t just keep guessing at the answer. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes and keep “trying” not guessing to get the right answer. These assignments are worth 6% of your final grade but doing them regularly and learning from your mistakes WILL increase your understanding and your marks on tests and exams. They are, therefore worth a lot!! % Online Assignment Grade • research (and much experience) shows that if you keep up with the course content (doing regular problem sets) you will learn more and be better prepared for the exam 100 80 60 40 20 0 00 90 -1 80 -8 9 9 70 -7 9 60 -6 9 50 -5 0 <5 Grade in CHEM1050 • of course getting a good mark in the online assignments is not sufficient for you to acheive a great mark in this course. Regular attendance at lecture and doing other homework, like questions from your text and the Flynn worksheets and studying for tests and exams is necessary for high marks. • if you are having problems with questions, do some work first. Go to your text, look at/do some examples and go back to your assignment. If you are still stuck, print out the assignment and bring your attempted solution to your instructor or the help centre. • don’t just guess at the answers! • don’t guess • if it was wrong once, it will be wrong again -42% for guessing Other Features in Mastering Chemistry electronic text study area