The Masonic Home of Missouri is committed to providing the best possible services to the Fraternity that will benefit you, your family, as well as your community.
The Masonic Home of Missouri is pleased to present this Directory which was developed by the Masonic Home of Missouri’s Social Services Caseworker. In this
Resource Directory, you will find helpful information regarding social services in your community, by agency, organization or business (see disclaimer). Each service or resource is divided by Masonic Districts and Counties for your convenience.
Please use this information for yourself, a loved one or a friend. If you have any questions regarding this Directory or the Masonic Home of Missouri’s programs, please contact the Corporate Office at 1-800-434-9804 or 1-573-814-4663.
The Masonic Home of Missouri does not accept responsibility for errors, omissions, or quality of services provided by the agencies, organizations or businesses listed in this directory.
ADA Project ............................................................................................................. 800-514-0301
Adult & Elder Abuse and Neglect Hotline ........................................................ 800-392-0210
All Emergencies-Medical, Fire, Police ................................................................................... 911
Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders ................................................... 800-272-3900
American Cancer Society ..................................................................................... 800-227-2345
American Council of the Blind ........................................................................... 800-424-8666
American Diabetes Association ......................................................................... 800-343-2383
American Heart Association ............................................................................... 800-242-8721
Arthritis Foundation ............................................................................................. 800-406-2491
Attorney General (Consumer Fraud) ................................................................. 800-392-8222
Better Hearing Institute ........................................................................................ 800-327-9355
Child Abuse Hotline .............................................................................................. 800-392-3738
Dept. of Health and Senior Services Information & Assistance Hotline .. 800-235-5503
Dept. of Mental Health ......................................................................................... 573-751-4122
Dept. of Veteran Affairs-Benefits Information ............................................... 800-827-1000
Hearing Aid Help Line .......................................................................................... 800-521-5247
Home Health Agency Hot Line ........................................................................... 800-345-1453
IRS Tax Information .............................................................................................. 800-829-1040
Medicare Assistance/CLAIMS Program ............................................................ 800-390-3330
Missouri Bar Lawyer Referral Service ............................................................... 573-636-3635
Missouri Department of Insurance ................................................................... 800-726-7390
Missouri Department of Revenue ...................................................................... 573-751-4450
Missouri Department of Social Services ........................................................... 800-735-2466
National Kidney Foundation ............................................................................... 800-622-9010
Poison Control ........................................................................................................ 800-222-1222
9370 Olive Blvd.
St. Louis, MO 63132
(314) 432-3422
FAX: (314) 432-3824
24 Hour Helpline: 1-800-980-9080
24 Hour Helpline – Trained volunteers lend a listening ear to cargiving families, suggest resources and provide basic information. Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Safe Return – A nationwide identification program to enable others to identify, locate and return people with dementia who are lost.
CareFinder Service – A new online tool to help people living with Alzheimer’s and caregivers make informed choices when selecting a care provider for home-based or residential care.
Family Education Classes, Library Services
Speaker’s Bureau – Addresses community groups to help with the understanding of
Care Consultation – Can be done face-to-face in the office, in the home of the person with dementia or over the phone. Care Consultations provide professional guidance on caregiving options, resources and decision making about your loved ones care. A fee is charged for in-office and in-home consultations. Scholarships are available upon request. Please call for an appointment.
Support Groups – Trained facilitators meet with small groups of caregivers to share experiences and offer mutual support.
Respite Care Assistance – Eligible families receive information, consultation and financial reimbursement for adult day care, in-home and short-term residential care services.
St. Louis Area Chapter
10195 Corporate Square
St. Louis, MO 63132
(314) 516-2800
FAX: (314) 516-2821
Disaster Services – Learn how the Red Cross responds to disasters and what you can do to protect yourself, your family and your property.
Health and Safety – Red Cross training programs include First Aid and CPR, lifeguarding, HIV/AIDS education and much more.
Military Services – Emergency communications, financial assistance and counseling services for active military, their families and veterans.
Youth Services – Meaningful opportunities for training, community service and peerto-peer education for teens.
International Services – Holocaust and war victims tracing and other international humanitarian services.
Lifesaver Award – Recognizing local citizens who prepared themselves to respond in an emergency situation and actually saved a life.
Blood Services – Giving blood saves lives. Learn how and where you can donate.
Ready Rating – A comprehensive membership program to help businesses, organizations and schools improve their emergency preparedness.
15 South Oak
Union, MO 63084
(636) 583-7300
FAX: (636) 583-7305
Services Offered:
Vital Records o Birth certificates - $15.00 o Death certificates - $13.00 for first copy and $10.00 for each additional copy
Women, Infants and Children (WIC) o Women, Infants and Children (WIC) is a special supplemental nutrition program which provides services to pregnant women, new mothers, infants and children up to their 5th birthday based on nutritional risk and income eligibility o Health Screenings (Height/Weight/Hemoglobin Check) o Nutritional Risk Assessment o Nutrition Education and Counseling o Breastfeeding support, education and assistance o Free or loaned breast pumps o Referrals to community based programs o Supplemental Food Vouchers o Eligibility
Pregnant women
Postpartum women
Up to 6 months after pregnancy loss
Breastfeeding women (up to 1 year after delivery)
Non-breastfeeding women ( up to 6 months after delivery) o Infants/Children from birth to five years
All applicants must meet income eligibility guidelines
Individuals who meet income and category guidelines will be assessed for nutritional risk factors
You do not have to be a US citizen to participate in WIC
Nursing Services o Provides a variety of Nursing Services for all residents in Franklin County of all ages. Most services are by appointment only but we do accept walk-ins if scheduling permits. o Include Blood Pressure Screenings, Tuberculosis (TB) Testing, Immunizations and more. o Clinic hours are Monday through Friday 9:00 a.m. till noon and 1:00 p.m. till
4:00 p.m. excluding holidays.
Franklin County Health Department Continued,
Environmental Health o The environmental health section provides systematic inspection of all food handling establishments in the county
Communicable Disease
Emergency Preparedness
5933 S. Highway 94, Suite 107
St. Charles, MO 63304
(636) 929-8761
FAX: (636) 447-0341
Our Vision:
"We envision a world of acceptance, access, independence and self-determination for all."
Personal Attendant Services - Personal Attendant Services (CDS) are a consumerdirected approach to attendant services. The program allows an adult (18 and older) with a significant physical disability, as defined by the program, to retain the services of a personal attendant, and actually control his or her care. Services are paid for by state and federal funds through MO Healthnet (formerly known as Medicaid). If you qualify for CDS, you make the decisions about who provides your care, and when and how this care is provided. For example, CDS consumers hire, train, supervise (and even fire!) their own attendants. They are actually the employer, complete with an IRS
Employer ID number. Delta Center administers CDS in the Missouri counties of St.
