THE THIRTY-THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME NOVEMBER 16, 2014 Why does the master call the two servants “good and faithful”? Because, when entrusted with a vast amount of money, they do not run off or spend the money on themselves. Rather, they invest what was given them as their way of revering their relationship with their master. His reply is, “Since you were faithful, I will give you great responsibilities. Come, share my joy.” Which means, come and be my equal. The worthy wife is valued “far beyond pearls” because she loves her husband and family with just such gratuitous, self-sacrificing love. We are “children of the light” inasmuch as we have been given an all-surpassing Master and the chance to glorify him by our obedience. Again this Sunday we hear the insistence on the active vigilance and bold risk required of those who await the Lord. Matthew clearly has in mind a smug community without zeal. He describes as a “worthless, lazy lout” the servant who is satisfied with burying his talent and carrying out in a servile way what he thinks are his orders. Matthew has so consistently urged believers to outdo themselves that we should not be surprised when the servant who takes the greatest risk reaps the greatest reward. // Matthew does not mince words. What is at stake is the eternal relationship between Christ and the Christian, the master’s joy” which we are called to share. On the last day we will have the judge that we deserve. Jesus is neither harsh nor arbitrary. What he expects of us in proportion to his love. He asks us to risk everything in order to be open to receive all he has to give. The capital which the Lord entrusts to us is first and foremost his word: it opens our lives to infinite horizons. // Have Christians failed to proclaim the word for fear of risk, for lack of imagination and of initiative in the face of the world’s needs? We must not miss our rendezvous with history because of an excess of that caution that has too long confined us. ST. MATTHEW THE EVANGELIST PARISH MINERSVILLE, PA Rectory Office Hours: Monday to Friday 10:00 AM to 3:30 PM Phone: (570) 544-2211 Fax: (570) 544-2317 SAINT MATTHEW THE EVANGELIST WELCOMES ALL No matter what your present status in the Catholic Church; no matter what your current family or marital situation; no matter what your past or present religious affiliation; no matter what your personal history, age, background, race, ethnicity, etc.; you are Invited, Welcomed, Accepted, Loved and Respected at Saint Matthew the Evangelist Parish! SAFE ENVIRONMENT COORDINATOR: Sr. Meg Cole (610-866-0581x19) VICTIM ASSISTANCE COORDINATOR: Wendy S. Krisak (1-800-791-9209) WEEKDAY MASS AT 8:00 AM MON – Living and Deceased Parishioners TUE – Eleanor Stoppi by Family WED – Joseph Holland by Children THU – David Moore (Annv) by Family FRI – Stanley Souky (Estate) SAT – 4:00 PM – Leona Donlen by Mia and Ava Bowers SUN – 8:30 AM – John Andruchek 10:30 AM – Joseph and Betty Wentz by Joe, Joanne and Family ***************************************************************************************************************************** *************** REQUIESCAT IN PACE: May Jesus, the Lord of the Harvest, take unto Himself: PAUL S. MULLOCK, a former member of the former St. Stanislaus Kostka Parish, and a member of our Parish family, who died Saturday, November 9, and was buried from our Church Friday, November 14. May Mary, Mother of Mercy, obtain comfort from Jesus, her risen son, for Paul’s family and friends. ************************************************************************************************************************* THE WEEKLY CALENDAR: The Lord said: I think thoughts of peace and not of affliction./ You will call upon me, and I will answer you,/ and I will lead back your captives from every place. (Jer.29:11,12,14) SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 16 – THE THIRTY-THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME: SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: 8:00 AM AND 10:15 AM. THE FAMILY PRAYER CHALICE FOR VOCATIONS (FPC): Jesus told us to ask the Harvest Master to send laborers into his harvest. May the prayers of our participating families bear fruit. Our thanks to SCOTT and PATRICE SCHWALM FAMILY for hosting the FPC for Vocations this week. Sign up in vestibule. SPECIAL DIOCESAN SECOND COLLECTION: POVERTY RELIEF FUND: The Diocesan Poverty Relief Fund finances local projects and organizations that help the needy in the five counties of our Diocese.If you forgot the special envelope found in your envelope box you can use it next week. Thank you for caring for the poor and needy within our own Diocese! FAMILY PERSPECTIVE: As the man in today’s gospel entrusted his servants with his money, so God has ‘entrusted’ our family to us. Like the good servants we are expected, not to play it safe, but to selflessly and totally invest ourselves in each other. PRO-LIFE REFLECTION: Pray for our political leaders that they will promote the culture of life and defend the God- given constitutionally guaranteed right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. STEWARDSHIP: “Well done, good and faithful servant; you have been faithful over a little, I will set you over much…”- Matthew 25:21. God expects us to nurture and develop the gifts He has given us and then generously give back with increase. He doesn’t want us to waste or hoard the gifts He has given us; He expects us to grow our gifts, use them wisely and be generous with them. LAST WEEK YOU CONTRIBUTED: Sunday: $3,065; Fuel: $592; Expenses: $6,857.83. Thank you for your generosity! FRATERNAL CHARITY: ST. VINCENT DE PAUL FOOD PANTRY – Your donation of ALL TYPES OF PASTA will allow us to help the needy. Volunteer for our SVDP Society Outreach and God’s Bountiful Table by calling Edward Butler (570-544-2739). VOTIVES: (1) SANCTUARY: IMO Bernard and Edith Lescavage by Children, Grandchildren and Great-Grandchildren. (2) ALTARS: BLESSED VIRGIN MARY: IMO Andrew Botek by Wife, Bertha; Special Intention by Stan and Sally Gober; For the Health of George Homa and Special Intention by Wife and Family; For the Health of Aldona Butler. DIVINE MERCY: IMO Michael J. Warhola by Family. (3) BEFORE: ST. JOSEPH: Special Intention. Call 570-544-2211 to memorialize votives. ST. MATTHEW THE EVANGELIST 50/50 CHANCES: Chances will be sold after today’s Masses. Drawing at December 17th Holiday Food Sale. Call 570-544-2211 for tickets. . NATIVITY BVM HIGH SCHOOL DESIGNER PURSE BINGO: Doors open 11:30 AM; Bingo begins 1:00 PM. $25 entrance fee. Homemade foods and desserts. Call 570-294-0551 for more information. ST. NICHOLAS CHURCH MEAT BINGO: Doors open 11:00 AM; bingo begins 1:00 PM. St. Nicholas Hall, Primrose. Admission $10. Call 570-544-4581 for tickets and information. ANNUAL “GRIEF AND LOSS DURING THE HOLIDAYS” WORKSHOP: 1:00 PM to 4:30 PM, Covenant Home Care, Pottsville. Workshop designed to teach coping strategies for this challenging time of the year. Call 1-800-726-8761 X 4519 to register. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 17 – DECEMBER VISITATION OF THE SICK: Continuing today until finished. Call the Rectory (570-544-2211) to have someone added to our sick-call list. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 18 – ST. MATTHEW RELIGIOUS EDUCATION PROGRAM: 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM. Contact our Coordinator of Religious Education, Rosalie Novack (570-544-2211). We are in need of a Second Grade Teacher and Classroom Aides. ALZHEIMER’S CAREGIVER SUPPORT GROUP: 6:00 PM, Rest Haven, Schuylkill Haven. Provides emotional, educational, and social support for caregivers through regularly scheduled meetings. Call 570-593-6704 or visit to attend or for more information. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 19 – DEVOTIONS TO ST. PEREGRINE: 8:00 AM Mass. Ask St. Peregrine to help cancer patients/caregivers. ST. MATTHEW’S TRAVELERS’ HOLLYWOOD CASINO BUS TRIP: Pay $23; Rebate $30. Bus leaves R&J 8:30 AM; Quandel’s in Minersville 9:00 AM. Bus departs casino 4:00 PM. Call Julie (570-544-5231) or Millie (570-628-5413) for information. GOD’S BOUNTIFUL TABLE: 11:30 AM to 1:30 PM, Fr. Ricapito Annex. Call 570-544-2739. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20 – “SOUNDS OF THE SPIRIT” CONTEMPORARY CHOIR: 7:00 PM, Church. New members are needed and welcome! Call Greg Senich at 570-544-2355 to join . PROTECTING GOD’S CHILDREN WORKSHOP: 6:00 PM, Nativity BVM High School. Call Margie Young (570-622-8110) to register. FIRST PENANCE: 6:00 PM, our Church. We congratulate these children of our Parish who will make their FIRST CONFESSION: Ava Bowers, Brady Eisenhart, Isaiah Halupa, Jacob Holley, Brooke Kopinetz, Logan Perzel, Kieran Plesnarski, Kaycee Raczka, Connor Schwalm, Abigail Stine. Please remember to keep these children, our Parish’s treasure, in your prayers. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 21 – SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: 7:45 AM. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 22 – SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: 3:30 PM. ST. MARY CHURCH HAMBURG CHRISTMAS BAZAAR: 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM. Crafts, theme basket raffle, homemade Christmas cookies, quilt raffle, soups and sandwiches from open kitchen. Call 610-562-7657 for information. SUNDAY, THE SOLEMNITY OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, KING OF THE UNIVERSE, NOVEMBER 23: SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: 8:00 AM and 10:15 AM. THE FAMILY PRAYER CHALICE FOR VOCATIONS (FPC): LINDA ROTHERMEL will host the FPC this week. Call 570399-5056 or sign-up in the Church Vestibule. We also need host families for December! SECOND COLLECTION ENVELOPE: (1) CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT: Your contribution will help defray the cost of improvements for all Parish Buildings. (2) Please catch up with any missed envelopes. Your Church needs your consistent and generous support to meet all of its financial obligations and to serve you. Thank you for your generosity! ***************************************************************************************************************************** ******************************************************************************************************************** SAT 4:00 PM SUN 8:30 AM 10:30 AM MINISTERS AT MASS FOR OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, KING OF THE UNIVERSE OFF. PROC. LECTORS E. M. of H. C. ALTAR SERVERS Donlen Family Rosalie Novack Theresa Kroznuski Alexandra Eades Fletcher Eades Andruchek Family Elaine Stine Teresa Miller Emily Purcell Abby Schoffstall Wentz Family Marge Walasavage Jamie Kuehn Gabriel Kuehn Bella Kuehn ***************************************************************************************************************************** ******************************************************************************************************************** COMING EVENTS: Please be sure to mark your calendar! NOVEMBER 27 – SCH. CO. K OF C TURKEY DINNER: County Residents in need of a Thanksgiving Day meal will be delivered a complete turkey dinner (turkey, filling, yams, gravy, vegetable, cranberry sauce, bread, dessert). If you , or someone else, needs a meal, call 570691-1429, 570-773-0627, 570-516-4518 or 570-294-6337. Leave your name, address, apartment number, town, phone number, number of meals needed, and any other pertinent information or E-mail Must be home to receive meal. Call to volunteer. DECEMBER 2 – ASSUMPTION BVM HOLIDAY FUNDRAISER: Selling poinsettia 6.5” pot multiple blooms (red, white, pink) for $10; 20” douglas fir wreath (decorated with a bow and red and green Christmas balls) for $25. ORDERS AND MONEY ARE DUE TODAY! Pick-up is Thursday, December 11th, 12:00 Noon to 5:00 PM, at