Tale of Troy - Covenant Day School

Following are the questions for the entire book of Tale of Troy.
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Tale of Troy
Chapter 1
The Marriage of Peleus and Thetis
Prometheus chained to Mt. Caucasus
freed by
other details
Zeus wants to marry Thetis
to produce
The wedding doesn't occur because
Thetis engaged to Peleus
Peleus exiled to Iolcus. There meets King Acastus & Queen Astydamia.
Relationship with queen.
Result of relationship with queen.
Hunt arranged by King. Details.
Instructed to catch Thetis by
Thetis decided to marry Peleus because
Wedding of Thetis and Peleus
All immortals invited but
Describe what she did at wedding.
Three goddesses in argument were
Family of Thetis and Peleus
Six children disappeared.
Seventh named
Mother took him to bathe in River of Styx. Describe.
Father saw mother anoint baby with ambrosia, then put him in fire.
Describe events and result.
Achilles raised by
When child was nine, he moved to Scyros. Describe who, why, etc.
Tale of Troy
Chapter 2
The Judgement of Paris
Troy ruled by King Priam and Queen Hecuba - First son Hector
Hecuba dreams while pregnant 2nd time. Describe results of dream.
Baby taken to mountain by servant. Describe events.
Paris grows up
Describe adult life; include occupation.
Describe event causing Zeus to notice Paris' fairness in competition.
Paris judges three goddesses
Hera promises
Athena promises
Aphrodite promises
Paris chooses
As a result, the other two
Paris follows prize bull to competition after it is taken by king. Describe the events of the
Paris is saved by
Cassandra (Paris' sister) predicts
No one believes her because
Paris readies to sail for Greece.
Tale of Troy
Chapter 3
Helen of Sparta
Theseus begins friendship with Pirithious
Begins with battle. Elaborate.
Wedding of Pirithious
Describe events
Theseus' character begins to deteriorate
Theseus and Pirithous decide to marry again
Wives must be
Theseus selects Helen. Why?
Pirithous selects Persephone
Pirithous and Theseus travel to the underworld. Describe events.
They were forced to stay because
Later, Theseus released by
Helen freed by brothers
Name them
Castor and Polydeuces fight because their brides stolen by cousins.
Describe events.
Castor dies. Twin brother mourns.
Describe the survivor’s conversation with Zeus.
Castor and Polydeuces changed into
King Tyndareus chooses husband for Helen. Many men come hoping to be selected.
King worries those not chosen will be angry.
Describe solution proposed by Odysseus.
Couples are paired
Helen marries
Clytmenestra (Helen's sister) marries
Penelope (Helen's cousin) marries
Paris visits Menelaus and Helen. Paris is welcomed.
Describe events after message comes to Menelaus.
Cite two theories as to why Helen went with Paris to Troy.
Tale of Troy Chapter 4
The Gathering of the Heroes
Menelaus is informed of Helen's abduction
Describe his immediate action
To avoid going to war, Agamemnon
"One of the worst of sins in Greek eyes" is
All of Menelaus' allies gathered at the port of
Odysseus did not come at the summons. Explain.
On the way to Aulis, the warriors visited Cyprus and Delos
Explain what happened at Cyprus.
Explain what happened at Delos.
Calchas was a prophet from Troy. Explain why he had come to be on the side of the
He prophesied that Troy would not fall unless
Odysseus and Diomedes trick Achilles from hiding.
Achilles' best friend ______________________ accompanies him to Aulis.
Calchas offers sacrifice to the immortals.
Explain the omen of the snake.
Achilles is the Admiral of the fleet.
Explain what happens.
Telephus and his injury are important at this point. Explain.
The Greeks prepare to sail again.
Explain why they are delayed.
Calchas explains their inability to sail. Explain the solution.
Iphigenia consents to the sacrifice.
Explain her reasons.
Explain Artemis' part in this scene.
Tale of Troy
Chapter 5
The Siege of Troy
While ambassadors are with Priam, Greek ships docked at Tenedos . Explain what
happened there.
Tell of Philoctetes after he was snake-bitten on the ankle.
The Trojans were at first impressed with Menelaus and Odysseus. Explain what changed
their minds.
Calchas predicted that the "first to land is the first to be slain." Explain who was held back
and who went first.
Achilles fought Cyncus, Poseidon's invulnerable son. Describe
Troilus (Priam's son) loved Calchas' daughter. Explain their story
Palamedes invented games for the war-weary Greeks. Explain his fate.
Chryseis and Briseis were women who caused a rift in the Greek army. Explain.
Disease ran through the camp. Tell how Calchas explained this.
