2014/3/10 WLTP-06-16e Study on Applicability of Driving Index (defined in SAE J2951) to WLTC Japan Automobile Research Institute 1 2014/3/10 < Background > It is quite reasonable to have tolerance for each set point under the emission/fuel consumption test procedure from the view points of testing practicability. On the other hands, the tolerance have a possibility to create test result variations. These variations may cause inappropriate information to customer and/or unfair competitions. WLTP has been trying to narrow the tolerance and to stringent the test procedure, however, it still has a room for data variations. European commission has been reviewing all possible flexibilities in the WLTP gtr and their studies are under going with support of TNO and TUG. Japan focus on driving tracability as one of the most significant factors since new test cycle profile has changed to micro-transient mode from trapezium mode. Japan Automobile Research Institute 2 2014/3/10 < Overall Test Plan > Test vehicles: Vehicle A:1.3L, Gasoline, CVT, have few difficulty to follow the trace Vehicle B:0.66L, Gasoline, CVT, have difficulty to follow the trace study how to treat WOT driving portions Vehicle C:2.0L, Gasoline, 6MT study how to treat gear shift portions Trace technique : Normal (keep the target trace as much as possible), Smoothing, Rough, Rough-2 (see below) # of Tests : Vehicle Rough-2 Normal-1 Smooth Rough-1 Cold 1 1 1 - Hot 2 2 1 1 condition 60 60 Target speed Vehicle speed [Smooth] High limit higher than target 40 30 20 10 Rough Low limit 50 Vehicle speed (km/h) Vehicle speed (km/h) 50 Target speed Vehicle speed [Rough-1] Smoothing Low limit (Slightly) High limit lower than target 40 30 20 10 Rough pedal operation Smooth acceleration 0 0 0 20 Japan Automobile Research Institute 40 Time (s) 60 80 100 0 20 40 Time (s) 60 80 100 2014/3/10 < Conclusion > It was observed that drive trace indexes are able to detect the unexpected driving technique (smooth or rough) and to eliminate the inappropriate cycle trace by applying the appropriate criteria. (ASCR and RMSSE are possible candidate indexes, on the other hands, ER, DR and EER have weakness due to offset of positive and negative side) It was observed that special treatment during wide-open-throttle operation is necessary. More study on how to treat gear shift events is required. It was observed that negative side (smooth driving) drive trace index has slight correlation with FC value, on the other hands, positive side (rough driving) has no correlation with FC value. Japan Automobile Research Institute 4 2014/3/10 < Request to all CPs > Evaluate the drive trace index (provide calculation tool, if necessary). Speed sampling rate : 10Hz ( need to modify gtr description). < Next Actions > Provide specific procedure for WOT operation and gear shift events. Propose driving index criteria for test validity. Collaborate “normalization procedure” with TUG. Japan Automobile Research Institute 5 Driving Indexes defined in SAE J2951 