Charles, St. Louis, Franklin, Lincoln, Warren and St. Louis City according to guidelines established by MO Healthnet and the Missouri Division of Health and
Senior Services (DHSS). o Who Pays for Personal Attendant Services?
CDS is funded by MO Healthnet (Medicaid) and administered by DHSS.
(In some cases, CDS can be accessed by non-Medicaid eligible individuals, but there is a lengthy waiting list.) o How Does Delta Center Support Personal Attendant Services?
First, Delta Center works with you to determine and verify your eligibility. We review a number of factors, including your MO Healthnet eligibility, ability to direct your care, current support systems, and medical status, to ensure eligibility before processing your application.
The CDS program is not available for persons residing in a residential care facility.
Once we verify your eligibility, we make a referral to have an assessment performed, which we can help you plan for, if you wish.
During the assessment, services may be authorized for personal care
(bathing, toileting), housekeeping, laundry, meal preparation, shopping and other needs as identified.
DCIL Continued,
Delta Center offers any training or support you may require to manage your care. For example, we'll help you learn to:
Recruit prospective attendants
Interview and screen applicants
Manage paperwork, including timesheets and MO Healthnet
(Medicaid) requirements
Advocate with the appropriate state agencies to assure your needs are being met
Schedule and supervise your attendant(s)
Delta Center manages on your behalf:
Criminal and abuse/neglect background checks on attendant candidates
Processing timesheets and payroll for your attendant(s)
#1 Liberty Plaza
Union, MO 63084
(636) 584-6300
FAX: (636) 583-8670
Children’s Division o Adoption services, activities o Career Foster Parent Program o Child abuse and neglect hotline: 1-800-392-3738 o Child care, early childhood services
Family Support Division o Child support enforcement o Income maintenance & self sufficiency programs
Food stamps
Food distribution programs
Temporary assistance – provides assistance to needy families with children so they can be cared for in their own home and to reduce dependency by promoting job preparation, work and marriage.
MO HealthNet
Uninsured women’s health services
Supplemental nursing care – provides monthly cash benefits. An eligible adult living in a licensed nursing facility and found medically eligible may receive a maximum of $390. If not found medically eligible while living in a nursing facility, or if living in a licensed assisted living or residential care facility II, an eligible adult may receive a maximum of $292 monthly. If living in a licensed residential care facility the maximum is $156. Persons eligible for these case benefits also receive a $30 personal needs monthly allowance. This benefit is paid directly to the nursing facility for nursing care charges above the amount the resident is expected to pay.
Home and Community Based Program – assistance providing homemaker chore or respite care services. No direct cash benefit.
Prevention of Spousal Impoverishment – (Division of Assets) – when a married person enters a nursing facility, a special provision may help protect some of the couple’s resources for the spouse who is not in a nursing facility.
Supplemental Aid to the Blind – eligible individuals receive a monthly cash grant up to $651, as well as MO HealthNet coverage.
Department of Social Services Continued,
Supplemental Security Income (SSI) – assistance to the aged, blind and disabled. Income guideline applies.
Qualified Medicare Beneficiary (QMB) – for persons enrolled in
Medicare Part A (hospital insurance) whose income and resources are within the program guidelines. This program will provide payment of
Medicare premiums and coinsurance and for deductibles for Medicare covered services.
Specified Low Income Medicare Beneficiary (SLMB) – provides payment of Medicare Part B premiums to individuals who would be eligible for this program. o Rehabilitation Services for the Blind
Creates opportunities for eligible blind and visually impaired persons in order that they may attain personal and vocational services.
Provides services to people with varying degrees of visual impairment, ranging from those who cannot read regular print to those who are totally blind.
Vocational Rehabilitation – Eligible individuals are provided with services needed to enter, remain in or return to suitable employment.
Services include:
Diagnosis and evaluation
Counseling and guidance
Physical or mental restoration
Training – including college or university, technical or trade
Job development and job placement
Rehabilitation engineering
Follow-up Services
Assistive Technology – Information, tips and resources for computer assistive technology for blind and visually impaired computer users.
Independent Living Rehabilitation – assists blind and visually impaired persons so they can function independently in their homes and communities.
Older Blind Services – Free rehabilitation services in the home. o Transition Services – provides services to help high school students prepare for the transition from school to either post-secondary education or work. o Business Enterprise Program – Self employment opportunities are provided to legally blind persons. The program includes vending facility operations in public buildings, in private industry and in roadside rest areas of the interstate highway system.
Department of Social Services Continued, o Prevention of Blindness – Diagnostic services and needed eye care are provided to medically indigent persons in order to prevent blindness. Vision screening and glaucoma testing clinics are provided for early detection of eye pathology that could lead to blindness. o Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program – Provides financial assistance to help pay heating bills during the months of October through March.
Truman State Office Building
301 West High St., Room 250-A
P.O. Box 1668
Jefferson City, MO 65102
Assists disabled with re-entry into the workforce and addressing all of the barriers to employment and full participation in community life.
Educational Programming – Provides educational programming on disability rights and disability awareness.
Technical Assistance – Provides technical assistance to any Missourian interested in learning more about the legal universe of disability rights.
Disability Rights – Works with the legislature to ensure that proposed laws respect the rights of persons with disabilities. Works with national and state governmental agencies to ensure that their rulemaking is sensitive to the needs and rights of persons with disabilities
Free Publications – Offers a variety of free publications dealing with disability awareness and disability rights.
Bridges – A newsletter for people with and without disabilities to provide Missourian information and disability resources. Bridges is published 4 times a year.
Directory Resources for Missourian with Disabilities – A manual of disability related organizations, agencies and services published every other year.
Legislative Update – A newsletter published weekly during the legislative session to follow the progress of all disability related legislation in the state general assembly.
4232 Forest Park Ave.
St. Louis, MO 63108
(314) 534-4200
FAX: (314) 534-1425
Legal Services of Eastern Missouri, Inc. (LSEM) is an independent, non-profit organization that provides high quality civil legal assistance and equal access to justice for low-income people in Eastern Missouri.
Consumer - Accepted cases include deceptive practices, breach of contract, breach of warranty, wrongful repossession, illegal collection tactics and bankruptcies.
Education – Assists clients who need temporary transfers of custody in order to keep children in their school districts.
Elderly – Assists with nursing home problems, wills, Power of Attorney and healthcare directives.
