Workshop 2: Coastal Atlas Interoperability

Trans-Atlantic Workshops in Coastal Mapping and Informatics
Workshop 2: Coastal Atlas Interoperability
Coastal Atlas Interoperability - Corvallis, Oregon
July 16, 2007
Coastal Atlas Interoperability - Corvallis, Oregon
July 16, 2007
Complementary Projects
Coastal Atlas Interoperability - Corvallis, Oregon
July 16, 2007
Intellectual Merit, Workshop Goals
• Mapping plays a critical role in
issues of national sovereignty,
resource management, maritime
safety, and hazard assessment.
• Significant capacity, varying
• Little done to compile/assess
• Best practices?
• Widespread solutions needed
Slea Head
Coastal Atlas Interoperability - Corvallis, Oregon
– Access to and documentation of data
– Integration of tools
– Decision support for coastal mgmt via
– “Semantic interoperability”
July 16, 2007
Coastal Atlas Interoperability - Corvallis, Oregon
July 16, 2007
Workshop 2: Coastal Atlas Interoperability
• Improve searches between atlases
– Understand controlled vocabularies, ontologies
– Initial, common ontologies: OCA, MIDA
• Hands-on experience with common software tools
– Semantic interoperability between ontologies, hence
data sets
– Discuss linkage to broader network
• “International Coastal Atlas Network”
• Final recommendations
• Large, collaborative proposals to submit to funding
Coastal Atlas Interoperability - Corvallis, Oregon
July 16, 2007
Coastal Atlas Interoperability - Corvallis, Oregon
July 16, 2007
Coastal Atlas Interoperability - Corvallis, Oregon
July 16, 2007
Agenda / Logistics
Campus tours today
Coastal Atlas Interoperability - Corvallis, Oregon
July 16, 2007
Agenda / Logistics
• Tuesday morning/afternoon
– Introduction to Controlled Vocabularies, Ontologies
– Hands-on Ontology Creation
• Tuesday evening
– Informal Poster/Demo Session, hors d’ouevres
• Wednesday morning/afternoon
– Mapping between ontologies
– Software tools
– Interoperability demos
Coastal Atlas Interoperability - Corvallis, Oregon
July 16, 2007
Agenda / Logistics
Wednesday late afternoon
Coastal Atlas Interoperability - Corvallis, Oregon
July 16, 2007
Agenda / Logistics
• Thursday morning
– Concluding discussions for general group
– Pathway to Friday discussions, wrap-up for partners
• Thursday afternoon, evening
Coastal Atlas Interoperability - Corvallis, Oregon
July 16, 2007
Agenda / Logistics
• Friday morning
– Discussion and workplan for future collaborations, proposals
– Workshop outputs, final report
– BIDI Project Meeting
• Friday after lunch …
Coastal Atlas Interoperability - Corvallis, Oregon
July 16, 2007
Mt. St. Helens, View to Portland, Oregon
Visualization courtesy of Bob Crippen, NASA JPL
Mt. St. Helens, View to Portland, Oregon
Mt. Hood
Visualization courtesy of Bob Crippen, NASA JPL
Mt. Hood
Mt. St. Helens
Mt. St. Helens
Mt. Hood