2014/3/10 Engine force • FENG = [F0 + F1*V + F2*V2 + 1.015 * ETW * a]+ Engine work increment • Wi = FENGi * di Cycle energy (CE) • CE = ΣWi = Σ[(F0 + F1*Vi + F2*Vi2 + 1.015 * ETW * ai) * di]+ Energy rating (ER) • ER = (CED - CET) / CET*100 Distance rating (DR) • DR = (DD - DT) / DT*100 Energy economy rating (EER) • • EER = [1 – (DR / 100 +1) / (ER / 100 +1)] * 100 Combined ER and DR Absolute speed change rating (ASCR) • • • ASCR = (ASCD - ASCT) / ASCT * 100 ASC = ⊿t*Σ|ai| Integrate the acceleration (= speed fluctuation) Root mean squared speed error (RMSSE) • • RMSSE = √(Σ(VDi - VTi)2) / N) Integrate the difference between target speed and actual speed Japan Automobile Research Institute 6 2014/3/10 Test results-1 (Vehicle A) Energy rating [ER] Normal-1 Normal-2 Smooth-1 Smooth-2 Rough-1 Rough-2 Distance rating [DR] Normal-1 10.0 2.0 8.0 1.5 Normal-2 Smooth-1 Smooth-2 Rough-1 Rough-2 rough 2.0 0.0 -2.0 smooth -4.0 WLTC CL3-2 Hot Normal-2 rough -1.0 WLTC CL3-2 Cold Smooth-1 Smooth-2 Rough-2 6.0 4.0 rough 2.0 0.0 -2.0 smooth -4.0 -6.0 -8.0 Normal-2 Smooth-1 LMHxH LMH ExHIGH HIGH Smooth-2 Rough-1 Rough-2 60 obvious difference 50 40 30 20 rough 10 0 smooth WLTC CL3-2 Hot Japan Automobile Research Institute WLTC CL3-2 Cold WLTC CL3-2 Hot LMHxH LMH ExHIGH HIGH MID LOW LMHxH LMH ExHIGH HIGH MID LOW LMHxH LMH ExHIGH HIGH MID LOW LMHxH LMH ExHIGH HIGH MID -10 LOW -10.0 WLTC CL3-2 Cold Absolute speed change rating [ASCR] Normal-1 8.0 MID LOW LMHxH LMH ExHIGH WLTC CL3-2 Hot Rough-1 HIGH LOW LMHxH LMH ExHIGH HIGH -0.5 -2.0 10.0 Energy Economy Rating [EER] 0.0 Energy economy rating [EER] Normal-1 smooth 0.5 -1.5 Absolute speed change rating [ASCR] MID LOW LMHxH HIGH MID LOW -10.0 LMH depends on number of opportunity to acceleration -8.0 1.0 MID -6.0 Distance rating [DR] 4.0 ExHIGH Energy rating [ER] 6.0 WLTC CL3-2 Cold 7 2014/3/10 Test results (Vehicle A) Root mean squared speed error [RMSSE] WLTC CL3-2 Cold WLTC CL3-2 Hot LMHxH LMHxH LMH ExHIGH HIGH MID LOW LMHxH LMH ExHIGH HIGH MID LOW 0.0 Rough-2 LMH 0.2 ExHIGH 0.4 Rough-1 HIGH 0.6 MID 0.8 Smooth-2 LOW 1.0 LMHxH 1.2 Smooth-1 LMH 1.4 Normal-2 ExHIGH RMSSE becomes higher value when Smoothing/Rough driving WLTC CL3-2 Hot Normal-1 Rough-2 HIGH Rough-1 MID Smooth-2 LOW 1.6 Smooth-1 Impact on fuel economy worse Root Mean squared Error [RMSSE] 1.8 Normal-2 better Normal-1 2.0 Rate of change of fuel economy (%) WLTC CL3-2 Cold ER, DR, EER,ASCR and RMSSE became closer to zero when the vehicle follow the target speed (Normal driving). In case of a smoothing or rough driving, those index values became higher or lower value. This indicates that there is a possibility to detect the inappropriate driving. Japan Automobile Research Institute 8 2014/3/10 Driving indexes and fuel economy impact (vehicle A) ●LOW hot ▲MID hot ■HIGH hot ◆ExHIGH hot ●LMH hot ▲LMHxH hot ○LOW cold △MID cold □HIGH cold ◇ExHIGH cold ●LMH cold ▲LMHxH cold Energy rating [ER] Distance rating [DR] -4 -2 0 2 Energy rating [ER] 4 6 8 -2.0 -1.0 0.0 Distance rating [DR] 