Miasms and seeing in homeopathy

Miasms and seeing in
Dr. Gheorghe Jurj
“you only see what you already know”
“Becoming a homoeopath is a process of personal
We begin as mother tinctures and slowly raise our
consciousness by succussion and dilution”.
Jeremy Sherr
How Hahnemann got the ideea of
“Ever since the years 1816 and 1817 I have been
employed day and night to discover the reason
why the homoeopathic remedies which were
then known, did not effect a cure of the above
named chronic diseases. I tried to obtain a more
correct, and if possible, a completely correct
idea of the true nature of these thousands of
chronic ailments which remained uncured in
spite of the incontrovertible truth of the
homoeopathic doctrines”
“.. after unceasing meditations and research,
careful observations and most accurate
experiments I observed that non-venereal
chronic diseases, after having been
repeatedly and successfully removed by
the then known homoeopathic remedies,
constantly reappeared in a more or less
modified form and with a yearly increase
of disagreeable symptoms” .
“This proved to me that the phenomena
which appeared to constitute the
ostensible disease ought not to be
regarded as the whole boundaries
of the disease;
otherwise the disease would have been
completely and permanently cured by
the homoeopathic drugs, which was
not the case”
…but that this ostensible disease was
a mere fragment of a much more deep-seated,
primitive evil,
the great extent of which might be inferred from the new
symptoms which continued to appear from time to time.
This showed me that the homoeopathic practitioner
ought not to treat diseases of this kind as
separated and completely developed maladies,
not that he ought to expect such a permanent cure of
these diseases as would prevent them from appearing
again in the system, either in their original or a modified
"I became convinced", said Hahnemann, "that
to discover one or more remedies which
would cover all the symptoms characterizing
the whole of the disturbance
was to discover all the ailments and
symptoms inherent in the unknown
primitive malady.
The medicines so found would be able to
conquer or extinguish the whole disease,
with its successive groups of symptoms and
its endless change of phenomena".
….”This primitive disease evidently
owed its existence to
some chronic miasm“
Hahnemann in Paragraph 5 of C. D.,
“Useful to the physician in assisting him to
cure are...
the most significant points in the
whole history
of the chronic disease,
to enable him to discover its fundamental
cause, which is generally due to a chronic
Different perspectives in chronic
and acute diseases
The acute diseases are viewed in a
horisontal (synchronic) perspective
All the extent of the disease in space
The cronic diseases have to be seen in a
vertical ( diachronic) perspective
All the extent of the disease in time
The horizontal perspective
Search for the totality of actual
The present
The pathology
The actual mental state
The result is the
The vertical perspective
 Search for the totality of the symptoms in
the live time
The pathologic history of the patient
The history of the family
The main influences that changed the live
The result is
“But when we come to understand the miasm
well enough
we can select the basic miasmatic symptoms
in each given case and, basing our prescription
on them,
we reach prima causa,
and not only are the secondary or tertiary
manifestations of the miasm removed, but the
effects of the miasm as a whole, or
the sum total of all that is known as
ALLEN J. H. : The chronic
“ When we undertake to treat pathological
miasmatic formations we get no permanent
results …unless we do base our prescription
the true miasmatic symptoms in the case.
And, naturally, we may see that this might be true,
for the growth, formation or whatever it may be
depends upon the miasmatic principle in the life
What means “miasm”
"Miasma" ( plural “miasmata”)is a Greek
It means stain, pollution, defilement.
In general, "Miasma" means :
a heavy vaporous exhalation or effluvium
formerly believed to cause disease,
 obnoxious influence or atmosphere,
 an unwholesome exhalation,
polluted material,
putrid vegetable matter,
 contagion effluvia from human body,
 infective material,
 the maggots- the larvae from a fly.
Types of miasmatic diseases
Single disease by Psora , Sycotic, or Syphilis
Compound disease by Psoric- Sycotic, or
Psoric-Syphilitic, or Syco-Syphilitic or PsoricSyphilitic-Sycotic.
These are also of three different types, i.e. ,
(i) Continued,
(ii) Intermittent and
(iii) Alternating.
