BF TRAINING & COACHING APPLICATION FORM & ENTRY SURVEY The following sample Business Facilitation Training & Coaching Application Form and Entry Survey has been designed to: 1. Streamline the application process for each BF Training course and the associated Coaching services, and support the selection process if applications exceed places available; 2. Collect the business owner data required for Business Facilitation Client Relationship Management (CRM) and Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E) purposes (to be recorded in a database and tracking tool). 3. Establish entry/baseline figures for training and coaching participants, against which progress will be measured by subsequent surveys and project evaluations. NOTE: For many WV projects this survey is likely to follow an earlier sample group ‘Baseline Study’ during which face to face interviews are held amongst business owners (or households with a business owner) to collect community-wide baseline data. In this instance, some interview questions are repeated in this survey; however it is important at this stage to collect this data from actual project participants. For some Business Facilitation projects however (e.g. grant-funded projects), a community-wide baseline study is not required, so this participant-only survey at the start of the project activities serves as the ‘baseline’ data collection too for the ‘Training and Coaching Program’ component. Checklist for utilising this Application Form and Survey Ensure that Business Facilitators, the M&E Team and Project Managers all agree on how and when the survey will be conducted, analysed and reported. (For example, it can be conducted by the Business Facilitator and analysed by both the Business Facilitator and the M&E Adviser). Contextualise and translate the questions as required, but try to use all of the suggested questions to enable consistent data collection across all Business Facilitation projects. When promoting the BF Training course and Coaching services to target business owners, distribute a flier/brochure describing the program. In doing so, make sure to have copies of this Application Form and Survey available for all interested business owners. Notwithstanding your promotional efforts and making yourself available to answer questions, avoid ‘pushing’ people to sign up for training if they do not seem adequately interested. Participation should be demand-led. If people are not self-motivated to join, they are more likely to drop out. Ask interested existing/prospective business owners to self-complete all questions in the form, (advising that incomplete Application Forms will not be accepted). Remind business owners that participants are expected to attend at least 80% of the training sessions, so, if they think they cannot meet this requirement, it is not recommended to sign up. Develop a selection criteria in case demand for training exceeds supply (e.g. accept target beneficiaries first, focus on a particular location first, focus on social enterprises first, or other as relevant to your project). Keep a waiting list if necessary to be considered for the next round, but always let people know if they have or have not been accepted for the impending training. Indicate that coaching hours are limited, and preference will be given to those who participate in the full training course. Remind business owners that the information they provide will be kept confidential. Enter data from all completed documents into your database and tracking tool, but also keep hard copies securely according to your office policy. Ensure that these Application Forms are cross referenced in your database with those collected for the CBC so that (i) you can track client participation levels and needs for CRM purposes (ii) you do not double count individual responses for M&E purposes. For more information please email Sample BF Training and Coaching Application Form and Entry Survey, November 2015 Page 1 Business Facilitation Training and Coaching Application Form and Entry Survey Thank you for your interest in World Vision’s (and xxx’s - inset name of CBC if relevant) Business Training course and Coaching services for (insert location). If you want to be a participant in group training and receive associated coaching, please read our brochure before completing all questions in this Application Form. This information sought here will be used to understand your business profile and training needs, and will be kept confidential. Please return your completed form to (insert name and contact details) by (date). You will be contacted soon to let you know if your application has been successful. Places are limited so if you do miss out, we will put you on a waiting list for next time. (A similar Application Form is issued for the Community Business Council. As those applications will be processed separately, please ensure you complete all questions in this form even if you have answered them previously). Please note our Minimum Requirements for Entry: (Insert as relevant – suggestions follow) Participants will need to either have a business, or want to start a business in the next 6 months; Participants will need to have at least basic levels of literacy and financial literacy; Participants will be required to attend at least 20 of the 23 training sessions; The business cannot be illegal or risk harm to children in any way. PART 1 – YOU & YOUR BUSINESS 1.1 Name: 1.2 Business Name: 1.3 Contact Address: 1.4 Phone Number: 1.5 Email Address: 1.6 Are you Male or Female? (Please circle) 1.7 A). Do you have a disability? Yes / No (Please circle. This question is optional). B). If yes, what support do you need to reduce the impact of your disability on the smooth running of your business? ……………………………………..……………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. Sample BF Training & Coaching Application Form & Entry Survey (November 2015) Page 2 Business Facilitation Training and Coaching Application Form and Entry Survey 1.8 A. How many adults live in your household? …….. B How many children (under 18) live in your household? …….. 1.9 How long have you been running your business? Yet to start <1 year > 1 year (How many years? …….) 