1.0 Absolute speed change rating [ASCR] worse -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 Energy Economy Rating [EER] 6 8 0 5 10 15 Absolute speed change rating [ASCR] Japan Automobile Research Institute 20 25 worse better Rate of change of fuel economy (%) worse -5 Root mean squared speed error [RMSSE] Possible criteria better Rate of change of fuel economy (%) Possible criteria -10 -8 linear relationship linear relationship 2.0 better Rate of change of fuel economy (%) worse Rate of change of fuel economy (%) -6 better worse better Rate of change of fuel economy (%) Possible criteria Energy economy rating [EER] Possible criteria 0.0 0.5 1.0 Root Mean squared Error [RMSSE] 1.5 9 2014/3/10 Summary (Vehicle A) Normal-1 Smooth-1 Rough-1 • Smooth driving: Negative value ER • Rough driving: Positive value 10 • Index value varies depend on each phase 5 F.E. change rate ER DR(×5) 0 -5 DR • Smooth driving: Positive value -10 • Rough driving: Negative value RMSSE(×5) EER • Difficult to detect inappropriate driving technique EER LMHxH cold • Smooth driving: Negative value ASCR • Rough driving: Positive value Normal-1 Normal-2 Smooth-1 Smooth-2 Rough-1 Rough-2 • Almost same characteristics as ER • a significant difference according to driving techniques ER • linear relationship to fuel economy impact (only smooth driving) 10 ASCR 5 F.E. change rate 0 DR(×5) • Smooth driving: Negative value • Rough driving: Positive value -5 • a significant difference according to driving techniques -10 RMSSE RMSSE(×5) EER • Smooth driving: Positive value • Rough driving: Positive value LMHxH hot ASCR Japan Automobile Research Institute • a significant difference according to driving techniques 10 2014/3/10 Consideration of special treatment during wide-open-throttle • During acceleration events, vehicle B could NOT follow the target speed with wide open throttle (WOT) operation. • Need to consider how to treat in case of WOT operation. • Special treatment: treat as same speed as target speed during WOT operation. (index value will be over-evaluated when excluding all WOT portions from calculation) unable to follow despite of WOT operation 通常-1 140 通常-2 加減速少-1 加減速少-2 加減速多-1 加減速多-2 250 基準車速 km/h 車速(前後輪平均) km/h 200 Duration for WOT (s) 100 80 60 40 100 50 1550 Japan Automobile Research Institute 1600 Time (s) 1650 1700 1750 1800 WLTC CL3-2 Hot LMHxH LMH ExHIGH HIGH MID LOW LMHxH LMH ExHIGH LOW 1500 HIGH 0 20 0 1450 150 MID Vehicle speed (km/h) Accelerator pedal angle (%) 120 WLTC CL3-2 Cold 11 2014/3/10 Test results(Vehicle B) Energy rating [ER] Energy rating [ER] with special treatment Normal-1 Normal-1 Normal-2 Smooth-1 Smooth-2 Rough-1 Rough-2 10.0 Energy rating [ER] (w/o WOT) 6.0 Smooth-2 Rough-1 Rough-2 4.0 2.0 0.0 -2.0 -4.0 -6.0 6.0 4.0 2.0 0.0 -2.0 -4.0 -6.0 -8.0 -8.0 WLTC CL3-2 Hot Normal-1 Smooth-1 Smooth-2 Rough-1 Rough-2 1.5 1.5 Distance rating [DR] (w/o WOT) 2.0 1.0 0.5 0.0 -0.5 -1.0 -1.5 Normal-2 Smooth-1 Smooth-2 LMHxH LMH ExHIGH HIGH Rough-1 Rough-2 1.0 0.5 0.0 -0.5 -1.0 -1.5 WLTC CL3-2 Hot Japan Automobile Research Institute WLTC CL3-2 Cold WLTC CL3-2 Hot WLTC CL3-2 Cold LMHxH LMH ExHIGH HIGH MID LOW LMHxH LMH ExHIGH HIGH MID LMHxH LMH ExHIGH HIGH MID LOW LMHxH LMH ExHIGH HIGH MID -2.0 LOW -2.0 WLTC CL3-2 Cold Distance rating [DR] with special treatment Normal-1 2.0 MID LOW LMHxH LMH ExHIGH WLTC CL3-2 Hot WLTC CL3-2 Cold Distance rating [DR] Normal-2 HIGH LOW LMHxH LMH ExHIGH HIGH MID LOW LMHxH LMH ExHIGH HIGH MID LOW -10.0 MID -10.0 LOW Energy rating [ER] Smooth-1 8.0 8.0 Distance rating [DR] Normal-2 10.0 12 2014/3/10 Test results (Vehicle B) Energy economy rating [EER] Rough-2 20 15 10 5 0 -5 -10 Japan Automobile Research Institute WLTC CL3-2 Cold LMHxH LMH ExHIGH HIGH MID LOW LMHxH LMH ExHIGH HIGH MID -15 Normal-2 Smooth-1 Smooth-2 LMHxH LMH ExHIGH Rough-1 Rough-2 30 not change so much 25 20 15 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 WLTC CL3-2 Hot WLTC CL3-2 Cold LMHxH 25 Normal-1 35 LMH Rough-2 ExHIGH Rough-1 ASCR with special treatment LOW Smooth-2 WLTC CL3-2 Cold LMHxH Smooth-1 30 LOW LOW LMHxH ExHIGH HIGH LMH WLTC CL3-2 Hot 35 WLTC CL3-2 Hot -8.0 -10.0 LMH Normal-2 -6.0 WLTC CL3-2 Cold Absolute speed change rating [ASCR] Normal-1 -4.0 ExHIGH MID LOW LMHxH LMH ExHIGH HIGH MID LOW WLTC CL3-2 Hot -2.0 HIGH -8.0 0.0 HIGH -6.0 Rough-2 2.0 MID -4.0 Rough-1 decrease 4.0 MID -2.0 6.0 LOW 0.0 Smooth-2 8.0 LMHxH 2.0 Smooth-1 LMH 4.0 Normal-2 ExHIGH 6.0 Absolute speed change rating [ASCR] (w/o WOT) Energy Economy Rating [EER] 8.0 -10.0 Absolute speed change rating [ASCR] Normal-1 10.0 HIGH Rough-1 HIGH Smooth-2 MID Smooth-1 10.0 [EER] with special treatment MID Normal-2 Energy Economy Rating [EER] (w/o WOT) Normal-1 LOW 13 2014/3/10 Test results (Vehicle B) 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 WLTC CL3-2 Hot LMHxH LMH ExHIGH HIGH WLTC CL3-2 Cold 1.8 1.6 Special treatment is necessary 1.4 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 WLTC CL3-2 Hot WLTC CL3-2 Cold Impact on fuel economy Normal-2 Smooth-1 Smooth-2 Rough-1 Rough-2 WLTC CL3-2 Hot Japan Automobile Research Institute WLTC CL3-2 Cold LMHxH LMH ExHIGH HIGH MID LOW LMHxH LMH ExHIGH HIGH MID LOW worse better Rate of channge of fuel economy (%) Normal-1 MID LOW LMHxH LMH ExHIGH HIGH MID LOW 0.0 Rough-2 LMHxH 1.0 Rough-1 LMH 1.2 Smooth-2 ExHIGH 1.4 Smooth-1 HIGH 1.6 Normal-2 MID 1.8 Normal-1 2.0 LOW Rough-2 LMHxH Rough-1 LMH Smooth-2 ExHIGH Smooth-1 HIGH Normal-2 RMSSE with special treatment MID Root Mean squared Error [RMSSE] Normal-1 2.0 LOW Root mean squared speed error [RMSSE] Root Mean squared Error [RMSSE] (w/o WOT) 14 Driving indexes(with special treatment) and fuel economy impact (vehicle B) 2014/3/10 ●LOW hot ▲MID hot ■HIGH hot ◆ExHIGH hot ●LMH hot ▲LMHxH hot ○LOW cold △MID cold □HIGH cold ◇ExHIGH cold ●LMH cold ▲LMHxH cold -4 -2 0 2 4 6 Energy rating [ER] (w/o WOT) 8 10 -1.0 0.0 1.0 Distance rating [DR] (w/o WOT) Absolute speed change rating [ASCR] with special treatment 25 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 