Employment – Loss or denial of employee benefits.
Family – Cases involving domestic abuse, child abuse and child snatching.
Housing – Cases primarily involve clients who are in danger of losing their shelter.
Cases often include actions for rent and possession, actions for unlawful detainer, breach of the implied warrant of habitability, foreclosures.
Family Court Project – Assists low-income parents who need legal representation in hearings that could end in termination of their parental rights.
Public Benefits/Income Maintenance – Helps assist with questions and resolutions to problems with programs such as Blind Pension/Supplemental Aid to the Blind,
Childcare, EBT/Quest Card issues, Food Stamps, General Relief, MO HealthNet and
Temporary Assistance (TANF)
Children’s Legal Alliance – Advocacy program that focuses on the unmet educational and mental health needs of economically disadvantaged children and youth.
Legal Services of Eastern MO, Inc. (LSEM) Continued,
The Aids Project – Provides legal assistance to people living with HIV/AIDS. Clients are assisted with problems in housing, employment and insurance discrimination, public benefits, family issues such as custody, divorce or visitation, wills, Durable
Power of Attorney, healthcare directives, school access and HIV testing.
Pinnacle Arbitration and Mediation Services – Provides alternative dispute resolution when parties need assistance in resolving their differences without the involvement of the courts.
LTC Ombudsman Program
8702 Manchester Rd.
Brentwood, MO 63144
FAX: (314) 918-9188
Missouri ombudsman program consists of volunteers serving residents of nursing homes and residential care facilities to provide support and assistance with any problems or complaints. Complaints concerning abuse, neglect and financial exploitation should be reported first to the Missouri Division of Senior Services Elder
Abuse Hotline, 800-392-0210. Individual volunteers are recruited by Area Agencies on
Aging (AAAs) or their service providers. Following screening and training, the volunteer is assigned to a facility that has agreed to participate in the program. The ombudsman receives orientation to the facility and its procedures, prior to making regular contact with the residents.
Ombudsman volunteers are special. They are asked to make a significant commitment to the program, not only in terms of pre-placement and on-going in-service training but through weekly contact with residents, reporting and travel.
6033 Masonic Dr., Suite A
Columbia, MO 65202
(800) 434-9804
(573) 814-4663
Fax: (573) 814-4660
Outreach Programs o Long Term Financial Assistance – The Masonic Home of Missouri is able to provide eligible senior adults with financial assistance to remain in their homes, apartments, independent living facilities, and assisted living facilities. Some applicants qualify for this long-term assistance each month, while others only need assistance with individual payments, such as medical bills, hearing aids or dental work. o Short Term Financial Assistance – The Outreach Program is also able to provide short-term assistance to eligible adults who are experiencing unforeseen hardship. The short- term assistance program is designed to help individuals while they are helping themselves out of difficult situations. For example, short-term assistance may help members experiencing medical emergencies and temporary unemployment. o Age and length of membership guidelines:
Member prior to the age of Forty (40) must have been in continuous good standing for five (5) years prior to application.
Member between the ages of Forty (40) and Forty-Nine (49) years, inclusive, must have been in continuous good standing for at least ten
(10) years prior to application.
Member between the ages of Fifty (50) and Fifty-Nine (59) years, inclusive, must have been in continue our good standing for at least fifteen (15) years prior to application.
Member at or subsequent to attaining the age of Sixty (60) years must have been in continuous good standing for at least twenty (20) years prior to application.
o Children’s’ Outreach
- provides financial assistance to legal dependents of
Missouri Master Masons or Missouri female members of the Order of the
Eastern Star. Assistance provided through this program may help with medical care and services such as dental, hearing, vision, therapy and equipment. This program alleviates the financial strain on parents who may have health insurance, but are struggling to afford co-payments and other medical expenses not covered by insurance. The flexibility of the Children's Outreach Program makes it possible for parents to seek services in their own communities.
Masonic Home of Missouri Continued,
Applying for assistance: The parents or legal guardians of the child should make application on the child's behalf. Once an applicant's information is received, the Outreach staff will contact the guardian to obtain additional information. All inquiries are given prompt attention.
Age & Length of Membership is reviewed on all applicants.
Eligibility Requirements:
Legal dependent(s) of Missouri Master Masons or female members of the Order of the Eastern Star.
Master Mason or Eastern Star member must be in good standing at time of the application.
Age and Length of Membership guidelines
Guardian of applicant must demonstrate a financial need
Age & Length of Membership Guidelines (Subject to approval by Board of Directors):
Legal dependent (s) up to 21 years of age of Master Masons or female members of the Order of the Eastern Star who are in good standing in Missouri Lodge/Chapter and have a minimum of two years of continuous good standing prior to application.
Legal dependent (s) of Mater Masons or female members of the
Order of the Eastern Star over the of 21 who are physically or mentally disabled. o Creating A Partnership
Individual child/children - Lodges and Chapters can work within their community to identify a child or children in need (i.e. through schools or local community organizations/families). Assistance can help to provide clothing, basic school supplies, coats, shoes, hats and gloves, hygiene items, eye glasses, dental work etc.
Project-Based - Lodges and Chapters can identify projects within their communities through charitable or other non-profit organizations, such as schools. Recipients of the CAP Project-Based funds must be a 501 (c)
(3) public charitable organizations, as defined by the IRS, or public entities such as school districts. An example of a project that may qualify is the backpack food program found in communities statewide.
(Matching funds must go toward the purchase of a specific item(s). The
Masonic Home will not match funds for general operating expenses.) o Masonic Family Cares - The Masonic Family Cares is a new program that will help facilitate connections between lodges, chapters and youth organizations and the Masonic brothers and sisters in their communities. Interested lodges/chapters can contact the masonic Home to inquire abut establishing relationships with Masonic brothers, widows or O.E.S. members in their area who would enjoy visiting with a fellow Masonic member. This program is a great opportunity to connect with those members within your communities who
Masonic Home of Missouri Continued, might not be able to attend Lodge, or a widow who would benefit from seeing a friendly face. If your lodge is already participating and doing these great works within your community, please share your stories with us. Contact Rhonda
Lightfoot, Membership Relations Specialist, at 800-434-9804, or email her about how your Lodge is making a difference. If you are trying to find ways to reach out to those members amongst you, please contact Chantana Irvin,
Masonic Family Cares Coordinator at 800-434-9804, or email
. o Social Services - The Masonic Home of Missouri provides updated Resource
Directories (biannually) to each Masonic Lodge. These resource directories provide information on available social services, specific to each county. Our
Social Services Department maintains up-to-date information regarding programs and services throughout the state and can provide you with this information should you need it.
