Practical English (2)

Practical English (2): Advanced
Instructor: Dr. Yi-Cheng Huang
Course Code: A8227340
School of Management
Time: 09:20-12:10
Date: June 05, 2008
Course Description of Today
Section I and II: Chapter 2, Unit 12 (Art
and Literature: From Comic Books to
Graphic Novels)
Section III: Personal Presentation (儀珈、
雅雯、政翰 and 政哲)
Roll Call
Vocabulary: Paragraph 1
1 comic (n, adj.): a. a comic is a
magazine that contains stories told in
pictures (used mainly in British English;
the usual American term is comic book); b.
a comic is an entertainer who tells jokes in
order to make people laugh; c. comic is
used to describe comedy as a form of
entertainment, and the actors and
entertainers who perform it; d. if you
describe something as comic, you mean
that it makes you laugh, and is often
intended to make you laugh
Vocabulary: Paragraph 1
2 for short (adj.): abbreviated
3 dialogue (n): a conversation between
people in a book, play, etc.
4 periodically (adv.): occurring at time
5 newsstand (n): a moveable stall in the
street, or at a railway station, at which
newspapers and magazines are sold
6 in doubt (adj.): uncertain about
someone or something
Vocabulary: Paragraph 2
1 ukiyu-e (n): "pictures of the floating
world", is a genre of Japanese
woodblock prints and paintings
produced between the 17th and the
20th centuries, featuring motifs of
landscapes, tales from history, the
theatre and pleasure quarters. (see
Vocabulary: Paragraph 2
2 theme (n): a. a theme in a piece of
writing, a talk, or a discussion is an
important idea or subject that runs
through it; b. a theme in an artist’s work
or in a work of literature is an idea in it
that the artist or writer develops or
3. Tintin: see photos
Vocabulary: Paragraph 2
4 series (n): a. a series of things or
events is a number of them that come
one after the other; b. a radio or
television series is a set of programmes
of a particular kind which have the same
5 conquest (n): a military victory
Vocabulary: Paragraph 3
1 bound (bind): if you bind something,
you tie rope, string, or other material
around them so that they are held firmly
2 publication (n): book, magazine,
newspaper, etc
3 content (n): the ideas or meanings
expressed in a speech or piece of writing,
subject matter, substance
Vocabulary: Paragraph 3
4 mature (adj.): adult, fully grown
5 graphic novel (n): a type of comic
book, usually with a lengthy and complex
storyline similar to those of novels, and
often aimed at mature audiences
Vocabulary: Paragraph 4
1 transition (n): the process in which
something changes from one state to
2 moral (n): morals are principles and
beliefs concerning right and wrong
behaviour; (adj.): moral means relating to
beliefs about what is right or wrong
3 Watchmen: see photos
4 fault (n): a weak point in someone’s
character, a shortcoming, a foible
Vocabulary: Paragraph 4
5 Maus: see photos
Vocabulary: Paragraph 5
1 novella (n): a short novel or a long
short story
2 album (n): a. a book in which you keep
things such as photographs or stamps
that you have collected; b. a record with
about 25 minutes of music on each side;
you can also refer to a collection of songs
that is available on an LP, cassette, or CD
as an album
Assignment for Next Week
Please Review Chapter 1, Unit 11 (The
Mystery of Memory: How Good Is Your
Memory?) and Chapter 2, Unit 12 (Art and
Literature: From Comic Books to Graphic
Please Prepare for Your Personal
Presentation (At Least 5 Minutes): 敏琇、秉
翰、翰旻、雅涵、韻帆、吟佩、超群 and 文
Please Hand in Your Outside Reading Report
Please Start to Prepare Your Final Exam!
If you have any inquiry, please contact me
via the following ways:
Office: 1406A (4th Floor, Administration Building)
Extension: 5252
Office Hour: Tuesday: 2,3,4 and 5;
Wednesday: 2, 3, 4 and 5 ( By Appointment )