RIEF / 1 IP - ISO 14001 RECOMMENDED FOR CERTIFICATION / 2 Environmental Competence / 3 Environmental Competence Environmental Competence (General Population) Level 2 (Understanding) Description Contributor Understand NR Environmental Sustainability policy Aware of the relevant environmental tools to perform role. Objective: To embed the appropriate sustainability knowledge and skills into the workforce to ensure; Everyone is aware of their roles and responsibilities IP meets its sustainability objectives and targets And ultimately meet Network Rail's vision Aware of environmental legislation and how it impacts on specific role Seek advice on environmental solutions from relevant specialists and contractors 3 (Applying) 4 (Leading) 5 (Expert) Competent Practitioner Critical Reviewer Trusted Advisor Able to demonstrate practical Display role model behaviours application of the requirements within with respect to the the Environmental Sustainability environmental policies and policy application of the policy Able to advise and provide guidance on the environmental policy and how to implement them Own and develop environmental Able to demonstrate the application Display role model behaviours in tools and able to demonstrate of the environmental tools in championing the use of the the value the tools add to the performing their role environmental tools business Display role model behaviours Able to evidence discharging the with respect to environmental Expert in legislation relevant to environmental legislative legislative requirements environment and able to apply requirements associated with their associated with work under their this to business processes role control Expert in providing advice to the Seek advice on environmental Seek advice on environmental business on environment in solutions from relevant solutions from relevant specialists clear practical terms while specialists and contractors and and contractors and actively balancing these with the actively participate in practically participate in delivering solutions business deliverables and improving solutions objectives Propose ways to improve environmental performance Actively engaged in work streams associated with improving environmental performance Lead work streams associated Provide remits for value adding with improving environmental work streams to improve performance environmental performance Encourage others to improve environmental performance Display role model behaviour around environmental issues and demonstrate a desire to improve it Display role model behaviour around environmental issues and demonstrate a desire to improve it Requirement: all 6 indicators Requirement: all 6 indicators Requirement: all 6 indicators Display role model behaviour around environmental issues and supply practical advice and guidance to improve environmental performance. Requirement: all 6 indicators / Environmental Competence (S&SD professionals) Level Description Objective: To embed the appropriate sustainability knowledge and skills into the workforce to ensure; Operational Specialist (Band 3 HSEA) (Band 4 Env) Contributor Competent Practitioner Understand environmental and Explain environmental and sustainability principles and their sustainability principles as they relationship with organisations interact with work or study area Managerial Leader (Band 3 Env) (Band 1&2 S&SD) Critical Reviewer Trusted Advisor Explain environmental and sustainability Understand environmental processes and limits principles and their relationship with and their impact on the sustainability of organisations organisations Explain environmental policy issues Explain environmental policy issues and trends in work or study area Explain environmental policy trends and Understand environmental policy issues and developments their impact on strategic decision making Describe environmental management and assessment tools and their application Describe environmental management Explain environmental management and and assessment tools and their assessment tools and their application application Explain key business and commercial Explain key business and commercial tools tools Develop and encourage innovative ideas that implement whole life-cycle thinking Use sustainable thinking to lead research, develop or promote new methodologies or policies Understand how environmental management and assessment tools can be used to deliver improvement across the value chain Identify, critically review and interpret Evaluate environmental legislative environmental legislation in work or development and the implications for an study area organisation Understand policy instruments and the regulatory framework and their relationship to organisational strategy and operations Collect, analyse, interpret and report information, and/or conduct research to develop sustainable solutions Critically analyse, interpret and report data and information to inform decision making and provide advice lead organisations to innovate, envision and develop sustainable solutions Research developments in work or study area to develop and propose sustainable solutions Identify and analyse problems and opportunities to develop and deliver sustainable solutions Understand key