Energy Economy Rating [EER] (w/o WOT) 10 linear relationship Root mean squared speed error [RMSSE] with special treatment worse better Rate of change of fuel economy (%) Japan Automobile Research Institute -6 Possible criteria worse Rate of change of fuel economy (%) better -5 0 5 10 15 20 Absolute speed change rating [ASCR] (w/o WOT) 2.0 Energy economy rating [EER] with special treatment worse worse -2.0 Possible criteria -10 better -6 Distance rating [DR] with special treatment better Rate of change of fuel economy (%) Rate of change of fuel economy (%) Energy rating [ER] with special treatment worse better Rate of change of fuel economy (%) 0.0 0.5 1.0 Root Mean squared Error [RMSSE] (w/o WOT) 1.5 15 Driving indexes(without special treatment) and fuel economy impact (vehicle B) 2014/3/10 ●LOW hot ▲MID hot ■HIGH hot ◆ExHIGH hot ●LMH hot ▲LMHxH hot ○LOW cold △MID cold □HIGH cold ◇ExHIGH cold ●LMH cold ▲LMHxH cold 0 2 4 Energy rating [ER] 8 10 -10 0.0 Distance rating [DR] 0 5 10 15 Absolute speed change rating [ASCR] Japan Automobile Research Institute 1.0 20 25 2.0 Energy economy rating [EER] worse Rate of change of fuel economy (%) -1.0 Absolute speed change rating [ASCR] -5 worse -2.0 worse better Rate of change of fuel economy (%) 6 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 Energy Economy Rating [EER] 8 10 Root mean squared speed error [RMSSE] Need special treatment worse -2 Rate of change of fuel economy (%) -4 better -6 Distance rating [DR] better Rate of change of fuel economy (%) better Energy rating [ER] worse better Rate of change of fuel economy (%) 0.0 0.5 1.0 Root Mean squared Error [RMSSE] 1.5 16 2014/3/10 Summary (Vehicle B) Normal-1 Smooth-1 Rough-1 Normal-1 with special treatment ER 10 DR(×5) 0 -10 Normal-2 Smooth-1 Smooth-2 Rough-1 Rough-2 EER w/o WOT Normal-1 Normal-2 with special treatment ER 10 5 0 RMSSE(×5) w/o WOT LMHxH cold ASCR DR(×5) F.E. change rate Smooth-1 0 -10 Japan Automobile Research Institute RMSSE(×5) w/o WOT LMHxH hot Rough-2 ASCR • ASCR is able to detect the smooth and/or rough driving. RMSSE 5 -10 ASCR Rough-1 ER w/o WOT 10 -5 EER Smooth-2 • could not detect inappropriate driving technique, due to offset positive and negative side. • ASCR won’t change much when special treatment was applied. ASCR w/o WOT -5 RMSSE(×5) DR(×5) w/o WOT 0 -10 Normal-1 LMHxH hot F.E. change rate -5 EER F.E. change rate ER, DR, EER ER w/o WOT 10 -5 RMSSE(×5) LMHxH cold Rough-1 5 5 F.E. change rate Smooth-1 DR(×5) w/o WOT • RMSSE need special treatment to detect the smooth and/or rough driving. EER w/o WOT ASCR w/o WOT 17 2014/3/10 Test results (Vehicle C) • During gear shift events, no tolerance is required. • Treat as same speed as target speed during gear shift events±1sec. gearshifting±1sec 通常-1 Vsched_l [km/h] Gear shift [-] Gear ±1s 120 9 100 8 7 40 6 30 5 4 20 Gear position 通常-2 加減速少-1 加減速少-2 加減速多-1 加減速多-2 80 60 40 20 3 15 20 Japan Automobile Research Institute 25 30 Time (s) 35 40 45 50 LMHxH LMH HIGH MID LOW LMHxH LMH WLTC