Wagtail Curriculum Map Term 1 2012-13

PSE Development
(Personal, Social and Emotional)
Our topic is ‘New Beginnings’.
We will be focusing on:
Physical Development
Knowledge & Understanding of the World
We will be focusing our learning in these areas:
In Science, we will start the year with a focus on
•Continuing to improve our confidence and skills in
swimming with a weekly trip to Bradford Pool
•Welcome and unwelcome feelings and strategies
and how we can help others in their new beginnings
•Developing our knowledge and understanding of
Invasion Games through football, looking closely at
passing, ball skills and shooting
•Discussing rights and responsibilities in school and
creating our own charter and rules to follow
•Devising and evaluating sequences in gymnastics to
improve performance
Our Learning focus this term will be on developing
presentation skills!
We will be continuing to learn about Christianity,
•Looking at parables and stories to show how Jesus
inspired others
•Understanding how Christians follow Jesus today
•Discussing the beliefs of others and linking our
values and how we can express them
Term 1 2012
Passport to
•Ordering and sequencing numbers, including
negative numbers
•Multiplying and dividing numbers by 10 and 100
•Written addition and subtraction methods
•Developing strategies for solving word
•Understanding Multiples
•Improving knowledge of 2D and properties of
3D shape
•Data handling
•Using the school pond as a stimulus for local habitats
and completing a ‘Habitat Study’
•Continuing to develop scientific thinking through
research and discussion
We will explore what is was like to live in Roman times
and how it may have influenced life today. Using
various sources we will research Roman culture and
food and look at who and where they invaded. We will
also use Italy as a focus for our geographical enquiry.
During this term we are lucky enough to be
implementing the new Radio Broadcasting System and
we will be learning how to use the software, meanwhile
exploring various forms of writing that can be
presented during radio shows.
In addition, we will use animation to create our own
short films during Eco Week and look closely at the
issues of E-safety.
Communication, Literacy and Language
In literacy we will cover the following areas;
Mathematical development
We will be focusing on the following learning:
•Looking at communicating science and creating keys to
classify living and non living plants and animals
•We will develop pencil drawing and shading through
Roman artifact sketches, explaining our ideas
•We will begin with a focus on Poetic Form, exploring
various poem types and how these can be performed in
an interesting way for the audience, including the use
of ICT.
•Eco week will be a basis for our first look at
persuasive writing
•Lastly this term, we will look at stories from other
cultures, looking in depth at setting and
characterisation, including drama where possible
•We will make 3D models of a Roman city using wood
and cardboard
Creative Development
We will be continuing to develop creativity in all areas
of the curriculum, including using ICT as a tool to use
through everything we do:
•Roman mosaics
•We will also use Italian cuisine to make Ciabatta and
pesto from scratch
We will continue to expand our French vocabulary
through Animals.