o Widow’s Program
- The Masonic Home of Missouri’s Outreach Programs provide widows with information regarding our programs and services. In an effort to inform our brethren’s widows about our programs and services, we hold luncheons throughout the State. At these luncheons, the Masonic Home honors our ladies with a pin recognizing them as Masonic widows. We are currently making plans for holding luncheons in your area and would be honored if you would wear your pin to them. Please be looking for more information about where these luncheons will be held or visit this page to find out about our programs and visits. A postcard has also been included in the mailing that can be returned to us, if you are interested in learning more about our Outreach Programs, need services or would like to refer someone for assistance.
o Financial Counseling - The Financial Counseling Program will begin working with Master Masons, the wife or widow of a Master Mason, and female members of the Order of the Eastern Star who have applied for or are receiving assistance through the Masonic Home’s Financial Assistance Programs. Unlike the Financial Assistance Programs, the Financial Counseling Program does not have Age & Length of Membership guidelines. The Financial Counseling
Program was born from the growing need for short-term assistance for younger members, realizing that by helping members to organize their finances and set financial goals, they would not need financial assistance in the future. They would be prepared should their financial situation unexpectedly change again.
For those members who are referred to the Financial Counseling Program after having applied for short-term financial assistance, the program will focus mainly on: budgeting, prioritizing payment of expenses and debt, lowering variable expenses, identifying and eliminating unnecessary expenses, determining solvency, Net Worth, and Basic Liquidity, assisting in creating
Masonic Home of Missouri Continued, financial goals and creating a plan to obtain those goals, and referral to other financial services that the Home cannot provide (such as debt consolidation and bankruptcy). The Financial Counseling Program will also be beneficial for those applicants applying for long-term financial assistance. These clients are
Masonic widows, elderly Master Masons, and elderly female OES members.
Financial Counseling will focus on budgeting, understanding Medicaid eligibility rules, referral to other services that they might qualify for (such as
Mo HealthNet, VA benefits, etc.), and other financial services the Home cannot provide (such as investment services, estate planning, retirement strategies, etc.). Financial Counseling will help them to organize their finances and create a budget, with the goal of helping them to continue living independently. This will also be helpful for older couples, widows, Master Masons, and female OES members who are planning to make major changes to their lifestyles, such as moving to an Assisted Living Facility. Financial Counseling can assist them in determining if their income and assets are adequate for the move, how the move will change their expenses and monthly budget, and assist them in identifying additional potential income sources. o Truman Club - The Truman Club recognizes those individuals and couples who support the Masonic Home and its programs through on-going annual giving. With the support of Truman Club members, we are able to transform the
Masonic tenets into reality for our fraternal brothers and sisters in need across the state.
Annual Membership - to be eligible for annual membership in the
Truman Club, a donor must give at least $100 in tax-deductible donations during the calendar year. Annual memberships are renewable on January 1st each year. Benefits of annual Truman Club membership include:
Welcome Packet
Membership Pin
Invitation to annual Truman Club Dinner
Special mailings and advance registration for events
Annual membership gift o Special Events – Annual Leaves of Autumn golf outing o Museum - The Masonic Home and Grand Lodge of Missouri are thrilled to announce the Grand Opening of Missouri’s first Masonic Museum to the public on February 25, 2008, preceded by previews for members, distinguished guests and press. The exhibit incorporates 5 themed galleries, each gallery representing a leader a particular quality. The first gallery titled “Pathmakers and Patriots” highlights the impact Meriwether Lewis and William Clark had on the early period in Missouri and how they became involved in the Masonic fraternity. The second gallery titled “Living Well” focuses on Laura Ingalls
Masonic Home of Missouri Continued,
Wilder, her involvement with the Order of the Eastern Star and how music and education are valued in Masonry and at the Masonic Home. The third gallery themed “Generosity” depicts Jacob Lampert, Past Grand Master, and other
Masons and Masonic groups who have provided generous support to the
Masonic Home. The fourth gallery depicts “Leadership” centering on President and Past Grand Master Harry S Truman and how democratic methods guide lodges. The Fifth theme titled “Everyman” is a rotating exhibition gallery. In it
Masonic lodges and Eastern Star Chapters will have the opportunity to share individual history and symbols used within the Lodges and Chapters over the years. Admission is FREE . Self-guided tours are available during normal business hours (weekdays 8:00a.m. to 4:30p.m.). Other viewing times available by appointment.
14535 Manchester Road
Manchester, MO 63011-3960
(636) 207-1323
Mission Statement: To be the recognized channel to a coordinated continuum of care and to provide information, advocacy and services within available resources that will enable persons
60 year of age and older and their caregivers to maximize their independence.
Senior Centers – Each center offers hot, nutritious congregate meals and delivers meals to eligible homebound seniors. o Most centers are open every weekday and offer educational, recreational and health programs along with information and assistance services, telephone reassurance, volunteer opportunities and more. o There is no charge for the center meals or services, but participants are given the opportunity to support them with contributions.
Caregiver Assistance – In-home assessments for both the caregiver and the person being cared for to determine what services both persons need.
Respite Care – Qualified respite workers provide relief for full-time caregivers of mentally or physically disabled, frail patients age 60 and over. Respite care allows the caregiver personal time.
Information & Assistance – helps older adults and their families by linking them with
MEAAA programs and community resources.
Transportation – MEAAA can arrange group and fill-gap transportation for older adults who need to make trips to senior centers, medical appointments, hospitals, banks, grocery stores and more.
Volunteer Opportunities – Volunteers teach classes, help with clerical work and offer telephone reassurance.
Silver Haired Legislature – Volunteers advocate for seniors
Mid-East Area Agency on Aging (MEAAA) continued,
Senior Centers o Franklin County
St. Clair Senior Center – 636/629-2187
510 Park Ave., 63077
Serves: 63060, 63061, 63072, 63077, 63080, 63084
Sullivan Senior Center – 573/468-3766
730 W. Main St., 63080
Serves: 63080
Union Senior Center – 636/583-5432
1329 N. Union, 63084
Serves: 63013, 63055, 63084
Part of 63089, 63090
Washington Senior Center – 636/239-3374
1459 W. Fifth St., 63090
Serves: 63014, 63068, 63085
Part of 63090, 63332
1108 Washington Sq. Shop Ctr.
Washington, MO 63090
(636) 239-6703
FAX: (636) 239-0329
Career Center o Missouri Career Center staff can help focus your job or career goals, identify skills and abilities and identify available jobs. o The National Career Readiness Certificate (NCRC) verifies your skills to employers anywhere in the United States and is available to earn at your local
Career Center. o Missouri Career Center staff will assist you with assessment tools to measure and understand your skills, knowledge, abilities, strengths and interests to help you find the job that is right for you. o Missouri Career Centers offer specialized workshops to help you brush-up your job seeking skills or assist if you've been laid-off. o Career Centers offer software and experienced staff to help you develop a professional resume that stands out. o Career Center staff can determine your eligibility for a variety of training programs to assist in gaining new skills needed to obtain employment.
