BF CBC APPLICATION FORM & START-UP SURVEY The following sample Community Business Council (CBC) Application Form and Start-up Survey has been designed for a Business Facilitation project to: 1. Streamline the ‘application’ (or a simple ‘expression of interest’) process for the Community Business Council (CBC); 2. Collect the business owner data required for CBC Client Relationship Management (CRM) and Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E) purposes (to be recorded in a database and tracking tool). 3. Establish entry/baseline figures for the local business environment component of a BF project, against which progress will be measured by subsequent Progress Surveys and Project Evaluations. NOTE: For many WV projects this survey is likely to follow an earlier sample group ‘Baseline Study’ during which face to face interviews are held amongst business owners (or households with a business owner) to collect community-wide baseline data. In this instance, some interview questions are repeated in this survey; however it is important at this stage to collect this data from actual project participants. For some grant-funded Business Facilitation projects, a community-wide baseline study is not required, so this participant-only survey at the start of the project activities serves as the ‘baseline’ data collection tool for the CBC/local business environment component. Checklist for utilising this Application Form and Survey Ensure that Business Facilitators, the M&E Team and Project Managers all agree on how and when the survey will be conducted, analysed and reported. (For example, it can be conducted by the Business Facilitator and analysed by both the Business Facilitator and the M&E Adviser). Contextualise and translate the questions as required, but try to use all of the suggested questions to enable consistent data collection across all Business Facilitation projects. Notwithstanding your promotional efforts and making yourself available to answer questions, avoid ‘pushing’ people to sign up if they do not seem adequately interested. Participation should be demand-led. If people are not self-motivated to join, they are more likely to drop out. Ask interested existing/prospective business owners to self-complete all questions in the form. Remind business owners that the information they provide will be kept confidential. Enter data from all completed documents into your database and tracking tool, but also keep hard copies securely according to your offices policy. Ensure that these Application Forms are cross referenced in your database with those collected for the Training & Coaching Program so that (i) you can track client participation levels and needs for CRM purposes (ii) you do not double count individual responses for M&E purposes. For more information please email Sample BF CBC Application Form and Start-up Survey, November 2015 Page 1 Business Facilitation CBC Application Form and Start-up Survey Thank you for your interest in joining the World Vision-supported (xxx - inset name of CBC). The purpose of this CBC is to help business owners in (insert location) to work together to identify constraints to developing a business, and ways we can work together to overcome shared barriers. If you are interested in being involved in this group, please complete this form and return to (XXXXXX). The information you provide will be kept confidential, and will only be used to: Help us understand common business needs so we can find suitable solutions; Keep in contact with business owners about upcoming meetings and events. (Please note: A similar Application Form is issued for the associated Business Training and Coaching Program. As those applications will be processed separately, please ensure you complete all questions in this form even if you have answered them previously). PART 1 – YOU & YOUR BUSINESS 1.1 Name: 1.2 Business Name: 1.3 Contact Address: 1.4 Phone Number: 1.5 Email Address: 1.6 Are you Male or Female? (Please circle) Yes/No 1.7 A. Do you have a disability? Yes / No (Please circle. This question is optional). B). If yes, what support do you need to reduce the negative impact of your disability on the running of your business? ……………………………………..……………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 1.8 How long have you been running your business? Yet to start <1 year > 1 year (How many years? …….) Sample BF CBC Application Form & Start-up Survey (November 2015) Page 2 Business Facilitation CBC Application Form and Start-up Survey 1.9 Have you ever been a member of a Business Group / Association? Yes / No (Please circle). B. If yes, which one/s? ……………………………………………….. 1.10 What type of business do you run, or plan to run? (Please as relevant. Multiple answers may apply). Agriculture Sector Other Sectors Agri Producer Artisan (e.g. small-holder farmers, commercial farmers) (e.g. craftsman/woman making products by hand) Agri Produce Stall Holder Manufacturer (e.g. a ‘petty-trader’ who sells produce to public) (e.g. those using ‘industrial equipment’ to manufacture bulk supplies) Agri Trader Trader (e.g. buyer/seller of agri products to businesses) (e.g. wholesaler/distributers one who buy products from/sell products to other businesses) Agri Processor Retailer (e.g. processors of raw commodities) (e.g. a ‘petty-trader’ who sells goods to public) Agri Services Labourer (e.g. vets, farmer trainers) (e.g. a builder, a cleaner, or one who installs/repairs engines, power, plumbing, etc) Agri Other ………………………………. Service Provider (Please list) (e.g. restaurant/guest house operator, hair dresser, taxi/truck driver, tutor, mechanic). Fisheries (e.g. fishermen/women, fish farming) Yet to decide Other ………………………………. (Please list) PART 3 – YOUR BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT NEEDS 3.1 What are the top 3 challenges you face in running / starting your business? 1. ……………………………..…………………………………..…………………………… 2. ………………………………………………………………………………………………. 3. ………………………………………………………………………………………………. Sample BF CBC Application Form & Start-up Survey (November 2015) Page 3 Business Facilitation CBC Application Form and Start-up Survey 3.2 Please think about the local business environment in which you work, and the conditions that enable or constrain you in starting/strengthening your business. How would you score the degree to which conditions are constraining or enabling for the following areas? (Explain the scale and circle response). Very Constraining Slightly Constraining Neither Enabling nor Constraining Slightly Enabling Very Enabling DON’T KNOW a) Access to the financial services you need. 1 2 3 4 5 X b) Access to business development services you need (e.g. training providers, experts). 1 2 3 4 5 X c) Access to transport infrastructure you need. 1 2 3 4 5 X d) Access to the ICT infrastructure you need. 1 2 3 4 5 X e) Access to the utilities you need (e.g. power water, sanitation). 1 2 3 4 5 X f) Access to the industry-specific technology you need. 1 2 3 4 5 X g) Access to the suppliers/inputs you need 1 2 3 4 5 X h) Access to the customer markets you want 1 2 3 4 5 X i) Prevailing legislation and regulations 1 2 3 4 5 X j) Prevailing culture and governance 1 2 3 4 5 X 1 2 3 4 5 X k) Other (please describe) ………..… ……………………………….… Sample BF CBC Application Form & Start-up Survey (November 2015) Page 4 Business Facilitation CBC Application Form and Start-up Survey 3.3 What are the top 3 results you would like the CBC to achieve? 1. ……………………………..…………………………………..…………………………… 2. ………………………………………………………………………………………………. 3. ………………………………………………………………………………………………. 3.4 How frequently would you be willing to participate in CBC meetings /activities? Weekly Fortnightly Monthly Other …………… Thank you. Sample BF CBC Application Form & Start-up Survey (November 2015) Page 5