BC Hockey AGM June 12-14, 2015 Branch Mentorship Coordinator • To incorporate mentorship initiatives throughout the province • To coordinate quality personnel throughout the province with deliverance. • To attend seminars country wide to keep the program up to date and to share best practices from across the country. • To implement initiatives brought to BC Hockey from Hockey Canada • To incorporate education that is readily available to all MHA`s • To bring coach to coach learning as a standard not just an idea • To provide best practices for all associations. Old Coach Management • The old management methods – where coaches are given teams in the fall, and not heard from again until spring – are no longer adequate. • Only those associations, which have a base of volunteers who are properly trained and supported, will survive the changes that are taking place in the game of hockey. New Coaching Management • BC Hockey knows that coaches hold the keys to success of minor hockey associations. • They present the public face of the organization to the players, parents, and in the case of travel teams, to other communities. • In view of this, it is imperative that our Minor Hockey Associations not only select the best possible representatives, but that they support, nurture and develop both prospective coaches and incumbents. New Coach Management • It is true that coaches are made not born. • MHAs should maximize the coaching potential within there association by implementing a plan for coach development, from the day an individual first volunteers. • Such a program requires dedication from the volunteer and the association as well as the presence of some technical expertise to develop and support the coach, and will require that the MHA attach the importance it deserves to the quality of coaches in the organization. • It is imperative to develop a philosophy and development program structure to ensure a meaningful and successful experience for your players, parents and volunteers. MHA Philosophy and Structure • Having a philosophy & structure to your coach development program will accomplish two key goals: 1. Clearly & effectively communicate the programs offered by your association in the areas of player development and coach development. This is the basis for a successful community- based hockey program. 2. This will create a structure that is not reliant on one person. Hockey in Canada is driven by the efforts of its volunteers. Having this structure in place will ensure the program has a legacy and will continue even with turnover in those volunteer positions. • BC Hockey will assist with the implementation. Mentorship Programs Mentors ask more questions, give fewer answers, and provide guidance. - Jim Clemmer Mentorship Programs • Coaches need to view hockey as an activity that all participants can enjoy. • Through their enjoyment, participants have the opportunity to develop life skills like commitment, perseverance, dedication and teamwork. • Relationships and interpersonal skills are important aspects of the art of coaching. • ``An avenue of coaching coaches``. • Mentorship addresses the “art” of coaching - the human relations side that coaches often neglect. • This neglect may result in unresolved issues that often drive coaches from the game. Mentorship Programs • Mentorship serves as a support network to assist coaches in facing the many issues and challenges of their coaching environments. • All coaches can benefit from mentorship, even those who offer themselves, as mentors will look to their peers for mentorship support. • BC Hockey High Performance coaches use mentorship. • The best support network is coaches helping coaches. • When new coaches leave an introductory clinic, it may be the last time they receive instruction on coaching young hockey players. • It is the MHA`s duty to support these coaches as they learn and grow there knowledge. Mentorship Programs • Where does a coach turn with questions about teaching body checking or skill analysis? • Who does a coach approach for feedback? • What if a coach just wants the support of an experienced colleague? • Long after the clinic is over, mentorship helps to bring coaches together. • Mentorship extends the learning process for the coach and the mentor. • Developing a MHA mentorship program, all coaches will have support in all areas of coaching at all levels. Program Structure • The object is to provide constructive feedback in an open and honest fashion for all coaches. • Mentoring will be required for both games and practices. • Here are a few tips: Program Goals • Be specific, not general • Be constructive, not destructive • • Direct comments at behaviour, which is changeable Feedback received sooner is better than later • Feedback must be clear not misunderstood • Be positive and informative, not negative and useless • Be honest Support Materials • BC Hockey has numerous documents that will assist with the implementation of this program in your MHA. • BC Hockey also offers specialty clinics which are designed to enhance coaches abilities to teach and coach players in specific areas. • James Eccles is our Association to Association coordinator and will address these questions in further details. Conclusion • My goal is to have an aggressive change in the implementation, developing, and supporting of coaches in all branches within BC Hockey. • Provide consistency, up to date material and support, to those associations that require it. • Emanate what we do in BC as initiatives and lead the country.