Education and Training o Workshops - Missouri Career Centers offer workshops to help maximize your job search efforts. We also include workshops to assist laid off workers at the time of the layoff.
Career Exploration - This workshop gives you the tools to assess your knowledge, skills, personal interests and priorities on the journey to finding the job that is best for you (or not a good fit) and identify resources available to find a rewarding career.
Career Networking - Learn the benefits of effective and strategic
‘networking’ and how these interpersonal resources and contacts could lead to a new job. This workshop applies what you learn, so you will develop a plan to present yourself to networking groups, a networking source list, and develop a list of the types of networking groups.
Resume Preparation - Find out what employers are looking for when they read a resume and cover letter. Identify and optimize all the basic components of a resume - skills and abilities, work history, and education
- so that you stand out above the others. Learn how to use the same strategies in completing excellent online applications.
Interview Process - With this workshop you get practical advice on how to best showcase your skills and experience through research, practice,
Missouri Division of Workforce Development continued, and preparation. Get helpful tips on how to dress and groom for an interview. Learn the different types of interviews and develop a strategy for each one.
Basic Computer Skills - Using a computer competently is essential for today’s job seeker. Learn the basic computer skills necessary to search and apply for jobs. This workshop includes everything from using the keyboard to accessing the Internet to creating and saving files. In addition, learn to use to search for your next job.
Workshops for Laid Off Workers
Take Control Of Your Finances - Managing your bills until a new job opportunity appears is less stressful when you have a plan.
Training topics include: how to track your spending and how to develop a budget, how to cut expenses, HOPE NOW mortgage services, how to prioritize debts and maintain good relation with creditors, understanding COBRA Continuation Health insurance coverage, how to avoid debt and credit scams, and how to identify resources in your community that can help you save money.
FastTrac New Venture - FastTrac New Venture workshops are available to dislocated workers with an interest in starting their own business. FastTrac New Venture workshops help you research your business idea and decide whether starting a business is right for you.
Training Provider Search Tool (previously the Missouri Education and Career Hotlink) o Allows you to research Missouri’s educational institutions and programs.
Maybe you've been approved for training assistance through the Workforce
Investment Act (WIA) and told you need to use an "Eligible Training Provider" - where do you find that? Our new Training Provider Search Tool will allow you to limit your search results to eligible providers.
WorkReadyMissouri - If you are receiving Unemployment Insurance benefits, you may be able to use the WorkReadyMissouri Program. WorkReadyMissouri provides an opportunity to receive occupational worksite training on a part-time basis for up to six weeks. Program trainees continue to receive UI benefits, plus up to a $500 training allowance.
On The Job Training - OJT is available for eligible job seekers through the Workforce
Investment Act and the Trade Readjustment Assistance Act. Contact your local Missouri Career Center for staff assistance in determining your eligibility for these programs.
925 South Country Club Drive
Jefferson City, MO 65109
(573) 893-3333 or
FAX: (573) 893-4231
Federally mandated system in the state of Missouri which provides protection of the rights of persons with disabilities through legally based advocacy.
Investigation and review of a complaint of improper of inadequate services provided to a SSDI/SSI beneficiary with a disability by a service provider, employer or other entity involved in the SSDI/SSI beneficiary’s return to work efforts.
Information & Referral – Information to SSDI/SSI beneficiaries about work incentives and employment, including information on the types of services and assistance that may be available to help them in securing or regaining gainful employment.
Consultation & legal Respresentation, based on annual program priorities.
Wednesday 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Franklin Co. Government Center
400 E. Locust St., Room 205
Union, MO 63084
(636) 583-6211
Mary Kientzy, Veterans Service Officer
St. Charles County Administration Building
201 N. 2 nd St., Suite 323
St. Charles, MO 63301
Through the Service to Veterans Program, the Veterans Service Officers and Assistants provide counseling and assistance to thousands of veterans and their dependents throughout the state. Not only do these trained professionals counsel veterans and what VA and State
Veterans Benefits are available, but they also complete and submit claims application with all necessary documentation. They are available for any follow-up work necessary with the
Dept. of Veterans Affairs to obtain the maximum amount of benefits due any eligible veterans and/or dependent. Veterans Service Officers and Assistants are thoroughly trained and knowledgeable in all areas of veterans’ benefits, including compensation, pension, education, burial and widow’s benefits. They will also assist claimants with health care eligibility, VA
Home Loan Guaranty and other veterans’ benefits, including those offered by the state.
Occasionally an office may be closed due to illness/weather etc. Please call the office the morning of your visit to insure the office is open.
East Region
Pam Knox, Regional Director
186 NW Industrial Court
Bridgeton, MO 63044
(314) 894-1701
The mission of OATS is to provide reliable transportation for transportation disadvantaged
Missourians so they can live independently in their own communities.
Door to door transportation
Call to schedule a ride
5240 Oakland Ave.
St. Louis, MO 63110
(314) 289-4200
TTY: (314) 289-4252
FAX: (314) 289-4201
Paraquad will empower people with disabilities to increase their independence through choice and opportunity.
Accessible Housing – Assisting individuals with disabilities in obtaining accessible, affordable housing in the St. Louis area.
Home Accessibility Program (HAP) – A homeless prevention program that performs accessibility modifications to the homes of people with disabilities in the St. Louis area.
Rent/Mortgage Assistance Program (RAP) – Provides people with disabilities in the St.
Louis area assistance with rental or mortgage payments.
Rental Home Access Program (RHAP) – Performs accessibility modifications to apartments in the St. Louis area so that people with disabilities may rent them.
Assistive Technology Center.
Assistive Technology Reutilization Program – Acquiring, repairing and distributing recycled durable medical equipment. AT devices include manual wheelchairs, power wheelchairs, scooters, canes, crutches, walkers, shower chairs, toilet seats, recreational devices, seating cushions and back supports. The program also includes education and outreach efforts, clinical services processes and a regional network of community collaborators.
Show-Mo Employment Program – Assist people with disabilities to success in their return to work efforts.
College for Living – Offers a variety of educational and personal growth opportunities to persons with developmental disabilities and enable participants to live more independently and enjoy more fulfilling personal lives.
