Paul D. Ronney Univ. of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA QuickTi me™ and a Sor enson Video decompr essor ar e needed to see this picture. National Central University Jhong-Li, Taiwan October 4, 2005 OUTLINE About USC & PDR Motivation Time scales Flame balls Summary University of Southern California Established 125 years ago this week! …jointly by a Catholic, a Protestant and a Jew - USC has always been a multi-ethnic, multi-cultural, coeducational university Today: 32,000 students, 3000 faculty 2 main campuses: University Park and Health Sciences USC Trojans football team ranked #1 in USA last 2 years USC Viterbi School of Engineering Naming gift by Andrew & Erma Viterbi Andrew Viterbi: co-founder of Qualcomm, co-inventor of CDMA 1900 undergraduates, 3300 graduate students, 165 faculty, 30 degree options $135 million external research funding Distance Education Network (DEN): 900 students in 28 M.S. degree programs; 171 MS degrees awarded in 2005 More info: Paul Ronney B.S. Mechanical Engineering, UC Berkeley M.S. Aeronautics, Caltech Ph.D. in Aeronautics & Astronautics, MIT Postdocs: NASA Glenn, Cleveland; US Naval Research Lab, Washington DC Assistant Professor, Princeton University Associate/Full Professor, USC Research interests Microscale combustion and power generation (10/4, INER; 10/5 NCKU) Microgravity combustion and fluid mechanics (10/4, NCU) Turbulent combustion (10/7, NTHU) Internal combustion engines Ignition, flammability, extinction limits of flames (10/3, NCU) Flame spread over solid fuel beds Biophysics and biofilms (10/6, NCKU) Paul Ronney MOTIVATION Gravity influences combustion through Buoyant convection Sedimentation in multi-phase systems Many experimental & theoretical studies of µg combustion Applications Spacecraft fire safety Better understanding of combustion at earth gravity Time scales (hydrocarbon-air, 1 atm) T Tiim mee ssccaallee C Ch heem miissttrryy ((ttcchheemm)) B Bu uo oyyaan ntt,, iin nvviisscciid d ((ttiinnvv)) B Bu uo oyyaan ntt,, vviisscco ou uss ((ttvviiss)) R Raad diiaattiio on n ((ttrraadd)) S Stto oiicch h.. F Fllaam mee ((S SLL == 4400 ccm m//ss)) L Liim miitt ffllaam mee ((S SLL == 22 ccm m//ss)) 00..0000009944 sseecc 00..007711 sseecc 00..001122 sseecc 00..2255 sseecc 00..007711 sseecc 00..001100 sseecc 00..1133 sseecc 00..4411 sseecc Conclusions Buoyancy unimportant for near-stoichiometric flames (tinv & tvis >> tchem) Buoyancy strongly influences near-limit flames at 1g (tinv & tvis < tchem) Radiation effects unimportant at 1g (tvis << trad; tinv << trad) Radiation effects dominate flames with low SL (trad ≈ tchem), but only observable at µg µg methods Drop towers - short duration (1 - 10 sec) (≈ trad), high quality (10-5go) Aircraft - longer duration (25 sec), low quality (10-2go - 10-3go) Sounding rockets - still longer duration (5 min), fair quality (10-3go - 10-6go) Orbiting spacecraft - longest duration (16 days), best quality (10-5go - 10-6go) “FLAME BALLS” Zeldovich, 1944: stationary spherical flames possible 2T & 2C = 0 have solutions for unbounded domain in spherical geometry T(r) = C1 + C2/r - bounded as r ∞ Not possible for Cylinder (T = C1 + C2ln(r)) Plane (T = C1+C2r) Mass conservation requires U º 0 everywhere (no convection) – only diffusive transport Perfectly valid steady solution to the governing equations for energy & mass conservation for any combustible mixture, but unstable for virtually all mixtures except… “FLAME BALLS” T ~ 1/r - unlike propagating flame where T ~ e-r - dominated by 1/r tail (with r3 volume effects!) Flame ball: a tiny dog wagged by an enormous tail T* 1.2 C ~ 1-1/r Temperature • Normalized temperature (T - T ) / (T f - T ) 1 Fuel concentration T ~ 1/r Interior filled with combustion products Fuel & oxygen diffuse inward 0.6 • T• 0.8 Reaction zone Heat & products diffuse outward Flame ball Propagating flame (/r f = 1/10) 0.4 0.2 0 0.1 1 10 Radius / Radius of flame 100 Flame balls - history Zeldovich, 1944; Joulin, 1985; Buckmaster, 1985: adiabatic flame balls are unstable Ronney (1990): seemingly stable, stationary flame balls accidentally discovered in very lean H2-air mixtures in droptower experiment Farther from limit - expanding cellular flames QuickTime™ and a Video decompressor are needed to see this picture. QuickTime™ and a Video decompressor are needed to see this picture. Far from limit Close to limit Flame balls - history Only seen in mixtures having very low Lewis number Thermal diffusivity of the bulk mixture ( ) Le Mass diffusivity of scarce reactant into the bulk mixture (D) Flame ball: Lewis # effect is so drastic that flame temp. can greatly exceed adiabatic (planar flame) temp. (Tad) T T Tflame ball Tambient ad ambient > Tad