DOC - University of Waterloo

(insert Department logo, name and address)
Dear (insert Parent’s Name):
This letter is an invitation to consider participating in a study I am conducting as part of my
doctoral degree in the Department of (insert name) at the University of Waterloo under the
supervision of Professor (insert name of faculty supervisor). I would like to provide you with
more information about this project that explores the impact of organized youth sport on family
life, and what each family member’s involvement would entail, should they decide to take part.
First, I would like to thank-you for your interest and consideration of participating in this study.
The aim of this study is to better understand the dynamics of family life in connection with
organized youth sport programs. In particular, I will be speaking with families who reside in a
rural town/countryside, and have at least one child who is 12-15 years old, who is currently
participating in organized youth sport.
Although it would be beneficial to have all family members involved in the study, participation for
each member is completely voluntary. Each family member should make their own independent
decision as to whether or not they would like to be involved. Further, as this study involves
minors, only children with parental permission and minors who themselves agree to participate
(in addition to their parent’s permission) will be included in the study. Parents and/or the child
may withdraw the minor’s participation at any given time.
If a family member does choose to be involved, she or he will have an individual interview with
me (without other family members present) that will last approximately 30 minutes to 1 hour in
length. Each family member may decline to answer any of the interview questions if they so
wish. With each member’s permission, the interview will be audio recorded to facilitate collection
of information, and later transcribed for analysis.
Shortly after the interview has been completed, each family member will be invited to complete
an on-line journal (or a pen and paper journal) for the duration of 10 days. Family members will
then have the option to meet with me for a second interview if they would like to further discuss
their journal entries.
Each family member may decide to withdraw from this study at any time without any negative
consequences by advising me. Further, all information collected is considered completely
confidential except as required under law to report. To support the findings of this study,
quotations from the interviews and journals will be reported anonymously. Your name will not
appear in any thesis or reports resulting from this study. All paper forms of data collected during
this study will be retained in my locked office at the university and will be confidentially
destroyed after three years. Further, all electronic data will be stored indefinitely on a CD with
no personal identifiers. Finally, only my supervisor and I will have access to all materials. There
are no known or anticipated risks to participants in this study.
I would like to assure you that this study has been reviewed and received ethics clearance
through a University of Waterloo Research Ethics Committee. However, the final decision about
participation is yours. If you have any comments or concerns resulting from your participation in
this study, please feel free to contact Dr. Maureen Nummelin, the Director, Office of Research
Ethics, at 1-519-888-4567, Ext. 36005 or
If you have any questions regarding this study, or would like additional information to assist your
family in reaching a decision about participation, please contact me at (insert university phone
number) or by email at (insert email). You may also contact my supervisor, Professor (insert
name), at (519)-888-4567 ext. xxxxx or email (insert email).
I hope that the results of my study will be of benefit to rural families directly involved in the
study, other families whose children participate in organized sport programs, as well as to the
broader research community. I very much look forward to speaking with your family and thank
you in advance for your assistance in this project.
Yours Sincerely,
(Student Investigator’s name,
PhD candidate)
Parent Consent Form
I have read the information presented in the information letter about a study being conducted by
(insert student investigator’s name) of the Department of (insert name) at the University of
Waterloo, under the supervision of Professor (insert faculty supervisor’s name). I have had
the opportunity to ask any questions related to this study, to receive satisfactory answers to my
questions, and any additional details I wanted.
I am aware that I have the option of allowing my interview to be audio recorded to ensure an
accurate recording of my responses.
I am also aware that excerpts from the interview may be included in the thesis and/or
publications to come from this research, with the understanding that the quotations will be
I was informed that I may withdraw my consent at any time without penalty by advising the
This project has been reviewed by, and received ethics clearance through, the Office of
Research Ethics at the University of Waterloo. I was informed that if I have any comments or
concerns resulting from my participation in this study, I may contact the Director, Office of
Research Ethics at (519) 888-4567 ext. 36005.
With full knowledge of all foregoing, I agree, of my own free will, to participate in this study.
□ YES □ NO
I agree to have my interview audio recorded.
□ YES □ NO
I agree to the use of anonymous quotations in any thesis or publication that comes of this
□ YES □ NO
Participant Name: __________________________________ (Please print)
Participant Signature: _______________________________
Witness Name: ____________________________________ (Please print)
Witness Signature: _________________________________
Date: __________________________________
Parent Permission Form for a Minor
I have read the information presented in the information letter about a study being conducted by
(insert student investigator’s name) of the Department of (insert name) at the University of
Waterloo, under the supervision of Professor (insert faculty supervisor’s name). I have had
the opportunity to ask any questions related to this study, to receive satisfactory answers to my
questions, and any additional details I wanted.
I am aware that my child will participate in the study if he/she agrees to participate and I agree
to his/her participation.
I acknowledge that all information gathered on this project will be used for research purposes
only and will be considered confidential. I am aware that permission may be withdrawn at any
time (by either the parent and/or the child) without penalty by advising the researchers.
I realize that this project has been reviewed by, and received ethics clearance through, the
Office of Research Ethics at the University of Waterloo. I was informed that if I have any
comments or concerns resulting about my son’s or daughter’s involvement in this study, I may
contact the Director, Office of Research Ethics at (519) 888-4567 ext. 36005.
Child's Name: _____________________________
Child's Birth Date: __________________________
Gender of Child: ___ Male ___ Female
I agree to have my child’s interview audio recorded to ensure an accurate recording of his/her
□ YES □ NO
I also agree to the use of anonymous quotations in any thesis or publication that comes of this
research, with the understanding that all quotations will be anonymous.
□ YES □ NO
Name of Parent or Guardian: ____________________________________ (Please print)
Signature of Parent or Guardian: _________________________________
Date: __________________________