business and commercial tools Implement environmental management and/or assessment tools Explain key environmental legislation and compliance Everyone is aware measures of their roles and responsibilities IP meets its sustainability objectives and targets Collect, analyse, and report information and data Analyse problems and opportunities to deliver sustainable solutions And ultimately meet Develop programmes to deliver Network Rail's environmental performance vision improvement Understand business and commercial tools and the influence they have on organisational strategy and effectiveness Embed sustainable thinking across organisational value chain Specify data and information systems to support strategic decision making Lead projects to deliver environmental Manage projects to deliver environmental Ensure strategic policies and decisions include performance improvement, making a performance improvement, making sustainability and consider whole life-cycle business case business case costing Understand how a changing Explain how a changing environment environment creates opportunities affects work or study area and risks for organisations identify strategic opportunites and risks to improve business resilience identify and manage strategic opportunities and risks to improve business resilience Implement change to improve sustainability Lead a process of change management, overcoming barriers Create a vision for strategic change and innovation to transform organisations Educate, influence, persuade and challenge others to lead and promote sustainability influence, persuade and challenge others to lead and promote sustainability Lead a process of change management, overcoming barriers Influence and persuade others to Demonstrate leadership in work or improve sustainabiltiy study area Requirement: all 7 indicators Requirement: all 7 indicators Requirement: all 7 indicators / Requirement: all 7 indicators Implementation Plan IEMA corporate membership IEMA membership 10% Discounts on Advertisements Consultancy Referrals Course Content Guidance Speakers and Speaker Referrals Working parties formulating best practice guidelines IP or NR? Training Strategy Competence Objective Training Strategy development meeting 1 May 2014 Create outline strategy Develop 3 hour session for exec BAE / Rolls Royce material received Behavioural Specialist reviewing Develop 1 and 2 day sessions Inductions Directors Compliance with the S&SD competence management framework – 60% of employees at correct standard in ORACLE March 2015 All staff Ensure you are at the required level of S&SD (H&S and Environment) competence required for your job role as detailed in the management system / Inductions General IP induction Industry Common Induction / Embodied Carbon / 8 Reducing our Embodied Carbon ► ► ► ► This is an ORR and CP5 Objective We have three pilot projects to test an Embodied Carbon tool Southern – Embankment Stabilisation Central – East West Rail Phase 2 RSAR – Elevated railway The trial will run from the April 22nd to July 31st 2014 The outcomes and lessons learnt from the trial will be communicated to the S&SD Executive Committee in August 2014. / Reducing our Embodied Carbon These trials are the first stepping stones in our approach of a phased implementation plan to reduce our embodied carbon ► Stage 1 – Trial the tool on 3 projects, lessons learnt ► Stage 2 – Create process / set project selection criteria ► Stage 3 (Aug 2013) run carbon tool on 10 projects ► Stage 4 – Refine process and selection criteria ► Stage 5 (April 2015) – Embed the embodied carbon tool into Business as Usual Processes / Governance / 11 Biodiversity / 12 Timber KPI update Timber KPI will be rolled out in Period 4. Contractors will need to input data including: Species, Volume (m3), Supplier, Country of Origin. A component of our sustainable timber policy is to procure track timber from credibly certified sources in accordance with standards set by the WWF Global Forest Trade Network (GFTN) GFTN membership willI build a positive corporate image and ensure reliable sources of wood for Network Rail. . / IEMA Corporate Membership • NR will become a corporate member of IEMA • Benefits – 10% Discounts on Advertisements – Consultancy Referrals – Course Content Guidance, • This will help us with creating our environmental training to support the Env. competence – Working parties formulating best practice guidelines http://www.iema.net/corporate-benefits World Environment Day, 5th June 2014 World Environment Day The focus for WED this year is Climate change Awareness raising; • News articles on Connect during May • railway fit for the future Reporting For all projects that have reported H&S info what percentage has reported env. information To advance the standard of environmental management in IP GOVE RNAN CE REPO RTING Reduce the pressure on water resources 100% responsibly sourced timber in all our projects Optimise resource consumption / Reduce Carbon emissions within IP to help meet the UK target Improve supply chain sustainability Charter Make a measurable net positive contribution to biodiversity in the UK Lead the rail industry in zero waste to landfill Be externally recognised for our sustainability credentials /