Pod & Petal, Pottsville. Call 570-628-5002 for more information. DECEMBER 3 – GOD’S BOUNTIFUL TABLE: 11:30 AM to 1:30 PM, Fr. Ricapito Annex. Call 570-544-2739. DECEMBER 5 – NATIVITY BVM HIGH SCHOOL DEPPEN PIE SALE: $10 per pie. Flavors include: apple, blueberry, cherry, peach, strawberry (also available with crumb topping), shoo-fly, pumpkin, coconut custard, lemon sponge, no sugar added apple. ORDERS AND MONEY ARE DUE TODAY! Call Mr. Foster at 570-622-8110 ext. 343 to order. DECEMBER 7 – BREAKFAST WITH SANTA: 9:00 AM to 12:00 Noon, St. Ambrose School Parish Center. Adults $8; Children 6 to 12 $4; Children 5 and under free. Raffles and activities for the children. Proceeds benefit the 8 th Grade Class Trip. HOLIDAY TREE LIGHTING CELEBRATION OF LIGHT: 4:00 PM to 5:30 PM, Covenant Home Care, Pottsville. $10 per ornament in advance; $15 day of. Each lighted ornament on outdoor Christmas tree will reflect the life of those who have illuminated our lives with love and well-being. Call Vince at 1-800-726-8761 ext. 4519 for more information.. DECEMBER 11 – ST. MATTHEW’S TRAVELERS’ SANDS CASINO AND BETHLEHEM LIGHTS BUS TRIP: Pay $25; Rebate $30. Bus leaves R&J 9:30 AM; Quandel’s in Minersville 10:00 AM. Bus departs casino 5:30 PM. Call Julie (570-544-5231) or Millie (570-628-5413). DECEMBER 13, 14 – NATIONAL RETIRED RELIGIOUS COLLECTION: Give thanks for religious. A parishioner writes, “As a Catholic school student from grades K–12, I was formed to be the person I am by many religious brothers and sisters, and I am forever grateful.” Show your appreciation for the senior Catholic sisters, brothers, and religious order priests who made a positive difference in so many lives. Use the special envelope found in your envelope box. Please give generously to today’s collection for the Retirement Fund for Religious. DECEMBER 17 – HOLIDAY FOOD SALE: Homemade pierogi ($7.00 per dozen) and kielbasa ($9.00 per 2lb link). Pick-up 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM today at the Parish Center. PREORDER ONLY. Call the Rectory (570-544-2211) to order. ORDER DEADLINE IS DEC. 3. DECEMBER 21 – ST. MATTHEW THE EVANGELIST PARISH ANNUAL “SOUNDS OF THE SPIRIT CONTEMPORARY CHOIR HOLIDAY CONCERT”: 6:00 PM in our Church. A FreeWill Offering will be accepted. Come and experience the “Spirit of the Season” in song! ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS FOR SPONSORSHIP AT BAPTISM AND CONFIRMATION: 1) You must be a fully initiated member of the Church, i.e. have received the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Eucharist. 2) You must be at least 16 years of age. 3) You must be a practicing Catholic, i.e. attending Mass weekly and receiving the Sacraments of Holy Eucharist and Penance on a regular basis. Please do not ask for exemptions from the aforementioned requirements! They cannot be given! PARISH MEMORIAL SOCIETY: We gratefully acknowledge the following donations: IMO MARGARET PLEVA: $25 from Rose Ann Sep. IMO PAUL MULLOCK: $10 from Magic-Sincavage Family. IMO NICHOLAS PIZZICO: $10 each from Jeanine Cola, Barbara Vicic. IMO JOSEPH E. ZITKA: $100 from Frank and Alicia Kyle; $35 from The Faculty and Staff of Blue Mountain Elementary East. IMO ROSE KUKTA: $40 from Sally and Jan Magalengo; $15 from Andy and Tina Messaros. IMO JOHN F. SOKOLA: $50 from Ann Marie Socko; $30 from Mary Bowers; $25 from Ann Marie Pukas; $20 from Dolores Gahres; $10 each from Bertha Warcola, George and Marge Homa Family, Robert Pincavage and Mary Lou Schappe, Barbara Graf, Jeanine Cola. 2015 SUNDAY MISSALS: Can be found in the Church Vestibule. These Liturgical aides are $5.00 per book. CHRISTMAS FLOWERS AND VOTIVES: We need your Floral Memorials ($10) and Votive Memorials ($5) to adorn our Church this coming Christmas Season. Flower Envelopes can be found in your Sunday Envelope boxes. Return them and make arrangements for Vigils at your earliest convenience. Call 570-544-2211. Thanks for your anticipated help!