CCRS RF 3.A.j and RF 3.B.k Activity

WERC Lesson Plan
Read common high frequency pronouns by sight ( he, she, I, you, they,
we, them)
Foundation Skills Information
Anchor Standard:
Level Specific Standard
RF.3. Know and apply grade –level phonics and word analysis
skills in decoding words ( Phonics and Word Recognition)
A. Line j
B. (K.3 -1.3)
Pronoun flash cards made with markers and 3X5 cards
Tutor will go through the flash cards with the student.
Practice to increase confidence.
Break down the words into categories such as singular or plural, gender.
Put new words in alphabetical order and practice first letter sound.
Practice sentence creation using pronouns properly in self-description.
Writing exercise to create a sentence using the new word with either the tutor
or learner writing the sentence.
Workforce Education Research Center
WERC Lesson Plan
How will you determine and measure if objective(s) have been met?
Student will identify a minimum 75% correct.
Use one of her children’s books to read.
Have her create her own flash cards to use at home using the words from this
Ruth Love-Schooley
Angela Funk
Lois Badger
Rhonda Gilliam
Carole Sawchuck
Dawn Beaver
Wendy McDowell
Workforce Education Research Center