Achilles was angry with Agamemnon. Explain why he didn't kill him. Tell what he did
Thetis then became involved. Explain.
Zeus became involved. Explain why and tell how he aided Achilles.
Usually a coward, Paris proposed combat with Menelaus to determine "ownership" of
Helen. Describe the events surrounding the contest.
Tale of Troy
Chapter 6
The Adventure of Rhesus
Menelaus boasted in victory. Cite events that followed
Hector searched Troy for his brother Paris
He was found in
Cite events
Hector went home to say goodbye to wife Andromache & son Astyanax . Cite events of
this scene.
Hector rallied Trojan troops
He proposed
He hoped
Men who accepted challenge
Ajax & Hector fought. Explain events
Greeks prepared for following day. Explain.
Fighting rough the next day. Explain the results.
Nestor advised Agamemnon to make peace with Achilles. Detail.
Nestor counciled sending a spy to Trojan camp. Explain events
Dolon advised capturing horses of King Rhesus. Explain events.
Tale of Troy
Chapter 7
The Death of Hector
Trojans wanted revenge for Rhesus. Cite events of day's fighting.
Once ships began to burn, Patroclus became involved. Give details.
Achilles mourned Patroclus' death. Trace resulting events.
Hector and Achilles met. Describe fight.
Achilles behaved strangely after killing Hector. Describe.
Tale of Troy
Chapter 8
Neoptolemus and Philoctetes
After Hector was killed, the Greeks stormed Troy more often. The Amazons came as
Trojan allies. Explain what happened.
Thersites was obnoxious to Achilles. Explain their confrontation.
The Ethiopians, the last Trojan allies, arrived. Explain the unusual details of the prince's
With this help, the Trojans rallied and sent Greeks almost to ships. Ajax fought valiantly,
but Trojans were winning. Explain what happened after Achilles returned next morning.
After Achilles' death, the Greeks burned his body. Explain the burial.
During the customary games held in honor of a dead hero, Agamemnon promised
Achilles' armor to the bravest Greek. Explain who was favored by whom, who was
awarded the prize, and why.
Ajax went crazy. Trace his actions.
Calchas was confronted since the war was to have lasted for ten years and Troy was still
standing. Explain his reply.
Odysseus & Diomedes left to get Neoptolemus, who joined them willingly. Explain the
reactions of his mother and grandmother.
On the way back to Troy, the party stopped at Lemnos. Explain the chain of events on
that island.
Tale of Troy
Chapter 9
The Theft of the Luck of Troy
With Hector dead, Paris would be heir to throne. Describe the events of Helen's visit by
After Corythus' death Helen & Paris' relationship changed. Explain.
Philoctetes was healed and fought Paris. Give details.
Oenone refused to help Paris but then repented of her anger. Describe the events that
Helen's status as a prisoner changed with Paris' death. Explain why she was not free to
go back to Menelaus.
Deiphobus claimed Helen. Explain what happened with his brother.
The Palladium was also known as the Luck of Troy. Explain its origin.
The Greeks decided to steal the Palladium. Give details including who helped make
Odysseus and Diomedes came for the stone. Explain events.
The two men suffer strange incidents after the theft. Explain.
Odysseus introduces building plan for the Wooden horse. Give details.
Plan of trickery was put into action. Explain what the Greeks did.
Tale of Troy
Chapter 10
The Wooden Horse
The morning after the Greeks sailed away, the Trojans were shocked to see the deserted
camp as well as the huge wooden horse standing outside the city gates. Explain their
There was an inscription on the horse. Describe its meaning as well as the horse itself.
Most Trojans wanted to keep it but others wanted to destroy it. Explain Laocoon's opinion
and actions.
Sinon the Greek was led to the scene. Trace his story.
As the Trojans conferred on what to do, an omen occurred. Describe.
The Trojans brought the horse into the city, and then celebrated. Explain Aphrodite's final
spell over Helen on that evening.
Later Helen led the Greeks back with her signal light. Describe how the men exited the
Tale of Troy
Chapter 11
The Fall of Troy
The Trojans were awakened from their sleep by Greeks in every direction who were
merciless in their killing after the ten long years of war. Trace the killing of the royal family
members and especially Neoptolemus' involvement.
Odysseus was kinder to a son of Antenor, the Trojan who had helped him escape when
he, as an envoy, was threatened. Explain.
Aeneas too was allowed to escape. Explain who took pity on him and why.
Theseus's sons, Acamus and Demophon, only fought when attacked. Explain who they
were looking for.
