Grammar Worksheets

Grammar Worksheets
Worksheet 1
Exercise 1
Match A and B.
1. Karen
a. it
2. Ben
b. they
3. Tali and you
c. we
4. the school
d. she
5. Tom and Anat
e. you
6. Ori and I
f. he
Worksheet 1
Exercise 2
Circle the correct answer.
1. a cat
it / they
2. Dov
he / she
3. Naomi
he / she
4. my mother and father
we / they
5. you and Shira
you / they
6. the house
he / it
7. Oded and Lior
he / they
8. my brother and I
I / we
9. the cars
it /they
10. Doron and you
he / you
Worksheet 1
Exercise 3
Write the correct pronoun for each group.
he * she * it * we * you * they
1. sister
3. dog
Anna and Alex
5. boy
6. you and I
7. book
you and Ron
Lee and you
8. chairs
Liora and I
the girls and I
Worksheet 1
Exercise 4
Circle the correct answer.
1. The van is big.
She / It / He is big.
2. You and Ron are happy.
You / They / We are happy.
3. The doctors
are at the clinic.
We / They / You are at the clinic.
4. Lisa is a teacher.
You / I / She is a teacher.
5. Dan is at school.
You / We / He is at school.
6. The car is white.
It / We / She is white.
7. David is short.
I / He / She is short.
8. Shosh and I are friends.
We / They / You are friends.
9. You and Hadar are in the room.
/ She / You are in the room.
10. The houses are clean.
We / She / They are clean.
Worksheet 1
Exercise 5
Complete the sentences.
1. My name is Jane.
____ am a pupil.
2. Dana and I are in the park.
______ are happy.
3. Karen is my sister.
_____ is tall.
4. You and Moshe are friends.
________ are at school.
5. Mr. Levi is in the classroom.
______ is a teacher.
6. The cat is on the table.
_____ is white.
7. Inbal is a girl.
_____ is my sister.
8. Two umbrellas are on the floor.
___________ are open.
9. My name is Tomer.
______ am short.
10. The computer is on the table.
__________ is new.
To Be
Worksheet 2
Exercise 1
Write the words in the correct place.
he * I * it * they * you * Sarit * apples * Mom
Bob and Jim * we * she * Dad * cats
To Be
Worksheet 2
Exercise 2
Circle the correct verb:
am / is / are.
1. The computer am / is /are new.
2. We am / is / are friends.
3. My mother am / is / are a teacher.
4. They am / is / are in the bedroom.
5. I am / is / are in the classroom.
6. The notebooks am / is /are on the desk.
7. You am / is / are tall.
8. The car am / is / are white.
To Be
Worksheet 2
Exercise 3
Complete the sentences with am / is / are.
1. I ___ hungry.
2. My telephone ___ red.
3. My friends ___ in the classroom.
4. I ___ Israeli.
5. My classroom ____ big.
6. Pupils ___ in class now.
7. My family ___ small.
8. My friend ___ at home.
9. I ___ on a bus.
10. My Mom ___ a doctor.
To Be
Worksheet 2
Exercise 4
Use the correct answers to complete the story.
It (1) am / is Friday today. I (2) am / are at home now.
My mother and father (3) is / are in the kitchen.
Grandma and Grandpa (4) are / am in the kitchen too.
My brother (5) am / is in his bedroom.
My sisters (6) are / is in the living room.
My name ___ Hila. I __ eleven years old. I __at
school. My friends ____ at school too. We ___ in
English class. Mrs. Jones ____ our teacher. She ___
nice. It ___ twelve o’clock. It __ time for lunch.
To Be
Worksheet 2
Exercise 5
Write the sentences with short forms.
1. It is Monday.
2. They are friends.
3. I am tall.
4. You are a teacher.
5. I am on the farm.
6. She is in the jeep.
7. You are sad.
8. We are hungry.
9. They are fat.
10. We are in Israel.
To Be
Worksheet 2
Exercise 6
Circle the correct answers.