Latent and manifest miasm
Manifest miasm
- acute – in infectious & epidemic diseases
- chronic – in chronic disease
Latent miasm :
- only few signs ( “one sided disease”),
- alternating small symptoms “but never well”
- “ so am I “ syndrome,
- strong causality “ never well since”
Layers of miasmatic diseases
The primary layer – is inherited or
aquired by a transmission
The secondary leyer - is due to the
natural development of the disease or
because of some new disturbances
The tertiary layer – is due to
complication of the first two
Hahnemann about compound
multilayer miasms
we often find developed
psora complicated with sycosis,
when the psora, as if often the case, was latent
before in the patient.
At times, when a badly treated case of
venereal chancre disease had preceded, both
these miasmata are conjoined in a
threefold complication with syphilis.
Compound miasmatic disease
The primary layer – the inherited
miasmatic tendencies
The secondary layer – the psychic,
physiologic or pathologic events of life.
Trauma of every kind can change the way
of reaction.
Tertiary layer – the “subliminal causes” ,
especially iatrogenic or coming from the
modern style of life.
Hahnemann , in Chronic diseases :
“Even syphilis, which on account of its
easy curability yields to the smallest dose
of the best preparation of mercury, and
sycosis, which on account of the slight
difficulty in its cure through a few doses
of thuja and nitric acid in alternation,
only pass into a tedious malady difficult to
cure when they are complicated
with psora.”
The primary layer of miasms
The inhered constitution is a terrain for the
development of a certain miasm
These are “inborn
The miasmatic tendencies of the parents are
ROOTS for the child miasmatic evolution
The primary layer of miasms
We are (every one of us) the carrier of our humankind .
We are a “condensed history”
The diseases of the parents or relatives
The character (mind) of our parents or ancestors.
Of huge importance in treating children.
E.g. : dermatitis atopica in a child with parents who have
chronic allergic respiratory disease. The generations
goes on, the miasm is still present.
But never make a DIRECT cause when the causality is not
obvious . The “ways of God are unknown” and here is a
mystery we must respect.
Just consider the symptoms not the speculations.
Miasmatic events
The miasmatic tendencies are a
set of reactional patterns
( metabolic, imunologic, hormonal,
replications of cells, etc)
Every disease or event of life that change
these settings for a longer time is a
“ miasmatic event”
The secondary layer of miasms
Trauma or diseases of every kind – if
perceived internally as a strong event can change the set of reactions and can
add to the primary miasm a second layer.
If a child suffer a trauma in the very few hours of
life or afterwards , the primary miasm will be
modulated by this event, if it is deep enough (
E.g : the constriction with the circular cord )
Tertiary layer of miasm
The consequences of the brutal
modifications of our nature by the so
called modern style of life and/or so called
“modern “ medicine
Miasmatic causes of tertiary layer
Iatrogenic causes
- Over vaccination( “too early, too much, too
- Over treatment – antibiotics , strong chemical
substances, hormones, all kind of suppression
- Insufficient care according to the natures laws
Environmental causes :
- To much pollution, to much EU in what we eat, to
much stress in life, to much PC, to much of
- Lack of food, of vitamins, of minerals of rest, of
tranquility, of contact with the nature of all
rebalancing factors
The three stages of miasm
All miasm have 3 stages :
The primary stage – due to an “infections”
and /or all the reactions reactions to it
The secondary stage – if the primary stage
is suppressed . The sensitized terrain.
The tertiary stage. All the affection that
appear at long term after
Hahnemann , in Chronic diseases:
...“With respect to the origin of these three chronic maladies,
three different important moments are to be more
attentively considered than has hitherto been done :
First, the time of infection;
secondly, the period of time during which the
whole organism is being penetrated by the disease
infused, until it has developed within;
and thirdly, the breaking out the external
ailment, whereby nature externally demonstrates
the completion of the internal development of the
miasmatic malady throughout the whole
The first stage of miasms
“The infection with miasmas, as well of the
acute as of the above-mentioned chronic
diseases, takes place, without doubt, in
one single moment,
and that moment, the one most favorable
for infection.