Community Advocates – Assists individuals with developing or enhancing independent living and advocacy skills.
Paraquad, Inc. continued,
Consumer Directed Services (CDS) – A MO HealthNet based program which provides personal care attendant (PCA) services to individuals with disabilities; enabling them to live independently. Individuals in the CDS program are trained to hire their own attendants to assist them with daily tasks such as bathing, showering, toileting, medication, meal preparation and cleanup, housekeeping, laundry and essential transportation.
DEAF Way – Whether an interpreter is required for a single assignment or for ongoing situations, it is our goal to provide you with the highest quality professional interpreters.
Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services (DHHS) – Participants can explore career options; educational services such as GED and basic adult courses and sign language classes; fellowship resources such as associations, churches, synagogues, clubs or sport clubs; information on government services; referrals to various agencies such as Vocational
Rehabilitation, mental health services, drug and alcohol treatment programs and many telecommunication devices for the deaf.
Employment Program offers assistance and support to individuals with disabilities prior to and during their job search. We also provide support to help individuals obtain a job, receive training and maintain employment.
Peer Consultation Program – Empowers people with disabilities to explore options and to solve problems regarding any life changing experiences including adjustment to a newly acquired disability, changes in living arrangements or learning to use community services more effectively.
Transition Services – Assists individuals with disabilities transitioning from nursing homes, shelters or rehabilitation centers into the community. Each participant works with an Independent Living specialist (ILS) to learn independent living skills. The transition process can take anywhere from six months to two years.
Jefferson City Corps. Center of Hope Family Shelter
907 Jefferson St.
Jefferson City, MO 65101
Majors Kendall & Katrina Mathews
(573) 634-8357
900 Jefferson St.
Jefferson City, MO 65102
Captains Terry & Cheryl Selvage
(573) 635-1975
Thrift Store/Donation Center
2110 Tenbrook
Arnold, MO 63010
(636) 287-1911
Gateway Citadel
824 Union Rd.
St. Louis, MO 63123
Major Robert & Ruth Fay
(314) 631-1133
Maplewood Corps.
7701 Rannells Ave.
St. Louis, MO 63143
Captains Kris & Mary Ann Wood
(314) 781-5434
Thrift Store/Donation Center
54 Grandview Plaza
Florissant, MO 63033
(314) 921-5761
Emergency Assistance, Emergency Shelter
Worship Center, Sunday School
Thrift Stores/Donation Centers
Arnold MO Corps.
3740 Telegraph Rd.
Arnold, MO 63010
Majors Byron
(314) 464-0787
Family Center
10740 W. Page Ave.
St. Louis, MO 63132
Kimberly Beck
(314) 423-7770
Service Extension
1130 Hampton Ave.
St. Louis, MO 63139
Nancy Faulkner
(314) 646-3000
Smart911 is a free service that allows citizens across the U.S. to create a Safety Profile for their household that includes any information they want 9-1-1 to have in the event of an emergency. Then, when anyone in that household dials 9-1-1 from a phone associated with their Safety Profile, their profile is immediately displayed to the 9-1-1 call taker providing additional information that can be used to facilitate the proper response to the proper location.
At a time when seconds count, being able to provide 9-1-1 with all details that could impact response the second an emergency call is placed could be the difference between life and death.
What is a safety profile? o The Safety Profile you create when you sign up for Smart911 is completely private and only shared with 9-1-1 when you call from a registered phone.
How Does Smart911 help? o Physical Disabilities - For those who have a physical disability or mobility restrictions, it is vital for responders to know about the person, their disability and what type of assistance or special equipment they may need to evacuate their home or receive transport. o Developmental Disabilities - For families affected by autism or who may have difficulty communicating verbally with 9-1-1 their individual conditions as well as rescue notes indicating how responders will need to approach the individual can be include in their Safety Profile. o Medical Conditions - For citizens who are affected by epilepsy, diabetes,
Alzheimer's, allergies or other medical conditions Smart911 can inform responders of your condition as well as medications and emergency contacts. o Seniors and Elderly Care - For active seniors living alone a Safety Profile can provide peace of mind that in the event of an emergency 9-1-1 would have details on their home and their medical needs. For caretakers, they can be assured that if the person they care for needs to dial 9-1-1 when they are alone, their details are available and the caretaker can be listed as an emergency contact. o General Emergencies - For all citizens, there is always the risk of unplanned accidents or events. Whether in a vehicle or in your home, even the most basic details such as the address association with a mobile phone can be available to
9-1-1 and response teams to send help fast. o Pet and Service Animals - For citizens with pets or other animals your Safety
Profile can alert police to their presence when entering your home and Fire crews can be aware of exactly how many people and pets need to be evacuated from your home. For owners of a service animal, you can alert responders that your animal needs to be transported with you.
43 Prairie Dell Plz, Ste. 5
Union, MO 63084
Retirement – A monthly check for those aged 62 and older that have worked and paid into social security
Social Security Disability Insurance – Pays benefits to you and certain members of your family if you are “insured” meaning that you worked long enough and paid social security taxes.
Survivor’s Benefits – When an individual dies, certain members of their family may be eligible for benefits on their Social Security record if they earned enough credits while working. Family members who can collect benefits include a widow/widower who is age 60 or older; a widow/widower who is age 50 or older and disabled; a widow/widower at any age if he/she is caring for a child under age 16 or a disabled child who is receiving Social Security Benefits; children if they are unmarried and under age 18, under age 19 but in an elementary or secondary school as a full-time student; or age 18 or older and severely disabled (disability must hve started before age
22); and your parents; if they were dependent on you for at least half of their support. If the deceased has enough credits, a special one-time payment of $255 will also be made after death. This benefit is paid only to the widow/widower or minor children.
Divorced Widow/Widower’s Benefits – If you are divorced (even if you have remarried), your ex-spouse will be eligible for benefits on your record when you die. In order to qualify, your ex-spouse must: be at least 60 years old (or age 50 if disabled) and have been married to you for at least 10 years; be any age if caring for a child who is eligible for benefits on your record; not be eligible for an equal or higher benefit on his or her own record; and not be currently married; unless the remarriage occurred after age 60 or age 50 for disabled widow/widowers.
Supplemental Security Income (SSI) – Federal income supplement program funded by general tax revenues. It is designed to help aged, blind and disabled people who have little or no income, and provides cash to meet basic needs for food, clothing and shelter.