Menelaus searched the city for Helen and finally he was directed to the house of
Deiphobus. Trace the events there.
Helen came to Menelaus with a mixture of love and fear. Trace events.
The Greek soldiers killed and looted and herded the women together. Trace what
happened to Hector's family.
Aias was particularly bloodthirsty. Explain his actions toward Cassandra and the gods,
and tell of the gods' retribution.
After the city had been plundered and the captives led to the shore, the Greeks set it afire.
Explain why they did not leave immediately.
Calchas announced that a royal maiden must be sacrificed.
Neoptolemus had a dream. Explain the dream and how that determined who was to be
The Greeks allowed Antenor and his family to escape. He founded a city now known as
His son settled in
A few others went to Mt. Ida and joined Aeneas. Explain their first adventure as they
searched for a new home.
Anchises died and was buried in Sicily. There Hera stirred up such a storm that ships
were wrecked and others driven to North Africa. Trace events there.
Aeneas traveled on to Italy (Cumae) where he lived with prophetess Sybil. Explain her
instructions and the results.
Later, Aeneas married Lavinia, daughter of King Latinus of that country.Their descendants
became rulers of Rome and the Empire. One named Brutus supposedly wandered far
away; the island to which he wandered was re-named for him and is now known as
Troy was never again great. Several small towns were built on its foundations, but all
were destroyed and forgotten.
Tale of Troy
Chapter 12
Agamemnon & His Children
Greeks were finally able to sail, but only Diomedes, Nestor, and Agamemnon were able
to go straight home. Only Nestor found all OK.
Diomedes had a ship wreck delay him for a short time. Explain what he found when he got
Clytemnestra's hatred for Agamemnon grew since Iphigenia was sacrificed. Trace her
actions while Agamemnon was away.
Explain what had happened to their children.
Trace events of Agamemnon's homecoming.
Aegisthus & Clytemnestra ruled Mycenea. Explain what had happened with
Clytemenestra and Agamemnon's children.
Orestes grew up in uncle's court but after Electra sent for him, he and Pylades decided to
return to Mycenae. Trace events at the oracle of Delphi.
Pylades & Orestes went to Mycenae in disguise. Explain revenge plot.
After plot was completed, the Mycenaeans were upset with Orestes. Explain King
Tyndareus' involvement.
Trace Electra's actions and Apollo's intervention.
After one year, Orestes and Pylades appeared in Athens for judgement of the court of the
Areopagus on Hill of Ares. Explain the events and the results of that trial.
Explain how the role of the Furies changed at that trial.
Before Orestes could return to Mycenae, had to go to Tauris to fetch image of Artemis.
Explain events there including details of his escape.
In Greece, the image of Artemis set up near Athens. Explain how the shrine was different
than in Tauris and state who was the priestess.
Orestes and Pylades returned to Mycenae. Explain events there.
Trace life of Electra after Orestes returned to Mycenae.
Tale of Troy
Chapter 13
The Adventures of Menelaus
Many Greeks including Menelaus sailed later than Agamemnon, Diomedes, and Nestor,
and were blown off course by a storm. Explain how and why King Nauplius, caused
Neoptolemus landed in north Greece and conquered Molossia. Explain events there.
Later he decided to claim Hermione as his bride. Trace these events including his two
visits to Delphi.
Menelaus had real problems getting home. One storm blew him Sunium, another to
Crete. Trace events surrounding Demophone whom he met in Crete.
Menelaus buried Demophon and tried again to sail, but again his ships were scattered in a
storm. Helen's ship was lost. He searched unsuccessfully for her for several years,
gathered much wealth, and ended up in Pharos, near Egypt. Explain the events on that
Menelaus decided to follow Proteus' instructions, but was shipwrecked off of Egypt.
Explain who he discovered there and how, and how they escaped.
They landed at Nauplia, finding that Orestes had just killed Clytemnestra and Aegisthus
and was to be stoned by the people. At that moment, Apollo appeared, rescued Hermione
who had been held by Electra, and decreed that Orestes would spend a year wandering.
Helen and Menelaus took Hermione back to Sparta to wait for Orestes. When
Neoptolemus abducted the girl, Menelaus readied to pursue his daughter, but word came
that Orestes had killed him at Delphi and that Hermione was on he way back to Sparta.
Ten years after the fall of Troy, a prince arrived at Sparta that was a stranger. Explain
who he was, how they discoved his identity and what he told them of his home.
Tale of Troy
Chapter 14
The Wanderings of Odysseus
Odysseus and his troops were diven northwards to Ismarus, a town in Thrace. Explain
why the Thracians didn't treat him well.