1.10 What type of business do you run, or plan to run? (Please as relevant. Multiple answers may apply). Agriculture Sector Other Sectors Agri Producer Artisan (e.g. small-holder farmers, commercial farmers) (e.g. craftsman/woman making products by hand) Agri Produce Stall Holder Manufacturer (e.g. a ‘petty-trader’ who sells produce to public) (e.g. those using ‘industrial equipment’ to manufacture bulk supplies) Agri Trader Trader (e.g. buyer/seller of agri products to businesses) (e.g. wholesaler/distributers one who buy products from/sell products to other businesses) Agri Processor Retailer (e.g. processors of raw commodities) (e.g. a ‘petty-trader’ who sells goods to public) Agri Services Labourer (e.g. vets, farmer trainers) (e.g. a builder, a cleaner, or one who installs/repairs engines, power, plumbing, etc) Agri Other ………………………………. Service Provider (Please list) (e.g. restaurant/guest house operator, hair dresser, taxi/truck driver, tutor, mechanic). Fisheries (e.g. fishermen/women, fish farming) Yet to decide Other ………………………………. (Please list) 1.11 What motivated you to start your business? ………………………………………………………………………………………………... ………………………………………………………………………………………………... Sample BF Training & Coaching Application Form & Entry Survey (November 2015) Page 3 Business Facilitation Training and Coaching Application Form and Entry Survey 1.12 How many people did you employ last year? Family Employees Full time Part time Casual Non-Family Employees Full time Part time Casual (Not counting yourself) Part Time = Employed on a regular basis but not a full time work load, e.g. every week, but only a few days per week. Casual = Employed for busy times only on an ongoing basis, e.g. seasonal workers. PART 2 – YOUR BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY 2.1 Have you previously participated in a business training /coaching program? a) No b) Yes (Please specify what training/caching program and when?) ………………………………………. ….……………………..……………………………………..……………………………. 2.2 Are you a member of a Business Group / Association? Yes / No (Please circle). B. If yes, which one/s? ……………………………………………….. 2.3 Have you done any of the following in the past year? (Multiple answers may apply) Started a business Expanded your business premises or moved premises Expanded your product range Purchased equipment for your business operations Formed/joined a business peer network / group (Other) ………………………………. PART 3 – YOUR BUSINESS TRAINING & COACHING NEEDS 3.1 What are the top 3 challenges you face in running / starting your business? 1. ……………………………..…………………………………..…………………………… 2. ………………………………………………………………………………………………. 3. ………………………………………………………………………………………………. Sample BF Training & Coaching Application Form & Entry Survey (November 2015) Page 4 Business Facilitation Training and Coaching Application Form and Entry Survey 3.1 Please think about your own business knowledge, skills and attitudes (KS&A). How would you rate your KS&A for each of the following business areas, according to the following scale where 1 = Very limited; 2 = Limited; 3 = Sound; 4 = Strong and 5 = Very strong? (Please circle) Very Limited Limited Average Strong Very Strong a) Your KS&A to start/grow a business in general? 1 2 3 4 5 b) Your KS&A to identify a business opportunity? 1 2 3 4 5 c) Your KS&A to develop your Business Plan? 1 2 3 4 5 d) Your KS&A to market your business to customers? 1 2 3 4 5 e) Your KS&A to develop your product or service. 1 2 3 4 5 f) Your KS&A to manage your business finances. 1 2 3 4 5 g) Your KS&A to run your business operations. 1 2 3 4 5 h) Your KS&A to build networks with other businesses find opportunities/resources to help your business. 1 2 3 4 5 i) Your KS&A to be a successful entrepreneur. 1 2 3 4 5 3.1 Why do you want to participate in this Business Training course and Coaching service? ……………………………..…………………………………..……………………………. ……………………………..…………………………………..……………………………. ……………………………..…………………………………..……………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3.2 If your application for our Business Training course is successful, can you commit to attending at least 80% of the training classes? (i.e. 20/23 sessions to be held every xxxday between [times] at [locations] for 6 months? Yes / No (Please circle) Sample BF Training & Coaching Application Form & Entry Survey (November 2015) Page 5 Business Facilitation Training and Coaching Application Form and Entry Survey PART 4 –YOUR BUSINESS’ ROLE IN PROVIDING FOR YOUR FAMILY 4.1 In the last year, after making all your sales and paying all your business bills, did your business make a profit (or loss?) Please select the statement you agree with the most: I don’t know if I made a profit or loss last year. (Skip to question 4.3) I made a loss in my business last year. (Skip to question 4.3) I made no profit in my business last year (i.e. ‘broke even’). (Skip to question 4.3) I made a little profit in my business last year. I made a lot of profit in my business last year. 4.2 How did you apportion spending of your profits in the last year: i) …...% spent on the household expenses (e.g .food/household goods and the home). ii) …...% specifically spent on children’s education or health. iii) …...% reinvested in the business. iv) …...% saved. v) …...% other …………………………. (please indicate). 4.3 A. Does your household consume or use any of your business’ products and services? Yes / No (Please circle). (If no, skip to 3.4) B. If yes, approximately what % of the goods you produce / services you provide are used by your household? ….. % 4.4 In the past year were you able to provide all the following items for all the children (0-18 years) living in your household, without external assistance from family, the government or a NGO? Two sets of clothes A pair of shoes A blanket for sleeping (These three basic items are suggested by UNICEF, but can be changed by each National Office to reflect important basic items in that context.) (Please tick below) Yes – with no external assistance Yes – but only with external assistance No – unable to provide for all children Don’t know Thank you. All applications will be kept in confidence and will be responded to by (xxxx) Sample BF Training & Coaching Application Form & Entry Survey (November 2015) Page 6