CL3-2 Hot ExHIGH 0 10 ExHIGH 0 HIGH 1 0 MID 2 10 LOW Vehicle speed (km/h) 50 10 Duration for gearshift (s) 60 WLTC CL3-2 Cold 18 2014/3/10 Test results (Vehicle C) Rough-2 8.0 8.0 6.0 6.0 2.0 0.0 -2.0 -4.0 -6.0 Normal-1 WLTC CL3-2 Hot Smooth-1 Smooth-2 Rough-1 Rough-2 1.5 1.5 Distance rating [DR] (w/o GS) 2.0 1.0 0.5 0.0 -0.5 -1.0 -1.5 Normal-2 Smooth-1 Smooth-2 Rough-1 LMHxH Rough-2 1.0 0.5 0.0 -0.5 -1.0 -1.5 WLTC CL3-2 Hot Japan Automobile Research Institute WLTC CL3-2 Cold WLTC CL3-2 Hot LMHxH LMH ExHIGH HIGH MID LOW LMHxH LMH ExHIGH HIGH MID LOW LMHxH LMH ExHIGH HIGH MID LOW LMHxH LMH ExHIGH HIGH MID -2.0 LOW -2.0 WLTC CL3-2 Cold Distance rating [DR] with special treatment Normal-1 2.0 LMH LOW WLTC CL3-2 Cold Distance rating [DR] Normal-2 become worse!! LMHxH LMH ExHIGH HIGH MID LOW LMHxH LMH ExHIGH HIGH -10.0 MID -10.0 LOW -8.0 Rough-2 4.0 -8.0 WLTC CL3-2 Hot Rough-1 ExHIGH -4.0 Smooth-2 HIGH 0.0 -2.0 Smooth-1 MID 2.0 Normal-2 LOW 4.0 -6.0 Distance rating [DR] Normal-1 10.0 LMHxH Rough-1 LMH Smooth-2 10.0 ExHIGH Smooth-1 Energy rating [ER] with special treatment HIGH Normal-2 Energy rating [ER] (w/o GS) Energy rating [ER] Normal-1 Energy rating [ER] MID WLTC CL3-2 Cold 19 2014/3/10 Test results (Vehicle C) Energy economy rating [EER] Rough-2 40 30 20 10 0 -10 Japan Automobile Research Institute WLTC CL3-2 Cold LMHxH LMH ExHIGH HIGH MID LOW LMHxH LMH ExHIGH HIGH MID -20 Normal-2 Smooth-1 Smooth-2 LMHxH LMH ExHIGH Rough-1 Rough-2 60 become worse!! 50 40 30 20 10 0 -10 -20 WLTC CL3-2 Hot WLTC CL3-2 Cold LMHxH 50 Normal-1 70 LMH Rough-2 ASCR with special treatment ExHIGH Rough-1 HIGH LOW LMHxH LMH ExHIGH HIGH Smooth-2 WLTC CL3-2 Cold HIGH Smooth-1 60 LOW -10.0 WLTC CL3-2 Hot 70 WLTC CL3-2 Hot -8.0 LOW Normal-2 become worse!! -6.0 WLTC CL3-2 Cold Absolute speed change rating [ASCR] Normal-1 -4.0 LMHxH 0.0 -2.0 LMH WLTC CL3-2 Hot MID LOW LMHxH LMH ExHIGH HIGH MID LOW -10.0 2.0 MID -6.0 Rough-2 4.0 MID -4.0 Rough-1 6.0 LOW 0.0 -2.0 Smooth-2 8.0 LMHxH 2.0 Smooth-1 LMH 4.0 Normal-2 ExHIGH Energy Economy Rating [EER] (w/o GS) 6.0 Absolute speed change rating [ASCR] (w/o GS) Energy Economy Rating [EER] 8.0 -8.0 Absolute speed change rating [ASCR] Normal-1 10.0 ExHIGH Rough-1 HIGH Smooth-2 HIGH Smooth-1 MID Normal-2 10.0 [EER] with special treatment MID Normal-1 LOW 20 2014/3/10 Test results (Vehicle C) 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 WLTC CL3-2 Hot LMHxH LMH ExHIGH HIGH WLTC CL3-2 Cold 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 変化小さい 0.4 0.2 0.0 WLTC CL3-2 Hot WLTC CL3-2 Cold Impact on fuel consumption Normal-1 Normal-2 Smooth-1 Smooth-2 Rough-1 Rough-2 worse To treat as same speed as target speed during gear shift events is not effective. More study for gear shift events is necessary. WLTC CL3-2 Hot Japan Automobile Research Institute WLTC CL3-2 Cold LMHxH LMH ExHIGH HIGH MID LOW LMHxH LMH ExHIGH HIGH MID LOW better Rate of channge of fuel economy (%) MID LOW LMHxH LMH ExHIGH HIGH MID LOW 0.0 Rough-2 LMHxH 1.0 Rough-1 LMH 1.2 Smooth-2 