Odysseus made sure that Maron, the priest of Apollo there, was unharmed. Explain what
Maron gave him in return.
The ships blew to the land of the Lotus-eaters. Explain what happened there.
Next, they sailed on to a large island where large sheep grazed. They soon came to a big
cave containing jars of milk, cheese, wood, and young animals in pens. Odysseus
reasoned that a shepherd must be around and since shepherds are usually friendly, he
decided to wait to try to buy some cheese. They ate some while they waited. Explain
what happened when the "shepherd came home.
Odysseus planned to kill the giant. Explain the details of the plan.
The next morning, Polyphemus opened the cave to let the sheep pass, and as he was
blinded, felt each as it passed by. Explain how the men escaped.
As they sailed on, Odysseus' men showed their greed and stupidity when after King
Aeolus gave him a leather bag containing the winds. Give details of that incident.
Polyphemus' curse began to work. The ships landed in the land of the fierce cannibals,
the Lystrygonians . Explain how they got the men.
Odysseus escaped and landed on the island of Aeaea where Circe lived. Explain what
happened to them there and how Odysseus released them.
When she sent him on his way, Circe advised the Odysseus seek the advice of Tiresias,
the blind prophet. Explain how and where Odysseus found the ghost of the prophet.
Then Odysseus sailed near the island of the two Sirens. Explain how they escaped the
deadly songs of these creatures.
Explain what happened to the Sirens since Odysseus heard them.
The next danger came when the ship had to pass between the whirlpool Charybdis and
the sea dragon Scylla. Trace events here.
Next they anchored on Trinacria, island of the Sun, where the golden cattle of the Sun
Titan Helios grazed. Even though Tiresias warned Odysseus not to touch them, his men
feasted on the cattle for six days. Explain what happened on the seventh day when they
Odysseus drifted to the land of Ogygia where Calypso lived. She was the daughter of
Atlas, and offered to make him immortal if he would marry her. Explain what happened
when he refused.
Athena went to Zeus to plead for a safe homecoming for Odysseus. Explain his reply.
Poseidon did not know that Zeus had decreed safe passage for this Greek and caused a
storm to wash him ashore near Phaeacia. Explain who found him and how he was able to
return to Ithaca at long last.
Tale of Troy
Chapter 15
Odysseus in Ithaca
When Odysseus landed in Ithaca, he didn't know where he was, but Athena came to him
and predicted much trouble before he was settled in his home again. Describe what the
goddess told of the 108 suitors.
Penelope had held them at bay for quite a while. Describe her actions and how her
scheme was uncovered.
Athena reported that Telemachus was on his way back from Sparta where he sought
information about his father. Explain her advice as to Odysseus' actions.
Odysseus approached the cottage of Eumaeus where he was welcomed but Odysseus
did not reveal his identity until Telemachus came later that night. Then the three devised
their plan against the suitors. Explain Telemachus' actions when he went home.
Explain what Telemachus advised his mother concerning the choosing of a suitor.
The nest morning Eumaeus and Odysseus the beggar approached the palace. Describe
the action concerning Melanthius.
Explain who recognized Odysseus and how.
Odysseus the beggar was challenged outside the palace walls. Explain.
Penelope invited Odysseus inside in hope that he had news of Troy. Explain what
happened as the maid attended her guest.
Penelope entered the hall with the bow and arrows. Explain events.
She then went to her room. Explain the actions of Euryclea and Philoetius.
Describe what happened after Odysseus the beggar was able to complete the task.
Melanthius was a traitor to his king. Explain.
Explain how Athena aided Odysseus during the battle.
Euryclea and the handmaidens removed the bodies and cleaned the palace. She then
awoke Penelope with the news that the suitors were gone and Odysseus had returned.
Explain Penelope's skepticism.
Helen tried to trick Odysseus by telling the maids to bring out the bed that they had
shared. Explain Odysseus' reply.
Tale of Troy
Chapter 16
The Last of the Heroes
When the suitors were dead, their relatives sought revenge, but Athena appeared from
Zeus and sent Odysseus on a voyage to seek the palace of sacrifice the Tiresias had
spoken of. Trace the events of his trip.
On the way home, he stayed with Queen Callidice and helped her overcome the Brygians
who were invading. Then her returned home to live happily with Penelope. They had
another son named Poliporthes and Telemachus was made King of Ithaca. Unknown to
Odysseus, he had yet another son named Telegonus whose mother was Circe.
When he was grown, Telegonus sought his father but he could not find him. Explain how
he got to Ithaca and the events once he arrived.
Explain what happened to Odysseus once he was wounded.