Retirement Benefits for Widow/Widowers – If you’re receiving widow/widowers
(including divorced widow/widowers) benefits, you can switch to your own retirement benefits as early as age 62. REMEMBER: Age 62 is the earliest you can collect
Social Security retirement benefits and the age at which you can receive full retirement benefits is rising.
Social Security Administration Continued,
Medicare – There are four parts to Medicare: Medicare Part A, Hospital Insurance,
Medicare Part B, Medical Insurance; Medicare Part C (Medicare Advantage), which was formerly known as “Medicare+Choice” and Medicare Part D, prescription drug coverage. Generally, people who are over age 65 and getting Social Security automatically qualify for Medicare Parts A and B. So do people who have been getting disability benefits for two years, people who have amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Lou
Gehrig’s disease) and receive disability benefits, and people who have permanent kidney failure and receive maintenance dialysis or a kidney transplant. o Part A is paid for by a portion of Social Security tax. It helps pay for inpatient hospital care, skilled nursing care, hospice care and other services. o Part B is paid for by the monthly premiums of people enrolled and by general funds from the U.S. Treasury. It helps pay for doctors’ fees, oupatient hospital visits and other medical services and supplies that are not covered by Part A. o Park C (Medicare Advantage) plans allow you to choose to receive all of your health care services through a provider organization. These plans may help lower your costs of receiving medical services, or you may get extra benefits for an additional monthly fee. You must have both Parts A and B to enroll in Part
C. o Part D (prescription drug coverage) is voluntary and the costs are paid for by the monthly premiums of enrollees and Medicare. Unlike Park B in which you are automatically enrolled and must opt out if you do not want it, with Part D, you have to opt in by filling out a form and enrolling in an approved plan.
Franklin County Housing Authority
2 Merchant Dr.
Hillsboro, MO 63050
(636) 789-2686
FAX: (636) 789-3548
Section 8
HUD Missouri
St. Louis Field Office
1222 Spruce St.
St. Louis, MO 63103
(314) 418-5400
FAX: (314) 539-6384
1004 Vondera Ave., Ste. 1 812 Progress Dr.
Union, MO 63084
(636) 583-2303
Farmington, MO 63640
(573) 756-6488
FAX: (636) 583-3571 FAX: (573) 756-8719
Direct Home Ownership Loans – Loans made by USDA to low and very low income applicants to buy, build or repair homes (payments are subsidized).
Guaranteed Home Ownership Loans – Loans made by conventional lenders and guaranteed by USDA to low and moderate income applicants to buy or build homes
(30 year fixed interest rate).
Rural Rental Housing – Loans made by USDA to individuals or organizations to construct apartments for very low to moderate income tenants (operated on a not-forprofit or a limited profit basis with subsidized rents – can include congregate or cooperative housing.
Home Repair Loans/Grants – One Percent interest loans made by USDA up to $20,000 to very low income applicants to repair the home they now own, and grants made by
USDA Rural Development up to $7,500 to very low income applicants to repair their home they now own to remove safety and health hazards. Grant recipients must be 62 years of age or older and show they cannot afford a 1% repair loan.
Guaranteed Rural Rental Housing – Loans made by conventional lenders and guaranteed by USDA to individuals or organizations for construction of apartments for very low to moderate income tenants (operated on a non-for-profit or a limited profit basis with subsidized rents – can include congregate or cooperative housing).
Farm Labor Housing Loans/Grants – Loans/grants made by USDA to public bodies, not-for-profit entities or individuals to finance rental units for domestic farm labor.
Rural Housing Site Loans – Loans made by USDA to public bodies or not-for-profit entities to buy and develop lots to sell to very low to moderate income housing applicants at the cost of development.
Self Help Technical Assistance Loans/Grants – Self-Help Housing Loans are made by
USDA to a group of housing applicants who agree to work together to build their own homes. Technical Assistance Grants are made by USDA to not-for-profit entities to provide the technical assistance to Self-Help Housing Loan applicants to build their own homes.
USDA Rural Development Continued,
Housing Preservation Grant Program – Grants made by USDA to non-for-profit entities to operate a program which finances repair and rehabilitation activities to individuals/rental housing owners for very low and low income tenants.
Electric Program – Makes loans and loan guarantees to finance the construction of electric distribution, transmission and generation facilities, including system improvements and replacement required to furnish and improve electric service in rural areas, and for demand side management, energy conservation programs and ongrid and off-grid renewable energy systems.
600 West Main St.
Jefferson City, MO 65101
(573) 751-8720
FAX: (573) 751-3612
TDD: 1-800-347-1379
The Wolfner Library is a free library service to anyone in the State of Missouri who is unable to use standard print materials due to a visual or physical disability. Materials are mailed to and from library patrons at their homes, postage paid. There is no charge, whatsoever, to the patron. Currently, over 11,000 Missourians actively use Wolfner
The library's collection includes fiction and nonfiction audio and braille books for all ages. Over seventy (70) magazine subscriptions are available, and the library loans playback machines to those using audio books.
School Services - This is for teachers, counselors, special services directors, school librarians and media specialists, principals and others who work with students in
Missouri schools. Almost every school has students who are eligible for this free library service .
Wolfner Library serves people who are blind and visually impaired, as well as those who cannot use standard print materials due to a physical disability or a reading disability. To find out more about who can use this service, read through the
Eligibility and Certification section of our application .
Institution Services - Here at Wolfner Library, we understand that providing activities for residents of nursing homes and visitors to senior centers is a fulfilling, yet timeconsuming job. The same is true for activity directors and administrators of other institutions serving individuals with disabilities ranging from blindness to severe physical disabilities. This is why we offer institutions a number of ways to utilize
Wolfner Library services and are consistently working to create and provide interesting, energizing activities. To be eligible for Wolfner Library services, which include lending braille books and books on tape, an institution must serve individuals who are eligible for services. Institutions may provide Wolfner Library services in one of three ways: as a referral agent, providing demonstration services, or checking out books and equipment on behalf of individuals. To act as a referral agent, we ask organizations to stock Wolfner Library brochures and individual applications for their visitors. Merely fill out the order form for materials or call
Wolfner Library. As a referral agent, you may also use materials to present a Wolfner
Library display.
Wolfner Talking Book and Braille Library continued,
Volunteer Services - The Wolfner Library volunteer program offers opportunities for people willing to plant trees for others to enjoy. We record books for Missourians who cannot read those books in print. After a book is recorded and goes through a rigorous quality assurance process, it is put into our circulation system for our patrons to check out. The volunteers who work on the book may never know how many people listen to it, or how much they enjoy it. They simply have to trust that what they are doing is making life more enjoyable for others. If you are a person who understands how much books enrich our lives, you may want to be involved in our recording program. Our recording booth is in the library in Jefferson City, so the recording has to be done here.