Cause of secondary stage
Allen J.H.:
When a suppression took place in
an organism where two or more
miasms were present, all the
conditions above mentioned were
magnified and intensified
Restoration of secondary stage
Allen J.H.:
“This fact should constantly be kept in
mind, that a catarrhal discharge
a salutary and an eliminative
process, and that it is very difficult thing
to cure permanently any secondary or
tertiary process that may arise from a
suppression unless the discharge is reestablished”.
High potencies in de-suppression
Allen J.H.:
the higher potencies have
proved satisfactory in these cases
of suppression; the lower potencies
seldom accomplishing the work, or have
the desired effect
A suppressed disease seems to have such
a complete bond with the life force, that
only the higher potencies reach down
deep enough to sever that bond”.
Evolution and involution of miasms
All these factor are causes for the compound
miasmatic diseases, with multiple layers
The natural evolution of miasmata is to spread,
to go deeper and to dis-organise succesivelly all
the reactional systems
As long as the “vital force “ is strong enough it
counter ballance the distructive force of the
A correct way of life : correct exercises, correct
stress management, correct feeding, natural
medicines can stop or reverse the development
of miasma
The homeopathy in the miasmatic
In the course of
homepatic treatment
these layers are removed
one by one
Therefore a carefull
assesment of the
evolution is very
The “law of Hering” is
one of the means to
judge to correct evolution
of treatment and
involution of the disease
Principles of treateing compound
miasmatic diseases ( in Ch.D)
Then it is necessary first to come to the
assistance of the most afflicted part, the psora,
with the specific anti-psoric remedies
and then to make use of the remedies for
before the proper dose of the best preparation of
mercury, is given against the syphilis;
the same alternating treatment may be continued,
until a complete cure is effected.
Hahneman about the cure of
multimiasmatic diseases
“I have, in my practice, found only two cases of
the threefold complication of the three chronic
miasms, and these cases were cured according
to the same method...
the psora was treated first,
then the one of the other two chronic miasmata,
the symptoms of which were at the time the
most prominent,
and then the last one.
The remaining psoric symptoms had then still to
be combated with suitable remedies, and then
lastly what there yet remained of sycosis or
syphilis, by means of the remedies given above”.
Multiple layer miasms acc to
According to
Hahnemann there are
only three chronic
aside the acute miasm
represented by the
acute infectios
(contagious) diseases
Intricated miasmatic disorders
The most accepted actual chronic
Tuberculinism was added by NEBEL
Cancer miasm is considered by some as the end point of all miasm
Miasms according to Sankaran
Miasms in Sankaran perspective
Acute – panic
Typhoid – critical
Psora – struggle
Ringworm – trying
Sycosis – fixity
Tubercular – change
Leprosy – isolation
Syphilis – destruction
Cancer - perfection
Some homeopaths do not give
much importance to miasms
Dr. Hering, however, in his introductory
remarks in the Organon (3rd American
edition), thinks it not of vital importance :
“What important influence can it exert whether a
homoeopath adopt the theoretical opinions of
Hahnemann or not, so long as he holds the
principal tools of the master and the materia
medica of our schools?” ( apud Allen H.C)
Massimo Mangialavori ( Am.Hom.1999)
“...Endless discussions about miasms, a theory
Hahnemann developed but which nobody has
ever really understood in its practical value. I
don't like the approach about miasms because it
is mere theory and does not have much to do
with today's reality...
...It's nothing but a possible explanation, an
historical model of understanding.”
G. Vithoulkas ( interview, Am.Hom,1999):
“I have not accepted theories without having direct
knowledge of a concept. I never accepted the
concept of miasms, for instance, as Hahnemann
or Kent did.”
“The idea that there are several levels that have to
be treated by several remedies-it is true. The
idea that you have to find the miasm in order to
be able to prescribe correctly-that is false”
What are miasms today
The configuraton of diseases changed
radically from Hahnemann’ s time.