ExHIGH 1.4 Smooth-1 HIGH 1.6 Normal-2 MID 1.8 Normal-1 2.0 LOW Rough-2 LMHxH Rough-1 LMH Smooth-2 ExHIGH Smooth-1 HIGH Normal-2 RMSSE with special treatment MID Root Mean squared Error [RMSSE] Normal-1 2.0 LOW Root mean squared speed error [RMSSE] Root Mean squared Error [RMSSE] (w/o GS) 21 Driving indexes(with special treatment) and fuel economy impact (vehicle C) 2014/3/10 ●LOW hot ▲MID hot ■HIGH hot ◆ExHIGH hot ●LMH hot ▲LMHxH hot ○LOW cold △MID cold □HIGH cold ◇ExHIGH cold ●LMH cold ▲LMHxH cold 0 2 4 6 Energy rating [ER] (w/o GS) 10 -10 -1.0 0.0 1.0 Distance rating [DR] (w/o GS) Absolute speed change rating [ASCR] with special treatment 0 10 20 Absolute speed change rating [ASCR] (w/o GS) Japan Automobile Research Institute 2.0 worse Energy economy rating [EER] with special treatment better worse -2.0 worse better Rate of change of fuel economy (%) 8 -5 0 5 Energy Economy Rating [EER] (w/o GS) 10 Root mean squared speed error [RMSSE] with special treatment worse -2 Rate of change of fuel economy (%) -4 better -6 Distance rating [DR] with special treatment better worse Rate of change of fuel economy (%) Rate of change of fuel economy (%) Energy rating [ER] with special treatment better Rate of change of fuel economy (%) 0.0 0.5 1.0 Root Mean squared Error [RMSSE] (w/o GS) 1.5 22 Driving indexes(without special treatment) and fuel economy impact (vehicle C) 2014/3/10 ●LOW hot ▲MID hot ■HIGH hot ◆ExHIGH hot ●LMH hot ▲LMHxH hot ○LOW cold △MID cold □HIGH cold ◇ExHIGH cold ●LMH cold ▲LMHxH cold 0 2 4 Energy rating [ER] 8 10 -1.0 -10 0.0 Distance rating [DR] Absolute speed change rating [ASCR] Possible criteria -5 0 5 10 15 Absolute speed change rating [ASCR] Japan Automobile Research Institute 1.0 20 25 2.0 Energy economy rating [EER] worse Rate of change of fuel economy (%) worse -2.0 worse better Rate of change of fuel economy (%) 6 -5 0 5 Energy Economy Rating [EER] 10 Root mean squared speed error [RMSSE] Possible criteria worse -2 Rate of change of fuel economy (%) -4 better -6 Distance rating [DR] better worse Rate of change of fuel economy (%) better Energy rating [ER] better Rate of change of fuel economy (%) 0.0 0.5 1.0 Root Mean squared Error [RMSSE] 1.5 23 2014/3/10 Summary (Vehicle C) Normal-1 Smooth-1 Rough-1 Normal-1 with special treatment ER 10 5 F.E. change rate DR(×5) F.E. change rate -10 -10 RMSSE(×5) w/o GS EER w/o GS LMHxH cold ASCR ASCR w/o GS Normal-1 Normal-2 Smooth-1 Smooth-2 Rough-1 Rough-2 Normal-1 Normal-2 with special treatment ER 10 5 0 Smooth-1 DR(×5) 0 -10 -10 EER Japan Automobile Research Institute Rough-1 Rough-2 5 F.E. change rate -5 ASCR Smooth-2 ER w/o GS 10 -5 RMSSE(×5) DR(×5) w/o GS 0 -5 EER LMHxH hot ER w/o GS 10 -5 RMSSE(×5) F.E. change rate Rough-1 5 0 LMHxH cold Smooth-1 RMSSE(×5) w/o GS It was observed that the treatment (same as target speed) doesn’t work for gear shift events. More effective treatment during gear shift events is necessary to adopt driving index requirement. DR(×5) w/o GS EER w/o GS LMHxH hot ASCR w/o GS 24