for Le < 1 Le Flame balls - history Results confirmed in parabolic aircraft flights (Ronney et al., 1994) but g-jitter problematic QuickTime™ and a Video decompressor are needed to see this picture. KC135 µg aircraft test Flame balls - history Buckmaster, Joulin, et al.: window of stable conditions with (1) radiative loss near-limit, (2) low gravity & (3) low Lewis number (2 of 3 is no go!) 2 Heat loss Tflame Impact of heat loss ~ ~ -E/RTflame as Tflame (thus fuel % ) Heat release e Predictions consistent with experimental observations 15 Dimensionless flame ball radius (R) Uns table to 3 -d disturbances 10 Stable Equation of curve : -2 R ln(R) = Q 5 Uns table to 1 -d disturbances 0 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 Dimensionless heat loss (Q) 0.2 Flame balls - practical importance Improved understanding of lean combustion Spacecraft fire safety - flame balls exist in mixtures outside one-g extinction limits Stationary spherical flame - simplest interaction of chemistry & transport - test combustion models Motivated > 30 theoretical papers to date The flame ball is to combustion research as the fruit fly is to genetics research Practical importance Space Experiments Need space experiment - long duration, high quality µg Structure Of Flame Balls At Low Lewis-number (SOFBALL) Combustion Module facility 3 Space Shuttle missions STS-83 (April 4 - 8, 1997) STS-94 (July 1 - 16, 1997) STS-107 (Jan 16 - Feb 1, 2003) Space experiments - mixtures STS-83 & STS-94 (1997) - 4 mixture types 1 atm H2-air (Le ≈ 0.3) 1 atm H2-O2-CO2 (Le ≈ 0.2) 1 atm H2-O2-SF6 (Le ≈ 0.06) 3 atm H2-O2-SF6 (Le ≈ 0.06) None of the mixtures tested in space will burn at earth gravity, nor will they burn as plane flames STS-107 (2003) - 3 new mixture types High pressure H2-air - different chemistry CH4-O2-SF6 test points - different chemistry H2-O2-CO2-He test points - higher Lewis number (but still < 1) more likely to exhibit oscillating flame balls Experimental apparatus Combustion vessel - cylinder, 32 cm i.d. x 32 cm length 15 individual premixed gas bottles Ignition system - spark with variable gap & energy Imaging - 3 views, intensified video Temperature - fine-wire thermocouples, 6 locations Radiometers (4), chamber pressure, acceleration (3 axes) Gas chromatograph Experimental apparatus QuickTime™ and a Motion JPEG A decompressor are needed to see this picture. Flame balls in space SOFBALL-1 (1997): flame balls stable for > 500 seconds (!) QuickTime™ and a Video decompressor are needed to see this picture. QuickTime™ and a Video decompressor are needed to see this picture. 4.9% H2- 9.8% O2 - 85.3% CO2, 500 sec 4.0% H2-air, 223 sec elapsed time QuickTime™ and a Video decompressor are needed to see this picture. 6.6% H2- 13.2% O2 - 79.2% SF6, 500 sec Surprise #1 - steadiness of flame balls Flame balls survived much longer than expected without drifting into chamber walls Aircraft µg data indicated drift velocity (V) ≈ (gr*)1/2 Gr = O(103) - V) ≈ (gr*)1/2 - like inviscid bubble rise In space, flame balls should drift into chamber walls after ≈ 10 min at 1 µg Space experiments: Gr = O(10-1) - creeping flow apparently need to use viscous relation: 2 2 1 gr* b o b gr* V V 2.4 1 3 o o 1.5b Similar to recent prediction (Joulin et al., submitted) Much lower drift speeds with viscous formula - possibly hours before flame balls would drift into walls Also - fuel consumption rates (1 - 2 Watts/ball) could allow several hours of burn time Surprise #2 - flame ball drift Flame balls always drifted apart at a continually decreasing rate Flame balls interact by (A) warming each other - attractive (B) depleting each other’s fuel - repulsive Analysis (Buckmaster & Ronney, 1998) Adiabatic flame balls, two effects exactly cancel Non-adiabatic flame balls, fuel effect wins - thermal effect disappears at large spacings due to radiative loss Fuel concentration profile Lower fuel concentration Higher fuel concentration DRIFT DIRECTION Affected ball Adjacent ball Flame ball drift 10 QuickTime™ and a Video decompressor are needed to see this picture. Radius of separation (cm) 4.9% H - 9.8% O 2 2 - 85.3% CO 2 MSL-1/STS-83 3 flame balls Space experiments Theory (Buckmaster & Ronney, 1998) 1 10 100 T ime (seconds) 1000 Surprise #3: g-jitter effects on flame balls Radiometer data drastically affected by impulses caused by small VRCS thrusters used to control Orbiter attitude Temperature data moderately affected Vibrations (zero integrated impulse) - no effect Flame balls & their surrounding hot gas fields are very sensitive accelerometers! Requested & received “free drift” (no thruster firings) during most subsequent tests with superb results G-jitter effects on flame balls QuickTime™ and a Video decompressor are needed to see this picture. QuickTime™ and a Video decompressor are needed to see this picture. 