IT280 MS 2013

IT280 June 2013: Marking Scheme
6 from 8 short questions. Bullet point and brief answers accepted. Full 6 marks for students
showing knowledge and understanding.
Question 1
‘The Cloud’ and SaaS (Software as a Service) are closely associated terms. What is being
described here? Provide two examples of software that is available in this way.
Expecting an explanation of applications available online, as rental/subscription. Google
Apps,, Office 365, Adobe Creative Cloud. 4 marks for explanation, 1 each for
Question 2
ERP/enterprise systems provide large organisations with, if they wish, software to manage
the entire business spectrum. How do MRP and MRP II fit into this model?
It was explained how the MRPs formed part of the evolution of ERP. The answer will
probably differentiate between the two. 3 marks each for that, but flexibility available if
there is something on ERP.
Question 3
Software projects are well-known for having problems with time and cost and there are
many examples of expensive failures. List six key factors that would affect a project’s
success (you might consider the CHAOS/Standish group’s model as a source).
A basic list of key factors. Very likely to use CHAOS model of 10 factors. 1 mark each.
Question 4
Describe two ways that B2B eCommerce web sites might provide a service between
business partners.
Categories of B2B exchange (e.g. Covisint). 3 marks each.
Question 5
What is a balanced score card? Briefly explain how it works and give an example of ONE of
the perspectives.
3 marks for explanation; 3 marks for an example containing the elements (aim, metric, etc)
from one of the four BSC perspectives.
Question 6
A simple model categorises Business Information Systems into Operational, Tactical,
Strategic and Knowledge levels. Provide a brief description of the type of system you might
expect to find in THREE of these levels.
Levels given above. Basic question for student to show a general understanding of BIS within
this structure (e.g. Executive Support System, or Dashboard, in Strategic). 2 marks per
correct description.
Question 7
A small group of artists have set up a studio and a small web site has been created to
promote their work. They plan to develop this site further, to provide a mechanism for
registering interested buyers and, ultimately, to sell their work online. Describe those issues
relating to privacy that they will encounter when developing the new web site.
Data Protection Act, privacy policy, tracking cookie legislation and related policy. 3 marks for
DPA and privacy policy; 3 marks for cookies, but might be flexible.
Question 8
Software piracy is an important issue for businesses in the UK. Briefly describe the
legislation concerned, and how a business might deal with the topic.
Computer Misuse Act, audits and company policy. Max 6 marks.
Two from four, 32 marks for each.
No specific marking schemes for these.
An excellent answer (25-32) will be comprehensive, indicating extensive breadth and depth
of knowledge of the topic. This is likely to draw on material and examples from beyond the
taught content. It will be well constructed with a logical structure and flow, ending with
conclusions that ‘answer the question’ where appropriate.
A good answer (17-24) may have some omissions and be drawn primarily from material
covered. There may be some deviation from the topic but again there should be a clear
attempt to structure the answer and to draw conclusions where appropriate.
A poor answer (13-16) will have major weaknesses in breadth and/or depth but with
sufficient relevant content to indicate some knowledge of the subject. Structure and
language may be poor, eg terms may be used without clearly demonstrating understanding.
There may be content that is valid in itself but not relevant to the question as asked.
A very poor answer (6-12) will be lacking essential information to reach a pass grade.
(0-5) marks may be awarded for very short/incomplete answers that include a few key
Laurence Olver
May 2013