The miasmata are not so much identifiable
diseases ( as gonnorhea, syphilis,
scabies) but merely CONCEPTS for
recogniseing the reactional patterns
These concepts have a much larger
Most of chronic cases are multimiasmatic
The modification of miasms
configuration today – Psora
1. Psora is less important because of brutal
and immediate suppression ( see the common
urticaria treated with anti-hystamine, the common cold treated with
antibiotica a.s.o.. , the extensive treatment with corticoids)
2. The modification of primary psora from
itch to allergic diseases.
3. The huge increase of sycotic miasm
OVER the natural psora due to medicinal
( esp. vaccinosis, hormones etc) or
environmental cause ( pollution of all
The modification in miasms
configuration today – Sycosis
4. Sycosis today comes earlier in childhood and is
potentised by the modern drugs (vaccination,
antibiotica, corticoterapy)
5. Sycosis is now the most extensive miasm at
all ages , especially in women (long term
hormones pills, suppressive operations, many
sycotic fashions)
6. The mental aspect of sycosis is stronger :
frustrations, obsessions, fixed ideas,
“competition way of thinking”
Changes in miasms today ( Allen
“Why should the pathology of today differ from the
pathology of ten years ago? It differs because
of the increased of sycotic diseases which we know to
be greatly on the increased,
by the constant suppression of these disease
by the present modern powerful suppressive agents in
use today,
by the imperfect life, diet, hygiene, etc”
The modification in miasms
configuration today – Syphilis
7. Increase of uncontrolled treatments
before birth
8. Increase of potential damaging genetic
factors from environment
9. Increase of destructive medicine ( Rx,
Chemiotherapy, Immune suppressants)
10. Violence in all forms
The modification in miasms
configuration today - Cancer
Pollutions in all form
Destructive therapies that can affect the
Social Violence and Meaningless
Cancer = meaningless
In the cancer miasm we can put together
all very destructive diseases.
The main physical symptoms of
Hahnemann gave a short definition of the main
features of each miasm
Psora = “Itch” ( prurigo)
Sycosis = gonoreea and “fig warts”
Syphilis = ulcer “shanker”
Allen J.H
“The pathological symptoms are not first causes in
any case.
There is something behind pathology, something a
little deeper down in each case.
Pathology may be a death process,
but it was first a perverted life process,
first a perverted physiology,
a perverted function, and functional change
preceded, and does precede, all pathology.
Pathology is the finished work of the
perverted life action-the ripened fruit”
The skin and the miasms
Every miasm manifest itself on some
characteristic organs
The most peculiar field where one can
recognise the miasma are the MIND,
Every miasm has its very characteristic
skin sign
Why the skin ?
The skin does’nt lie ...
It is easy to see
The skin signs of every miasm are very
One can see and discover the different
stages and layers of miasms
The history of the patient as a map
Signs of psora
All kind of itching eruptions ,
(maculae,papulae, vesicles,) with
scratching, followed by formation of scars
Modalities : warm of bed, water.
Etiologic :
- parasitic, fungi, germs that make an
ALLERGIC reaction
- the inherited psora = the atopic
Physiology and Psychology
The key word of psora is reaction
- overreaction ( e.g. allergy, rush,
- lack of reaction ( immune deficiencies)
Mentally :
- irritability – deppresion
- anxieties – disorder
Primary psora
The most common today in the first years
of life : urticaria
Always suspect a parasitic infection !!
Superficial layer of skin, local :erythema ,
maculopapulae, vesicles
Main remedies : Apis, Bell, Urtica, Viola tr,
Addendum : parasitosis
Many primary symptoms of psora in
children can be due to parasitic infection :
ascaris, oxiuris, giardia, etc…
Urticaria –irritability – lack of normal
Main remedies : Cina , Spigelia, Cupr-o-n,
Indigo, Terebh, + the similimum
Secondary Psora
On skin: vezicles, crust, pustule, boils.
The suppressed or untreated primary
The sensitized terrain ,The ALLERGIC
terain, the affections appear periodically (
e.g. hay fewer)
The tendency to go deeper and deeper (
E.g. coryza –asthma- rheumatism)
Tertiary Psora
Most of symptoms are general :
respiratory, digestive, osteoarticular.