0.2 0.15 80 Beginning of test VCRS activities 40 0.05 20 0 0 -0.05 -0.1 -20 0 100 200 300 400 T ime from ignition (seconds) Without free drift 500 80 0.1 Radiometer voltage (V) 0.1 Acceleration (µg) 60 60 0.05 40 0 20 -0.05 0 -0.1 -20 15:33:20 15:35:00 15:36:40 GMT 15:38:20 15:40:00 With free drift Acceleration (micro-g) 0.15 Radiometer voltage 100 Beginning of test G-jitter effects on flame balls - continued Flame balls seem to respond more strongly than ballistically to acceleration impulses, I.e. change in ball velocity ≈ 2 ∫g dt Consistent with “added mass” effect - maximum possible acceleration of spherical bubble is 2g dt (mm/s) 4 STS-94/MSL-1R, TP 13AR 7.0% H - 14.0% O - 79.0% SF 2 2 2 6 QuickTime™ and a Video decompressor are needed to see this picture. Impulse 0 2 1 Flame ball velocity -1 0 100 200 300 Time from ignition (s) 400 500 (mm/s) Impulse g • z 1 3 y Drift velocity, V 3 atm total pressure 1 flame ball 0 Zel’dovich’s personal watch was flown on STS-94 Astronaut Janice Voss with Zel’dovich’s watch Changes from SOFBALL-1 to SOFBALL-2 SpaceHab vs. SpaceLab module Higher energy ignition system ignite weaker mixtures nearer flammability limit Much longer test times (up to 10,000 sec) Free drift provided for usable radiometer data 3rd intensified camera with narrower field of view - improved resolution of flame ball imaging Extensive ground commanding capabilities added - reduce crew time scheduling issues SOFBALL-2 objectives based on SOFBALL-1 results Can flame balls last much longer than the 500 sec maximum test time on SOFBALL-1 if free drift (no thruster firings) can be maintained for the entire test? Answer: not usually - some type of flame ball motion, not related to microgravity disturbances, causes flame balls to drift to walls within ≈ 1500 seconds - but there was an exception We have no idea what caused this motion - working hypothesis is a radiation-induced migration of flame ball The shorter-than-expected test times meant enough time for multiple reburns of each mixture within the flight timeline Example videos made from individual frames QuickTime™ and a Cinepak decompressor are needed to see this picture. Test point 14a (3.45% H2 in air, 3 atm), 1200 sec total burn time QuickTime™ and a Cinepak decompressor are needed to see this picture. Test point 6c (6.2% H2 - 12.4% O2 - balance SF6, 3 atm), 1500 sec total burn time SOFBALL-2 objectives based on SOFBALL-1 results Do the flame balls in methane fuel (CH4-O2-SF6 ) behave differently from those in hydrogen fuel (e.g. H2-O2-SF6) ? Answer: Yes! They frequently drifted in corkscrew patterns! We have no idea why. QuickTime™ and a Cinepak decompressor are needed to see this picture. 9.9% CH4 - 19.8% O2 - 70.3% SF6 Summary of results - all flights SOFBALL hardware performed almost flawlessly on all missions 63 successful tests in 33 different mixtures 33 flame balls on STS-107 were named by the crew) Free drift: microgravity levels were excellent (average accelerations less than 1 micro-g for most tests) Despite the loss of Columbia on STS-107, much data was obtained via downlink during mission ≈ 90% of thermocouple, radiometer & chamber pressure ≈ 90% of gas chromatograph data ≈ 65% (24/37) of runs has some digital video frames (not always a complete record to the end of the test) - video data need to locate flame balls in 3D for interpretation of thermocouple and radiometer data Accomplishments First premixed combustion experiment in space Weakest flames ever burned, either in space or on the ground (≈ 0.5 Watts) (Birthday candle ≈ 50 watts) Leanest flames ever burned, either in space or on the ground (3.2 % H2 in air; equivalence ratio 0.078) (leanest mixture that will burn in your car engine: equivalence ratio ≈ 0.7) Longest-lived flame ever burned in space (81 minutes) Conclusions SOFBALL - dominant factors in flame balls: Far-field (1/r tail, r3 volume effects, r2/ time constant) Radiative heat loss Radiative reabsorption effects in CO2, SF6 Branching vs. recombination of H + O2 - flame balls like “Wheatstone bridge” for near-limit chemistry General comments about space experiments Space experiments are not just extensions of ground-based µg experiments Expect surprises and be adaptable µg investigators quickly spoiled by space experiments “Data feeding frenzy” during STS-94 Caution when interpreting accelerometer data - frequency range, averaging, integrated vs. peak Thanks to… National Central University Prof. Shenqyang Shy Combustion Institute (Bernard Lewis Lectureship) NASA (research support) Thanks Dave, Ilan, KC and Mike! …and the rest! And ‘The Boss’!