Report No.2: Software Project Management Plan (SPMP) 1. Problem Definition 1.1. Name of this Capstone Project: The name of this project is : Exam Scheduling System. The product is named ESS, stands for the project name in short way. 1.2. Problem Abstract Exam scheduling is one of most difficult activities in university management. In FPT University, this work costs a lot of resourses to be done, such as: time, human resourses… And to deal with the number of students is increasing rapidly, the need of having an distributed system to do exam scheduling is created. The idea of Exam Scheduling System is created to solve this problem of FPT University. Our system will do all work of exam scheduling, which was done by many excel files. The straining staff can import excel file into system, and the output will be the schedule of examinations.\ 1.3. Project Overview 1.3.1. The Current System The current system is working with excel files as the way of scheduling and storing data. 1.3. 2 The Proposed System This system is a distributed application, with a website interface provide front end functions: Staff’s functions: Import excel files Create exam schedule Modify exam information (time, shift, room…) Manage exam schedules Manage his/her own personal information Mail exam schedule to students Student’s functions: View exam scheduling Manage own personal information Common function: Search Statistic and report Authenticating function (Login/Logout) And the back-end functions (for admin management activities) which can help them ccontrol all the information of this system in efficient way. 1.3.3. Boundaries of the System The system under development of this Capstone Projectincludes: All the related documents Complete products 1.3.4. Development Environment To develop this system some of requirement about the hardware and software is made: Hardware requirement: Personal computer for development: at least Core 2 duo 2.0 Ghz, 2G of RAM, 30GB HDD Server for testing: at least Core 2 duo 2.0 Ghz, 2G of RAM, 50GB HDD Software requirement: OS: Windows 7, windows Server 2008 Framework: JVM IDE: Netbeans 6.9.1 DBMS: SQL Server 2005 Source Control: SVN 2. Project organization 2.1. Software Process Model This project is developed following the waterfall model 2.2. Roles and Responsibilities No Full name Role in group Responsibilities Managing process Design database Requirement development Requirement analysis Architectural design Team leader, Project planning and scheduling 1 Nguyễn Anh Duy Developer, Task assigning and tracking Tester Coding Creating test cases Testing Reporting Task Conducting Design database Requirement development Requirement analysis Architectural design Team member, Project planning and scheduling 2 Đồng Quang Thanh Developer, Creating main algorythm Tester Coding Creating test cases Testing Reporting Task Conducting Design database Requirement development Requirement analysis Architectural design Team member, Project planning and scheduling 3 Cao Minh Hiền Developer, Design GUI Designer, Tester Coding Creating test cases Testing Reporting Task Conducting 4 Nguyễn Thị Tư Team member, Developer, Designer, Tester Design database Requirement development Requirement analysis Architectural design Project planning and scheduling Design GUI Coding Creating test cases Testing Reporting Task Conducting 2.3. Tools and Techniques (bổ sung) Technologies: Servlet, Hibernate Tools: Netbeans 6.9.1, SQL Server 2005, Microsoft Office 2010, Power Designer, SVN 3. Project management plan (bổ sung) 3.1. Tasks: 3.1.n Task-n: Description Deliverables Resources Needed Dependencies and Constraints Risks 3.2. Task Sheet: Assignments and Timetable 3.3. All Meeting Minutes <Put all your-team’s meeting minutes here as an appendix > 4. Coding Convention