Imunne disease of all kinds
The inherited Psora
The atopic terrain
Little signs: crusta lacteea, eczema
The categories of miasmatic
1. Nosodes
2. The “kings” of miasms
3. The great remedies specific for the
4. The remedies with special affinity
5. The local remedies
The kings remedies of miasms
Sulphur – Psora
The “king of psora” : Sulphur
Hahnemann :
Psora is Sulphur ,
Sulphur is Psora
Signs of Sycosis
Hyperproductions :
All kind of secretions, discharges :
Neoformations : nevi, verucca, warts,
Hyperkeratosis, hypertricosis, hyper
seborrhea,hyper perspiration
The hidden places – affinity for
Ethyology of sycosis
Ethyology : - all gram – germs, Chlamydia,
Candida, pappiloma viruses
- vaccinosis
- hormone therapies ( the “pills”)
- excessive antibiotica
- operations
- artificial food
Physiology and psychology
The physiologic tendencies
to growths, neoformation = localisation
Metabolic changes ( hyper ..syndrom ) proliferation,
Lowering of imunne response
Accumulation of water – meteo sensitiveness
Mind :
Obsessions – fears – imaginations (as if …)
Primary sycosis
Discharges :
- Torpid coryza, urethral, genital
discharges, genital herpes
- Transmitted sexual disease
- condilomata, papilloma, warts
Secondary Sycosis -causes
Suppression of primary sycosis :
eg. – antibiotic treatment of discharges
- Arg-n in prevention of gonococic conjunctivitis.
- burning of warts
Vaccinosis – unnatural immune overstimulation (
to much, to many, to early)
Iatrogenic causes
- Antibiotica, corticortherapy, hormones
Style of life causes : Over syndrome (stress,
eating, sex revolution, chemicals, etc
Secondary sycosis - skin
Local – nevi, warts, lipoma, cysts,
fibroadenoma, etc
General :
- humid eczema with hipersecretions (
Dulc, Oleand, Mez, Graph, Sars.
- Hyperkeratosic diseases – psoriasis ( Antc, Petr, Nit-ac)
Secondary Sycosis -general
The general metabolic discrasia (hyper
:colesterol, glycemia, weight = metabolic
The recurrent genital or urinary infection
(=genitourinar sycosis)
The atheromatosis ( = vascular sycosis)
The benign tumors fibroma,adenoma,
cysts (=cellular sycosis)
Tertiary sycosis
The inherited tendencies –in early life as
tendencies to
- eczema neonatorum ( Med)
- neoformation or metabolic disturbances (
eg.Diabetes Mellitus type I)
Sycotic periods of life
Over indulgence
Syphilis -sygns
Suppurative lesions on skin or/and
- purulent tonsilitis, coryza, sinusitis
- Ulcers of all kinds, aphte ( on skin or mucosa eg R.H)
Destructive lesions on organs ( fibrositis,
arthrosis,nephritis, cirrhosis, etc )
Nervous affections : paralysis, neuralgia,
NIGHT symptoms
Syphilis –physiology and
The Destructive miasm on local or general
The autoimune mechanisms ( self-destruction)
The Dys-morphism in general appearance, in
metabolism ( even of cells), in behaviour
- pride – jealousy – lustful
- Violence – destructiveness – depressions
– suicide
Primary syphilis
In childhood today : the purulent tonsillitis
is the most common manifestation (e.g.
