STAAR Monopoly Level II Questions

The 4th Amendment to the Constitution protects
this right of American citizens:
Protection from “unreasonable” search and
seizure. A “search warrant” signed by a judge is
I was an author of the Federalist Papers and the
first U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice.
Whose profile is this?
John Jay
In what year did Reconstruction end in America?
Name one of the protections of “due process of
law” given by the 5th Amendment:
Formal accusation required for serious federal crimes
No double jeopardy
Cannot be forced to testify against yourself
If the government takes property for public use (eminent
domain), the owner must fairly compensated
What is the goal of an entrepreneur?
An entrepreneur seeks to start a business in order
to make a profit.
This was a term used by critics of businessmen
that were highly successful during the Gilded
Age and became very rich, but did so using
ruthless tactics and destroyed their
“robber barons”
What do Jonathan Trumbull, John Peter
Muhlenberg, Benjamin Rush, Charles Carroll, and
John Witherspoon have in common?
They are all considered Founding Fathers of
What does the American motto “E Pluribus Unum”
“Out of many, one”
Name the new technique that allowed steel
production to explode in the United States during
the Gilded Age.
Bessemer process
During the 1790s, which part of Alexander
Hamilton’s financial plan for America created a
huge constitutional debate?
The formation of a national bank
(argument over strict vs. loose interpretation of
the Constitution)
This economic theory stated that colonies should
exist for the purpose of benefiting the mother country:
This organization’s goal was to prevent the changes
in southern society intended by Radical
Reconstuction through the use of force and
Ku Klux Klan
This political party in the 1850s demonstrated that
some Americans were nativists - opposed to
Know-Nothing Party
These were a series of essays written in favor of
ratification of the United States Constitution:
The Federalist Papers
Name the U.S. foreign policy that was intended to
restrict European influence in the Western Hemisphere:
Monroe Doctrine (1823)
What act of federal legislation ended the “spoils
system” (practice of awarding jobs that led to
government corruption)?
Pendleton Act
(created a civil service exam system to select
people for jobs based on merit and NOT on “who
you know”)
Which part of the Compromise of 1850 had the
most impact on the United States?
A more stringent Fugitive Slave Law
Which group of Americans opposed ratification
of the Constitution unless it was immediately
amended to protect individual liberties?
The amendments became the Bill of Rights
Name the process
that is being
advertised with this
Americanization OR assimilation
Explain how the use of agricultural technology
contributed to urbanization in the Gilded Age.
Technology increased the efficiency of production
so fewer people were needed on farms; many
moved to cities
What was the purpose of the “free” or
“unlimited” coinage of silver (bimetallism)
that the Populists wanted?
It would increase the money supply and create
inflation - this would raise crop prices (benefits
farmers) and make loan repayment less painful
Name one of the purposes of the Freedmen’s
• Provide: food, clothing, medical care, education to
former slaves
• Settle cases where former slaves were mistreated
• Distribute confiscated land to former slaves
The Whig Party formed in the 1830s to oppose
a president that many saw as a tyrant king
figure. Who was this president?
Andrew Jackson
Who won the French and Indian War?
When the Stamp Act was imposed on the colonies, the
colonists made a huge deal out of it, even though
residents of England paid much higher taxes.
The colonists issue wasn’t about paying money - it was
something else. What was it?
It was the fact that the tax was imposed without colonial
consent or representation in Parliament.
“no taxation without representation”
What major debate kept coming up whenever new
territory was added to the United States in the mid 1800s,
including the Mexican-American War?
Whether the new territory would be slave or free
What was the purpose of appointing the “midnight
judges” by the Judiciary Act of 1801?
It was a way to keep Federalism operating in the
government by filling the federal judiciary with Federalist
Before fighting broke out, what was the most typical form
of resistance to British taxes carried out by the colonists?
They boycotted British goods.
Why was Anne Hutchinson kicked out of the
Massachusetts Bay colony?
She questioned the authority of Protestant ministers. Her
teachings of Antinomianism stated that the moral laws of
man do not apply to Christians.
Before his election as president and the outbreak of the
Civil War, what was Lincoln’s position on slavery?
Lincoln was NOT an abolitionist, but did think slavery was
morally wrong and should NOT be extended into any
new territories.
What was revolutionary about the Supreme Court’s
decision in Marbury v. Madison?
It created the power of judicial review for the Supreme
Court. This power was not described in the Constitution –
this an example of “implied powers” using a “loose
interpretation” of the Constitution.
Andrew Jackson blocked the National Bank’s rechartering by presidential veto, but that’s not what killed
it. What actions by Jackson did kill the bank?
Jackson and his Treasury Secretary killed the Bank by
taking money out of it and depositing that money in
state banks.
Who was Abraham Lincoln’s famous debate opponent in
the 1858 contest for an Illinois Senate seat?
Stephen Douglas
Douglas defeated beat Lincoln for the Senate seat, but
his views on popular sovereignty upset Southern
Democrats and hurt his chances to win the presidency.