1. The teachers ___ at school. ( am not / aren’t )
2. They ___ short. ( isn’t / aren’t )
3. I ___ tall. ( am not / isn’t )
4. We ____ teachers. ( am not / aren’t )
5. Dan ___ at home. ( am not / isn’t )
6. The cat ___ black. ( isn’t / aren’t )
To Be
Worksheet 2
Exercise 7
Write sentences. Use the table to help you.
am not
at home.
The teacher
a pupil.
in the classrom.
To Be
Worksheet 2
Exercise 8
Match the pairs.
1. Am I tall?
a. Yes, he is.
2. Is Ronen a boy?
b. No, we aren’t.
3. Are bananas yellow?
c. Yes, she is.
4. Are you a teacher?
d. Yes, they are.
5. Is a gorilla big?
e. No, I’m not.
6. Are we hungry?
f. Yes, I am.
7. Is Nina a girl?
g. Yes, it is.
To Be
6th grade
 1. She am /is a singer.
 2. Am/Is/Are you Tom’s sister?
 3. The children they are/ isn’t aren’t at
 4. I am/is/are too tired to go out.
 5. Sophie am not/isn’t/aren’t tall.
 6. The book am/is/are interesting.
 7. There am/is/are many new pupils in our
To Be
6th grade
Complete the passage with the correct form of the verb to
be (positive, negative or questions):
I (1) ___ twelve years old. There (2) ___ three
children in my family. I (3) ___ the youngest child.
My older brother (4) ___ twenty two years old.
He (5) ___ in England. He (6) ___ at home.
My sister (7) ___ sixteen years old. She (8) ___ in
high school. My sister and I (9) ___ good friends.
We do everything together. How about you?
(10) ___ you the youngest or the oldest child in the
6th grade
 Write:
My friend
My friends
for breakfast.
for lunch.
for supper.
Present Simple
6th grade
 1. I speak/speaks many languages.
 2. Tal and I go/goes to school every day.
 3. Alina know/knows school very well.
 4. My friend wear/wears jeans to school.
 5. David run/runs very fast.
 6. Iris work/works hard.
 7. My dog eat/eats too much.
 8. Shira listen/listens to music at home.
 9. We clean/cleans our room every week.
 10. Eran and Yair sit/sits together in class.
Present Simple
6th grade
 1.Gali never ___ (drink) coffee.
 2. Dina ___ (go) to work by taxi.
 3. Tal and I ___ (play) video games every day.
 4. We ___ (leave) school at 3 o’clock.
 5. I ___ (brush) my teeth twice a day.
 6. Dana ___ (have) a new laptop.
 7. Sharon ___ (want) to be a doctor.
 8. Irit and Danny ____ (have) a big family.
 9. Avi ___ (study) Spanish twice a week.
 10. I ___ (visit) my grandparents every week.
Present Simple
6th grade
 1. I don’t/doesn’t like to wake up early.
 2. Ella don’t/doesn’t have a dog.
 3. Dan and Tom don’t/doesn’t play tennis.
 4. My friends don’t/doesn’t know how to cook.
 5.Eyal don’t/doesn’t eat vegetables.
 6. I don’t/doesn’t go shopping with my mother.
 7. Rita don’t/doesn’t wear uniform to school.
 8. Nicole don’t/doesn’t speak Spanish.
Present Simple
6th grade
Suzy’s Blog
Hi, I (1)___ (be) Suzy. I (2)___ (live) in Australia. I (3)___ (be)
eleven years old.
We (4)___ (go) to school from 9.00 to 3.30. We (5)___ (not go)
on Saturday and Sunday. They (6)___ (not give) us lunch at
school. Mom (7)___ (give) me lunch in a bag.
In Australia sports at school (8)___ (be) important. We
(9)___(have) special uniforms. In Australia many children
(10)_____ (not study) at school. They (11)____ (not live) near
schools. Every day they (11)_____ (learn) Math, English and
other things on the computer. I (12)____ (think) this is hard.
I (13) ___ (be) happy to have so many new friends. I think
computer Forum is great!