streptococcus infection- postreptococcal
syndrome )
Sinusitis, aphte, Purulent acnee
Syphilis infection
Violence: social, familiar,
“ the vicious circle of Violence”
Secondary Syphilis
On skin : Not painful, not itching eruptions
Neuralgias of all kind (=nervous Lues)
Bone and joints affection(=ostearticular
Blood distructions : thrombocitopenias,
hemolytic anemias,leucopenia (blood lues)
Ulcers on mucosa: Cronn disease,
cornean ulcers, leg ulcer
Tertiary Syphilis
Nervous destructive afections :MS, ALS,
Imbecilities or handicaps of inhered or
aquired causes (eg.rubella,toxoplasma)
Inhered chromosomal diseases ( from
Down to haemophilia, phenilketonuria, etc)
The miasm of dysmorphic children (
tetraparesis, ECI, bone or teeth)
The categories of miasmatic
1. Nosodes
2. The “kings” of miasms
3. The great remedies specific for the
4. The remedies with special affinity
5. The local remedies
The kings remedies of miasms
Sulphur – Psora
The “king of psora” : Sulphur
Hahnemann :
Psora is Sulphur ,
Sulphur is Psora
The kings remedies of miasms
Thuya - Sycosis
Hahnemann :
“Sycosic gonorrhoea is cured most certainly
and radically by the internal use of Thuya,
which is homoeopathic to this disease,
giving one dose of a few pellets of the 30th
Mercurius – Syphilis
For the first stage of an uncomplicated
gonorrhoea there is no better simile and no
more efficient remedy than Mercurius solubilis.
This drug has the whole group of symptoms;
tickling in the urethra when touching it at urinating, the
tickling is of a voluptuous sort, attended with violently
excited sexual desire;
greenish-yellow purulent secretion from the urethra, with
traces of blood;
inflammation of the prepuce and glans with
balanorrhoea; breaking out of little sores; urging to
urinate, with frequent and painful emissions, etc.
Main Psoric remedies
Nosode :Psorinum
Nosodes less used : Lamblia, Oxiuris,
1.The “big ones” :Sulphur, Calcarea, Lyc, Ars.
2.The main antipsorics :
- The “fats “Ant-c, Bar-c, Zinc, Graph.
- The “slims”: Ars, Ars-I,Carbo-v, Hep-s
- The warm : Acon, Bell,Bry, Ars-I, Ant-c,
- The cold :Ars, Sil, Petr,Graph,Carbo-v.Alum
Some “small” antipsorics
These remedies can be use as “drainage”
therapy, to clear the terrain they have
affinity for some tissues.
On skin :Urtica, Berberis,
Solidago,Oleander, Viola, Fumaria,
Allergies : Sabadilla, Allium, Euphasia
Digestive : Chellidonium, Taraxacum,
The sycotic remedies
Nosode : Medorrhinum,
Nosode less used : Gonotoxinum,
Cortico, Variolinum, Vaccinotoxinum,
Malandrinum, Chlamydia, Candida,
The “Big ones” : Thuja, Sil, Arg-n, Ant-c,
The hidrogenoids : Nat-s, Dulc, Nit-ac,
Some “small” antisycotic
Skin sycosis: Sars, Selen,Mez
Biliary sycosis : Chelid, Tarax,
Genital sycosis : Sabina, Helonias,
Thlaspi, Agnus
Uter :Clematis, Fraxinus, Aristolochia,Au
Breast :Asterias, Conium,
Prostata; Sabal, Chimaphila,
Vascular sycosis :Aesc,Ham, Collins,
Syphilitic remedies
Nosode : Syphillinum (Luesinum)
Nosode less used :Hydrophobinum,
Streptococinum, Staphilococinum, Dyfterinum
The Mercurius family : Merc-s, Merc-v,Merc cy,
Merc-d, Merc-i-f, Merc i-r, Cinnabaris
The Kalium family : kali-bi, kali-s, kali-i, kali-ar, kalic, kali-s,
The metals: Au, Arg, Plat, Pall, Cu
The Acids: Phos-ac, Sul-ac, Acet-ac, Nit-ac
Syphilitic remedies
They are all toxic in nature:
Snakes: Lachesis, Naja, Bothrops,
Spider : Tarentula,
Plants : Stram, Hyosc, Verat,
Phytolacca, Mezereum, Hydrastis,
Laurocerasus, Stillingia
The tuberculinic remedies
Nosode : Tuberculinum
Less used nosodes : Bacillinum, BCG, etc
The “king” of tuberculinism :Phosphorus
The “big ones” : Iodum, Pulsatilla, Nat-m,
Rhus-tox, Bry, Lyc.
Others : Ipeca, Spongia, Ignatia, Apis,
Drosera, All-c, sambucus, sticta, arum,
The Dynamics of Miasms
Psora dynamics
Sycosis dynamics
Syphilis dynamics