An audition is required for those people who want to read books. However, there are three people involved in the recording process: a narrator, a monitor, and a reviewer.
All three are essential in the production of a book. Those who do not want to read can still be involved by working as a monitor or reviewer. If you interested in these volunteer activities, please contact Deborah Stroup at 1-800-392-2614 or 573-522-
2766, or by email at
Books and magazines are mailed free to and from library patrons, wherever they reside.
There is no charge, whatsoever, to the patron. Currently, over 17,000 Missourian actively use the Wolfner Library service.
Wolfner Library is open Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. The library is located in the James C. Kirkpatrick State Information Center at 600 West Main Street in
Jefferson City, Missouri.
Adult Abuse – Elder abuse may include physical abuse, financial exploitation (someone taking advantage of a senior citizen’s financial situation), emotional abuse, sexual abuse, selfneglect and neglect.
Adult Day Care - A service designed to enable senior citizens who need some form of assistance to remain in their own home or the home of a family member, by providing a protective environment either in the home or in a licensed center. Services provided may include health monitoring, a nutritious meal, including special diets, exercise, individual and group activities, transportation and social interaction.
Advance Directives – Commonly known as a Living Will and Medical Power of Attorney.
The point of this document is to make sure your wishes are followed in a case when you are unable to communicate them yourself. In this document you could name someone to make healthcare decisions for you if you become incapacitated.
Assisted Living Facility – Facility provides 24-hr care, services and protective oversight to residents who are provided with shelter and board, and who may need assistance with activities of daily living which include eating, dressing, bathing, toileting, transferring and walking. Facility also provides oversight for storage, distribution, or administration of medications; and health care supervision under the direction of a licensed physician, and consistent with a social model of care. A social model of care includes long-term care services based on the abilities, desires, and functional needs of individuals delivered in a setting that is more home-like than institutional and which promotes the dignity, privacy, independence, and autonomy of the individual. A licensed Nursing Home Administrator is required. This type of facility may accept or retain residents who require minimal assistance in their safe evacuation from the facility.
Assistive Technology – equipment, electronics, computers, gadgets and household items that can make life and work easier for people with disabilities. They can range from devices of low cost up to expensive computer systems.
Co-Pay ( Medicare) – A percentage of health expenses for which you are responsible after paying the deductible amount.
Congregate Meal Site – A place where seniors can eat together.
Conservatorship – The court authorization (voluntary or involuntary) allowing one person to make financial decisions for another, who is not capable. Conservator, (manager), handles the person’s finances. Court proceedings may be voluntary or involuntary – bookkeeping checked by the court. This ceases at the moment of death.
Division of Assets – A Missouri Department of Social Services, Family Support Division program that divides a married couple’s assets evenly when one of the person enters a nursing home. The reason for this is to allow the person remaining at home to have money to live on and the nursing home resident to spend down his/her share of the money to become eligible for MO HealthNet to take care of nursing home costs.
Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care – A document through which another person is named by you to make health care decisions for you if you are unable to make them. Often done in conjunction with an Advance Directive.
Guardianship – A court authorization (voluntary or involuntary) of a person or agency
(Public Administrator) to make personal care decisions for someone who is not capable to making those decisions for themselves. The Guardian and Conservator may be the same person.
Homemaker Care/Non-Medical Care – help with household chores such as: meal preparation, cleaning, laundry, ironing and grocery shopping
Hospice – Special care for terminally ill patients and their families. It can be offered in the home or in a residential care facility, an assisted living facility or in a nursing home. The patient’s doctor must feel the patient has 6 months or less to live and the patient must be receiving only comfort measures and not treatments to cure their disease.
Intermediate Care Facility - Facility provides 24-hour accommodation, board, personal care, and basic health and nursing care services under the daily supervision of a licensed nurse and direction of a licensed physician to three or more residents dependent for care and supervision. Licensed Nursing Home Administrator is required.
Living Will – See Advance Directives
Occupational Therapy – Health rehabilitation that helps individuals regain and build skills for normal activities of daily living.
Ombudsman – A personal that investigates and mediates nursing home residents’ problems and/or complaints regarding the nursing home they reside in.
Personal Care Services – Assistance with activities of daily living such as, grooming, bathing, dressing, toileting and eating.
Advanced Personal Care Services – personal care for persons who require medically related assistance. The medically related assistance can include things like: ostomy care, catheter care, bowel program, application of ointments or lotions to unbroken skin, aseptic dressings, passive range of motion, assisting those who can’t bear any weight on their legs.
Basic Personal Care Services – personal care for those who do not have special medical needs such as those mentioned above.
Residential Care Facility I - Facility which provides 24-hour care to three or more residents who need or are provided with shelter, board, and protective oversight, which may include storage, distribution or administration of medications and care during short-term illness or recuperation. Residents who live in a RCF are required to make a path to safety unassisted. A licensed Nursing Home Administrator is not required.
Residential Care Facility II - Facility which provides 24-hour accommodation, board, and care to three or more residents who need or are provided with supervision of diets, assistance in personal care, storage, distribution or administration of medications, supervision of health care under the direction of a licensed physician, and protective oversight, including care during short-term illness or recuperation. Residents who live in a RCF* are required to make a path to safety unassisted. A licensed Nursing Home Administrator is required.
Respite Care – help that provides temporary relief for a caregiver of a dependent adult.
Respite care can be provided in the home or outside the home such as an adult day care center.
Advanced Respite Care – respite care for those with special medically related needs.
Basic Respite Care – respite care for those without special medically related needs.
For those who need only supervision and/or someone to simply be present with them.
Nurse Respite Care – respite care for those with special needs that only a nurse or trained family member could meet.
Skilled Nursing Facility - Facility provides 24-hour accommodation, board and skilled nursing care and treatment services to at least three residents. Skilled nursing care and treatment services are commonly performed by or under the supervision of a registered professional nurse for individuals requiring twenty-four hour care by licensed nursing personnel including acts of observation, care and counsel of the aged, ill, injured or infirm, the administration of medications and treatments as prescribed by a licensed physician or dentist, and other nursing functions requiring substantial specialized judgment and skill.
Licensed Nursing Home Administrator is required.
Spend Down – The amount of money determined by Division of Social Services, Family
Support Division that has to be spent before a person would be eligible for Medicaid assistance. Must reapply quarterly
SSI (Supplemental Security Income) – A Social Security Administration program that provides extra monthly income to the blind, disabled and elderly persons with very low income. Individuals must meet income requirements.