Branston1 R.J. Branston Dr. Angelo Costanzo English 101(12) – Foundations of College Writing March 10, 2013 Language, Communication, and Technology Technology has drastically improved the lifestyles of many. It has had a solid impact on nearly every part of daily life, including communication. Communication has made a great deal of progression recently, and promises to continue doing so for the foreseeable future. The Internet, cell phones, tablets, web cams, and more technological devices continue to change the landscape of human interaction. Technological developments have given humans permission to evolve from direct communication to an advanced style of connection. During the past generations, communication was centralized by mailing letters, face-to-face interactions, and the Bell Telephone. These technological advancements are guiding us into the right direction because with new technology come faster and easier ways to communicate, it’s more efficient, and it’s accessible. From the 1930’s to modern day society, technology has had a sovereign manifestation on new ways of communicating, in which altered the old styles into a more faster and easier method then it was before. The forms of communication in the 1930’s were verbal, written and electromechanical. The changes that have occurred in the past years are the result of the technological advances that began with the invention of New York Telephone in the 1930’s. I interviewed my grandma who was born in upstate New York, in a small city called Utica. She stated that in the Branston2 1930’s, telephones were in some homes, but some would not be connected with other phones throughout the state. Large numbers of businesses, agencies and institutions were using telephones for increasingly convenient and inexpensive communications. Fortunately for my grandma, she lived by a hospital, so she was linked with the hospital’s phone line, in which enabled her phone line to reach a longer distance to communicate. Cell phones were also exposing a new efficient method on communicating while on the move. In the 1970’s, the cell phone era sprouted, and the invention of a portable phone arose. From the 1970’s until present day, cell phone holders have increased dramatically throughout the United States, and now almost everyone has a cell phone. Landlines are slowly becoming obsolete as everyone, from senior citizens to elementary school students, acquires their own cell phones. The convenience of having a phone at the ready is a concept that is extremely efficient. The original rotary style phones to the modern cordless and wireless type phones, we are now connecting to people who have this technology available to them across every social boundary, both individually and in communities. Communicating is only a few clicks away, whether it’s on a mobile phone texting while on the move, online networking with people around the world, or even commenting on blog posts and contributing comments such as Twitter and Facebook. Communication, in my opinion, has had a rein of success in the speed of communication and availability of these technological devices. The difference in how quickly they operate and how extensively they operate is vast. Throughout the years, people in both eras are glorifying the new developments that have been uplifting over the years. With faster ways of communicating and new growths of technology that permits us to do more things in less time, is the beginning of a new efficient society. Branston3 Throughout history, developments in technology and communication have gone hand-inhand; the latest technological developments have resulted in the advancement of the science of communication to a new level of efficiency. The process of human communication has evolved over the years, with many path-breaking inventions and discoveries heralding revolutions or a lift from one level to another. The most significant impact of technology on communication is the spread of the internet and the option of sending emails and chatting. In the pre-information technology days, a document often required re-typing on the typewriter before the final version. My grandma emphasized that the original Internet was invented in 1960’s for military purposes. The Internet, in its most basic form, is a set of computers able to connect to each other and share information. This included electronic mail and the use of sites containing vital information. Once the Internet started to catch on, it was used primarily by corporations for collaboration purposes. In society today, the Internet is available everywhere and to everyone. It is used for a variety of reasons including socializing, conducting research, and advertising. It has even surpassed the television as a source of communication because you can receive any information you want instantaneously. One click of a button and a website will load with whatever information you have requested. In an essence, a development from fifty years ago until now has shaped our society into a more productive, and successful society. The era of developments with having faster and efficient styles of communicating is beneficial, but having all these perks everywhere you go all in one device, such as an iPhone, is a whole new notion. The concept of having a phone in your household during the 1930’s was miraculous, having a phone in your pocket that has access to the Internet, emails, social networks, and can call anyone throughout the whole world, is stunning. Over the past century, our society has developed the unthinkable when it comes to technology, they created the iPhone. Martin Mata, Branston4 an article writer for stated that “The iPhone itself has single handedly changed the perception and capabilities of cellular phones and is The Best Invention of Our Time.” We live in a world where your iPhone is your source for everything you need, want, or do. My grandma remarked that every electronic device is different and every six months, a new model comes out that requires another learning curve. My (iPhone) grandma loves the fact that everything is so easy to use and it’s all accessible on her iPhone. An iPhone, in my opinion, is the biggest advancement from the fact that it can do everything. An iPhone is comparable to having a radio, T.V., mp3 player, social networks, email, and much more, in a single phone; which has the most efficient style of texting. All tasks that were hard to coordinate before the advent of electronic communications now become easier to do from the more efficient and more productive devices, such as the iPhone. Today we are connected with every other human being on the planet in a way people never have been before. This has profound implications for friends, family, employers and civil authorities. In earlier times, people used to have single products that have a single usage; now, you can do multiple things on one device. Thanks to modern technology, technological advancements allow us to accomplish tasks with ease. Technology allows us to communicate from across the world, share information, and is used for entertainment from a few clicks away. Technological advancement has also revolutionized different modes of communication. After the infamous World War, mass media and telecommunication has seen positive improvement in the past few years. Cellular technology, radio, wireless internet and radio facilitate better communication in a more efficient and easier way. As the world continues to move, so does the advancement of technology. Every year sheds light on improvements to yesterday's devices and new inventions appearing on the horizon. At the center of it all is a desire to speed up communication across the Branston5 globe, with the intention of making inconveniences a thing of the past. Advances in technology have significantly impacted the way we communicate in both our personal and professional lives.